Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1701 Became everyone's favorite sweet pastry

There are more than 10,000 planetary engines in the world. Below the planetary engines is an underground city. When human beings live on the ground, high-polluting enterprises such as chemical factories, pharmaceutical factories, power plants, and smelters must stay away from residential areas, and closed environments like underground Naturally, it should be far away from the core area of ​​the dungeon, so in order to protect the safety of the dungeon, there will be several small satellite cities around the dungeon with a population of one million or tens of millions to supply energy and various industrial products for the dungeon. Only light industrial units and service institutions with low pollution and low energy consumption will be placed in the underground city.

This is also the reason why Lin Yue was taken away by the federal military after the homicide in the steam turbine room. After all, the energy center provides electricity to the underground city and is the primary target of infiltration by the rebels. It is normal for the federal military to station troops there.

The location where the police car crashed was located in the middle of the tunnel connecting the satellite city to the underground city. Because the staff can go back and forth in normal times, and there is basically no traffic during non-working hours, the rollover of the police car did not cause a chain accident.

Dahua and the other two policemen passed out due to the violent impact. Lin Yue's reaction was naturally very comparable. Although he suffered a lot from the injury to his right leg, he was still conscious and able to move his body.

He pushed Dahua who was next to him away, and then unfastened his seat belt. Because of the accident, the police car overturned, and he fell from the seat to the roof. The injury to his right leg became more serious, and the back of his head also fainted Pained, but he made no sound.

It has nothing to do with the fact that a man needs to be strong, the reason is that at the moment he fell off the roof of the car, he saw several people in protective suits with weapons coming out from the emergency door at the front side, unlike the transparent masks in the movie, The masks of these people are painted in gold, and they should be able to observe the outside from the inside, and cannot observe the style inside from the outside.

Lin Yue suddenly understood that the police car was not in an accident, but was punctured by these people, and the car lost control and hit the tunnel wall.

People from the Federal Army?

Wouldn't their reaction be so fast? Look at it like this, it seems that the police car will pass by here just now and ambushes halfway.

So the question is, what is the purpose of these people?

Simply having trouble with the police in the HZ dungeon? Or……

Seeing that those people were getting closer, he didn't act rashly, because his leg was injured, and if there was a conflict at a medium or long distance, it would most likely become a living target. If he wanted to resist, he could only use short-range combat techniques. There were five people on the other side. If you grit your teeth, you should be able to get rid of them all.

"Boss, they are all passed out."

"Which one is Lin Yue?"

"He's not dead, is he?"

"I see, the two of you go over and rescue the man, don't hesitate, hurry up."


The Type III Blackfly drone monitored the radio communication of the five people on the opposite side. Lin Yue was a little speechless when he heard the above.

First came the federal military, followed by the HZ underground city police station, and finally five masked attackers.

What do you think of him this time around? Tang Seng? Or Tang Seng in a chaotic script like Western Heaven Monster Fight?

Three of the five masked men went around to the front of the police car, but they did not shoot Dahua and others who had passed out. The other two dragged him out of the police car who was pretending to be unconscious.


One of them carried him on his shoulder, winked at the others, and ran quickly to the emergency door.

After the three people in front were responsible for the break, they walked about ten meters away. Seeing that Dahua and the others were not moving, they turned around and sped up to escape from the battlefield.

Are these people rebels?

Could it be that he is really a rebel?

He asked himself again.

The burly man carrying him below didn't have so many thoughts. After entering the emergency door, he walked through a corridor and went up a few more stairs to a long-abandoned emergency elevator. The four people behind him came and walked in together.

The leader aimed at the up button and hit the up button, and the car rattled twice and began to go up.

At this time, the person who was carrying Lin Yue put him down and patted his face with his hand: "Hey, wake up, you are Lin Yue, right? Wake up..."

Knowing that now is not the time to think about problems, Lin Yue shook his head, pretending to have just woken up, and looked at the few people opposite him blankly.

"who are you?"

"We're here to save you." The man took the protective suit from his companion and stuffed it into his hand: "We'll be on the ground soon, put on the protective suit first, and wait until it's safe to say anything."


Lin Yue agreed sullenly, and quickly put on the protective clothing with the help of two masked men, and also put on the same mask as them.

At this time, the lift of the car slowed down. When the reading on the electronic display screen in the upper right corner showed "reached the ground", the warning light began to rotate and emit a dazzling red light. The next breath, as the car door opened, a A gust of wind with ice slag poured in from outside.

The small computer on the right arm of the protective suit shows a reading of "minus 95 degrees Celsius", which is lower than the temperature outside the BJ3 underground city in the movie.

"Let's go, let's go."

There are two people in exoskeleton armor outside who are in charge of responding.

Lin Yue had a leg injury and couldn't run fast. One of the men wearing exoskeleton armor had to carry him on his shoulders and run wildly. He walked about 100 meters in the icy wind and snow with low visibility, and got into a modified car. Passed armored car compartment.

When the carriage door closed, the attackers took off their masks and let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that they were also quite nervous.

The vehicle began to shake, and the huge tires rolled over the ice, and quickly went away with a rattling sound.

The rebels also have armored vehicles?

And this armored vehicle...

The scan data of "All-Seeing Eye" shows that the car's shell has been specially processed and cannot be tracked by thermal imaging equipment. The probability is basically 0.

"Are you... the Rebels?"

After asking this sentence, Lin Yue regretted it. Who would say that he is a rebel? Throughout the ages, no matter how brutal and barbaric the rebels were, they would never call themselves rebels or rebels.

The person who carried him up just now glanced at the leader who was holding a tablet computer and looking at the navigation map, and said jokingly: "We are not the rebels, we are mercenaries."

Why did even the mercenaries come out?

Is this really the world of "The Wandering Earth"?

"Mercenaries? Who hired you to save me?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

This time speaking it was the leader of the mercenaries, a man who had replaced his left arm with an exoskeleton prosthesis.

After answering, he and his subordinates stopped talking.

Lin Yue was very speechless. Seeing that these people kept a distance from him, he didn't bother to put his face on his cold ass, and just stayed there with the idea of ​​being at ease when he came.

It's better to be rescued by these people than to be involved in the situation. Even if Dahua and others are willing to protect him, they can't change the fact that he killed Santron. The key is that he doesn't know what happened in the steam turbine room.

Taking a step back, if I am really the one who caused trouble, and these mercenaries rescued me from the police car instead of killing people to silence them, it means that I am very important to the boss of the mercenaries. Of course, there may be forces behind me. The fine tradition of "don't abandon, don't give up".

The mercenary leader said he would know soon, but he said it took two and a half hours.

Not long after the armored vehicle entered the North China Plain, Lin Yue was transferred to a heavy truck transporting ore, and the group of mercenaries turned around and walked away.

As the temperature in the cockpit rose, he took off his mask. At this time, the co-pilot turned his head and saw the face that could be described as "kindly". It was the brother who helped Liu Qi get the identification card in the movie.

"You were the one who hired those people to get me out?"

"That's right, it's me."

"Why did you save me?"

"Why should I save you, don't you know?"

Lin Yue turned his head and pointed to the gauze on the back of his head: "The doctor said he had a severe concussion, and I don't remember anything about it before."

Obviously, this kind of development was beyond Qian Heyi's expectation. He frowned deeply and muttered to himself, "I don't remember? How could it be like this..."

"Who am I?"

Lin Yue walked to the place where he was close to the co-pilot and sat down, looking at Qian Heyi without blinking.

"who are you?"

Qian Heyi tapped the seat lightly with his hand, pondered for about half a minute, finally made a decision, and said solemnly: "You are our partner."

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