Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1721 I’m here to pick peaches (Part 2)

Lin Yue stopped playing the promotional video with a passionate melody on the big screen and replaced it with a slideshow.

"I have said a lot of good things and sung a lot of praises. Now let's talk about some shortcomings. Our launch vehicle and satellite technology are good, but we still have a long way to go compared with the United States and Russia in deep space exploration. Even India has launched Mars probes, and our Chang'e-2 also glanced at near-Earth asteroids. The same is true for giant rockets. The monuments of the US Saturn 5, space shuttle, and Russia's energy giants cannot be surpassed in the near future. In terms of commercialization, our number of spacecraft launches is less than that of Russia, but more than that of the United States. However, most of these activities are cheap goods supplied to third world countries, and friendly transactions. Although Russia has recently declined, the reputation of the alliance is still there. In recent years, the United States' SpaceX has sprung up suddenly. Generally speaking, our aerospace technology is good in the second echelon, but it is still inferior to that of the United States and Russia. In addition, Japan and the European Space Agency are technologically advanced. Not much less than us.”

As a supplement to these few sentences, the large-screen slide shows the data published by groups of authoritative institutions.

"The reason why I say this is that the point I want to express is that fully understanding the gap with the established aviation powers is not to create a heart to catch up with Russia's super beauty, but to be able to look at your own shortcomings objectively and rationally. The most important thing in scientific research work is to take one step at a time, walk steadily, and stand steadily. We often say that learning from barbarians can control barbarians. This sentence can be said to be well-known and far-reaching. ,Learning skills from barbarians is the process, learning barbarians is the result, obviously, the latter is more important. I don't fully agree with this view, because like many outdated ideas, it has historical limitations. It is true to learn from history, but also Fully realize that history is constantly developing, and modern problems may be solved with half the effort with ancient ideas and methods. More than a hundred years ago, European countries such as Britain, France and Germany were able to open the door of the Qing government with strong ships and cannons. Now? Any Conflicts will bring about the consequences of killing one thousand enemies and harming eight hundred. Take computers that everyone is familiar with. The most important processor architecture is customized by the United States. South Korea’s Samsung has a market share of more than 40% of the flash memory particles. Most of the panels use Japanese technology. TSMC is the world's largest wafer manufacturer. However, if there is no Dutch lithography machine, it will be difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Therefore, an important technological product in this era is a technology related to the entire industry chain. The result of progressing together, just as it is difficult for a good student to be the first in all subjects, if you always work behind closed doors, thinking about sudden emergence and defeating all potential opponents, then the most likely situation will be to be abandoned by the ever-changing tide of technology, even' The king of science can't do it. So if everyone here can enter a research institution and become a scientific researcher one day, then a clear mind, a correct scientific outlook, a superior structure and a firm original intention to benefit mankind are far better than mine. How much knowledge and what kind of experience you have is more precious.”


After a brief silence, there was warm applause. A few elementary school students under the age of ten in the front row couldn't understand what he was talking about, but seeing the big brothers and sisters behind him applauding, they also clapped their hands vigorously to applaud this narration.

For the students of international schools, let’s not talk about whether the reasoning is good or not. This fluent foreign language makes them surprised and shocked. They think that the boy on the podium in front of him is really a student of an ordinary high school, not a foreign student. An international student who has lived for many years and "exported to domestic sales"?

Liu Jing and the female staff were also whispering.

"Sister Liu, this... doesn't seem to be the content of the speech he submitted."

Liu Jing said: "I think the speech is very good. Both the English level and the ideological consciousness are very high. He is a very outstanding young man."

In her impression, high school students of this age seldom think about things beyond textbooks and reference books. Judging from the content of the speech just now, this student named Lin Yue is by no means the kind of dead-reading student. Book people are mature and stable beyond their age.

Looking at the thoughtful audience again, she said with a smile, "It's a pity... If it's not a senior high school graduate, maybe I can ask him to help me with some content advice."

When Liu Jing was amazed by Lin Yue's excellence, Qiao Yingzi received an email, the attachment was a scene of Lin Yue's speech on stage, and was immediately surprised by the more professional-sounding data and analysis, as well as ideological things in it. For an astronomy enthusiast, better oral English ability is just an embellishment.

