Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1745 So He Was The Champion (Two in One)

Li Meng, the team leader of the third grade, patted the math test paper on the desk, and put the last sheet of the ranking list just printed out in front of Zang Qinghua, the math teacher of the basic class.

"Look, Ji Yangyang scored 423 from the bottom. What about him? 150. Even Fang Yifan, who was at the bottom of the placement test, got 456 this time. In the past, it didn't matter if he didn't answer the questions in the monthly test, but now it concerns the whole district. Ranking test, 150 points? Who is to be humiliated? Let’s talk about the type and difficulty of the questions this time. As long as you have a little foundation, you can get 400 points if you do it casually. If the top 15 students out of 156, his former teacher knows that he will With this point, I am afraid I will be pissed off."

Of course she had reasons to be unhappy and furious. Although Lin Yue was not a student in the sprint class, she was the leader of the third grade group. Thanks to him alone, the average score of the whole school dropped by four or five points. It made the score report super ugly.

Zang Qinghua shrugged and didn't dare to speak.

Li Meng has always been strong in the office, and even the old teachers who have worked for 20 or 30 years are afraid of her. Who dares to speak up for Lin Yue at this time? Isn't that touching the tigress' ass?

"Teacher Zang, you are also an old teacher in our school. It has been seven or eight years since you missed the exam. Heh, he really made a good start."

This made Tsinghua very uncomfortable. I said in my heart that I am a good old man. I am kind to my students and polite to my colleagues. Lin Yue is good at Chinese, English, and reasoning. He is only absent from math exams. Even fools know him Kuang Mathematics is not because I am not pleasing to the eye, but to give you eye drops. Are you not the grade leader? Don't you care about the average score the most? Do you value school rankings the most? Do you care most about the undergraduate enrollment rate? And you are a math teacher, and now the whole district is taking the big exam, so why don't you hold back and give you some flair?

"I may have spoken a little too aggressively, but the old saying is that honesty hurts the ear. Yes, the teacher is not as responsible as the head teacher, but he still can't slack off when it comes to urging students to learn. Let's talk about year-end awards and performance. If the standard is not met, the bonus will naturally be less, so even if it is for money, we should be more active."

What do you mean, I think he is not active.

Zang Qinghua kept silent. The students in the Xindao basic class are already difficult to manage. I think it is much more difficult to achieve the performance standards than the teachers in the parallel class and the sprint class. Besides, even the principal can't handle that tricky thing. You provoke me Why do you want to trouble him? After talking so much, I kind of get him into the sprint class and take him with me to set a good example for us.

Li Meng was rambling on here, the door of the office opened from the outside with a click, and a person walked in holding a test paper bag.

"Hey, Teacher Li Meng, look at your angry face, who made you angry again?"

Chemistry teacher Li Dayou said with a smile.

Zang Qinghua said: "Who else? Just that..."

Hearing this, Li Dayou immediately understood. While sitting on the chair, he opened the test paper bag, took out the top test paper and threw it on the desk.

"Let's see how other people score 0 in the test."

The two poked their heads over when they heard the words.

That's right, it was Lin Yue's test paper, but he only did a few questions, and the key point was that he got a few questions wrong. The big "0" in the score column was extremely embarrassing to see.

"Don't just look at the scores. If I were the marking teacher, even if he got a few multiple-choice questions right, he would still have to give him a zero."

The two read the question carefully after hearing the words.

Question 21 is a multiple-choice question. The content is about the model in which alternating current is connected to the transformer through the ammeter A, and the secondary coil is connected to the diode and the resistor. The following options are possible situations in this model, and you need to choose the correct answer.

The correct answers are B and D. There is nothing to say about item B. The key is item D—short-circuit the diode, and the reading of the ammeter will double.

How did Lin Yue answer?

He didn't fill in the answer in the brackets, and made comments directly in the blank space of this question.

"There is no calculus in high school courses. How many students know that the effective value is the root mean square of a cycle? Most of them will only substitute the average value, or there is a very bad behavior in basic education, which is to play the basic concept of investigation into guesswork A word game intended by the author of the question, isn't it boring?"

"And this question." Li Dayou turned the next page and clicked on a 13-point chemistry question in the middle.

