Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1710 Are you a teacher?


The sound of the wind entered my ears, and the whiteness faded away.

His eyesight and hearing gradually returned to normal, and he began to feel the existence of his body. Except for a little dizziness, he could already control his hands, feet and thinking.

"No, Teacher Li, my nephew is really good at studying. Last year, his comprehensive score was in the top 15 out of 156. It shouldn't be a problem for him to enter the sprint class, right?"

"Mr. Qiao, you must know how high the No. 156 High School ranks in the city. Our Chunfeng Middle School is different. According to the ranking of the college entrance examination results in previous years, it is not as good as the old famous schools like No. 2 Middle School, No. 4 Middle School, and the Primary School Attached to Normal University. It is absolutely no problem to compete with schools like Eleventh Middle School, Fifteenth Middle School, and Guangqumen Middle School. To be honest, with your nephew's grades, it is a bit difficult to get into our sprint class, and you see , he is repeating his studies, and his results in the college entrance examination this year are not satisfactory."

"Ms. Li, Lin Yue's unsatisfactory results in the college entrance examination this year are all due to family accidents. Believe me, he will definitely be able to perform normally next year, enter a good school, and win glory for our Chunfeng Middle School."


This voice is Qiao Weidong? The million-dollar investor who turned his back on the grass in the TV series?

And this Teacher Li, he opened his eyes, and when the slack light outlined a face that seemed to be insomnia all year round, that's right, it was Li Meng, the business top of Chunfeng Middle School, a woman who dared to hate even the principal. .

In fact, there are not only Li Meng and Qiao Weidong in the room. Behind the desk with two small red flags sits Principal Huang from Chunfeng Middle School. Flipping through a book, I am not very interested in the conversation here.

Li Meng is a math teacher, and Chen Qi is also a math teacher. The so-called peers are enemies, and the so-called literature is not the first and military is not the second. Qiao Weidong is all about putting himself in the class led by Li Meng. Of course, Chen Qi is not happy, and the content of the conversation between the two parties Look, now that Chunfeng Middle School has finished classifying, in the TV series Li Meng and Chen Qi had conflicts because of the problem of class classifying, and the latter repulsed the former, so it's no wonder that the relationship is good.

Hey, by the way, Qiao Weidong called him his nephew?

Why is the identity set as his nephew? And it's not right, Qiao Weidong's surname is Qiao, his surname is Lin, what kind of relative are these?

Thinking of this, it seems to be in response to his question, the brain is slightly dizzy, and a flow of information about the identity setting appears.

Lin Yue, 19 years old, lives in Xicheng District. His parents divorced when he was 8 years old. His mother left Guangzhou and has lived with his father since then. During this period, her mother has never come back to see him. When she was in junior high school, she learned that she married a Guangzhou native and had a baby. The second son, until the spring of this year, his father passed away unexpectedly. Affected by this bad news, his mentality collapsed. In the end, he did very poorly in the college entrance examination, and his grades were barely enough to get into the previous three colleges. Grandparents persuaded him for a long time, He agreed to repeat for another year.

As for the relationship with Qiao Weidong...

His father, Lin Aihua, and Qiao Weidong are very good friends. Qiao Weidong lost a lot of money when he invested in investments. If his father had not obtained a life-saving money for Qiao Weidong as a guarantor at the critical moment, he would not be worth thousands of dollars today. Wan's Mr. Joe is gone.

Next, he confirmed the task setting.

Main task: Be an unruly teenager.

Side mission: Men should be self-improvement.

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Task time limit: 2018-2019.

Unruly boy? Lin Yuexin said that he will be 19 years old in one month, well, he is 18 years old now, so he is also an adult, young girl? The system is too two.

There is also the side quest "A man should be self-improvement", does it mean to let himself help Qiao Weidong and Fang Yuan to improve themselves? For the former, there is still some hope, but for the latter, it is difficult, it is difficult to go to the blue sky.

"Ms. Li, just take pity on me. Can you make it? Lin Yue really did his best because of his father's accidental death. He didn't get into the school he wanted. I believe that with the strength of the teachers in Chunfeng Middle School, as long as he is given a chance, next year he will be able to do his best. It is 100% no problem to pass the first line of the college entrance examination."

Qiao Weidong was almost begging, and Lin Yue couldn't stand the pitiful look.

