Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1680 Finally made myself into it (two in one)

Zhou Bingyi and Gong Wei looked at each other with different expressions.

No matter what the inner thoughts are, in short, they understand it.

Ever since Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chanchao became the director and deputy director of the timber factory, and they brought their daughter-in-law over, the efficiency of the timber factory has been worsening day by day. Think about it, Xiao Guoqing is an optical film The famous firecrackers explode at one o'clock. When this kind of person is the factory manager and talks with customers about business, it's okay after a few glasses of wine. Others follow his words and say it's okay, but if there is a bit of rebellion, it must be a hammer, With this kind of attitude, no matter how easy it is to do business, it will be yellow.

If the efficiency of this factory is poor, there must be financial problems. Wu Qian is in charge of the money, and it is easy to understand if she wants to find a way to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall. As for Yu Hong, the director of external procurement, seeing Xiao Guoqing and his wife control the factory They will definitely feel dissatisfied with their management rights and financial management rights, and want to get some soup to drink. Once the rebate is taken and the invoice is issued, the mom-and-pop shop is set up like this.

From 1995 to 2001, the Lucky Red Star Lumber Factory was a subsidiary of Shencheng Group, and it took six full years before it ran out of oil. If there was no protection from the big tree of Shencheng Group, it would most likely be over by now. .


Gong Wei coughed to wake up the two people in the factory director's office who were blushing, and then walked in with Zhou Bingyi.

After all, they are all neighbors in optical film, knowing that the incident is a big mess, they can't go in and put people on the ground like they have nothing to do with criminals, can they?

"Zhou... Bing... Mayor, Uncle Gong, you are here."

Xiao Guoqing's face was very ugly, wondering whether they had heard the content of the quarrel with Sun Chanchao just now.

Zhou Bingyi said: "You have also seen the following situation. I don't want to take too much care of business operations. I just want to ask how you plan to solve the demands of the workers."

"This..." Xiao Guoqing said: "To be honest, there is no money in the account, not to mention paying wages to the workers, and I still owe the electricity bill from last month."

Gong Wei glared at them: "Look at you, a good wood processing factory, how did it become like this?"

After all, it was wrong, and the two dared not say a word.

"Let me tell you, no matter what method you use, you must first solve the problem of workers' wages today."

Xiao Guoqing said: "How to solve the problem if there is no money in the account, you can find a place to sell me, and see if you can scrape together the money."

Gong Wei said angrily, "Are you playing tricks on me?"

It was Zhou Bingyi who came over after receiving the news, otherwise, this matter would have to fall on him, and if he didn't handle it well, he would be scolded and punished.

"It's not Uncle Gong. There is indeed no money in the factory, and there is nothing you can do if you force me."

Gong Wei feels that Xiao Guoqing has changed. Of course, it is understandable. Judging from the following situation, workers ask for wages, suppliers ask for payment, and the transportation team claims service fees must have happened many times. A person who is always being called for debts gets angry because he can't get the money, thinking that life is a big deal.

"Xiao Guoqing, let me tell you, if this matter cannot be resolved properly, believe it or not, I will arrest you."

"Uncle Gong, don't talk about arresting me, even if you kill me, can you get money in exchange?"

Well, one sentence will kill Gong Wei. He really didn't expect that Xiao Guoqing, who was upright in the past, had been the factory director for several years, and his face suddenly became thicker.

Zhou Bingyi said: "National Day, where is your wife Wu Qian, call her here."

Based on the conversation between Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chachao, it can be confirmed that Wu Qian is the financial supervisor. In matters related to money, it is indeed better to find an accountant than the factory director, and the county magistrate is not as good as taking care of it now.

"Wu Qian said... she said she went to collect debts."

"Debt collection?"

Xiao Guoqing nodded: "Originally there was a sum of money in the account, which was remitted by the furniture factory. Wu Qian told me that there is an investment channel, and you can get 5% interest for one month. I think this is a good thing. I let her handle the difficulties in the factory. Yesterday, the workers sent representatives to talk to me about the wages. After that, I asked her to withdraw the money. She set off overnight to find someone, but she hasn’t come back yet. I’m dying of panic. gone."

Gong Wei and Zhou Bingyi looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Where did she get the money?"

"I do not know."

"Then do you know who she invested the money in?"

"It's a big boss I met when I was working at the Longyue Hotel. He said that the bank has his shares."

