Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1724 Of course the family must be tidy (two in one)

Pan Shuai is the Chinese teacher of Chunfeng Middle School. He has taught Ji Yangyang and Fang Yifan for more than two years. There are not many people in the class. Of course he can recognize the handwriting of his students. to what happened.

Noticing the change in his expression, he muttered a few words to his colleagues, and said with a serious face: "Do you know something?"

"This... seems to be the handwriting of another student in the class."

Pan Shuai didn't hide his discovery, because the incident had reached such a level that even the police were alarmed, so he had to find out the ins and outs and explain it to all parties. He didn't dare to cover up Fang Yifan.

It turned out that it was Lin Yue and Ji Yangyang's classmates who picked the trouble, which was in line with the logic of the case, and said in a straight line: "Can you contact the person who wrote the note?"

"Let me try."

Pan Shuai went to the side to call Fang Yifan, but no one answered the ring for a long time, so he had no choice but to call Tong Wenjie.

half an hour later.

People are coming.

Not only Tong Wenjie and Fang Yuan were present, but Fang Yifan's grandparents and Lin Lei'er also followed.

"Teacher Pan, what is going on?"

When Tong Wenjie saw the two policemen at the desk in front of him taking notes for Lin Yue, he felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Where's Fang Yifan? Didn't he come with you?"

"I called him just now, and he said that it is in the nearby video game city, and he will be there soon."

When Pan Shuai heard this, he knew that Fang Yifan was scared when he saw the police intervening. Now that his parents and grandparents had come to the karting track, he had the courage to show up.

"Is such that……"

He recounted what had just happened.

"Huh? Someone was injured? Is the injury serious?" Fang Yuan didn't expect that the situation was so serious that someone was sent to the hospital.

"The initial diagnosis was a broken arm and a fractured coccyx."

"This Fang Yifan, if he doesn't get into trouble every ten and a half months, he's not him." On the first day of school, Fang Yifan had a fight with Ji Yangyang, and even scratched the paint on the Ferrari because the latter made a mistake. Earlier, he was also a classmate, so he didn't ask Fang's family to compensate him. It's only been a few days now? Is there a month? This incident happened again, but Tong Wenjie also knew that her son was trying to vent her anger and wanted to teach that cheap-mouthed bastard a lesson. From her point of view, Fang Yifan could do nothing more than the students from this school to the transfer students. In any case, she never thought that there would be such a big trouble--if she could maintain a quality side before, then after this incident, she could no longer remain calm, because Fang Yuan told her that Fang Yifan His behavior violated the law. If the injured are investigated, they will be jointly and severally liable. It is relatively light to pay a little money. Maybe they have to go in and stay for a few days. This will bring down the case and affect the child for a lifetime.

"Aunt Tong." Qiao Yingzi called weakly.

"Yingzi, you're here too."

It was only then that Tong Wenjie noticed Qiao Weidong and Qiao Yingzi sitting on the bench. Thinking about it seriously, this is normal. From a life perspective, Qiao Weidong is half of Lin Yue's guardian. It is normal to come to cheer for his nephew. Operation, what puzzled her was Qiao Yingzi, why did she come here to join in the fun, didn't she know that Song Qian disliked that mean-spirited little bastard.

"Yeah." Qiao Yingzi nodded, and then fell silent.

She knew what little tricks Lin Yue had made, and also knew that he was deliberately making things big, but what could she do? First, Lin Yue was promised to keep it a secret; second, Fang Yifan was her younger brother, and Lin Yue was Qiao Weidong's nephew, and he was the kind who owed his father his life. If he sold it to him, what would her father do? Be a human being; thirdly, in the final analysis, Fang Yifan was at fault first. If Fang Yifan didn't do this, how could Lin Yue take advantage of it?

"Fang Yifan!"

At this time, Fang Yuan's angry shout stirred up the atmosphere in the room, and everyone turned their faces to look, only to see Fang Yifan walking over timidly.

"I said why didn't you even participate in such a big event as moving, Fang Yifan, you are really my good son." Tong Wenjie reached out to pull his ear.

"It hurts, mom, take it easy."

Later, the grandparents couldn't hold it anymore, so they quickly persuaded the daughter-in-law's assistant.

"You know it hurts too? Why don't you think about the consequences when you get into trouble."

"I thought it was just a game, how could I know it would be..."

"What do you think? There are many things that you think will have good results."

"Mr. Fang, Ms. Tong, let's put it aside for educating the children. Now we should discuss how to minimize the loss."

At this moment, Pan Shuai interrupted the Fang family's conversation and brought Liu Zheng and Qiao Weidong over.