It is said that a yellow powder compound with the chemical formula MZ is used for experiments, and MZ is fully mixed with a sufficient amount of carbon powder, spread in the reaction tube, filled with a sufficient amount of clear lime water in the connected bottle, and then passed into Nitrogen is used for heating, and after a period of time, the heating is stopped, and the solution in the bottle becomes white and turbid, and the molten initial contact in the reaction tube solidifies into a silver-white metal.

The third question below asks candidates to write down the chemical equations of all the reactions that take place in the reaction tube.

He still didn't answer directly, and wrote a line of comments underlined, "Do you want me to write this yellow powder compound as 'MO', or superclass 'PbO'? You can also try to figure out what I think now." , Can’t figure it out? Look at the shape of my mouth.”

Then draw three mouth shapes behind this sentence.

There are a few other questions that are in the same situation, not answering, playing with annotations, and full of malicious greetings to the questioner.

Li Dayou picked up his test paper and waved it: "If you are the test paper teacher, don't you give him 0 points, do you feel sorry for yourself?"

Zang Qinghua clearly read a passage between the lines, "Hey, it doesn't matter if you are in the district exam or not, I don't do the questions, I just play."

Li Meng was angry, hated, and a little helpless. This guy messed with the principal, and the teacher was not finished. Now he is targeting the person who gave the question. What does he want to do?

Li Dayou said: "But don't tell me, this kid does have something in his stomach."

He is a chemistry teacher, and his understanding of the comprehensive test questions, especially the chemistry part, is much better than the two math teachers. The questions that Lin Yue annotated are indeed not rigorous.

Li Meng said: "The important thing is not whether he is right or not, but his attitude. If all the students in the school follow him, wouldn't it be a mess?"


At this moment, the door rang again, and Pan Shuai, the head teacher of the basic class and also a Chinese teacher, walked in holding the test paper bag.

"Teacher Li Meng, you came really early today."

Li Meng stared: "Which day am I late?"

Pan Shuai froze immediately: "Yes, yes, you came early any day."

Li Meng was too lazy to entangle with him on such insignificant issues: "Have you seen the scores of your class Lin Yue?"

"Just saw it, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter? Do you know how many points he scored?"

"150, it's three times higher than the last monthly exam, it's an improvement."

"Is there still progress? What are you pretending to be in your head? Water-filled meat?" Li Meng said: "This mid-term exam is a unified exam for the whole district, not a monthly exam for our school. It is related to the school's ranking and teaching. Assessment."

Pan Shuai suddenly realized: "Oh, yes."

"What's your attitude? Hey, I said Pan Shuai, can you stop being sloppy about this kind of thing in the future, can you be more serious? Seriously?"

"Ms. Li's lesson is, don't worry, I will talk to him in a while, and I will make him realize his shortcomings and reflect deeply, okay?"

Li Meng gave him a look that would be strange if he believed you. At the beginning, he had vowed to let Lin Yue admit his mistake to her before the midterm exam, but what happened? There is no more text.

She stretched out her hand: "Here."

Pan Shuai looked puzzled: "What did you bring?"

"His test paper."

She was absent from the mathematics test, and the science comprehensive test paper became a review document. She was very curious about what this kid could do with Chinese.

"Lin Yue's Chinese test paper?"

"That's right."

Pan Shuai shook his head: "No."

"Why not?" Li Meng frowned and said, "He missed the exam?"

Pan Shuai continued to shake his head: "No."

Li Meng's answer to him was completely confused, and she tried her best to keep her emotions in her head and asked, "Then why not?"

Chemistry teacher Li Dayou and math teacher Zang Qinghua also looked at him curiously.

Pan Shuai said, "His Chinese test paper was confiscated by the Education Bureau."


Li Meng's problem is also the problem of the other two.

"The principal didn't say why."

Li Dayou said: "Look, it's trouble, I knew he had to make some troubles."

With Lin Yue's outspokenness in the comprehensive science test paper, he took it for granted that he must have said something he shouldn't have said, which angered the marking teacher, and gave a copy to the candidates to the leaders of the Education Bureau.

"What are you talking about? Look at your dignified expressions."

English teacher Fang Tusheng walked into the office with his left hand holding the test paper bag and a millet pancake in his right hand.

Li Meng said: "What else can we talk about, the thorny head in the basic class, you don't know how many points he got in the exam, do you?"

