Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1797 Then break off the relationship

Pulling down the system menu to the taskbar, Lin Yue looked at the text on the panel with a thoughtful face.

Main quests: Neither are good.

Side mission: treat the person in the same way as the person.

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Task time limit: 2017-2019 Spring Festival.

Whether to accept: (Y/N).

All good?

Not good?

Is this the opposite of the title of the show?

No, it should be said to return to the theme of the novel "Everything is Good". After all, if you look at domestic TV dramas, there are not many that are not family fun and happy endings, especially family ethics dramas.

Is it possible in reality?

Take this drama as an example, if Su Mingyu doesn't show up and doesn't toss between the Su family, can Su Mingcheng and his wife get a divorce? Can the little family break up? You must know that they have been together for ten years, and they have been married for six or seven years. These years have been very loving. When Su's mother dies, well, everything is messed up.

From the standpoint of a normal person, with their parents around, they are still a family, and when their parents are gone, brothers and sisters will also move around, but the situation is definitely not comparable to when their parents were there. As far as the relationship between Su Mingcheng and Su Mingyu is concerned, it’s all about the relationship between Su Mingcheng and Su Mingyu. Normally, when the younger sister is at fault first, and the older brother is at fault later, and both are at fault, can she be forgiven for humiliating Su Mingcheng in the detention center? If you want to say that they are all young people in their teens and twenties, they are all in their thirties. shameless? Who hasn't been whipped by life with hostility? Those with poor psychological quality can commit suicide by being scolded by some old things that have gone bad. Will Su Mingcheng bow his head and admit his mistakes and forgive Su Mingyu? What about cheating ghosts?


The sound of the collision of the coffee cup and the porcelain plate interrupted his contemplation, and when he looked up, it was his wife, Zhu Li, walking up to Su Mingyu with a cup of coffee.

"Mingyu, this is the first time we met. You didn't come when I married your second brother. We all know that you are busy with work, parents, and we understand that now that my mother is gone, we are a family after all. People, in the future we need to communicate more and move around more.”

Well, a famous scene in a TV series.

As the second sister-in-law, Zhu Li made coffee for Su Mingyu without lifting her butt or saying thank you, just like a master treats a servant.

If it is said that brothers and sisters fight, get angry, grab food, and fight for toys, the only child will definitely not understand, but whoever has brothers and sisters has not experienced it? Many of them pinched very badly when they were young, and they have a good relationship when they grow up. Even if the Su family's situation is a bit extreme, it's okay for Su Mingyu to hate Su Mingcheng, so what's the matter with throwing face at Zhu Li? What's more, from the plot of the first episode, even a fool can see that Su Mingcheng intends to improve the relationship with Su Mingyu after not seeing him for more than ten years. He asked his wife to offer coffee and asked her what she would like for lunch. She has a bad nose, and when her mother died, she was treated like this when she was sad and sad. If she is so hot-tempered, she must be let go on the spot, and there is no interest relationship. Are you used to this thing?

Su Mingcheng asked Su Mingyu, "Your sister-in-law asked you what to eat", explaining that she was treated as a younger sister, how did Su Mingyu reply? Say to Su Mingzhe, "Brother, isn't this man going out? It's just right, let him iron your coat, and you have to wear it tomorrow."

Using "this person" means that Su Mingyu doesn't regard Su Mingcheng as an older brother at all.

Because I hated my mother for not coming home for more than ten years, came back at the funeral? Other families have been here for more than ten years, and you are missing a daughter?

Lin Yue stood up, walked to Zhu Li, picked up the cup of coffee and drank it in a few gulps.

"She doesn't deserve it."

When Su Mingyu heard this, she looked over with hatred on her face.

Over there, Su Mingzhe quit: "Mingcheng, why are you talking?"

"That's how I talk, listen to what you want, and take your things and take your father away if you don't want to."

Lin Yue is not Su Mingcheng. He has no feelings for Su Daqiang. With the virtue of the old man, if he lives with him, he will definitely die in two or three days. So from this point of view, he is doing Su Mingzhe and Su Daqiang good. .

Su Mingyu took a glance at him from the phone, and muttered softly: "Scum."

"Mingcheng, is your attitude towards our father? You let me down so much. "

Su Mingzhe was very angry, and Su Daqiang glanced at him, very surprised by this, the main reason is that the second son has always been sweet-mouthed in the past ten years, and it was the first time he talked to his parents with this attitude.