The three parties exchanged views on this matter. Liu Zheng worried that this incident would have a negative impact on Ji Yangyang and the karting field. After all, someone took pictures of the staff hitting Lin Yue's head with a wrench, but was countered by one move. To say that it was just a broken bone, even if he died on the head, it was still within the scope of self-defense for Lin Yue, and the staff of the karting field stood up for him and beat up a senior high school student. Generally speaking, it tends to turn major events into small ones.

Qiao Weidong also had the same idea. After all, Lin Yue was not injured at all. He knew better that this nephew was definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. In the past, he just thought that the child had a poisonous mouth and extreme behavior. It may be directly related to the fact that he was born in a single-parent family and his father died unexpectedly. Looking at it now Come... If you want to talk about scheming, it's also the master of the first class.

The Fang family was eager to deal with it like this. After all, if they really wanted to go to court, Fang Yifan, as the instigator, would definitely be expelled from the school.

"Xiao Liu, you must appease the employees. In this way, the medical expenses and lost wages will be counted on us." Fang Yifan's grandparents are very clear-headed, knowing that what they need to do now is to save money and avoid disasters.

Liu Zheng wanted to say no, he paid the money, and if it wasn't for helping him and Ji Yangyang get ahead, those two people wouldn't have given Lin Yueqian to the hospital.

Who knew that Tong Wenjie saw Lin Yue come out of the room after finishing the notes, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, and couldn't help but said, "No, why should he beat someone up and ask us to pay for it alone."

"Wen Jie, Wen Jie..."

"Fangyuan, what are you pulling me for? Didn't you hear from your son that he didn't write the words 'West City Orphan' at all?"

Well, this is very Dong Wenjie.

Lin Yue walked up to the crowd and smiled slightly, took out his mobile phone and shook it in front of them: "This is a video sent to me by my classmate in No. 156 High School."

As he turned up the volume to the maximum, Fang Yifan's voice came from inside.

"Sisters, veterans, welcome to my live broadcast room. I will shoot a super awesome video for you today. Did you see the two karts speeding on the field? One is the rich second generation who dared to snatch my goddess, and the other He was a repeat student who spoke ill of my mother, I heard that he was still an orphan, the handsome guy who was supposed to be Wu Yifan from Chunfeng Middle School, just used some tricks to make them turn against each other."

"You ask me what I'm doing? Watching the fight between snipe and clam on the wall, but to be honest, I just thought they would be fooled at the time, but I didn't expect them to be fooled. Fans, praise me, I am a genius, a prophet , planning a strategy to win thousands of miles long as it sounds good, I like it."

"You ask me who I prefer? Whoever wins is fine, anyway, they are just pawns in my uncle's hands, but in comparison, the one who loses is worse, wow ha ha ha ha."

"See through? So what if I see through, I just wrote down the time and address, and didn't say anything about the competition. They came to me and said that I wanted to compete with them in the entertainment city opposite, but the karting track is more famous. I just used it as a meeting place, but they got it wrong, and the two of them hit it off, so it's none of my business."

"How? I'm smart, so don't call me a scumbag. Let me tell you, I just don't want to learn. As long as I work hard, Tsinghua University, Peking University, MIT, Cambridge, etc., then Like the concubines of ancient emperors, they are all waiting for my blessing."

"Hey, that's not bad. The repeat students actually surpassed the rich second generation. Look, it's just the number 35. No wonder he dares to fight. He came prepared."

"Ha, the rich second generation can't afford to beat someone. I think the goddess will be very disappointed when she sees this scene. It must be filmed."

"Fans, the situation is not good. I have to withdraw. I will broadcast live to you after the limelight passes."

This is the end of the video.

Lin Yue sneered and said, "Turn a major event into a minor one? Without my consent, do you think it will work? Tong Wenjie, just based on this, if I don't get Fang Yifan to be raped by human flesh and Internet violence, let Fang Yifan If the chickens and dogs are restless, my surname is not Lin."

He had calculated a lot of things, but he hadn't calculated that Fang Yifan would broadcast the karting race live. Thinking about it seriously, it was in line with his personality. From the live broadcast at the beginning of the TV series to his enthusiasm for the art test later, This guy's desire to be famous can be seen, and now he thinks that a show operation has come, and he has put his love rival and the person who offended his mother together, how can he not be full of enthusiasm? How could it be possible not to share happiness with fans and show off their achievements? A go-kart race, what consequences can it have.

Regrettably, Fang Yifan did not expect that he would use his tricks to make things difficult to end.

Tong Wenjie said sharply: "There's some kind of trouble, and if it gets too big, you don't want to go to school."

