Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1751 I, the King of Heretics (Two in One)

Fang Yuan said: "Ji Yangyang has been away from home for a week, and there is no news so far. His wife Liu Jing has cancer and is admitted to the hospital. It seems that he has also encountered a lot of problems in his career. It is understandable that Ji Yang is in a bad mood."

Tong Wenjie said vigorously, "Oh, he can take his anger out on others when he's in a bad mood?"

"You can't say that. After all, Fang Yifan is also responsible. If he didn't make spoof pictures at the beginning, the matter would not have developed to this point."

"Fangyuan, what are you talking about?"

Tong Wenjie said confidently: "If Ji Yangyang didn't drive Ferrari into the school back then, would what happened today?"

Fang Yuan thought about it, and felt that what she said was right or wrong, but she wanted to refute it, but couldn't find a proper reason, and she was a little bit afraid, so she simply shut her mouth and ignored her.

"What's the matter? I have nothing to say? So, you men always find excuses to shirk responsibility when things happen, and you don't have the courage to take responsibility. Look at Song Qian and Yingzi, do you know how many points Yingzi scored this time? 623 points, from It’s Qiao Weidong’s fault that he fell from the top three in the grade to the top 20, right? He still has the face to say that he did this for Yingzi’s own good, isn’t this shirking responsibility?”

"Yes, yes, my wife is right, all mistakes are Qiao Weidong's fault, he should not follow Yingzi to play with toys, let alone deceive the teacher."

Tong Wenjie glared at him, and walked towards the corridor with her head held high like a victor. When her eyes swept across the first floor, she still curled her lips, disliking Ji Shengli for not educating his son well, which made work and life messy now. But it's like everything is their fault.

Fang Yuan didn't dare to say a word, and walked forward in silence.

"I told Fang Yuan, don't mention this matter when you get home, otherwise Fang Yifan will think we are talking about him."

"Okay, I know my wife."

"Also, you are not allowed to learn from Ji Shengli in the future. If Fang Yifan also runs away from home...I really can't imagine..."

"I promise, I promise not to learn from Lao Ji, that's fine."


A few days later, there was still no news from Ji Yangyang.

This time even Liu Jing's parents were alarmed. Friends, colleagues, relatives, the police force, offering rewards...Almost all methods were used, but there was still no trace of him. It's the 21st century, and it seems like he has evaporated from the world.

That being the case, no news is good news.

Liu Jing and Ji Shengli could only comfort themselves in this way.

Lin Yue would occasionally visit the hospital, buy a bunch of flowers, or make some snacks. Liu Jing was enlightened by him, and she was in a calm mood.

He knows Ji Yangyang's situation better than anyone else.

An 18-year-old rebellious high school student, after leaving his family, he may miss the life of living in a five-star hotel, driving a luxury car, and eating in a restaurant. Ji Yangyang regretted it, and now he wants to go home, but he doesn't have the ability.

He thought it would be good to see how dangerous the world outside the protection circle of relatives is for this kind of bastard who is in the blessing and does not know the blessing.

At the end of November, as the cold wave from Siberia moved south, the temperature in Beijing dropped sharply. Even with strong firepower, boys who were still wearing sweaters and jackets a few days ago had to change into thick down jackets, and those who rode bicycles to school also wore hat and gloves.

It was so cold outside that there was a cloud of white mist, and the teaching building was still very warm. The students were dressed in spring and autumn, chatting and farting in the corridors in school uniforms.

Wang Yidi left the office with the art examination materials Pan Shuai gave him, and Lin Yue sat on the opposite chair.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yes, give me a copy of the art examination materials."

Pan Shuai was stunned for a moment, surprised by Lin Yue's words: "Are you here on behalf of Jiang Nuohan? There's nothing to be embarrassed about, you asked her to come by herself, and I just have a few words to say to her. "

Jiang Nuohan's grades were not very good, she only scored more than 480 points in the midterm exam, but I heard that this little girl can sing quite well, taking the art exam might be a way out.

Of course, to a certain extent, accepting the art test means admitting defeat in the competition of regular subjects. With Jiang Nuohan's character and parents who graduated from Peking University, it is normal to be embarrassed to see him things.

Lin Yue said, "I didn't ask for it for her, I wanted it for myself."

"Are you kidding me? I don't have time to argue with you. Go and cool off."

Pan Shuai suddenly felt that he was wasting his life and time talking to this guy. After seeing Director Kong last time, he talked to the principal and Fan Yong separately, and finally figured out what those two people were thinking. Why did Huang Kaijun let him Don't be in a hurry to ask Lin Yue's opinion on sending him to Beijing Foreign Studies University. The main purpose is not to distract the students and prepare for the city's youth sports championship. The two of them tend to send Lin Yue to the sports school because Various training data show that this problem child who has caused headaches for teachers and students in the school does have the potential to become an Olympic champion.

