Ji Yangyang saw the so-called student representatives entering the arena and kept silent. It wasn't that he thought Lin Yue's words were reasonable, or that he was happy to see Fang's family punished. I don't even want to apologize, it's just an expedient measure that I agreed casually when I was annoyed last night.

Yes, he has written a self-criticism, but the point of the self-criticism is not to admit mistakes, but to embarrass Ji Shengli.

In his perception, he didn't do anything wrong. His uncle drove the Ferrari for him. He drove into the school because the gate was under repair, and the security guards didn't fulfill their duty to stop it. As for the school rules... what are they? Is there such a thing?

Because of the relationship crisis with Huang Zhitao, he was already very annoyed. Later, Fang Yifan used his avatar to make fun of him. Why?

In Ji Yangyang's perception, this father never took care of him since he was a child, and it was his uncle and grandma who took care of him. Now that the spoof pictures have affected the reputation of the mayor's father, he came over to give pointers like an old man Point, ask him to do something he doesn't like, can he bear it? Of course I can't bear it.

Besides, who is he? He is not afraid of the principal, he is not afraid of Li Tiegun, he has been a disobedient person since he was a child, let him admit his mistakes in public? Is there something wrong with Ji Shengli's brain?

"Hurry up."

Ji Shengli doesn't understand his son's mind, let alone observe his words on this matter: "I asked you to write the self-criticism. Now the teacher and classmates are here, so read it."

Ji Yangyang took a deep breath, took out the letter paper in his trouser pocket with disdain on his face, cleared his throat and said, "I am Ji Yangyang from Class 2, Grade 3 of Chunfeng Middle School, and I would like to apologize to everyone here today. , On the day of returning to school at the end of August this year, because the school gate was being repaired, I drove my uncle’s car, a Ferrari, into the campus, and because of this, I had a physical conflict with my classmate Fang Yifan. This incident seriously affected Comrade Ji Shengli. That is, the official career and reputation of Deputy District Chief Ji have damaged his usual image of being honest and honest, and hindered his promotion and fortune..."

Having said that, not only Fang Yifan standing next to him was at a loss, but Liu Jing, Huang Kaijun, Pan Shuai, Li Meng, Huang Zhitao, Qiao Yingzi and others all sensed something was wrong.

Didn't he ask Fang Yifan to apologize? Why does this content sound harsh?

Everyone looked at Ji Shengli.

At this moment, that face has replaced a smile with a gloomy expression, the expression is extremely serious.

Liu Jing kept winking at her son: "Yang Yang, what's wrong with you? Stop reading..."

However, her resistance to drinking did not help.

"I want to sincerely apologize to Comrade Ji Shengli. I'm sorry that you left me alone in Beijing for so many years. I'm sorry that you barely educated me. In the end, you raised such a bastard son like me. I'm sorry that you have never had me in your heart all these years." , only work..."

"Yang Yang!" Liu Jing couldn't take it anymore, she stood up and scolded.

Ji Shengli also said, "Shut up."

Huang Kaijun didn't expect the matter to come to this point. He thought the biggest trouble was the conflict between Lin Yue and Fang Yifan, but he didn't realize that the father-son conflict between Ji Shengli and Ji Yangyang was the biggest bomb.

Think about what Lin Yue said --- you will see an extremely exciting scene today, it should be referring to this incident.

Of course, as the headmaster, he could no longer watch.

"Come on, Ji Yangyang, give me the review letter, the content has to be changed."

Li Meng also echoed behind.

But Ji Yangyang didn't hand over the self-criticism, he folded it up and down, pinched the middle hard, wiped it a few times, and threw it to pieces on the ground. After he finished, he glanced at Huang Zhitao who was surprised by his behavior,

"What to change? No need to change. This is all from my heart. I will recite the following content to you. District Chief Ji, I apologize to you again. My behavior... no, it should be said that even me Inside, it shouldn't be a stumbling block in your official career."

Facing the scene in front of him, Ji Shengli could no longer remain calm: "Ji Yangyang, I want you to apologize for your mistakes, not to accuse me in front of your teachers and classmates."

"I just want to sue you, what's the matter? You can force me to review without making a mistake, why can't I speak my mind? You said that the third year of high school is a critical moment in life, and parents cannot be absent. In your eyes, isn’t this a political mission given to you by your superiors?”

"You bastard."