Sun Chanchao frowned and said, "Do you think...Will Wu Qian be deceived?"

This is what Gong Weize and Zhou Bingyi are worried about.

"Wu Qian was not deceived, it was you who were deceived." A voice from outside interrupted the conversation inside the room.

This familiar accent...

Zhou Bingyi turned his face to look, yes, it was his super rich younger brother Zhou Bingkun who came.

"Bingkun, why are you back?"

His plan was to call his younger brother if this matter could not be handled well, to see if he could pay the wages of the workers first, and then talk about how to deal with the matter of Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chaochao. The people on the side have come back to Jichun.

Lin Yue didn't answer this question, and turned his body. At this time, the female manager of Longyue Hotel dragged a person to the door, and pushed forward when she was done. Room.

"Wu Qian?"

Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chanchao said in unison.

"You are..." Gong Wei noticed Kuang Liqin's attitude towards Wu Qian, and Monk Zhang Er was a little confused.

Lin Yue said, "Should I say it or you say it yourself?"

Wu Qian remained silent.

"I don't have the face to say it, okay, then I'll do it." Lin Yue looked at Xiao Guoqing and said, "Do you know where I brought him back?"


"The bed of a man in his thirties."

These words were like a slap in the back of Xiao Guoqing's head: "Impossible!"

"Impossible? Then look at what this is."

He threw a photo on the ground. In the picture, Wu Qian was naked from the upper body, looking at the camera with a terrified expression. There was a figure with her back on the bed behind her. She couldn't make out her face, but what was certain was that it was a man, a man with a big face. her young man.

Zhou Bingyi turned his head away, a little embarrassed; Sun Ganchao looked at Xiao Guoqing fixedly, and there was only one thought in his mind, Fa Xiao was cuckolded, this...something that I would never have thought of just happened ?

The person concerned looked at the photo, and then looked at Wu Qian who was keeping her head down and not saying a word. Her brain was buzzing, and she was about to explode.

Yes, Wu Qian is younger than him, but she is in her forties this year, and both of their children are in their twenties, yet she actually did such a thing behind his back.

"I'll kill you bitch!"

slap~ slap~

"Ah, ah..."

One slap, two slaps, three slaps...

Wu Qian ran all over the room covering her head, while Xiao Guoqing chased after her.

It was only then that Gong Wei realized that he was worried that he would break Wu Qian, so he hurried up to hug her.

"National Day, calm down, calm down."

Can he calm down? Of course not.

I can't move my hands and I have legs, one, two, three... It's a pity that the person didn't kick it and knocked the chair down.

At the same time, Lin Yue, who was standing at the door, looked at the farce on the opposite side with a playful face.

"The man in the photo is not clear enough, I have another one here, take a look, do you know him?"

"Zhang... Zhang Tong?"

Sun Chanchao recognized the man in the second photo, and found that it was none other than Zhang Tong, the accountant of the timber factory. He also had the identity of a college student who graduated from the Accounting Department of Jichun University, and it was Wu Qian who recruited him from outside. .

The two co-authors had an affair under Xiao Guoqing's nose, and it lasted for three or four years. Look at this...

"I'll fuck you to death."

Xiao Guoqing struggled desperately, while Gong Wei hurriedly called for Sun Chanchao's help, because he knew very well that with Xiao Guoqing's temper, he could really beat Wu Qian to death.

"Wu Qian, do you think you can keep me in the dark by finding a concubine who can do accounts? Yes, I know that Xiao Guoqing is not the material to be a factory manager, and I didn't have much hope for making money, but this is not the case. On behalf of me, I will tolerate you evacuating it to the point where the workers can’t eat. Embezzling public funds, accepting kickbacks, cronyism, forging accounts, and deceiving employees to hand over their hard-earned money by using low-priced housing sources that can be developed by Jicheng Real Estate. To meet the high expenses of your concubine, when the drama of tearing down the east wall to pay the west wall can no longer be played, you are ready to evade responsibility and run away. What do you think the law is? Ghostly drawn symbols on white paper ?"

Lin Yue stretched her hand back, Kuang Liqin unzipped her handbag, took out a document from it and put it on the desk.

"This is evidence that Wu Qian and Zhang Tong forged accounts. Uncle Gong, you should know what to do."