Is he really the top fifteen out of 156? This spoken language... I'm afraid it will be the first in the school, right?

One must know that Chunfeng Middle School ranked more than a dozen places higher than No. 156, and she, Qiao Yingzi, was recognized as a top student in Chunfeng Middle School. She thought she was qualified to make such a judgment.

And... this guy is also an astronomy enthusiast, right?

As long as you have a good memory and a high level of English, it is not difficult to speak the content of the speech fluently. The key is that Lin Yue's speech contains a lot of things that are beyond the speech script and even she doesn't know. accept.

He can play the saxophone; he is good at drawing; he is proficient in English; he is an astronomy enthusiast +1; he is against the teacher and competing with his classmates; being distracted by these things, he can still get the top 15 ranking in the 156 middle school? What are you kidding?


The door of the room opened suddenly, and Song Qian walked in from the outside. She was so frightened that she quickly switched to the page of mathematics lectures for the third year of high school.


"Mom made you a fruit salad, come out and eat."


Qiao Yingzi adjusted his mood and stood up, followed Song Qian to the restaurant.

"Yingzi, are you complaining about Mom in your heart?"

Obviously, she noticed Qiao Yingzi's small movements and thought that her daughter was watching the online live broadcast of the planetarium, but she didn't expose it on the spot, and chose to express her thoughts tactfully.


"Yingzi, you should trust mom in this matter, after all mom is also a teacher..."

"By the way, Mom." Qiao Yingzi interrupted her speech suddenly: "What did that Lin Yue do to make you hate him so much?"

Song Qian brought the mixed fruit salad to the table, and handed over a clean fork: "Didn't Qiao Weidong tell you?"

Qiao Yingzi shook his head.

Song Qian said, "You don't know how damaged that kid's mouth is."

Qiao Yingzi shook his head again: "Mom, I know this."

"You know?" Song Qian was taken aback.

"I heard that he offended our homeroom teacher Li Meng the day he went through the transfer process, and the principal also made him unable to get off the stage. Just two days ago, he played tricks on the basic class teacher Pan Shuipan."

"Oh, it's so rude in front of the teacher." Song Qian sat down opposite her: "Let me just say, this kind of person is still a good student in No. 156 Middle School? It would be strange if he can get into college."

"Mom, what did he say about you?"

"She said Mom..." Song Qian didn't continue, took out a piece of paper and handed it over, motioning Qiao Yingzi to wipe the salad dressing on the corner of her mouth: "Why do you care about him so much? Mom doesn't want to mention him."

"I don't want to know more. Last time I had dinner, my dad said...that you blamed him wrongly."

Sure enough, Song Qian became angry when she heard this: "Did you blame him? Do you know what he calls your mother? A hag, and Auntie Tong, a tigress. Listen, is this the way to talk to elders? Not at all." Upbringing, Qiao Weidong... and his father are almost the same thing."

"Yes, yes, it's rude to talk like that."

Qiao Yingzi criticized Lin Yue with his mouth, but what he really thought in his heart was a bit complicated and even weirder.

He scolded Tong Wenjie as a tigress and Song Qian's mother-in-law. His words were harsh, but they were absolutely right.

Qiao Yingzi didn't know what was wrong with her. Fang Yifan probably wanted to take revenge on Lin Yue after he found out about it. Why did he understand and agree with her when he came to her?

"Mom, can I go to my dad tomorrow?"

Thinking of what happened just now, Song Qian frowned and tapped her fingers on the table.

Qiao Yingzi said: "It's our classmate, Ji Yangyang, the son of District Chief Ji who rents our house. He has a go-kart race on Sunday. I want to go and cheer for him."

Song Qian thought for a while and said, "All right."

That's the kind of person she is. Qiao Yingzi has figured this out a long time ago.

All the cheering for Ji Yangyang was fake. Lin Yueming knew that Fang Yifan was playing tricks on him and wanted to compete with Ji Yangyang, an amateur + level karting driver. What was he thinking? I asked him before and didn't get a response, so I had to go to the scene to verify.

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