Lin Yuexin said, what can I do? Do you think I want to anger Yu Xiaoqing? I also thought about how good it would be to have a happy life in a few days, and go to the other side of the river to shade a few devils on patrol, go hunting, and molested the little wives of the quartermasters, how nice it would be.

The point is that the bullshit system does all kinds of miscellaneous tasks.

The last time I responded to the inner grievances of the soldiers of the cannon fodder regiment at Nantianmen, it was fine to ask him to embarrass Yu Xiaoqing. The interrogation of Long Wenwen was successfully completed later. Who knew that it would enter the second stage. The goal of the mission was to drive Yu Xiaoqing crazy, anyway The primary goal of this mission is to conquer Nantianmen and capture Zhunei Lianshan alive under the premise of preserving the main characters of the cannon fodder regiment. Judging from the current situation, strengthening his own force does not conflict with Yu Xiaoqing, he is naturally happy to take his hand and feel sick grown ups.


Long Wenwen counted the famous soldiers who died in the battle of Nantianmen, and sent the money to their hometowns in the city. As for the 2000 Dayang brought back by Lin Yue yesterday and the 4000 half of the money that the Ministry of Finance specially subsidized for the recipients, One third was given to Milong to start the black market, one third was used to purchase scarce living and combat supplies, and the other third was distributed to the surviving soldiers and wounded as rewards.

Lin Yue found an excuse to leave Zenda and went to the military headquarters by car. Long Wenwen felt that there were few men under his command, so he began to poach Yu Xiaoqing's corner. The veterans who had been scattered to the main battalions played a key role in it. The Sichuan Army has grown from less than 400 people to more than 500 people, close to two battalions.

Milong obeyed Long Wenwen's instructions, coaxed, lied to and frightened, and sold those unusable and unusable guys through the black market for a lot of money, and the money he made finally made up for the hole, and he barely Up to 60% of the soldiers have a gun, but the models are very mixed. The British army's Lee Enfield rifle, the Japanese army's 38th rifle, the local Hanyang made, the 79th rifle, the Soviet army's Shuilianzhu, and the old Austrian Mannlicher.

Veterans are mostly equipped with a large number of weapons, after all, ammunition is guaranteed. Some recruits were given an imported rifle, which was more accurate and powerful than domestic rifles. However, they were only given a few rounds of bullets, and the condition of the gun was not good. Grandson, cannon fodder in cannon fodder.

In any case, the cannon fodder finally looked like a soldier, and Milong became the favorite in Long Wenwen's eyes. Unlike Lin Yue, he is not qualified to cry poorly with Junzuo, and he has no guts to hate Yu Xiaoqing. He will... and can only use dirty methods to bribe the quartermaster, get leftovers or unnecessary things from the main force Pick up some usable subsidy for the family.

So in addition to "Die, Die", he was nicknamed "The Sock Mender".

Some people asked without knowing the reason. Meng Laizi said that one day he saw Sisi Shila sewing with a needle and thread. He walked over and saw that he got a pair of silk stockings from nowhere, and there was a coin on the heel of one of them. The size of the hole, Mr. Tuanzao... But I feel so distressed, I found a roll of needles and threads of the same color in Hao's veterinary bag, hey, it's just like this, and I took it to the quartermaster's little wife after I finished it, people like it After a few breaths of pillow wind, dozens of new shoes were brought to the cannon fodder.


Milong flirted with Long Wenwen and pulled Meng Fanle and others' strong men. When a group of people moved furniture to his house, Yu Xiaoqing was furious at the division headquarters.

"This is a telegram from Junzuo. Look, look...he is really good. He eats here and eats up. He didn't make enough trouble at the division headquarters that day, and went to the military headquarters to ask for supplies. Take the medals issued to him by the chairman and sell them to bandits on the black market, is there such a rascal as him?"

Tang Ji and Zhao Qide stood in front of the sand table expressionlessly.

That's what the boy said when he came to the division headquarters to ask for supplies. In order not to cause trouble for Junzuo, Tang Ji asked the transport battalion to transport the weapons replaced by the main force of the second regiment in the warehouse to the Sichuan Army's garrison. As a result, this guy said thank you , turned around and ran to Junzuo to sell miserably, and came over with a telegram, asking them where they got the supplies allocated from above, and why they didn't have a copy of the Sichuan Army.

"The dignified Master Yu, who went to the military headquarters to play tricks, and that Long Wenwen, who does all kinds of tricks every day, is ashamed... I am ashamed for them." Yu Xiaoqing slapped herself in the face angrily: "They can't Concentrate on fighting? Ah! Can't you?"

He questioned Tang Ji and Zhao Qide.

However, the two of them watched their eyes, nose, nose and heart, and neither spoke. On the other hand, He Shuguang and Zhang Lixian looked indignant, wishing they could strip Lin Yue and Long Wenwen to their bones and suck their marrow.

In fact, besides the anger and resentment for Yu Xiaoqing, there is also the jealousy that stems from themselves. Last year, that guy was trying to curry favor with them, but this year he has become an enemy in the army that makes Master Shizuo very headache and helpless. This makes them very psychologically. unbalanced.

"Master, don't worry, don't worry, if you are in a hurry, who will take charge of the military affairs for you." Tang Ji said with a smile: "It's not entirely a bad thing for Director Lin to do this. Jun Zuo gave them supplies, so we can't do it." Stay in the shelter forever? Cannon fodder is also a regiment, and you can still take it out and use it at critical moments."

"Use? What's the use?" Yu Xiaoqing pointed outside and said, "Do they listen to me or to you?"

"Hey, Master, you are too anxious." Tang Ji said: "How can a talent like Director Lin stay with Master Yu all the time? Master Yu's temple is too small to accommodate the giant Buddha..."

Yu Xiaoqing's mouth squirmed for a while, but finally said nothing.

Tang Ji patted his arm, signaling him to relax and not to put pressure on himself.

Han Xin, Li Mu, Meng Tian, ​​Yue Pengju, Yuan Chonghuan, which one of these characters is not famous, but what is the result?


After staying in the military headquarters for a few days, Lin Yue returned to Chanda, accompanied by two jeeps and a truck.

Krupp is very happy because they have guns.

A German-made PAK37 anti-aircraft gun and an M1897 75mm field gun—these were the good things he talked about when he was annoyed with Meng that day.

The cannon fodder placed the two cannons at the entrance of the storage station, and built a set of awnings for them. Apart from eating, Krupp’s daily task was to take the cannonballs out of the box and clean them before putting them back in. Wipe it again, and the same on the third day.

In addition to heavy weapons such as anti-war guns, Lin Yue also obtained 120 seven-nine rifles, 20 Sten submachine guns, two Czech-style light machine guns, a Browning heavy machine gun, and ten 60-press and 82-press guns from the military department. , Hand grenades, grenades, landmines, grenades, bullets, tents, shovels, hoes, raincoats and quilts, and the jeep without a spare tire also returned to the cannon fodder.

Long Wenwen was very excited. He helped Lin Yue get out of the car, cleared the way in front of him, moved a stool to pour water, and almost knelt down to call grandpa.

He said that now the Sichuan Army Corps finally has what a regiment should look like, but it is a pity that it has no weapons and equipment but no chance to show its face.

Lin Yue said don't worry, he will get his wish soon.

Thanks to Snakeskin Monster 001 for the 2,100 starting coins, the 2,000 starting coins given by the fourth uncle before his death, and the 500 starting coins given by Chilingge Gufeng. Let’s add more, wait until tomorrow~

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