Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1666 Seemingly sober in the world, but actually short-sighted

Lin Yue didn't respond directly to her question.

He picked up a piece of white paper and spread it out on the desk, took off a Langhao pen hanging on the pen holder, carefully dipped the ink in the inkstone, and wrote a paragraph on the white paper.

That's right, it was the focus of the discussion between the two.

Zhang Zai's four sentences of Hengqu.

Establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the living and the people, inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations.

He read it in a low voice before putting down the brush.

"Building a heart for heaven and earth, what is heaven and what is earth in history? The emperor is both heaven and earth. To set up a heart for heaven and earth is actually to educate the emperor to have principles and bottom lines, to distinguish right from wrong, to know honor and disgrace, and to govern benevolently. Once heaven and earth have a heart, they will There will be no consequences of the emperor's selfish desires bringing millions of dead bodies. Diligent government and virtuous, the country will be peaceful and the people will be peaceful, and the people will be able to cultivate their lives and lives. To inherit the sage's unique knowledge and create peace for all generations. Zhang Zai is a great Confucian in the Song Dynasty. The past in his mind It is self-evident who the saint is, but in my opinion, Laozi, Mozi, Luban... and the thousands of people who contributed to Chinese civilization in later generations are all included here. Dynasties have changed, the sun and the moon have rotated, and the world has changed. Batch after batch, the civilizations that have always stood in the east have not been destroyed by barbarism. They continue to tolerate and assimilate those foreign people and things. Simply put, as long as the living people have a heart of recognition for Chinese civilization, the Chinese nation It will never die. The so-called ten years of trees and a hundred years of people, in modern warfare, as long as the invaders slaughter the professors, doctors, scientists, and engineers of the opposite country, even if they lose in the end, the opposite country will not be able to survive for a hundred years. Recovering vitality shows how precious people are who continue to learn from the past saints. As long as they are there, as long as the thoughts and spirit of the past saints are passed on from generation to generation, people like Wang Anshi will continue to emerge. Yes, take Mr. Lu Xun as an example. According to your logic, isn’t he more pragmatic as a doctor than as a writer? So in terms of structure, Zhang Zai is still above Wang Anshi, so is this sentence big? It’s not big, it’s empty Is it? It’s not false, it’s just that you can’t understand its essence.”

Jin Yueji gave him this long, unhurried passage of words that made him a little overwhelmed.

She knows Zhou Zhigang's background very well, but the three children of the old Zhou family... Zhou Bingyi was admitted to Peking University, but because he had to take care of Li Suhua, he didn't go to university. Fortunately, Jichun got a correspondence degree during his working period. Needless to say, Er Zhourong, although this old third Zhou Bingkun was expelled from Tsinghua University, but in all fairness, he looks sharper, not the kind of sharpness that the less you know, the more arrogant you are, but the kind of sharpness bred by full self-confidence .

"Actually, I said those things to your elder brother..."

"It's to stimulate him to accept your kindness and to do some practical things, not something that you think is a bit of a retreat, right?"

Jin Yueji was shocked when she said this, what's the matter with this kid? He is not yet forty, how can he speak directly to people's hearts, and is more mature and experienced than her?

"So that's the problem." Lin Yue said: "I don't want my children to live in a family where they have to pay attention to the way they speak, even express their opinions carefully, and even beat around the bush, so I don't approve of Hao The living environment at home does not recognize people like you, and I don't want Zheng Juan to suffer from having a child again. Let me go."

Lin Yue left.

Jin Yueji didn't go to send it off, not because she was angry, but because she lost her temper directly.

Look at what he said, not only rejected her request with very convincing reasons, but also revealed her scars secretly. What would a child who grew up in a family like the Hao family look like?

Innocent? cute? Sunlight? optimism? simple?

It seems difficult to match an adjective like this.

After Lin Yue left, her eyes moved to the white paper on the desk, and she frowned when she saw the words on it. After a few breaths, she seemed to suddenly think of something, walked into the storage room, and found Ouyang from the jar of calligraphy and painting. Kai Duo went back to the living room to unfold the picture written to her husband.

From handwriting to style, they are almost exactly the same.

What happened to the third son of the Zhou family?


The six gentlemen's New Year's party at Ma Shouchang's house broke up unhappy.

Lu Chuan returned to Beijing feeling a little upset, Tang Xiangyang continued to work in his chemical plant, Sun Chanchao and Yu Hong pretended not to know what happened.