Gong Wei looked at Wu Qian, who was hiding in the corner with her head in her arms, and at Xiao Guoqing, who was trying hard to break free from the restraints, with a look of embarrassment.

"Bingkun, this..."

Lin Yue knew what he meant, this thing, once the case is filed, the matter will be serious, and for Wu Qian's crime, she can't get out without a few years of sentence.

"Are you going to pay for the worker's wages and the money she cheated?"

When Gong Wei heard this, he immediately froze. Looking at the virtue of Hongxing Wood Processing Factory, he still doesn't know what it would be like to be hollowed out by Sun and Xiao, not to mention the funds raised for buying a house and the payment owed to suppliers. Well, there are hundreds of thousands of holes in the wages of the workers alone, and he will pay for it? Smashing iron... Well, you can try it.

Xiao Guoqing was still in a state of rage, completely unaware of the meaning of the conversation between Lin Yue and Gong Weize, and struggled a few more times, pointing at Wu Qian and cursing: "You stinky shameless, Zhang Tong! Where is the adulterer? Say, where is the adulterer!"

Wu Qian hid in the corner just sobbing, she dared not speak.

"Gong Bureau?"

Serena, the policeman who came with Gong Weize, walked in from the outside. Seeing Xiao Guoqing's appearance, he didn't know why, so he took out a pair of handcuffs and wanted to handcuff people.

"What are you doing?"

Gong Wei stared, Serena was stunned, and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Take Wu Qian down, the one in the corner."

Serena couldn't understand why Gong Wei didn't let him handcuff and beat people, but let him be arrested and beaten.

Kuang Liqin knew what he was thinking, and murmured in a low voice, you are not the party involved, you will understand if you are the party involved.

His wife stole people, and even emptied the factory. From Xiao Guoqing's standpoint, it was absolutely a shame. It was quite restrained not to stab Wu Qian to death with a knife.

Serena walked over, grabbed the crying woman's arm and left the room. At this time, Gong Wei greeted him again, asking him to contact the police station and send two people over.

Wu Qian was taken away from the room, Xiao Guoqing calmed down slowly, and without speaking, he walked to the chair behind the desk and sat down, took out a cigarette case from his pocket, took out one in his mouth, lit it, and blah smoke there.

Sun Chanchao wanted to comfort him, but didn't know what to say, so he shook his head and sighed heavily.

Gong Wei picked up the documents on the desk and looked at them, then walked up to Zhou Bingyi with ambiguous eyes.

"Look at what I am doing, you are a policeman, you can do whatever you want."

He knew that Gong Weize meant to ask him to have a good talk with Zhou Bingkun to see if there was any possibility of reconciliation. After all, this matter involved two families. , and let's be honest... If you want to hold people accountable, the neighbors who Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing got into the factory will all be involved. In addition to the financial and accounting issues, there is also a worker's testimony in the document, which is said to be in optical format. Relying on their relationship with the factory manager, those people often took the composite panels, engineering square timber, square materials, tools and equipment produced in the factory to sell outside for money.

Shocking, shocking.

It is because there are so many moths that a good timber factory has been ruined for a while.

Although he was born and grew up in optical film, he does not want to see his neighbors punished by the law, but his other identity is the deputy mayor of Jichun City and Zhou Bingkun's brother. All should be done in business, otherwise it is condoning crime.

Gong Wei had no choice but to walk up to Sun Chanchao with the documents: "Chanchao, is your wife Yu Hong in the factory?"

"Yu Hong? Yu Hong's mother is ill. She went back to the countryside to take care of the sick. Uncle Gong, tell me if you have anything to do."

"She's the person in charge of purchasing, right? Here's a supplier's testimony revealing her rebates. Look..."

"Uncle Gong, take me away. I asked Yu Hong to do this matter."

Gong Wei was taken aback: "You asked her to do it?"

He really didn't expect Sun Chanchao to do such a thing.

Sun Chanchao said: "That's right, this is all my idea. I think the factory is getting worse day by day, and it will be dead sooner or later. I just want to make more money."

"Catch up, you can." Lin Yue said: "It's a man to take the blame for his wife at the critical moment. Oh, no, you did it for Sun Sheng, I remember Xiao Ning told me last year, saying He is studying in the UK now. Let me guess, is it because Yu Hong is telling you that Xiao Ning went to Wuhan University all day long, and her parents are proud of her. Standing out, more powerful than his aunt. They are also factory moths, look at Yu Hong, and Wu Qian, the level is different."