Fang Tusheng put down the test paper bag first, took a bite of the pancake, and said vaguely, "How many points?"

Li Meng said: "150 points, the total score."

When Fang Tusheng heard about it, his expression was a little weird, and the corner of his mouth behind the pancake was pulled back.

Li Meng didn't pay attention to his micro-expression, and continued: "I heard that there are grandma and grandpa in his hometown, Mr. Pan, why don't you inquire about the contact information and call to communicate. If this continues, there is no need to wait for the college entrance examination. In the final exam in a month, our school will be surpassed by Ritan Middle School."

Pan Shuai really wanted to say, "Okay, Teacher Li told me, I dare not refuse", but I really didn't dare to involve Lin Yue's grandparents in this mess. Although he doesn't live in Shuxiang Yayuan, his niece Huang Zhitao lives in that community. Two days ago, I went to my grandma's house for dinner. During the dinner, when talking about the mid-term exam, he arranged a few sentences for the boy as a conversation material after dinner. As a result, his niece revealed a big news to him. Lin Yue relied on two broken models, from Qiao Yingzi and Fang One, two, and two cheated close to 3 million. If this matter was placed on him, let alone 3 million, dividing it by three would bankrupt him, so it is good to live in peace now.

This is also the reason why the Education Bureau withheld Lin Yue's Chinese test paper, and he didn't ask anything. At least on the issue of Thorny Tou Lin, knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing.

"Ms. Li, come on, take a look at this."

At this time, Fang Tusheng put down the pancake, wiped the residue from the corner of his mouth, opened the file bag, rummaged through it with his hands, and took out a test paper and handed it over.

Li Meng took the test paper in his hand, first glanced at the name column, yes, it was Lin Yue, then glanced at the result column, and couldn't take his eyes off it.


full marks.

"This... Teacher Fang, did you make a mistake?"

"Mr. Li, this is not my review."

It was indeed not him who marked it. Li Meng, the marking teacher, knew him. He was Chen Hao from the High School Affiliated to the University of Technology and an alumnus of hers when she was in college.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Pan Shuai, Li Dayou, and Zang Qinghua walked over out of curiosity, glanced at Juan's face, and were all stunned.

The multiple-choice questions are all graded by machine, and it is basically impossible to make mistakes. Let’s look at the content of the writing part later... It is true that there is no problem with the full score.

This guy actually scored full marks in English. Even Lin Lei'er, who was the first in grade, only scored 143 points in English.

Li Meng and Pan Shuai looked at each other in blank dismay, because they realized a more interesting fact, that is, except for English, they got 0 points in several other subjects.

If the 40 points in the monthly exam can still be said to be cheating, then judging from the situation of this midterm exam, it is likely that Lin Yue did it deliberately.

The crux of the problem is that the teachers are unwilling to accept this conjecture, because is it called learning? It's just a waste of time. If this kind of person can get a good grade in the exam, wouldn't the student who scored lower than him and worked hard be disgusted? There is no doubt that it will be a heavy blow to their psychology.

"What kind of medicine is sold in this guy's gourd?"

Pan Shuai felt that he couldn't understand Lin Yue's thoughts no matter what. Is it interesting to pretend to be a poor student? Is it fun to lie to the teacher?

Li Meng said: "Teachers, I hope that our conversation today will be kept secret for the time being. Try not to let the students in the class know. We can keep it a secret for one more day, okay?"

Fang Tusheng and the others nodded, they also knew the seriousness of the matter.

Lin Lei'er's hard work is seen by everyone, and he deserves the first place in the grade. If the news that Lin Yue deliberately leaked the English and got a full score in the test, he has poor psychological quality and has to work hard to get into the sprint class. The mentality of the students is about to collapse.

"I have to find a chance to touch his bottom." Li Meng muttered in a low voice, then turned her head and told Pan Shuai and others: "Okay, everyone continue to work, I will go to each class and let them calm down, don't be old Concerned about grades."


"Hey, Lin Yue, wait for me."

Huang Zhitao managed to find a chance to talk alone: ​​"What did you do? This is a big test related to the ranking of the whole region. You actually treat it like a joke, and humiliate Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er with a total score of 150 on the test."

She has thought about this matter seriously and asked Qiao Yingzi a few questions. Judging from the information she has, she can make Song Qian and Fang's family run wild. 150 is really not difficult for him.