Xiao Guoqing really took out the money to pay the rent for Zhou Bingkun, who had been corrupted by the Huahua World in the south, but he couldn’t find a place for him to live, so send the money to the old Zhou’s house, and give it to Zhou Zhigang to drive him out I didn't have such an unfilial son, and I don't know if I was really disappointed with my youngest son and wanted to sever the relationship between father and son, or if I said that deliberately to get Xiao Guoqing out, anyway, I was being scolded by Wu Qian After a meal, he went home listlessly.

As for Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao... I didn't see the two of them arguing about divorce or anything.

In the TV series, Qiao Chunyan didn’t make much trouble after knowing Cao Debao’s cheating, and she reconciled within a few days. The same is true here. She likes this soft rice man too much, or she is thinking about her children and does not want to divorce, or it’s just a matter of recollection. , realized that it was Zhou Bingkun who made the divorce, and didn't want him to succeed. In short, the matter subsided quietly.

But no divorce does not mean that Cao Debao is in a good situation. As soon as the work started after the Spring Festival, Wu Yuzhao took Cao Debao as the sales chief, and he was not thrown back to the dregs workshop as the director, but as an ordinary worker. I think Cao Debao is also a soy sauce factory. Old employee, this is simply a humiliation, he bought out his seniority and left in a fit of anger.

In the words he chatted with Sun Chaochao and Xiao Guoqing, even if Zhou Bingkun persuaded Li Xianrong to agree to invest in Jichun, he would not be able to save the soy sauce factory, because it is not the same as Hongxing Wood Processing Factory, which has a large amount of forest resources that can be used. Compared with the products of other provinces and cities in the country, Songhuajiang brand soy sauce is not very competitive, and because there are many people to support, the workers are used to eating big pot meals, and the work efficiency is low. The soy sauce factories in Jiangsu and Zhejiang also have big shortcomings. The simplest point is that the country now imports a large amount of soybeans from the United States, Canada, and Brazil, and the price is much cheaper than soybeans from the Northeast. It went directly to the soy sauce factory in a nearby province, not only the price of raw materials is low, but also the transportation cost is saved. How can this business be done?

These are all the information he obtained when he was the head of the sales department. Not to mention, they are quite reasonable, at least they scare Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing into thinking that the soy sauce factory is dead.


February passed.

March passed.

It wasn't until April that the soy sauce factory couldn't pay wages even though it was selling all the iron, and Wu Yuzhao was so anxious that Lin Yue returned to Jichun with Li Xianrong. After several rounds of negotiations, he got the contracted management right of the soy sauce factory at a very low price.

Wu Yuzhao breathed a sigh of relief.

Qu Xiuzhen also breathed a sigh of relief.

"You left on purpose for almost two months, to make Wu Yuzhao anxious, so as to gain favorable conditions in the negotiation."


"You want to lie to me again?"

Lin Yue and Qu Xiuzhen walked on the long embankment of the Songhua River. The good way is that the world is full of fragrance in April. Even in the northeast of the motherland, there is already a spring weather. The apricot trees and elm leaves and plum blossoms in the distance are in full bloom. I also stopped wearing thick cotton-padded jackets, and put on long johns and windbreakers.

"No, I went to the United States in mid-March."

"Go to America? What are you going to America for?"

"Because we had to negotiate a cooperation with IBM before ASUS, it took a little time."

"Asus? IBM?"

Qu Xiuzhen was confused by these two names.

Lin Yue patiently explained: "Do you know about computers?"

"Computer? I know this. My son told me when he came back during the Spring Festival that this is popular abroad."

"Not only is it popular abroad, but the domestic market will also develop in a few years. Generally speaking, this computer has six major components: motherboard, central processing unit, graphics card, hard disk, memory, and display. IBM is the largest personal computer in the United States. As a computer manufacturer, I went to the United States this time to take orders for motherboards."

"Is this a new product from the electronics factory?"

"That's right, the market competition for electronic products such as TVs and tape recorders is becoming more and more fierce. Tiancheng is gradually eliminating outdated production capacity and shifting towards the production of components related to emerging electronic products such as digital cameras, VCDs, and computers."

"VCD? What is a VCD?"

"You'll know soon." Lin Yue winked at her, and put it off: "When something is made, the first one is for you to use."

Qu Xiuzhen scolded with a smile: "Where did you come up with so many crazy ideas?"

"The charm of science is that it can be infinitely imagined."

"Okay, don't show your power here, let's talk about something practical, how do you plan to save the soy sauce factory?"

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