Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1682 You say I am a Bodhisattva?

The scene that happened in Zhou’s old house was seen by the onlookers, and it was spread wildly in the optical film. Those neighbors who were brought into the factory by Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chanchao were all in danger. The youngest son, Liu Ailin, left his wife and daughter and ran away. If you want to ask why, you have to start from 1995. Before, the father and son came to ask for a good job, and told Zhou Bingkun that he wanted to be a regular worker and go to the construction site for half a year. Two or three months later, Liu Ailin found Wu Qian, maybe because she was generous with others and didn't care about others, or because she wanted to show that she was the empress dowager of the timber factory, or because she wanted to tell the people on the optical film that Zhou Bingkun had changed. Once a person has money, he cannot mingle with the masses. In comparison, Xiao Guoqing is upright, kind, and good to his neighbors. In short, Liu Ailin has entered the timber factory.

Friends of big bosses like Wu Qian and Yu Hong still have a heart to pluck wool. They feel that the Shencheng Group has a big business. What's wrong with being greedy for a little bit? Even a hair on Zhou Bingkun's body can't be damaged. Those optical film residents below who think they have a background naturally don’t take Zhou Bingkun’s advantage as a bad thing, especially Liu Ailin, who has been turned back, why don’t they go out and exchange things for money? Xiao Guoqing started I was quite caring, fired a few, and couldn't negotiate business later. I always drank with the boss here and the boss there. If I drank too much, I couldn't control the stealing behavior of the workers. Now Wu Qian and Sun Chaochao went in Well, Zhou Bingkun transferred a group of people from the south to investigate the second trial and third threats, and those honest workers told about the chaos in the factory. Can they still stay in peace at this time? That's not to run as long as you can, and to hide as you can.

Anyway, under the deserted appearance of the current optical film, there are wild chickens and dogs that are unknown to outsiders.

Lin Yue had a lot of business to discuss, and it was impossible to deal with this matter in Jichun all the time, so he handed over the matter to Kuang Liqin for follow-up. Seeing so much evil in human nature, she understood why state-owned factories collapsed and closed down in the 1980s and 1990s.

In order to avoid another incident like Hong threatening to commit suicide with a knife, Zheng Juan took the old lady to Yayuan Community, because the security measures there are in place, so there is no need to worry about being harassed.

a month later.

The box on the second floor of Yangzhou Restaurant on the street opposite Tang Xiangyang's house.

Lin Yue pushed open the door and walked in.

There were two people sitting directly opposite the door, one was Lu Chuan, the other was Tang Xiangyang, and to the right were Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao.

"Brother, you are here, sit down, sit down."

Lin Yue pulled the chair in front of him and sat down: "No wonder you asked me to come anyway, Lu Chuan, when did you come back?"

Lu Chuan said: "I came back yesterday, and I will leave after a day. No, Chun Yan'er said that you are also in Jichun, so I just wanted to find a place to eat and catch up."

"Yes, brother, how many years have you not seen each other? Has it been ten years?"

Qiao Chunyan counted with her fingers: "In 1991, Yueyue returned to Jichun High School, and now in 2001, it has been ten years."

Of course, Lin Yue remembered that the old lady Qu was still alive when she met Lu Chuan last time. At that time, she broke up because Cao Debao and Qiao Chunyan had a fight without saying a few words. Now that old lady Qu is gone. Jin Yueji was running out of time, and when she met Zhou Bingyi yesterday, she mentioned that Jin Yueji was hospitalized.

It's interesting to think about it, he is always tough Zhou Zhigang, the old man lived for three years longer, he didn't say good things to Jin Yueji, this old woman also lived a year longer than in the TV series, co-authored whoever lived longer ?

"How is it? Is your career going well?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Lu Chuan pushed his glasses: "I heard from Chunyan about the National Day and catching up."

Qiao Chunyan smiled, now thinking about how correct the decision was when she was eating at the Longyue Hotel in 1995, Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chanchao both cheated their daughter-in-law, if Zhou Bingkun really bought the Provence bathing pool for her to operate, The person who was arrested for pornography a few days ago was not Boss Ding, but her.

Lin Yue also smiled, but did not speak.

At this time, the restaurant waiter brought up the dishes plate by plate, and several people opened a bottle of Beida Cangjunfei.

After three glasses of wine, my body warmed up, and the atmosphere in the venue became much warmer.

Tang Xiangyang said: "Kun'er, what you did on the National Day and Catch Up is quite excessive, but I think we don't care about Wu Qian's involvement in illegal fundraising after so many years of friendship. , given the current economic situation, eight out of ten factories have problems with their purchasing procedures, so... can we make an exception for this matter?"

