Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1789 The final blow to the Fang family

in a few days.

Principal Huang announced a decision at the flag-raising ceremony at the end of April. After discussions and serious research, the school leaders decided to give Ji Yangyang the punishment of expulsion from the school. He was absent from class for two consecutive months, and still went his own way in the second semester of the third year of high school. He fought with people outside the school to tarnish the reputation of the school. Finally, he imitated Fang Yifan and made spoof animations to hurt his classmates, affecting the style of study, and was punished for several crimes.

It seems that Ji Yangyang really deserves it, but under normal circumstances, the parents of the students should beg for mercy and they should keep their student status. After all, they will graduate in more than a month. At least give me a chance to enter the university. No, not to mention ruining your life, if you want to catch up with your classmates in the future, it will not be possible to do it twice as hard.

But even though he was expelled from school, he never heard that Ji Shengli asked Huang Kaijun for mercy, and he didn't know what happened between father and son, so that he was so disappointed in his son.

This incident aroused a heated discussion in the school, but it soon dissipated, because Mr. Ji is not as famous as Lin Yue, and because the college entrance examination is only a month away, everyone's energy is spent on study, one by one. Work hard with your sleeves, and work hard to get into the university of your choice.

Lin Yue didn't attend the two-mode and three-mode exams, but to everyone's surprise, the girls who had rumored him with him seemed to have reached some kind of reconciliation, and the scores of the five people rose sharply.

At the end of the three-mode exam, Huang Zhitao squeezed out the second place in the second-mode with a score of 698, touched Lin Leier's butt, and Qiao Yingzi ranked fifth in the whole grade. We all know that she has a good foundation and a solid foundation. Going back to Fengtou is no problem.

Surprisingly, Wang Yidi was actually ranked ninth in the grade. You must know that she is an art candidate, and her 674 score in the culture class is simply... a blow to those students who also signed up for the art test.

This is the sprint class, and there is also big news in the parallel class, which makes Fang Yifan very annoyed.

After the end of the second model, Zhang Xiaoning ranked twelfth in the parallel class. In the third model, she exploded the chrysanthemum who was the third last in the sprint class. However, what was surprising was that she rejected Chen Qi's suggestion to transfer her class. The reason is that the college entrance examination is two weeks away, and if I go to the sprint class, I will not adapt to the change of the environment.

This sounds very reasonable, until Jiang Nuohan, a girl who has been in the bottom twelve of the basic class all the year round, came to the parallel class with a schoolbag on her back, and everyone knew Zhang Xiaoning's motivation for not going to the sprint class... It didn't seem like What she said to Chen Qi was so simple.

Anyway, it's a weird thing, how did they do it?

However, as the number of the college entrance examination time card shortened from ten digits to single digits, this topic was gradually faded away, and everyone was studying hard, heading towards the test of three years of high school... No, it should be said that the results of twelve years of hard study The final exam was full of excitement.


a month later.

The day of college volunteering is also the day when students return to school after the college entrance examination. Most of them will never have the opportunity to sit back in the classroom and study again.

Although everyone has checked their scores online or over the phone, the school still publishes the scores of some students in the college entrance examination. Of course, those who can make the list are the students who have achieved brilliant results.

Black and white, typeface.

In the first row of the first column, Lin Yue scored 733 points, the first in the district and the city.

In the second row, Huang Zhitao scored 709 points, ranking fourth in the district.

In the third row, Lin Lei'er scored 699 points, ranking sixth in the district.

In the fourth row, Qiao Yingzi scored 698 points, ranking seventh in the district.

Fifth row, Xu Mengjun, 691 points, tenth in the district.

The sixth row, Wang Yidi, 688 points, twelfth in the district.

The seventh row, Xu Jiaxiang, 685 points, fifteenth in the district.


There are fifteen people in one column, and there are two columns in total, that is, the list captures the top 30 in the school.

And the third from the bottom of the list, that is, the twenty-eighth winner of the whole school, is Zhang Xiaoning, with 642 points.

The students looked at each other in blank dismay, with visible surprise and incomprehension spreading across their faces.

Some people gritted their teeth and couldn't hide their jealousy. Several Fang Yifan's buddies who were looking forward to Lin Yue's failure to go to school were disappointed. Some people pretended to be calm and raised their mobile phones to take pictures.

Huang Zhitao, Lin Leier, Qiao Yingzi and other "veteran" top students can get good grades, but what the hell are Wang Yidi and Zhang Xiaoning? The former Jitou passed the threshold of Qingbei, and the former Cocktail secured admission tickets for the top 100 double first-class universities in key disciplines.

There is also Lin Yue, with 733 points, the first place in the city. Although Chunfeng Middle School is also a key middle school in the city, no one has ever won the championship for so many years. This result, I don’t know if she will be so angry that she vomited blood and died. This is an ordinary high school transfer student who was treated differently by her. In 2018, she just passed the undergraduate course. Pain for her.

"Jiang Nuohan, how many points did you get?"

Big Bear's questioning sounded from behind.