Ji Shengli couldn't take it anymore, and raised his hand to hit someone.

At this time, Lin Yue, who was standing on the side, grabbed his wrist quickly: "Will hitting him solve the problem? He really feels that you and his wife are sorry for him. To him, there is no difference between having parents and not having parents." , As long as there are uncles and grandparents, it is enough. If you want to ease the relationship after you are done, you have to apologize to him. Did you do anything wrong? At least from the standpoint of your parents, there is no big mistake. Ji Yangyang is already an adult , Some mistakes must make him pay the price, so that he can recognize himself, and excessive protection will harm him instead."

When Lin Yue was watching TV dramas, he felt that Ji Shengli's character design was more problematic than Tong Wenjie, Song Qian and others. In order to ease the relationship with his son, he almost went to the point of licking the dog. Will this kind of flattery work? No, at least for people of Ji Yangyang's age, it is difficult to make substantial improvements. It will only make them feel that their parents are easy to bully, continue to do their own way, and even have to look forward to Shu, and make progress, because when they get into trouble, their uncle will help wipe their butt. bow your head.

To improve this kind of problem, the most effective way is to cultivate children's correct values ​​and empathy, but it is obviously too late to put it on Ji Yangyang, or wait until he is in his thirties, he has experienced a lot, and he can see More, more mature, and then reflect on the mistakes of the first half of life, or use a strong medicine to let the society teach him how to behave. Of course, people like Ji Yangyang are not as short as missing arms and legs, begging for food on the street, 80% Still will stand firm.

In the same family environment, Huang Zhitao's quality is good. You must know that his parents are abroad, and it is more difficult to meet him than Ji's family. What about Ji Yangyang? As a boyfriend, didn't you learn anything from her? He is still the stinky fart of the boss and my second child. I can only say that he is a scum. After studying for so many years, he does not learn the Chinese virtues of "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trustworthiness, gentleness, courtesy and thrift", but blames his own problems on his parents. .

Moreover, the plot of Ji Shengli chatting with his son online in the play, and the plot of suddenly becoming a good baby after knowing his mother is ill is too taken for granted.

Speaking of it, the biggest problem with this TV series is to please.

In the portraits of the audience, women accounted for the majority, so they tried their best to carry the sedan chair for the women, and made a bunch of licking dogs and sissies around the heroine, regardless of whether it was logical or not.

Young people account for the majority of the audience portraits, so they try their best to exaggerate the conflict between children and parents. As long as you can hold on, the parents must be the ones who give up in the end. The refreshing feeling of the protagonist's young audience is pushed to a climax.

He was complaining about the torn character of the character in his heart, Ji Shengli seemed to listen to his words, and slowly lowered his raised hand.

At this time, Huang Zhitao stood up and whispered behind Ji Yangyang: "I remember you said that Uncle Ji and Aunt Liu used to work in Qinghai, and they actually wanted to give you a more comfortable life by leaving you in Beijing." Living environment. A few days ago, Lin Yue told me that if children live in plateau areas for a long time, the human body will increase the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in order to adapt to the climate, which will cause subcutaneous telangiectasia and form plateau red This should also be an important reason why they don't want you to go there."

How many parents, especially those from big cities, would like their children to suffer in the western plateau?

There is no doubt that Huang Zhitao has good intentions, but this kindness is tantamount to ridicule in Ji Yangyang's view.

"He plays the saxophone well, plays basketball well, draws well, makes models well, knows a lot, is good at fighting, and is very reasonable and empathetic? You admire him a lot, right? You admire him to be his girlfriend, why are you still following me? I'm afraid that if you can't hold back one day, put a green hat on me, and I will stab you two dogs with a knife in a fit of anger. "

This is a heavy word, not only heavy, but also harsh, sharper than a knife across the surface of aluminum.

Huang Zhitao took a big step back, Qiao Yingzi hurriedly supported him from behind, and glared at Ji Yangyang: "Ji Yangyang, what are you talking about?"

Even Liu Jing, who has always been good-tempered and tolerant, couldn't hold it any longer, and said sharply, "Yang Yang! You have gone too far, and you have disappointed me too much."

