Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1769 Eat me for a blow

"It really is you."

Qiao Weidong looked gloomy.

Today is New Year's Day. After the three of Qiao's family finished dinner, Song Qian casually said that she saw Lin Yue and Xiao Meng going to Building No. 6. Originally, this had nothing to do with Qiao Weidong, but when she thought about going through the house transfer procedures two days ago What the other party said, he immediately realized that room 602 had already fallen into the hands of his nephew. Just that kid, at the end of the day, he raised a ten-meter machete and slashed him severely - he needs to sell the house as soon as possible to pay taxes and fines, otherwise what awaits him will be a prison sentence, so the listing price Much lower than the market price.

After thinking about it, he couldn't swallow the breath anyway, so he brought Song Qian over to confirm the situation. Qiao Yingzi insisted on following, but the two couldn't stop them, so she let her go.

Lin Yue laughed: "Why can't it be me?"

Qiao Weidong said: "If I knew that Jia Xingdao belonged to you, I would never sell this house to him."

Lin Yue said: "If you can't make up the tax payment, not only will you be deducted, but the house will also have to be auctioned. If I want to buy it, I will become its owner sooner or later. Qiao Weidong, who gave you the confidence to say such a thing? "


Qiao Weidong has nothing to say, because what he said is right, even if the tax bureau does not sell it now, if the tax bureau applies for enforcement, the court will put the house up for auction.

Song Qian said, "You did it on purpose!"

"That's right, I did it on purpose." Lin Yue sneered and said, "You don't naively think that what happened at the psychological lecture venue just passed away?"

Qiao Weidong and Song Qian looked astonished. The farce at the psychological lecture venue obviously ended with the embarrassment of Qiao and Fang. Why? This is not the end? He got cheap and still acts good?

"Song Qian, let me tell you a secret. The down payment for buying this house is the compensation that you and Tong Wenjie called me."

Tong Wenjie's 1.5 million, her 1.2 million, a total of 2.7 million, was he used to buy this house?

The key to buying their houses with their money is a house in a community. This is to let them die together in the two circles of the parent group and the community.

"You mean!"

"What kind of despicable is this? In fact, I have more despicable things."

As he spoke, there was a soft click inside, followed by the sound of wet slippers slapping the ground.

"Lin Yue, who are you talking to?"

It was Xiaomeng's voice.

"Neighbors in the community."

When she heard that it was a "neighbor in the community", she didn't think much about it. She walked up to him in her pajamas and looked up at the opposite side.

All four were dumbfounded.

There was a mask on her face, crystal drops of water hung on her neck, and her wet hair hung down on her left chest. Her whole body was fragrant, and she exuded a kind of laziness with a sense of satisfaction that only married men and women could understand.

Qiao Weidong's face turned red all of a sudden, not from embarrassment, but from anger.

"You bitch!"

Yes, the two broke up, but now Xiaomeng is sleeping with the person he hates the most in his original house, as long as he is still a man, it is impossible to keep calm.

Lin Yue moved Xiaomeng behind him, stretched out his right hand, grabbed Qiao Weidong's hand that wanted to slap Xiaomeng, and kicked it down.


Qiao Weidong knelt down.

"I'm kind enough to tell you another news. I gave this house to her."

In the TV series, because of Qiao Weidong's lack of measure and mental derailment, the two finally broke up. It was obviously the man's fault, but it turned out that the woman proposed to break up. This guy is so scumbag that even Lin Yue can't stand it anymore. He has experienced many worlds. His women have no company, but also a platoon. Even if they can't be together for some reason, at least they will find a way to give each other food and clothing. A carefree life, how did Qiao Weidong treat Xiaomeng? Knowing that she is eager to get married, but has been procrastinating, Xiaomeng really wants a child of her own, but just avoids talking about it, and time and time again when her daughter and ex-wife stimulate her, she doesn't defend her, and uses soft and violent methods. Forcing Xiaomeng to break up, so that it is not the man's fault, and there is no need to pay youth loss fees, mental compensation fees, etc., and he can go to his ex-wife and daughter with peace of mind.

"Don't touch my dad."

Qiao Yingzi became anxious when he saw that Qiao Weidong was kicked to the ground by Lin Yue.

As for why she came here, the purpose is very simple, she just wants to stand up at the critical moment and prevent the situation from getting worse. She never thought that Lin Yue would be so vicious. Qiao Weidong.