Anyone could hear the sarcasm in his words.

How did Yu Hong get the house when the light-text film was demolished in the TV series? Two words, miserable.

Qiao Chunyan's back became bitter and mean, but there is a saying that is true. In the matter of house distribution, Yu Hong's incompetence and death of catching up became her capital. Chao is gone, only to help Yu Hong get the house. Why did Yu Hong and Qiao Chunyan get into a fight? Was she just talking about catching up? Does it mean that Qiao Chunyan exposes her old background and becomes angry from embarrassment?

Yu Hong said in the TV series that once the film was demolished, she didn't even have the money to rent a house. If the family was in such a difficult situation, why didn't she live with her parents-in-law? Why does Sun Sheng insist on studying in graduate school? Can't you work early and earn money early? Compared with those poor children who went out to work and earn money for their younger siblings to study, how pitiful is her family? Later, Zhou Bingkun wanted to open up the front houses of the two families and open a restaurant with Yu Hong, which can be regarded as a way of making a living. How did she do it? As soon as the facade house was taken over, she rented it out to others, and returned the money to Zhou Bingkun as soon as she got it, saying that she Yu Hong didn't want to owe others money, um, um, 30,000 yuan can't be owed, but a house? Or is she saying that once the 30,000 yuan is paid back, the two will be cleared?

Qiao Chunyan's selfishness was put in the clear, but Yu Hong...Yu Hong's selfishness was not so excessive when she put on the cloak of a widow and poor man.

Sun Chanchao said, "Kun'er, I really asked Yu Hong to do it."

"Since it's all your idea, why did you send her back to the countryside, for fear of being questioned by the police, right?"

"Her mother is really sick."

"Catch up, do you know what the consequences will be if you blame yourself?"

"I know."

Lin Yue nodded, said nothing more, turned and left the office, Zhou Bingyi quickly followed.

"Bingkun, those workers below... what are you going to do?"

"I've ordered people to come over and deal with this matter. We'll settle the wages and payment first. As for the National Day and catching up with them, we can deal with it according to the law."

Zhou Bingyi was very satisfied with his answer, but when he thought about Xiao Guoqing and Wu Qian, he sighed heavily. He could only say that power and money are the hotbeds of evil.

Kuang Liqin has been following the two of them. She thinks more than Zhou Bingyi. In 1995, Zhou Bingkun told her something. .

Who is Wu Qian? When she was working at the Longyue Hotel, she said that if she was twenty years younger, she would also find a rich side. Cleaning in the housekeeping department every day, I am used to the life of those rich people hugging each other, changing women like changing clothes and spending money like water, now give her a chance to live this kind of life, can she resist the temptation? Xiao Guoqing is a big boss. He worked as a coolie to support his family when he had no money and no power, and he quarreled all day long. Will things get better now that he is the director of the factory? No, it's only going to get worse, because being in this position underscores how incompetent he is. ? At the juncture of a woman in her forties, there is a subordinate who is ten years younger and a college student in front of her, getting along day and night, facing each other day and night, one for money and one for lust, what will happen next, you can know with your ass.

What Yu Hong did is also easy to understand. Originally, when he was working in the Longyue Hotel, he would take out the high-end toiletries that the guests in the room did not use to exchange for pocket money. Corruption, can she do her job safely? Obviously, no, so the two men wrecked the lumber mill and the family.

Compared with Zhou Bingkun's net worth, the lumber factory is just a drop in the bucket, but if Wu Qian and Yu Hong go astray, the consequences will be serious, especially the former, who will have to stay for five or six years at least, and must be in the optical film and her mother's side. Ruined. The point is, in the eyes of outsiders, Zhou Bingkun has no responsibility at all, a proper victim, a kind person who kindly helped Fa Xiao but was tricked, it is the Sun family and the Xiao family who are sorry for him.

Yes, he took advantage of Wu Qian and Yu Hong's character flaws, and played with them.

Special thanks to Feiba FLY for rewarding 105,000 starting coins, spades DEK, book friends with tail number 2391 for rewarding 1,500 starting coins, Flying Carrot Rabbit for rewarding 500 starting coins, and book friends with tail number 4325 for rewarding 200 Starting point coins, 100 starting point coins tipped by book friends with tail number 5103.

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