Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1795 Everything is fine


You mean Yuan Shanshan?

So, the woman in the room is Yuan Shanshan's mother?

As a person who has experienced many worlds and thinks he has some understanding of women, he can tell from the voice just now that this is a very strong woman.

If you think about it, you cuckolded your husband and gave birth to someone else's child to be raised by the man's family. Now that your daughter is eighteen years old, and she is about to go to college, she comes here to snatch her. She is justifiably confident. ... can only say cattle.

"I don't know." Yuan Wei's voice was somewhat bitter.

"I don't know? Your daughter ran out last night and didn't come home all night. You told me you didn't know? How did you become a father? Are you still her father?"


Yuan Wei remained silent, as if feeling a little guilty.

Standing outside the door, Lin Yue couldn't take it anymore, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

boom boom boom~

boom boom boom~

"Who is it?" Yuan Wei walked to the door and asked.

"Uncle Yuan, it's me, Lin Yue."

"Xiao Lin? I have something to do at home. It's not convenient to receive you now. How about we meet and talk in the afternoon?"

It could be seen that Yuan Wei didn't want him to get involved in this matter, let alone expose the fact that his daughter was with him.

Maybe it was because he felt that he had done too much, and he helped the old lady deal with the funeral, and traveled thousands of miles to Beijing to find someone. A few days after the completion of the work, Yuan Shanshan went to him to complain about her grievances. Any conscientious person would feel ashamed to help the Yuan family more, fearing that he would not repay this kindness.

"Uncle Yuan, open the door, I have a few words to say."

"Little Lin..."

"Uncle Yuan, Shanshan is with me, I'm here this time..."


Before he could finish speaking, the door opened, but it was not Yuan Wei who opened it for him. It was a woman, in her early forties, with a bit of beauty, but for Lin Yue, it was easy to distinguish her face. Which part has been knifed, and judging from the Chanel bag in her hand and a pair of sunglasses, it should have arrived not long ago.

Lin Yue was looking at her, and she was also looking at Lin Yue, and there was something called domineering between her brows.

Yuan Wei sighed, let him into the room, and closed the door.

"Sanshan is with you?"

"That's right."

"and who are you?"

"What about you?" Lin Yue asked back.

"I'm Shanshan's mother."

"Hehe, mom? After leaving the child for ten years and leaving him to be raised by someone who has no blood relationship, now that the child has grown up, he wants to come back to recognize his relatives. Are you such a mother? What kind of mother are you? "

This is basically a copy of Zhang Yufang's questioning of Yuan Wei not caring about where her daughter will stay overnight.

"It's not up to you, an outsider, to point fingers at our family's affairs."

"Then Yuan Wei's father is incompetent, and it's not up to you, a bitch, to judge him."

"Who do you call a slut?" Zhang Yufang was furious.

"If you say someone else is a slut in front of you, God will kill me for sure."

" little bastard..."

Zhang Yufang turned her face to look at Yuan Wei, without concealing her contempt and anger: "You asked him to come and support you? You also told him these things?"

"I do not……"

Yuan Wei hesitated and couldn't say a complete sentence, of course he didn't say this matter.

Zhang Yufang didn't let him continue. She pointed at Lin Yue with her sunglasses and said, "No matter what you say, this is between me and him, and has nothing to do with you. Please leave now."

"Well, it doesn't matter." Lin Yue curled his lips: "The old lady died unexpectedly. I helped take care of the funeral and brought Yuan Wei back here from Beijing. The Yuan family's affairs have nothing to do with me? You Do you have the nerve to say that too?"

"That's between you and him, what does it have to do with me? I just want my daughter." Zhang Yufang glanced at Yuan Wei: "I heard that he owed a lot of gambling debts outside, maybe someday They took the house away, and Shanshan will not even have a place to live, and the cost of going to college is not low, with his financial ability... cut..."

After saying this, she unzipped her handbag and took out a bank card.

"There are 600,000 in it, which is enough for you to pay off your gambling debts."

Yuan Wei didn't pick it up.

He knew exactly what Zhang Yufang wanted to do—buy his daughter with money.

Lin Yue sarcastically said, "Who made you think that you can redeem your family relationship just by giving money?"

He looked at Yuan Wei again: "Uncle Yuan, you don't know, the old lady actually left a will, but it's not for you, because she knows that her granddaughter may not be able to find you, this will is for Grandma Liu and Uncle Xue’s downstairs, the content is quite long, to the effect that if she has troubles and cannot find her son, she will entrust them to take care of her granddaughter. There is a paragraph in it that mentions the child’s mother, saying that after you left Jianghai City, she had seen The person who abandoned her husband and daughter, the other party asked her for custody of the child, but her attitude was very firm, and she threatened that if the pressure was tight, she would tell the child the scandalous things that the mother did when she was young, and finally she pleaded The neighbors of a building explained to their granddaughter that they wanted everyone to testify to their son that he did not ignore the elderly and children, and would send 2,000 yuan home every month during the two or three years outside. Zhang passbook, later Grandma Liu gave it to you. As for the suicide note, Uncle Xue felt that since it was written for them, I found you again. The so-called one more thing is better than one less thing. burnt."