"Qiao Yingzi, are you blind? He has already broken into a private house to beat the owner. Do you still expect me to invite him into the living room, make a pot of good tea, and hand it over to him when he is tired and wants to rest? Soothe your throat and quench your thirst?"

Qiao Yingzi looked down and found that Qiao Weidong had indeed crossed the door and entered the hall with half of his body.

"Despicable!" Song Qian hurriedly pulled out Qiao Weidong, who was grinning in pain, "Yingzi, seeing this pair of adulterers and prostitutes, you should give up on her this time."

When Qiao Yingzi insisted on dating Lin Yue, why did she tell her that he would break up with Xiaomeng, but the reality is that not only did the two not break up, but they actually gave Qiao Weidong a cuckold. It can't be said that, after all, Qiao Weidong and Xiaomeng have nothing to do with each other, but this situation... even a man can't accept it.

Lin Yue's face turned cold, and he stepped out of the door, raised his hand and slapped him across the face, just like before, staggering Song Qian.

"This is the first time I've whipped you? It's the third time. Cats and dogs know how to stay away from danger after being beaten a lot. How about you? You're not as good as a beast."

"Qiao Weidong, call the police!"

The first time Lin Yue hit her was because she smashed his space station model, and the second time she hit her was because she hit people with a bag first. Now she thinks that she has neither trespassed nor used violence, Lin Yue slapped her just because of the quarrel, and when he went to the police station, even if he didn't sit around for a few days, he still had to make an apology and save money.

"Report, just to let everyone hear how you lured your daughter to break up with me by participating in the Nantah winter camp, ran to my door to make trouble when we had no relationship, and was beaten by me for making rude remarks."

"Dad! Mom! Let's go, please, let's go home, please. I will never contact him again."

Of course, Qiao Yingzi didn't dare to call the police, because Lin Yue's words contained an undisguised threat. He had already got what he wanted for acting as a couple, which made Qiao Weidong and Song Qian uncomfortable for several days. What about her? The application form was indeed handed in, and Nantah University also approved it, but wouldn't her mother have to pay for the meals and accommodation in Shenzhen? In case Song Qian is forbidden to participate after knowing the truth, will she have the ability to resist?

So no matter what, she wanted to prevent Song Qian from calling the police. In other words, her mother's whipping this time would be for nothing again.

"No, we can't just let it go." Qiao Weidong found that he still couldn't swallow the anger.

Qiao Yingzi said: "Dad, the final exam is only a few days away. What are you going to do? He is the last one in the grade, so he doesn't care about his grades, what about me? If you make such a fuss and the matter spreads to the school, what am I going to do?" Concentrate on preparing for the exam?"

When Song Qian and Qiao Weidong heard this, their anger disappeared without a trace.

Qiao Yingzi didn't do well in the midterm exam. If she doesn't improve in the final exam, she won't be able to pass the year well.

Seeing that her parents gave up, she hurriedly dragged them away from the corridor.

Xiaomeng looked around for a while, confirmed that the three had left, pulled Lin Yue into the room, and closed the door again.

"Are they... sick?"

Lin Yue went back to the kitchen to continue the work at hand: "If you don't like this house, sell it,"

Xiaomeng pondered for a moment, then shook her head: "Even if you really want to sell it, you have to wait until your college entrance examination is over."

Lin Yue gave her a meaningful look, smiled slightly, and continued to cut peppers.


On January 10, after finishing the last subject, Pan Shuai announced that the winter vacation would start from today.

According to the usual practice, there is a make-up class for the third year of senior high school. Generally, the holidays are not given to senior high school students until the end of the ten-day period. However, this year's situation is different. The incident of Ding Yi's jumping into the river has a great impact on Chunfeng Middle School. There is no make-up class.

The sprint class was full of moaning, but the basic class was full of joy, like a festival.

Lin Yue didn't attend the class meeting because he handed in the papers early, and when he left the school, Xiaomeng called and asked him to have a big meal to celebrate the end of the exam.

He didn't refuse, the two found a western restaurant to have a good meal, and returned to Shuxiang Yayuan at night, when they were about to go to bed, a man broke open the door.

Qiao Yingzi stood in the corridor with disheveled hair, looking very emotional, with red eyes, he must have just cried.

"Tell me, did you do it? Was it you!"

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