Which one is more promising, recommending BFSU to engage in language learning or representing the country in the Olympics? Unless he becomes an excellent diplomat or a big boss.

Choosing the former is beneficial to individuals in most cases, but what about the latter? The whole school, down to school leaders and teachers, can benefit.

So no matter which one he chooses in the end, he has already entered a key undergraduate college with one foot.

What's more, judging from the midterm exam, this kid is not incompetent, but deliberately not working hard on the right path, thinking about side skills every day, and now he is asking for materials for the art exam, what does he want to do? Eating from the bowl and looking at the pot?

"give or not?"

"No." Pan Shuai added: "I don't understand the reason why you can't chew too much? Your task now is to hurry up and prepare for the championship, come back with a champion, and give it to the school...cough...and to fight for yourself. honor and future."

Lin Yue said: "No, right? Then don't blame me for skipping the competition. When Principal Huang asked, I said that the responsibility lies with you, and don't you think my paintings are quite good?"

When Pan Shuai heard this, he withered.

"Okay, I'll give you one."

He reluctantly handed over the information in his hand.

But having said that, Lin Yue's saxophone is so good, his understanding is only limited to the description of his niece, but when it comes to painting, he has seen it with his own eyes. As mentioned above, he is quite talented , Maybe you can really get into Central America, Central America or something.

But in the final analysis, it is still a side door.

Lin Yue took a look at the documents and muttered in a low voice, "Nortel or China Opera, which one should I choose?"

After saying this, he got up and left. Pan Shuai was stunned for a while before he realized, Nortel? Chinese opera? Something to do with art?

"What did you say? Tell me again."

When he chased to the door, there was no one there, and he happened to bump into Li Meng who was walking over with reference materials.

"Who are you angry with?"

"Who else is there?"

Fang Yifan went to the parallel class, Ji Yangyang ran away from home for more than a week, and there was only one person left who could make Pan Shuai so troubled.

"what happened again?"

"Although all roads lead to Rome, have you ever seen a high-speed train running to climb snow-capped mountains and cross grasslands?"

"Hmph, I want to see what tricks he can play."

Li Meng was very upset, because she suddenly thought of the conversation on the day when Tirtou transferred to another school. At that time, she was quite disgusted with the poor quality of teaching in 156 Middle School. The sprint class did not want to accept his ideas. If he doesn't study hard, others may think that he is a weirdo, but from her standpoint, it can be described as provocative and contemptuous.

"Look at those retired Olympic champions, how many of them have no hidden injuries? If you look at those painters, most of them are popular after their death. The end of being proud of their talents can only be taught to be a man by reality."

Pan Shuai didn't dare to refute, but just responded with a smile.

Li Meng is such a person, "If you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world"-this sentence has been deeply ingrained in her heart.


When Lin Yue came out of the office, he happened to see a group of people surrounding Fang Yifan to praise him.

"Fang Hou'er, your dancing videos are already on Kuaishou's discovery page, it's so amazing, you look like a fire."

"One million likes, exactly one million likes."

"Look at this dance, I want to learn too."

"Fifty dollars? You are too dark."


Wang Yidi sat on the chair next to him, very unconvinced.

"Fifty yuan to learn this? I don't want to learn five yuan."

Fang Yifan was anxious: "Wang Yidi, what do you mean by that?"

"Let me tell the truth, you are lucky, you know if you won the lottery? Really, there are so many videos like this on the Internet, it's just a flash in the pan."

"I said you are a phoenix tail, oh no, you can't touch the phoenix tail now, you are a chicken head now, can you die if you admit that others are better than you?"

"You can't say that. I didn't do well in the exam this time, and I'm also the first in the parallel class. It's much better than your bottom one, and I don't need such a high score at all."

"Ouch." Fang Yifan said in a sly way: "Is there anyone who doesn't care about their own grades? Who do you want to learn from? The one in the basic class..."

He didn't finish the rest of the sentence, and when he looked up, hey, it really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, and the master is here.

"Lin Yue is here, Lin Yue is here."

Everyone knows who this so-called "who's lying down in the basic class" is.

The students around the table reminded those around them in a low voice, so as not to be hated for saying the wrong thing.

Although this guy is a transfer student and his foundation in Chunfeng Middle School is shallow, but in the past two or three months, he has proved with practical actions what it means that the Raptors are not crossing the river. Few people in the school dared to fight against him, even the principal and the physical education teacher were persuaded. After his arch-rival Ji Yangyang ran away from home and cut classes for many days, the students in the basic class who used to dislike him put him in front of him like a mouse meeting a cat .