"Wen Jie, Wen Jie, don't get excited."

Fang Yuan hurriedly tried to persuade him. Yes, he, like Tong Wenjie, believed that his son did not write the words "West City Orphan", and suspected that this was Lin Yue's tricks to pretend to be weak and pitiful, but the crux of the matter was that this matter Will anyone believe me when I tell you? What's more, Fang Yifan just called someone an orphan in the live broadcast room.

From an outsider's point of view, the logic goes like this.

Fang Yifan, a student at school, was upset when he saw the transfer student Lin Yue. In order to hit the latter and take revenge on his rival, he provoked them and made the two fight. The uncle of the rich second generation raised many younger brothers and planned to fight the transfer student. Sanda, justifiable defense sent the two of them to the hospital. At this point, Fang Yifan's parents not only refused to admit their mistakes, but also clamored to make trouble casually, and the Fang family was not afraid.

Once the incident is fully exposed, which one will netizens blame? The answer is obvious.

"Get up." Tong Wenjie stared, Fang Yuan shivered in fright, subconsciously took half a step back.

"Who are you bluffing? You think I, Tong Wenjie, are you scared?"

She knew that Fang Yifan was at fault, but her son was kind. If it wasn't for helping her vent her anger, would things have developed to this point? Without this little brat, nothing would have happened.

That's right, this is Tong Wenjie's logic, just like in the TV series when Fang Yifan's grandparents worried that she would bring Lin Leier over to affect their grandson's study and life, her face was so drawn that she almost didn't call her father-in-law and mother-in-law old and immortal up.

She is Lin Lei'er's aunt, and Fang Yifan's grandparents have a relationship with Lin Lei'er. Your nephew's coming here has reduced the quality of life of Fang Yuan and Fang Yifan - this can be proved just from grabbing the toilet in the morning, old man Is it normal for the two to worry about it? It's okay to complain, isn't it?

Or Lin Yue thinks that the people in this show can't be set up. In the front, Tong Wenjie and Fang Yifan's grandparents are picky, and the couple in the back are cheated. She has become a peerless daughter-in-law again. The situation between her and Fang Yuan is that both of them are unemployed at the same time, and Lin Leier and Fang Yifan have to bear the tuition and living expenses. The former is fine, but the latter is a bottomless pit when studying art. What is even more speechless is that she still has Pregnant with a second child, you have to do some ideological struggle anyway, and you won’t have such a severe sense of tearing if you struggle in your heart for two days.

"Tong Wenjie, you don't know yet, your husband Fangyuan has not been promoted to director, he is unemployed. I don't care about dropping out of school, because I know a lot of things, and it is a talent to enter any line of work. Ji Yangyang is a quasi-rich second Dai, it’s not difficult to study abroad, and it’s not a problem if you want to grow old. What about your family Fang Yifan? Hehe, after this incident, which school in the city will want him? They kept saying how much they paid for their son, so they were just talking about it. That's all."

Lin Yue sneered coldly: "What do you think of the headline that the students from this school bullied the transfer students and almost caused a murder? I plan to use it to submit articles, and then spend money to buy a trending search or something. It should be popular."

Fangyuan is unemployed?

The five members of the Fang family turned their heads to look at the "pillars" of the family.

Fang Yuan didn't dare to face his parents, and gave Qiao Weidong wild winks, thinking he would tell Lin Yue about it.

Qiao Weidong looked innocent, he really didn't say anything, God knows how that kid knew.

Dong Wenjie's expression was rather ugly. She was downgraded from deputy director to assistant, so it was impossible for her salary to remain the same. Fang Yuan lost her job again and had to pay the rent of 12,000 per month. The pressure of life was quite high. Fang Yifan's Once things get serious, good schools will definitely not accept them. If you send them to private schools, you will have to pay a lot of money for good teaching quality, and the rate of admission for poor teaching quality is not high. Moreover, Fang Yifan and Lin Leier go to different schools. Inevitably there will be inconsistencies.

Bow your head, you can't do it, and if you don't bow your head, the consequences will be serious. Now she is singing with leg cramps and can't get off the stage.

The wife has a bad temper, and the husband is a soft bone. Seeing that the situation is not going well, Fang Yuan blames Qiao Weidong for revealing his secret, and begs him to be a peacemaker.

However, no one thought that Lin Yue would not show off the face of the cheap uncle at all.

"It's useless to persuade anyone, unless Tong Wenjie slaps herself ten times in public."

"You are dreaming!"