This guy worked really hard for him to enter the sprint class. It seemed that he wanted to... No, no, there are probably some little ones who are not familiar to outsiders.

Spring Breeze Middle School senior three sprint class? Isn't Qiao Yingzi, Qiao Weidong's daughter, in the sprint class? Judging from the performance of this daughter slave in the TV series, it is very likely that she is so concerned about her own affairs because she wants to be his eyeliner.

"Mr. Qiao, since Lin Yue didn't perform well because of what happened to his father, I don't think he should be allowed to enter the sprint class. Our Chunfeng Middle School has three levels: basic class, parallel class, and sprint class. After each mock exam Afterwards, the teachers will have a comprehensive evaluation of the grades. Students in the basic class can advance to the parallel class if they make great progress. Students in the parallel class can also enter the sprint class after reaching the standard. Arrange Lin Yue into the sprint class. If he hasn't recovered from the blow of his father's death and his grades are not up to standard and his grades are downgraded, won't he feel even more uncomfortable? And the students of No. 156 middle school... Anyway, I still think he should go to Teacher Chen It is best to study in parallel classes.”

This narration sounds reasonable, but Lin Yue can hear the subtext of the last sentence.

That is to say, Chunfeng Middle School is better than No. 156, and the top fifteen students in No. 156 are not even as good as the top thirty students in Chunfeng Middle School.

"Teacher Li……"

"Mr. Qiao, I'm doing this for his own good."

Well, for his own good, at the first senior high school group meeting at the beginning of school, Li Meng took the report card and bluntly said that it was Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang who dragged down the average score of the entire grade, and suggested that they should sit in class, this woman Well... It seems that she cares about the students very much, but the utilitarianism in her heart cannot be hidden. Lin Yue thinks that she is very suitable to go to a school like Hengshui No. 2 Middle School. He simply recruits top students from all over the country, so that there will be no poor students. .

Teaching and educating people, teaching and educating people, she only teaches and neglects educating people. This can be seen from the scene where the principal talked to her alone.

Of course, the third year of senior high school is very special, and it is understandable to be utilitarian, but Lin Yue just can't understand how she despises repeat students and despises the appearance of 156 middle school, which is his alma mater anyway.

"Teacher Li Meng, I want to ask you two questions."

"What's the problem, you say?"

No one present expected him to have such a reaction, and even Chen Qi put down his book to read it.

"Why do you want to be a teacher?"

"Teaching and educating people."

"Then why do you insist on being the head teacher of the sprint class instead of the basic class?"

Li Meng glanced at Pan Shuai: "I know what you want to express. Our Spring Breeze Middle School, whether it is the basic class, the parallel class, or the sprint class, the teachers are all about the same, and the basic class is also very good."

"Then since they are almost the same, you can change it with Teacher Pan." In Lin Yue's view, this is a lie.

Li Meng frowned: "This is the school's decision."

"Do you think I don't know what kind of character Mr. Pan is? People say that he is good at getting along with students. In other words, he is more lazy and lax in urging students to learn than you. If you really want to As a teacher whose ultimate goal is teaching and educating people, shouldn’t you help those students who have no hope of studying for undergraduates, so that they have the opportunity to receive higher education? What do you do when you run to lead a sprint class? The student base in the sprint class Well, they have high IQs, and most of them work very hard. Even without your supervision, they can still get good grades in the college entrance examination. What about them? Because the more people who are admitted to Tsinghua University, Peking University and Fudan University, the more your vanity will be satisfied, and the more proud you will be, right? In this way, you are a teaching machine, please don’t hang up such noble words of educating people On the lips, this kind of hypocrisy is really ugly."

Qiao Weidong was dumbfounded, his mouth was open, his eyes were wide open, and his fists were clenched.

On the first day of the transfer, even the class was not confirmed, so Lin Yue hated the head teacher of the sprint class.

Yes, he knew that there were some differences in personality between children from single-parent families and those who grew up in two-parent families, but this was too much.

Li Meng was so angry that her face was frosty. This was the first time she was called hypocritical by a student. The last time Fang Yifan gave her a turtle as a birthday present, she was never as angry as she is now.

At this time, the principal sitting behind the desk spoke: "Is this the way you talk to the teacher?"

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