Fang Yifan shut his mouth and stopped being provocative, but he didn't leave, because it would make people wonder if he was afraid of Lin Yue, not to mention that he won the spoofing event - no apology, no defendant infringement of portrait rights, Instead, Ji Shengli was publicly humiliated by his son and Ji Yangyang ran away from home. Anyway, Lin Yue didn't take advantage of him in this matter.

"Hey, Lin Yue, are you going to take the art test too?" Wang Yidi was surprised when he noticed what he was holding in his hand, and then realized that she had been his audience and knew how well he played the saxophone , I believe that taking the art examinations of Yangyin and Chuanyin with this level is very likely to become a blockbuster. Even if the level of cultural courses is very poor, it is very likely that you will be admitted exceptionally.


"That's right. The score required for the art test is much lower than the normal college entrance examination score. As long as you work hard, there is still hope."

Well, this tone of voice is very Wang Yidi.

Art exam? The score line of the art test is much lower than the normal college entrance examination?

Wang Yidi's words aroused the thoughts of several students with average grades.

"Wang Yidi, what is an art test?" Wang Huahua interrupted the conversation between the two and told everyone what was on their minds. Even Fang Yifan pricked up his ears to listen, because his intuition told him that the art test was very important to him. With a score below 15%, whether you can go to college depends on this hammer.

When Wang Yidi saw that everyone was focusing their attention on him, he suddenly regained his energy.

"This art test is an art test. Music, art, dance, and performance all belong to the category of the art test. A serious college entrance examination with more than 400 points can't even pass the undergraduate line, but the art test is different. As long as the professional level is enough High, poor level of cultural courses may also be exceptionally admitted."

This time everyone understood why she said that she didn't need a high score in the exam.

"By the way, Fang Yifan, don't you claim to have a talent for dancing? With your score in the culture test, the only way left is the art test."

"What is self-proclaiming? Is my dancing talent recognized? What is the concept of 1 million likes, which means that one out of 1,400 people in the country has watched my video."

Fang Yifan was very proud and felt that he was going to be popular, but when he handed the phone forward, Wang Yidi didn't know what he saw.

"Wait, what's going on here?"

"Surprised, aren't you?" Fang Yifan thought she was shocked by the seven-figure number of likes, and while complacent, he cast a provocative glance at Lin Yue.

"No, Fang Hou, look carefully, it seems that someone is scolding you under the video."

After Fang Yifan heard the words, he held it in front of his eyes and looked at it, and the others also moved over to watch together.

"That's right, it's him. He is the one who made the spoof picture of Ji Yangyang in Chunfeng Middle School."

"What the hell, the classmate disappeared, and the classmate's mother was hospitalized with anger, and he still has the mind to dance here?"

"Look at that happy face, I don't know whether to say he is big-hearted or cold-blooded."

"You can tell by his sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks that he is not a good man."

"I know this. His surname is Fang. His name is Fan. He is a scumbag. It is said that he got the last place in the whole grade in the third grade class exam, but I don't know why he was transferred to the parallel class. I suspect that his parents have something to do with the principal." Shameful collusion of interests."

"Who can human flesh this kid, I really want to know what kind of parents can teach this kind of rubbish."


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Unexpectedly, Fang Yifan's joy turned into sorrow. He said just now that he was a mess on the Internet, and it didn't take long before he was scolded. The key is that someone almost called out his name. going to explode.

It may be to confirm everyone's thoughts, Gudu, the screen of the mobile phone shows that a text message has been accessed, and the content is very simple.

"If something happened to Ji Yangyang, would you still be able to sleep peacefully? People are watching, so be careful."

Fang Yifan's expression was rather ugly.

Wang Yidi didn't go there, and he didn't know that he received the threatening text message.

"Fang Hou'er, are they scolding you?"

Fang Yifan didn't have the heart to talk to him, so Daxiong, Wang Huahua and the others exchanged winks and dispersed as if they didn't know anything.

Lin Yue sneered and said, "There are still many good people in this society, well, I'm very pleased."

After saying this meaningful sentence, he turned and left.

"Hey, why are you all gone? I haven't finished yet." Wang Yidi couldn't understand the situation, looked at Fang Yifan, then at Lin Yue, and chased after him heartlessly.

"Lin Yue, which school are you going to apply for? Central Yin or Shangyin?"

"Nortel." Lin Yue blurted out without thinking.

"What? Nortel?"

Wang Yidi thought he heard it wrong. Nortel’s full name is Beijing Film Academy, which is the cradle for cultivating actors, directors, film and animation producers. Even if there are several voice majors, it has nothing to do with the teaching content of music colleges. Say he wants to take the Nortel exam? This... what is this called? This is called holding a watermelon and picking sesame seeds, which is completely incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Lin Yue repeated: "That's right, Nortel."