Lin Yue ignored her, picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Is this the editor-in-chief of Netease News Channel? I want to break the news. There was a fight at the Redwan International Kart this afternoon. The process was quite tortuous and there were strong The storyline, I think you should be interested."

No one expected that he would really do it without saying a word.

As soon as the incident was exposed, what would be the consequences, not to mention that the Fang family would face criticism from netizens, but to say that it was foreseeable.

Fang Yifan was expelled from school, Lin Yue and Ji Yangyang had to be punished one by one, Liu Zheng's reputation in the karting track was affected, and Ji Shengli was likely to be implicated, and even Pan Shuai would be called away by the principal for not handling this matter well. conversation.

"Lin Yue, Lin Yue, you hung up the phone, you have something to say, you have something to say, Uncle Fang will compensate you here, okay? Fang Yifan's fault is all about thousands of mistakes." Fang Yuan almost begged: "Ten slaps, isn't it? Look at me..."


He slapped himself.

Fang Yuan said with a hippie smile, "Hey, here's another one."


Another slap.

"Dad!" Fang Yifan's eyes were tearing, and he rushed towards Lin Yue with a ferocious face. Lin Lei'er saw his cousin making a move, and wanted to go up to help, but Lin Yue kicked him to the ground and hugged him. Hold the lower abdomen and let it roll.

At this time, the policeman who recorded Ji Yangyang's statement in the office came out when he heard the movement outside: "How dare we fight here?"

Lin Yue said: "Officer Wang, they did it first. Everyone has seen it, and there are surveillance videos to testify for me."

Officer Wang said: "How is it? Has the discussion reached a result? Is it a settlement or a procedure?"

Lin Yue said: "Forget about mediation, let's go through legal procedures."

"You can think about it."

"Of course, the matter of Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er beating someone just now must also be included."


"Tong Wenjie, do you think one earns two losses? Doesn't Lin Lei'er want to be admitted to Tsinghua University? I will make him fail the undergraduate exam." Lin Yue turned his head and looked at the opposite woman who didn't know what it was to be submissive: " As I said, it will make your Fang family feel uneasy."

"you you you……"

Tong Wenjie was so angry that she was trembling all over. She was the queen at home. How could she have been subjected to this? In the workplace, colleagues were always playing tricks behind their backs. She had never seen such a tough and ruthless master.

When the matter developed to this point, Liu Zheng didn't dare to speak too much because of the reputation of his own karting field. Qiao Weidong tried to persuade him just now, but he turned back. Fangyuan's parents couldn't change the situation, so they scolded Tong Wenjie in their hearts. The bloody head, which was supposed to be over with a soft heart, was abruptly made impossible by this tigress.

Fang Yifan felt sorry for his mother, he staggered up and was about to find Lin Yue desperately, but Fang Yuan held him down: "You don't think the trouble is enough, do you?"

"Lin Yue..."

Qiao Yingzi tugged at his sleeve from behind, and whispered, "Can you... let Fang Yifan go? I beg you."

Among the people present, Lin Yue was the only one who could talk to Lin Yue, and she was the only one who hadn't been rejected by him. After all, she and Fang Yifan were too young, and if she didn't do anything, she would feel sorry.


Lin Yue pondered for a moment and said, "I can sell you some face, but in exchange, first, you must promise me one thing."

"What's up?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, I'll tell you when I think about it."

Qiao Yingzi has only one idea now, which is to help the Fang family tide over the difficulties. As for the consequences of agreeing to Lin Yue... let's talk about the future.


"Second, when school starts on Monday, Fang Yifan will conduct self-criticism in front of the whole school's teachers and students."

Tong Wenjie was fired again, but before she jumped to scold others, Fang Yuan quickly covered her mouth, and promised, "No problem, review, I will definitely let him review."

After speaking, he dragged his wife away, whispering things like "A good man never suffers from immediate losses" and "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years".

Seeing Lin Yue let go, Fangyuan's parents hurried to drag their grandson.

No one cares about Lin Lei'er, the most cowardly guy in this TV series was actually a tough guy once, Wang Lin Yue said: "Just wait, I will definitely be admitted to Tsinghua University."

Lin Yue laughed and said, "You mean to hit me in the face?"

Lin Leier nodded firmly.

Lin Yue said, "At first I only wanted to mess with Tong Wenjie and Fang Yifan. Since you have such backbone, let's wait and see."

Qiao Yingzi muttered in a low voice, "You're too young. Lin Leier's grades are the best in the school. As long as there are no accidents on the day of the college entrance examination, Tsinghua and Peking University can say that he can choose."

"Is it."

Lin Yue smiled noncommittally, and turned to talk to Qiao Weidong.

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