"Yes, yes, I hindered Ji Shengli's career. I am not as sensible and mature as Lin. I disappointed you. You are disappointed. Look at him. He is excellent. It just so happens that his father died in a car accident. His father died in a car accident. Mom remarried a long time ago, and now she is an orphan, you can adopt him and let him be your son, why bother me? I always play the good old mother in the middle. "

Liu Jing's words reminded Ji Yangyang of what happened after Lin Lei'er reported Lin Yue playing the saxophone in the gazebo of the community to disturb the people. At that time, Liu Jing told Ji Shengli that if her son was half as good as Lin Yue, she would feel relieved about his life. up.

Parents compare their children's weaknesses with other children's strengths. It's basic practice. Most people have experienced it. It's the same as complaining that their parents don't let them watch TV or play games, but Ji Yangyang is different. He didn't live with his parents since he was a child. Ji Shengli and Liu Jing regarded him as his son, but he didn't treat these two as his parents...at least not like the children of ordinary families treat their parents.

Yep, after the father yelled at his mother again, Pan Shuai looked anxiously in the auditorium, while Huang Kaijun didn't dare to say a word, just like friends mixing up conflicts between husband and wife, and it's easy to make people inside and out in the end. As a subordinate, of course it is not good for him to make irresponsible remarks on Ji Shengli's family affairs and give advice, so he can only stand awkwardly.

"Yang Yang, you..."

Liu Jing was so angry that she couldn't speak, and there was a dull pain in her chest. It seemed that she was too emotional and had a bad effect on her body.

"Yang Yang, apologize to your mother!"

Ji Shengli scolded, he never thought that Ji Yangyang's six relatives would not recognize even Liu Jing.

"Why? Am I wrong? Chief Ji."

Ji Yangyang's attitude when he said this was a bit like a lone star.


Ji Shengli was about to raise his hand again, Lin Yue hurriedly stopped him, but Ji Yangyang didn't appreciate it, and left a sentence of sticking a broom behind his ass, pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, he was about to turn around and leave, at this time Liu Jing pulled him away Well, I wanted him to calm down a bit, but Xiaozi shook his hand violently, and she fell backward because of her unsteady center of gravity.

Lin Yue turned his back to the two, but his reaction was faster than that of Qiao Yingzi, who was closer. He grabbed Liu Jing's wrist sideways and moved it towards Ji Shengli's arms, and waved his hand while turning around.


A loud slap hit Ji Yangyang's face.

thump thump.

Young Master took several big steps back, and then spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground.

"Do you dare to hit me?"

Lin Yue sneered at his attitude: "It's not the first time I've slapped you, so there's no fuss."

Ji Yangyang is crazy and proud, but he is not a fish, he only has three seconds of memory, and he knows that he can't beat Lin Yue, so he throws a ball at several people including Huang Zhitao, Ji Shengli, Liu Jing, and Fang Yifan. With a look of hatred, he turned his head and walked away.

Liu Jingcai was supported by Ji Shengli. Seeing Ji Yangyang leaving in a fit of anger, she wanted to call her son's name. She raised her hand before she could speak, and suddenly felt blurred in front of her eyes, her body swayed, and her legs were about to collapse. .

"Liu Jing, what's wrong with you? Liu Jing."

Ji Shengli called several times before she woke up faintly, pursed her lips and shook her head, beckoning him to help her to a chair and sit down.

"Where's Yang Yang?"



She sighed softly, and stopped talking. From the content of the self-criticism, it can be seen that Ji Yangyang wanted to humiliate his father in public last night, and it had nothing to do with whether Lin Yue, Huang Zhitao, and Qiao Yingzi came or not. relation.

Thinking about Ji Shengli always saying that Liu Zheng spoiled him, he was indeed right.

"This...Old Ji, I...I'll go first, call if you have anything to do." Fang Yuan was a little embarrassed, because Fang Yifan was also responsible at this point in the matter. If you stay for a second, you will be more embarrassed, so let's go.

When he was gesturing to make a phone call, Tong Wenjie had already taken her son and left early. Apart from casting a hateful look at Lin Yue, she didn't say a word to Ji Shengli and Liu Jing.

Qiao Yingzi wanted to ask about Liu Jing's situation, but after looking at Lin Yue and thinking about the promise she made with Song Qian, she finally chose to give up, and pulled Huang Zhitao who was in a complicated mood to turn around and leave.

Then Pan Shuai and Li Meng also found excuses to slip away.