"A joke?" Lin Yue turned to look at her and said, "You overestimated the weight of the midterm exam in my heart."

What do you mean by this...?

After thinking about it several times, she finally understood.

"You mean that the midterm exam is nothing more than a child's play in your eyes?"

"That's right."

"What about the college entrance examination?"

"Barely count it as a child's play."

"..." Huang Zhitao was silent for a moment and said, "This time I understand why Zhang Xiaoning and Jiang Nuohan want to shoot you to death."

She has never seen someone as unreliable as him since she grew up. This serious and bragging appearance is too fucking bad.

Even she had this idea, so one can imagine how Fang Yifan, Lin Lei'er and Tong Wenjie were in the mood of being forced to sell the house for compensation.

Lin Yue shrugged and continued to walk to the toilet without explaining.

There have been seven or eight such encounters, if you tell the truth, no one will believe you, so why waste your tongue.

In fact, he did not just use this number to humiliate Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er with a score of 150 in the test. In order to transfer Fang Yifan to a parallel class, Fang Yuan blocked Principal Huang three times, and it took a lot of effort to persuade the other party to separate him from Fang Yifan. If he performed normally in the midterm exam and was promoted to a parallel class or a sprint class, how would Fang's family react? I'm afraid it's time to consider transferring to another school --- can't you hide from me if you can't mess with me?

In order not to irritate Tong Wenjie and Fangyuan too much, he needs to stay in the basic class. When Fangyuan is sent to a foreign country and the house in the north is sold, and there are only a few days left before the college entrance examination, then Tong Wenjie just wants to transfer his son and nephew. , It can only be "looking at the ocean and sighing".

"Stop following me."

"Do you hate me that much? Every time you can't say a few words, you find excuses to drive me away."

Lin Yue smiled at her and pointed to the top of his head. Only then did Huang Zhitao realize that he had reached the toilet door.

"Don't want to go? Then together?"

The girl's face turned red, she didn't say much, she quickly turned around, pinched the collar of her school uniform and lifted it up, and left quickly and lightly in small steps.


Not long after, Wang Yidi screamed from the corner: "Huang Zhitao, you hurt me."


Fang Yifan scored 456 points in the test and was highly praised when he returned home. Tong Wenjie imagined that his son could score 500, 550, and 600 in the test. Where to get rid of the bottom, the family went to eat pizza.

As a result, several people were having a good meal. Li Meng called and told them a cruel fact, that is, although Fang Yifan's score has improved, his ranking in the region has not changed significantly, and he is still in the bottom 15% echelon. , with such grades is not admitted to undergraduate.

So Tong Wenjie lost his temper in front of the diners in the restaurant, trained Fang Yuan and his son like dogs, and decided to enroll Fang Yifan in a cram school.

On the other side, Song Qian also received a notification from Li Meng that Qiao Yingzi, a top student in the past, scored 623 points in the exam this time, and her score dropped from second to third in the previous year to more than 20 in the whole grade. She felt that her daughter violated her wishes and got too close to Qiao Weidong, Xiaomeng, and Lin Yue, and shifted her mind from studying to toys, which is why today's big landslide happened, she also told Daughter, Qiao Weidong didn't love her, he was hurting her. If she wanted to restore her previous results, she had to listen to her mother and draw a clear line with Qiao Weidong.

Qiao Yingzi's daring not to talk about playing Lego is only one of the reasons. What's more critical is that the conflict between Song Qian, Qiao Weidong, and Lin Yue made her caught in the middle of a dilemma. Learning, even if you force yourself to focus on the exercises, you will be distracted after a while.

However, no matter how many reasons there are, she can't change the fact that she didn't pass the exam. Faced with her mother's admonition, what can she do?

Song Qian was very happy. Indeed, Qiao Yingzi's sharp drop in grades made her very troubled, but in a sense, the relationship between her daughter and her has eased.

The so-called giving a sweet date with a mallet, Song Qian hurriedly said words of comfort and made delicious food for her daughter.

Turning around the next day, Pan Shuai received a call from Principal Huang, asking him to go to the office because Lin Yue's Chinese test paper was out.

Thanks to the naked little zombie for the reward of 2000 starting coins, paying for the news. Please call me the 500 starting coins donated by Daxia Li.

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