"Why? Isn't music your forte?"

When Wang Yidi asked this question, Huang Zhitao turned around from the office with a set of mock questions, and almost bumped into Lin Yue. When he saw his face, he quickly lowered his head and left in a hurry.

"Huang Zhitao..."

Wang Yidi called out from behind, wanting to ask her if she knew about Ji Yangyang's situation, but Huang Zhitao ignored her.

"Why is she... Hey, it seems that Ji Yangyang's running away from home has hit her hard."

Lin Yue looked strange, because since Ji Yangyang humiliated Ji Shengli in front of the teachers and student representatives, Huang Zhitao bowed his head and ran away as soon as he met him. If it is missing Ji Yangyang, it is better to say that he is for Ji Yangyang The sentence I said was at a loss—he played the saxophone well, played basketball well, drew well, made models well, knew a lot, was good at fighting, and was very reasonable and empathetic? You admire him a lot, don't you? You admire him to be his girlfriend, why are you still following me?

Huang Zhitao took the initiative to pursue Ji Yangyang in the TV series. No matter how you look at it, she is a very brave girl, and her current performance seems to be inconsistent with her personality.

In fact, it's easy to understand, because she can't accept the situation of falling in love with someone else immediately after breaking up with Ji Yangyang. This will cause gossip, and it will also make her self-question, self-denial, and feel that she is not a good girl with a single-minded relationship.

"By the way, you haven't answered my question yet. Why do you want to take the Nortel exam?" Seeing that the basic class was ahead, Wang Yidi brought the topic back.

Lin Yue glanced at Huang Zhitao who was walking fast with his head bowed and chest in his arms, and said bluntly, "It's because of you."

After speaking, he walked into the classroom, leaving Wang Yidi in a mess amidst the ringing of the class bell.


In the afternoon of the same day, Chen Qi, the head teacher of the parallel class, found Fang Yifan and gave him a copy of the art test materials, and asked him to go home and discuss with his parents whether he should take the road of taking the art test by making use of his strengths.

Chen Qi belongs to the kind of person who is better at doing less than doing more. If his son hadn't bought a house and had a lot of mortgage pressure, he wouldn't be a parallel class teacher. The reason why he cares about Fang Yifan, who is mischievous in daily life and has poor grades, is because he wants to fight for the admission rate. The undergraduate qualification rate is high, and the bonus given by the school is very attractive.

Fang Yifan returned home with his things and explained to his parents. Tong Wenjie didn't agree to do this at first, but Fang Yuan kept making insinuations and doing work for her. Considering her son's scumbag nature, she finally compromised.

In order for her son to pass the test smoothly and get into a good university, comparing the little bastard surnamed Lin and giving her a bad breath, Tong Wenjie called Sister Chen early the next morning and asked her to recommend an art test teacher, but she failed. To her surprise, the art test teacher that Sister Chen introduced to her was actually Qiao Weidong's girlfriend, Xiaomeng. The relationship with her... It's almost the same as the deadly enemy. After all, the last time I was in the yoga studio, because the little bastard surnamed Lin By stepping in, she and Song Qian were disgraced and lost all self-respect. Now they found an excellent opportunity to ridicule this unprofessional mistress, how could they be worthy of the grievances accumulated over the past few days.

This time, that little bastard surnamed Lin won't come here to make trouble... If you count the time, he should be participating in the youth sports championship in the city by now.

Sister Chen didn't know that they knew each other, so she gave a brief introduction to the two of them, and Xiaomeng talked about the situation of the art test.

"...Actually, I think that this art test still depends on the student's own quality, family background, and comprehensive factors, all of which are very important."

Hearing that the art test still requires family background, Tong Wenjie's eyes slanted, and he said in a strange way: "I would like to take the liberty to ask, what kind of work are you doing now?"

Xiaomeng's thoughts sank slightly, knowing that Tong Wenjie had no good intentions, but she still answered very seriously for Sister Chen's sake: "I'm a yoga teacher."

"Oh, look, this art candidate has worked so hard to be trained, spent so much money from his family, and put in a lot of energy himself, and finally came out to teach yoga..."

Discrimination against yoga teachers inside and outside the words is as offensive as the sour bamboo shoots in snail noodles.

Xiaomeng took a deep breath, said three times in her heart "Don't be angry, it's not worth it", and said matter-of-factly: "If you really want your child to take the art test, bring it here and let me have a look, if the conditions are not good, I will tell you bluntly, as for you, there is still time to prepare for the college entrance examination, because I also came here from the third year of high school, and it is already the beginning of December, and there is only half a year left to review after the winter vacation."

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