"I let you down?" Lin Yuehan said in a voice: "First, you won't be disappointed when the one over there speaks in this tone, but you will be disappointed when I speak in this tone? Just kidding, who do you think you are? Live your own life That’s right, I need to make you respectable? Second, this is my home, and I can say whatever I want. You only have to listen to it, and you can leave if you don’t like it. Third, I let you take him away for his own good, so as not to What happened to him here, and you complained about me like I was not around when my mother died, since you want to be a filial son and an example, how can I stop you, right?"


Su Mingzhe couldn't figure out what happened. Why did his younger brother, who was very respectful and affectionate to him just now, suddenly act like a different person, and speak so choked up.

"I'm your big brother! And our dad..."

Lin Yue didn't let him finish his sentence: "Then break off the relationship, just like the one over there, she didn't come to the door when Mom was there, and cut off the relationship between mother and daughter. Now that Mom is gone, I also cut off the relationship with the old man. She doesn't I recognize Zhao Meilan, I don't recognize Su Daqiang, how normal."

In the play, Su Mingcheng is right in saying that if the family affairs are not clear, it is a messy account, and Su Mingyu is the best at settling accounts. Since the system wants him to treat others in the same way, today On behalf of Su Mingcheng, he settled the accounts with these people.

When Su Daqiang heard this, he quickly hit the snake with the stick: "Mingzhe, look... look, he is going to kick me out, you can't be like him, you have to control me, you don't care about me , I... I might as well find a place to tie a rope and hang it up, and go with your mother."

"Dad, Dad, don't worry, I will take good care of you." Su Mingzhe hurriedly comforted his cold-hearted old father.

Su Mingyu looked at the titular "Second Brother" with disdain, thinking how could there be such a dog in the world.

"Dad, don't be angry. Mingcheng is also sad because of his mother's affairs. He lost his temper. He didn't mean it." Zhu Li smiled awkwardly, pushed Lin Yue away, and took off the leather jacket hanging on the hanger by the door. In his arms: "Everyone has been busy all morning, let's go and buy something to eat."

It seemed that he was afraid that he would say something nasty again, so he quickly opened the door and pushed him out.

"What are you still doing, don't hurry up."

After winking a few more times, she closed the door, turned around and looked at the three people in the living room with a smile that wasn't a smile: "Dad, brother..."

Just as she was about to apologize to Su Daqiang and Su Mingzhe and help her husband take it off, Su Mingyu pointed to the coat hanging on the hanger and said, "Brother, when that man went down just now, you should let him iron your coat by the way. You will have to pay for your mother's funeral tomorrow morning." I still have to wear it."

"It's okay, Mingyu. I'll find a dry cleaner nearby, or a hotel that provides ironing services."

"Brother, I know where there is a dry cleaner. Let me iron your clothes for you."

"Julie, no, really no..."

When Su Mingzhe spoke, Zhu Li had already taken off his woolen coat, and pointed out the door with a little unnaturalness, meaning that I had nothing else to do, and when I was done, I put on my shoes and opened the door to leave.

Su Mingyu lowered her head and continued to play with her mobile phone.

Su Mingzhe was a little unhappy: "Mingyu, stop playing, come and talk to Dad for a while."

What Su Mingcheng said was a jerk and it was true, but he could also see that most of the second child's emotions were aimed at the third child, and he was caught in the middle as a doormat.

At the same time, Zhu Li came downstairs with her woolen coat, and found that her red JEEP Wrangler was still parked in the parking space, next to Su Mingyu's Mercedes-Benz CLS.

Although judging from the experience, Su Mingyu suggested that Su Mingzhe should iron his clothes as soon as she sent her husband away, so that he could wear it to Zhao Meilan's funeral tomorrow, but judging from the time, Su Mingcheng should have driven away long ago.

Could it be that he didn't drive to buy lunch?

Confused, Zhu Li walked to her car and looked in through the window. With just one glance, the fire in her heart rushed to her cranial cavity.

Su Mingcheng didn't follow her orders to buy lunch for the family at all. He actually... He actually sat in the car with the chair down, and played with his mobile phone with his feet on the center console.

There was a click.

She opened the car door, and said with anger in her almond eyes: "Su Mingcheng, are you such a son? I told you to buy lunch, why are you lying here playing with your phone?"

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