Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1728 Of course the father understands his daughter

Qiao Yingzi is at the corner; Huang Zhitao is at the corner.

She didn't dare to go out; she was thinking about the ruthless words Lin Yue said, and apart from being angry, she also felt a little bit disappointed.

This state lasted for about half a minute, until Fengwei Wang Yidi of the sprint class came out of the women's toilet and shouted, "Huang Zhitao, why are you in a daze here, class starts in two minutes", the class flower then shook her head With the messy thoughts in the book, he followed Wang Yidi to the classroom, which made the latter a little "flattered", because the relationship between the two was quite ordinary. In the words of the students, Tao Zi could talk and behave, and Wang Yidi, who often didn't know who the pot was? It is embarrassing to open which pot to mention.

After hearing the footsteps of the two people, Qiao Yingzi came out from the corner, pretended to have just finished using the toilet, and went to the classroom with a relaxed expression.

Neither Qiao Yingzi nor Huang Zhitao knew that there was a boy standing on the stairs leading to the next floor not far from the toilet. It was none other than Fang Yifan.

During the big break, he went to the canteen to buy two bottles of soda, and was going to find a classmate to get close to, but when he arrived, he found that the person he liked was going to the basic class. He thought he was looking for Ji Yangyang, after all, they were together during this time Going home together from school, he didn't shy away from other people's eyes, but what happened next was beyond his expectation. The person Huang Zhitao was looking for was not Ji Yangyang, but Lin Yue. Seeing that she was told that Lin Yue was going to the toilet Yes, he followed behind with curiosity, and just like this, he listened to the conversation between the two of them.

nest fire.

At this moment, only this word can describe his mood.

It's okay for Banhua to look at Ji Yangyang, after all, the rich second generation is pretty handsome, his family is rich, and he likes to play cool Boi, but why has he been chasing her for a whole year, and her attitude towards him has not been right? How about Lin's transfer student? If she was bored when facing him, then her emotion when facing Lin Yue should I put it? anger? disappointment? nervous? don't understand? In short, it is very important, why! Doesn't that guy just play the saxophone? What a big deal!

What made him even more unacceptable was that Lin Yue didn't care about Huang Zhitao's thoughts at all, which formed a very sharp contrast with him. He was angry at the coldness of the person he liked, and was ashamed that he couldn't stand up straight in front of Huang Zhitao.

"You wait... don't give me a chance."

Well, I just finished reading the self-criticism in front of the red flag in the morning, and it was not him after two classes.

In fact, it is quite normal. First of all, he did not write the self-criticism; secondly, Tong Wenjie didn’t think he needed to conduct a self-criticism, but he had to do so in order to calm things down; finally, the old saying goes that one moment is another moment, and the old saying goes that soldiers never tire of deceit, and the winner is the prince who loses. Zhe Kou.


After a few days.

Today is the weekend, there is no class.

Qiao Yingzi woke up from sleep, looked at the light leaking through the gap in the curtains, shivered suddenly, and sat up from the bed.

It's almost October, and there will be some coolness sooner or later. Only those hot boys are still wearing short-sleeved shorts. Many girls have changed into sweaters, jeans and long T-shirts, and she is of course no exception.

He listened for a while, then opened the curtains and looked at the living room, making sure that Song Qian was not at home and would not arrange mock questions for her, then walked out of the room steadily.

On the table are two boiled eggs, a box of Jindian organic milk, and two small bags of daily nuts.

She didn't sit down to eat, and turned her attention to the small note next to her - Mom is out for a trip, and she may not be back until noon, so you can make do with breakfast.


Qiao Yingzi was very happy. She rushed into the kitchen, washed her face and brushed her teeth. When she came out, she didn't sit down to eat. She put two boiled eggs in her pocket, walked quickly to the door, and put on the one Song Qian chose. Shuang said vintage rather than old canvas shoes, and hurried downstairs, making sure no one noticed her whereabouts, went straight into Building 6 diagonally opposite, came to the door of 602 and knocked on the door.

Accompanied by a deep "Come", the door opened with a click, and Qiao Weidong's face appeared in the field of vision.


"Yingzi is here, come in quickly."

He hurriedly welcomed his daughter into the room, glanced left and right, and closed the door.

"Didn't your mother find out?"

In fact, before Lin Yue moved in, he had an appointment with Qiao Yingzi, and wanted to turn 602 into a secret base for the two of them, and use it to open a "bright skylight" for Qiao Yingzi's dark life. Of course, this cannot be done. Let Song Qian know, so it can only be carried out in the form of guerrilla warfare.

"No, she's gone out. I guess it's a good thing if I can finish my work all day." Qiao Yingzi said as he patted the two boiled eggs in his pocket into his father's hand: "My mother made it. Leave it to you to destroy."

Qiao Weidong felt sorry for the girl. In order not to make her mother feel bad, even if she didn't like it, she had to pretend to love it. It was too hard.

"Is the cram school so busy?"

"It's not about the cram school."

"What did you go for?"

Qiao Yingzi remembered Song Qian's madness last night, sighed heavily, and glanced at the closed door of the master bedroom, thinking about this matter, telling Qiao Weidong would only add to his troubles, so he didn't tell the truth: "Lin What about jumping?"