Huang Kaijun was originally going to stay in the meeting room to accompany and take care of him. After all, he was the principal of Chunfeng Middle School, but after noticing Lin Yue's eyes, he left with the excuse of going to the infirmary to find the school doctor.

"District Chief Ji, originally Director Liu didn't let me speak, but the matter has developed to this point, I don't think I should keep it from you." Seeing that there were only three of them left in the meeting room, Lin Yue ignored Liu Jing's pleading eyes and told Unfortunate news for Ji Shengli: "She is not hypoglycemic, nor is she high blood pressure. Your lover has a breast problem, and nine out of ten it is... a tumor."

Ji Shengli was stunned by the news, and it took him a while to realize: "Liu Jing, is what he said true?"

Liu Jing's face sank like water, and she remained silent.

Of course he knew what that meant.

"Liu Jing, why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

Liu Jing still didn't speak.

Lin Yue said: "She didn't tell anyone. I also ran into her in the hospital and went to the oncology department. I only found out the truth after being forced to ask. Although I promised her that I would not leak this news, what happened today... Ji District chief, I think you should take her to the hospital for a checkup later."

"Okay, Lin Yue, thank you."

There are priorities, and Ji Shengli selectively forgot about Ji Yangyang leaving in anger.

Huang Kaijun said that he would go to the infirmary to find the school doctor to see Liu Jing, but he didn't actually leave. Instead, he hid outside the door and eavesdropped on the conversation inside, because he was curious about Lin Yue's purpose.

In fact, it was not his idea to ask the student representative to be a witness, it was Fan Yong who gave him the idea, and said that he must bring Lin Yue, otherwise this guy refused to participate in the upcoming city youth sports championship, what, Fan Yong's reasoning about joining the fourth-party witnesses made sense. Second, he also wanted Lin Yue to come back with a championship to add luster to the school. After all, this is a sports championship held in the city, and Beijing is the heart of the country. The championship of this level of competition not only represents honor for the school, but also has some political significance for the principal personally.

However, from the beginning to the end, he didn't know what benefit Lin Yue had gained, could it be that he slapped Ji Yang Yang Shuang? That's right, slapping an unfilial son in front of other people's parents, and being said thank you, is indeed quite loving, but...

Five minutes later, Lin Yue left the conference room. Of course, he knew that Huang Kaijun had been eavesdropping outside for a while, and he also understood what Huang Kaijun was struggling with. Of course, others would not understand this matter. In fact, firstly, after this incident, the relationship between Ji Yangyang and Huang Zhitao's boyfriend and girlfriend is over, and secondly, let Qiao Yingzi see Ji Yangyang's behavior style, and give her mother some ruthlessness. Speaking of which, Ji Yang Yang and Qiao Yingzi are two extremes. One is controlled by her mother and has no ego, and the other is so rebellious and unfilial. Only when these two are neutralized can they be in a normal state.

In addition, as long as he works harder, the friendly relationship between Fangyuan and Ji Shengli will basically come to an end.


Ji Yangyang didn't go home after leaving school, and went directly to the Kempinski Hotel.

"Get me a diplomat suite."

He took out his ID card and the credit card Liu Zheng gave him from his schoolbag and handed them over.

The front desk service staff took it with both hands, took it inside and operated it, raised his head after a while, and said with a strange face: "Mr. Ji, your credit card has no limit, please change to another card."

"No quota? Impossible." Ji Yangyang took the platinum card, looked at the front and back, saw the apologetic face of the service staff, and then took out a credit card from his bag and handed it over.

"Mr. Ji, this card has no limit."

The same situation, the same rhetoric, Ji Yangyang's expression changed, he said "wait a moment", took out his phone and dialed Liu Zheng's number.



No one answered the phone, and finally hung up by himself.

What's the situation?

Ji Yangyang looked bewildered, wondering what happened and why Liu Zheng didn't answer his call.

"Mr. Ji? Mr. Ji?"

A call from ahead woke him up.


"The room... is it still open?"

"Oh, let's not open it yet."

Ji Yangyang took the ID card handed to him by the service staff, lifted the bag on his shoulder, turned and walked out of the hotel.

I can’t swipe my credit card, and I only have less than 1,000 yuan on Alipay. Where can I go if I don’t go home?

What happened to uncle? Are you negotiating business with someone and don't have time to answer his phone?

At this moment, a voice floated from the front: "Do you really want to know why Liu Zheng didn't answer your call?"

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