Lin Yue was silent.

"That's right, bro, the little money that Catch Up collects is nothing compared to your net worth, just think of it for the fact that he has done a lot to help the godmother, so don't worry about him, that's fine." Can't you?" Qiao Chunyan also chimed in, and then punched her man.

Cao Debao twitched the corners of his mouth twice, nodded his compliments and said, "Yes, you are on the list of America's richest people. It's not worth getting angry about such a small amount of money."

Strictly speaking, the person on the list is Li Heping, but anyone who is a bit of a city knows the truth behind the ranking.

Lin Yue pushed the wine glass in, looked at Lu Chuan and said, "What do you mean?"


Lu Chuan was a little embarrassed, because from his standpoint, the issue was a bit sensitive. Let's face it, it's not good to disregard favoritism and deal with cases in a stern and lawful manner.

"Stop talking, I know what you mean."

Lin Yue didn't make things difficult for him, but changed the subject and looked at Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao: "If I'm not mistaken, those people like Liu Ailin stole saw blades, tape measures, wooden squares, and composite boards from the factory to sell. The two older sisters got in the middle, and if I force Gong Wei to investigate this matter, they will definitely spit out the agency fees they ate, and they might even go in and squat for a few months."

Qiao Chunyan's face was extremely ugly, saying that Liu Ailin was lazy, he had a lot of bad water in his stomach, and knew that stealing from the factory was a hidden danger, so he wanted to share the risk by buying off the three daughters of the old Qiao's family, Li Suhua and Shen Hongzhi Aren't they sisters? The three daughters of the old Qiao family and Zhou Bingkun are brothers and sisters. If they are invited to introduce buyers, the money they earn will be doubled. If something goes wrong later, can Zhou Bingkun kill him? If he doesn't give Qiao Chunyan face, how can he not give Li Suhua face?

She didn't dare to touch this matter, but the two sisters who were not as good as her had touched it. Now Zhou Bingkun wants to investigate to the end, can she, as a real sister, not do something.

Lin Yue said: "Tsk tsk tsk, I don't know if you've heard a saying that a whale falls into everything, how many people have I supported?"

Lu Chuan showed embarrassment, knowing that Zhou Bingkun was cursing people around the corner, and he was stern and selfless at work, so why did he want Zhou Bingkun to make concessions when it came to Sun Chachao's issue.

Lin Yue didn't take their thoughts into consideration, and continued: "Sun Xiaoning complained to me the day before yesterday, saying how her nephew Sun Sheng, who was studying abroad, could say such things. Guess what he said, he said that if his father goes in Yes, I will definitely seek revenge from me in the future. Some young people just talk about their positions without being reasonable, thank you? It doesn’t exist, then you say, should I kill the grass, or should I be bluffed by him and her mother and withdraw the lawsuit obediently? ?”

The faces of the people on the opposite side were not good-looking.

Tang Xiangyang said: "Kun'er, I think if Catch Up knows Sun Sheng said something like this, he will definitely teach him a lesson."

"Maybe, but he insists on giving Yu Hong the crime, that's his problem." Lin Yue stood up and said, "It seems that my kind 'borrowing' to the neighbors gave them the illusion that they were easy to talk to and get along with, so this This time I chose to kill the chicken to show the monkeys, and they can kill them even if they are young, maybe those people will learn to restrain themselves."

After speaking, he got up and left, leaving a few people looking at each other.

Qiao Chunyan's face was ugly, because Zhou Bingkun's statement meant that her two sisters were dead.


The closure of the timber factory continued to simmer. The neighbors Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chanchao got into were summoned almost once.

Because it involved a big company like Shencheng Group, in order to impress Boss Zhou, the city invested a lot of police force to solve the incident, from Wu Qian to Sun Chaochao, to Liu Ailin, to Qiao Chunyan's sister Qiao Chunmei and Qiao Chunhua, as well as those unscrupulous merchants who dared to recycle stolen goods even knowingly, dealt with a large number of people, ranging from eight to five years in prison, to one year and two years, and criminal detention, detention, in short, all optical film Everyone was dumbfounded. Zhou Bingkun set up a pawn shop and gave everyone a shortcut to replace the old house with a new one. Many people thought that he was a rich man who came out of the optical film. He wholeheartedly wanted to benefit the residents of the optical film. It doesn't matter how you take advantage of him. After all, a person with a fortune of hundreds of millions would fight with beggars on the road for a few cents. However, for Wu Qian, Sun Chanchao and others, The result of the handling was shocking. It was true that if you turned your face, you turned your face. They didn't care about the friendship of friends at all, so those who were always thinking about how to make a fortune from him could only put down their minds and work and live honestly.

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