"Go out early in the morning."

"Didn't you say what to do?"

"He has so many ideas, it's useless to ask."

Qiao Yingzi expressed his understanding, and sometimes even had the illusion that Qiao Weidong was not his uncle, but a big follower.

Originally, she wanted to ask if he was behind Song Qian's rage yesterday. Since she was not around, she had no choice but to find a chance to talk again.

"Come on, Yingzi, let's see what dad has prepared for you?" Qiao Weidong let her go to the dining table: "Fried dough sticks, tofu brains, tea eggs, Song Qian won't buy them for you, you must be hungry."

For example, deep-fried dough sticks. Song Qian said that deep-fried fried dough sticks are made of waste oil, such as spicy crayfish. Song Qian said that these things are full of parasites, such as instant noodles. Song Qian said that they are not nutritious, such as cola. Song Qian said that there are too many additives, such as KFC's chicken nuggets, Song Qian said, are all hormone chicken...

Studying must follow her plan, work and rest must follow her rhythm, and even eating and drinking must be strictly controlled, not to mention emotional problems.

This is why Qiao Yingzi also came to 602 to fight guerrillas, even at the risk of being discovered by his mother and exploded in situ.

However, she was not attracted by the deep-fried dough sticks and tofu nao on the dining table, she couldn't take her eyes off the table in the living room.

"Lego Millennium Falcon?"

At the beginning, she watched Song Qian kick the Lego Millennium Falcon gift bag with her own eyes. There is no doubt that the thing in front of her was bought by Qiao Weidong.

Not only the Millennium Falcon, but also the Imperial Star Destroyer, Walker Transport Armor, R2-D2, Tie Fighter, and a huge space base behind the sofa.

"Dad, did you buy this for me?"


"Thank you, Dad." She ran over excitedly, put her arms around her father's neck and kissed her.

"Eat breakfast first, and Dad will fight with you after breakfast, okay?"


Qiao Yingzi promised to sit at the dining table and eat quickly. It originally took fifteen minutes to end the battle, but this time it only took five minutes, and more than half of it was left.

Qiao Weidong had no choice but to pack up and walk to the living room to watch her unboxing with excitement.

"By the way, this is for you..."


Qiao Yingzi turned around and saw Qiao Weidong handing over a plastic bag for snacks.

"Dad, it's not like you don't know that my mother won't let me eat snacks."

"Lin Yue bought it for you, saying that you will definitely like it."

Hearing what he said, Qiao Yingzi immediately put Song Qian's words behind her, and took a look at the plastic bag.

"Crispy dates?"

Because Song Qian was too strict, she didn't have many opportunities to eat snacks, and crispy dates were not as popular as pecans and pistachios, so naturally she had never eaten them.

Pick up one and put it in your mouth to bite, it is crunchy, chew it again, the rich jujube aroma and crispy sweetness fills your mouth.

"This is delicious, delicious."

"Like it?"

"Yeah." Qiao Yingzi glanced at the door of the master bedroom again, wondering how Lin Yue knew her own taste——Qiao Weidong said that he bought it for her specially, not a big gift pack of snacks, nor did she make it clear before To define a delicious product, there is only one possibility, that is, he is sure that he will like it.

"If you like it, Dad will buy it for you. Let's play." Qiao Weidong saw that Qiao Yingzi was happy, and he was also happy physically and mentally, and his spirits were high.


Entering October, the schoolwork is getting more and more heavy. First, because the college entrance examination is getting closer day by day, students are anxious, and teachers are also anxious. Second, because the midterm exam in November is no longer the same as before, but the district uniformly sets the questions. The main purpose of the ranking is to find out the bottom line of senior three students, and also to let everyone have a clear understanding of their position in the district. There is also a third reason, that is, Chunfeng Middle School will reclassify according to grades.

Therefore, those with good grades want to be a blockbuster in the regional rankings, those with mediocre grades want to keep their seats, and those with poor grades are gearing up to explode in the front row.

Only Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang have not yet entered the state.

"Ji Yangyang, how about our teaming up? You are very unwilling to lose the game last time, right? Don't worry, I will never harm you again. I promise Mantian Shenfo, after all, we have a common enemy now."


"You don't know yet, Huang Zhitao went to him last time because of your beating, but she was almost crying when he taunted her mercilessly. I saw this with my own eyes."

Now Ji Yangyang couldn't calm down: "When did it happen? Why didn't she tell me?"

"Of course she won't tell you. If you are too angry to fight with him, you will be the one who suffers and gets injured."

Two weeks had passed since the public review, and Fang Yifan, who had healed his scar and forgot about the pain, began to recruit Ji Yangyang to fight against Lin Yue.

At this moment, the person in question walked in from the outside, interrupting the conversation between the two of them.

Ji Yangyang was worried that Fang Yifan would lie to him, and planned to check on Huang Zhitao after school, but the look in Lin Yue's eyes added more hostility.

"The teacher is here, the teacher is here."

As the people in the corridor entered the classroom, Pan Shuai took the teaching aids and walked to the back of the podium, glanced at Lin Yue who was seated by the window in the back row, frowned and said, "Lin Yue, didn't you tell me to report to the parallel class? Why are you still staying in the basic class?"

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