Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1699 I'm such a good person


"You said it!"

Gangzi was so anxious that his eyes were wide open and his face was full of ferociousness. The most unpleasant thing about chatting with people is being tantalized. Now interrogating the prisoner has to be disturbed. He wished he could press the head of the guy opposite him to the ground. Step on it a few more times, and spit out "dead lame" when you are done, before you can vent your anger.

"Yes, look into my eyes."

Lin Yue's voice seemed to have a magical power, Gangzi calmed down slowly, his gaze followed his gaze.

"It's simple, you dance to please me now, and I'll tell you all I know,"


Gangzi was silent for a while, and "decided" to give up his dignity for the mission goal.

I saw him take two steps back, slowly raised his right hand, lowered his head slightly, bent one leg, and pointed his toes to the ground.

Needless to say, this pose is really similar.

Wang Lei's idea was to delay the three policemen and buy more time for Gangzi, but he never thought that Lin Yue would make such a playful request, and that idiot Gangzi... actually agreed.

"Gangzi, stop jumping, he's playing tricks on you."

Although I don't know how Lin Yue knew that someone came to disrupt the situation, it was obvious that that guy was delaying time, which was basically the same as what he was doing.

However, Zhao Zhigang did not obey the order. The appearance of dancing in the monitor wearing an exoskeleton armor is not so funny as it is stupid and shameful, which is a shame to the federal soldiers.

He couldn't laugh, the one with the rose nose among the three policemen had already bent over laughing, trying to cover his mouth to keep his voice out.

Zhou Qian was so angry that she turned off the monitoring screen in the interrogation room. She couldn't understand how Zhao Zhigang could be so stupid. On the other hand, she felt that Zhao Zhigang deserved sympathy. He must be too eager to do what the captain ordered, so That's why he was desperately trying to embarrass himself, and forced that Lin Yue into a corner—wasn't he dancing? He really jumped now, then you should fulfill your promise and say something.

So is this stupid, straightforward, or pure-hearted?

She is not clear about this question, but what is certain is that the situation cannot be allowed to continue to escalate. Wang Lei no longer delays, and said to the three policemen with a dark face: "You follow me."

What he was most worried about was not that Zhao Zhigang would make a fool of himself, but what he was most worried about was that Zhao Zhigang danced for a long time, and finally found out that he was being tricked, whether he could not control his emotions and killed the impostor, no, even if it was just a beating, there would be trouble of.

Zhou Qian saw that Wang Lei was gone, and followed behind to leave the monitoring room.

At the same time, Lin Yue, who was sitting in a wheelchair, raised his mouth slightly and stretched out his hands to pat him.

slap~ slap~ slap~

The non-commissioned officer over there who was struggling with the anti-human design in some parts of the exoskeleton stopped.

At this time, the door of the interrogation room opened from the outside, and Wang Lei and Zhou Qian walked into the room with three policemen.

"Captain, why are you here?"

Zhao Zhigang asked subconsciously, he didn't think he did something wrong, but felt that he had made a great sacrifice for the mission goal.

Wang Lei did not answer this question, but stared at the fake Lin Yue in the wheelchair with piercing eyes.

"Speaking responsibly, MJ's crotch digging action is pretty cool. You, I can only think of the word 'obscene'." Lin Yue ignored Wang Lei and Zhou Qian's black faces, and joked.

"You bastard." Zhao Zhigang walked in front of him and punched the armrest of the wheelchair: "Tell me, what happened in the steam turbine room."

Lin Yue said cheerfully, "I don't know."

Zhao Zhigang grabbed him by the collar: "Bastard, you're kidding me."

"I don't."

No one believed this, including the three policemen, but as far as Lin Yue was concerned, he really didn't know what happened in the steam turbine room.

"I'm talking about when you're done dancing, I'll tell you all I know, and all I know is that I have no idea what happened."


Gangzi was furious and beat people up.

"Gangzi, calm down!" Wang Lei stopped him in time.

"Captain, don't stop me, I must kill him."

The exoskeleton collided with the exoskeleton and made a crackling sound, which showed how angry Zhao Zhigang was.

Lin Yue didn't accept it as soon as he saw it, and sneered: "Whether you can kill me is still unknown, but your social death will definitely come true."

Zhao Zhigang was stopped by Wang Lei, and Zhou Qian was not stopped. Enraged by his satirical words about Zhao Zhigang, she stretched her hand to her waist and pulled out the gun. Just when she was about to point at the dishonest guy who entered the interrogation room, Ben The wheelchair that was supposed to stop bumped into her all of a sudden, and then her eyes blurred, her elbow joint hurt unbearably, and the moment she came back to her senses, she found that the gun was aimed at her own face.

"I hate being threatened the most."