Lin Lei'er looked back and saw Zhang Xiaoning and Jiang Nuohan coming down from the second floor with a magazine introducing the situation of each university.

"I got...558 points in the exam."

There was an uproar in front of the list.

Although this year there is no distinction between the first line and the second line, only an ordinary undergraduate line with 480 points is given, but according to the classification standards of previous years, Jiang Nuohan's 558 has passed the first line. You must know that she is even Li Meng. Students who have given up, Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang are four or five places higher than Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang in the test at the beginning of the third year of high school, and now they are taking one? Is it possible that if you don't know Lin, there are bonus points?

Lin Lei'er didn't have so many thoughts. He didn't care about how many points Qiao Yingzi and Wang Yidi got in the test. What he cared about was himself. Huang Zhitao surpassed him by 10 points. What about Lin Yue, his big enemy? There is only a difference of 1 point in the model, but when it comes to the college entrance examination... the score difference exceeds 30, and the opponent is the number one in the district and the number one in the city. What about him? The sixth place in the whole district, the whole city might be ranked outside the top 20. He was already working very hard. In order to help him defeat Lin Yue in May, Song Qian put all the energy that should be given to Qiao Yingzi on him. They played very well that day, but as a result, not only did the gap not narrow, but it widened so much.

He couldn't understand it, and it was even harder to accept this reality.

"Lei'er, Lei'er, come..."

At this time Fang Yifan grabbed his arm from behind and pulled him out of the crowd.

"You have to think this way, yes, although you haven't passed the test of that surname Lin, but your score is enough for Tsinghua University, and you will have a chance to surpass him in the future."

Fang Yifan was not disappointed and upset because he only scored 450 points in the exam and did not pass the undergraduate course. In the eyes of others, his expression was no different from before.

"Come on, I'll take you to the theater."

After speaking, he pulled Lin Lei'er out of the teaching building and went straight to the office building behind. He didn't go far into the lobby when he heard a conversation from above.

"I didn't apply to Nortel, but to Peking University."


"Is the debt paid off? Come with me when it's done."


"I gave up my dream for you, what else do you want? Don't you like to pay off your debts? How should you pay off this debt?"


"Don't play me sloppy, I won't let you go. Once you let go, you slipped away again. When you hate Li Meng, you are full of firepower. Why are you dumb when it comes to this kind of thing?"

"Wang Yidi, let him go, haven't you heard of the twisted melon is not sweet? Who stipulated that you give up your dream for him, and he must respond to you?"

"Qiao Yingzi, don't think that I don't know what you did. I used jumping off a building to force others to choose you. Is this something people do?"

"If you don't accept it, if you don't accept it, you can also dance and see how he reacts."

"I'm not like you. I can use his sympathy confidently. Do you know what it's called? Paranoid, I consulted a doctor. This is a personality disorder. The original family environment hurts you. You will have your own family later. You must be affected by this in educating your children? If I were you, I would definitely choose to quit wisely, because this is the true love for him."

"Wang Yidi, you are enough!"

Fang Yifan and Lin Leier looked at each other, because the person who shouted "You are enough" was not Qiao Yingzi, but Huang Zhitao. She and Qiao Yingzi stared at each other like enemies for a semester, and now they actually speak for their rivals?

"Huang Zhitao, you are a double-faced person. When you agreed to a truce and everything was discussed after the college entrance examination, you stood by my side. Now that you have been admitted to Tsinghua University as you wished, you are on Qiao Yingzi's side. I am enough? With Qiao Yingzi's character, believe it or not She can produce a child one day so that you can't eat and walk around."

"Wang Yidi, let me tell you... Hey, where is Lin Yue?"

Fang Yifan heard a muffled bang from behind, and stretched his head to the window to look outside. He saw Lin Yue jumping from the annex of the office building, borrowing his strength from the platform of the external air conditioner, and landed steadily. On the ground, run towards the north gate. Through the gap in the iron fence, one could see an SUV parked there, and a woman in her thirties stood outside the cab, seemingly waiting for him.

"Tsk tsk tsk, do you think the way this scumbag is running for his life looks like a dog?"

"Cousin, why do you think Tao Zi likes a scum like him, and doesn't choose you and Ji Yangyang?"

From Lin Lei'er's point of view, this is a very normal question, but from Fang Yifan's point of view, it is undoubtedly a blow to the soul.

"The three of them have come down, let's go quickly."

Fang Yifan didn't want to face this problem, so he took Lin Lei'er's hand and hurriedly withdrew. After fifteen minutes, he returned to Shuxiang Yayuan, only to find that the SUV he had just seen was parked in the parking lot at the junction of Building 5 and Building 4. Going up and walking two steps forward, they saw Lin Yue and Xiao Meng, opposite Tong Wenjie who had just returned from grocery shopping.

"This bastard."

Fang Yifan's expression darkened, and he ran towards his mother. From his point of view, it must be no good for Lin Yue to stop his mother.


Lin Lei'er was also anxious, and shouted from a distance. At this time, the person on Lin Yue's left heard the voice from behind and looked back. When his gaze touched that face, his whole body trembled and his heart beat faster.

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