Yuan Wei frowned. He didn't expect that Zhang Yufang would come to harass the old lady when he left Jianghai to hide his debts.

"Of course, that's not the point." Lin Yue sneered: "The point is that I found someone to investigate the name 'Zhang Yufang'. Guess what I found? Ten years ago, I registered my marriage with a businessman surnamed Wu in MO. The businessman passed away unexpectedly six years ago, and she inherited a large fortune. She returned to the mainland to invest in the catering industry four years ago, and has shares in a four-star hotel in Jianghai City. There are also two travel agencies in Suzhou and Wuxi, which specialize in undertaking inland tourism. Tourism business to Macau, but the interesting thing is that since she left her husband and daughter, she has never been pregnant again, otherwise there would be more inheritance.”

Hearing this, Zhang Yufang's face became very ugly, she never thought that this young man she didn't know at all knew her affairs so clearly.

"Just imagine, if a rich man wants to get his daughter back from an ordinary family, but he doesn't want to be known about his misdeeds, what is the best way? I think that putting this ordinary family in trouble and forcing the parents It would be a good idea to voluntarily relinquish custody of the child because of the love of the daughter, and maybe lose a little money, but what is it compared to the only daughter?"

Yuan Wei was a little dizzy, and couldn't understand the twists and turns, and Zhang Yufang... was already pale, because this kid was so close to saying that Yuan Wei had a gambling debt that she ordered others to do.

Lin Yue said coldly: "Get lost!"


"Do you really want me to show evidence? At that time, the place where you talked to Uncle Yuan won't be here, it should be the police station."

Zhang Yufang clenched the bag and the ears tightly, turned and left with a cold face.


Lin Yue threw the bank card she threw on the coffee table: "Since I have decided to help others, I will take care of it to the end, and don't let me see you appear in Yuan Shanshan's field of vision, otherwise, I promise to send you to jail. "

Zhang Yufang didn't say much, picked up the bank card on the ground, twisted her waist, and left.




The sound of high heels was getting further and further away.

Only then did Yuan Weiya come to his senses: "Xiao Lin, you said...she planned what happened back then?"

Lin Yue nodded, and said in a low voice, "If you weren't worried about making things worse and further harming your daughter, hmph..."

"Xiaolin, thank you so much, I really don't know..."

"Uncle Yuan, I know what you want to say, but the most urgent thing is to appease Shanshan's emotions."

"Yes, you are right."

"Let's go, go to my house and have a look, at this point She should be awake."

Lin Yue threw the padded clothes hanging on the hanger to Yuan Wei, and led them out of the apartment building and walked towards his home.

After a few minutes, he opened the door and walked into the living room.

The two came at the right time. Yuan Shanshan came out of the bedroom rubbing her numb arms. Looking straight ahead, her eyes were still a little swollen, and there was a trail of tears on the base of her ears.



Yuan Shanshan met Yuan Wei's gaze and looked over with a complicated expression, a little flustered in surprise.

Lin Yue said, "You talk, I'll go downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes."

He withdrew tactfully, leaving room for the father and daughter to communicate.

Yuan Shanshan is an introverted child who is actually very strong. He believes that she can adjust her mentality as soon as possible and handle this matter well.

Half an hour later, he received a call from Yuan Wei, saying that they had finished talking and that Shanshan had gone home with him, because she was still emotionally unstable, and she would let her go after a few days when she got better. Thank you at the door.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yue returned upstairs with a cigarette in his mouth, went straight to the bedroom, and turned on his laptop.

He is very fortunate. If the father and daughter do not talk well enough, Yuan Shanshan will be very troublesome if he continues to live at home. It is not because Su Han thinks too much, but because the Zhou Papi system sent him a new task. The target is A very popular film and television drama last year - "Everything is Good".

Special thanks to Jun Envy for rewarding 100,000 starting coins, and thank you for my favorite egg fried rice rewarding 5000 starting coins, lucky protagonist, my favorite egg fried rice rewarding 2000 starting coins, I once dreamed of going to the world with a sword, 1,500 starting coins from Qingfeng, 500 starting coins from Jinghua Shuiyue 0114, 100 starting coins from social brother Z, Wu Yanzu Qingxi branch.

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