An unarmed guy actually restrained a soldier wearing an exoskeleton armor? Even if she was a medical officer, that would be embarrassing enough. She planned to activate the power assist system of the exoskeleton to fight back, but found that the fault indicator light on her chest kept flashing, and her legs seemed to be filled with lead, and she could not move.

So the things that fight and survive become the iron cages that lock themselves up.

"Damn it, at this moment..."

Lin Yue opened her fingers, took out the gun, and turned his face to see that the three policemen and Wang Lei looked like they were on the verge of a formidable enemy, which felt quite ridiculous.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just not used to people pointing guns at me."

After speaking, he dropped the gun on the ground.

Zhou Qian looked at the gun that fell on the ground, and was so anxious that she kept struggling in the out-of-control exoskeleton armor, because it made her feel humiliated.

Lin Yue was not in the mood to pay attention to her, and moved his wheelchair towards the three policemen... er, colleagues.

"I said long ago that you have exceeded your authority, so why make such a fuss?"

"Captain, don't pull me, I want to kill him, I must kill him." Gangzi moved desperately, and Wang Lei held his subordinates tightly.

Of course, he also wanted to teach this extremely arrogant guy a lesson, but the actual situation is like this——in order to prove that it was a crime of the rebels trying to destroy the steam turbine, it was inappropriate for them to bring people to the barracks before the police took over regulation.

"Come on, I'm almost suffocated."

Lin Yue was pushed away by a colleague.

Speaking of which, his impression of Wang Lei and Zhou Qian is not good. This is not only because of being threatened and pointed at with a gun just now, but also because of the plot of the movie. Originally, Liu Qi did not have the task of saving the planetary engine. , Han Ziang and others, it was Wang Lei who forcibly confiscated their vehicles, so it’s okay to confiscate them, and it’s okay to put people in shelters, but what did they do? One step at a time, the arms can't twist the thighs, admit it, but when we arrived at the ruins of the SH building, a plot was cut out, that is, when Han Ziang and Huoshi were in parallel positions, Wang Lei and others chose to pull Huoshi, and finally Huoshi went up, Han Ziang That's why Han Duoduo wanted to kill Wang Lei to avenge her grandfather after she was saved.

From the standpoint of a bystander, some people may feel that it is worth the price to save the planetary engine. However, if a similar thing happened to them, and the one who died was their own flesh and blood, would they be able to accept it calmly?

What's more, the first thing Zhou Qian did after getting on the truck was to break Liu Qi's self-made mechanical arm, forcefully pull other strong men, complain a few words and have her personal belongings destroyed, tsk tsk... Although the movie is only 2 hours long, There is no detailed description of the living conditions of the dungeon, but judging from the setting that all materials are allocated on demand and money is no longer in circulation, it is absolutely impossible to save a robotic arm than to buy a 30-series nuclear bomb-grade graphics card in 2021.

"That's right." Lin Yue stopped the policeman with a rose nose behind him just before leaving the interrogation room: "What's the number today?"

"Are you confused? Can you not remember this? October 22, 2074."


The Spring Festival in 2075 is still more than three months away.

Lin Yue nodded: "I am a person who has always been soft-spoken and soft-hearted. Captain Wang, I advise you to transfer your wife and children to another dungeon."

"Are you threatening me?" Wang Lei's face was quite ugly, thinking that Lin Yue's mention of his wife and children at this time meant revenge.


Lin Yue pouted, flirted with the policeman behind him, and let him push him away from the interrogation room.

Coming out of the barracks, the rose-nosed policeman helped him into a police car and sat down on the seat next to him: "You guy, just those two things just now, in case you annoy them and make things worse, we want to It's hard to catch you."

It can be seen that the rose-nosed policeman has a good relationship with the original owner of this body.

"thank you."

"Lin Yue, tell me, what happened to the steam turbine room? Did you really kill Lao Sang and Huang Dawu?"

At this time, the policeman who was sitting in the front co-pilot glared at Rose: "Dahua, why did I make an agreement with you before I came here?"


Dahua looked aggrieved, but still chose to accept the warning and turned away from talking to Lin Yue.

That's right, he is now a criminal suspect, and this kind of behavior is not allowed, not to mention that Dahua is still a policeman handling the case.

Lin Yue was also happy that they didn't talk to him, because he really didn't know anything, and even when he fell to Santron's death, he acted on his survival instinct.

By the way, there is one more important thing to do.

Looking at the scenery flying back outside the window, his mood gradually calmed down, and he suddenly remembered that he still didn't know the mission content of "The Wandering Earth".

Thank you for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by Emperor Wuyan, the 500 starting coins rewarded by your brother Z in the society, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by Su Chao SUPER, Caslandis, and book friends with the tail number 5277.

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