Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1813 Career cheating for a hundred years

Seeing that Zhao Meilan was dead, Su Daqiang and his youngest daughter teamed up to bully Su Mingcheng, forcing the second son to sell the house to pay off the debts, and the wife also wanted to brag about it; It looks like he has a lot of money and wealth, but he actually regards his father as a drag.

The matter of the Su family... It really is just like the rumors in the streets and alleys, it is so chaotic that people don't know what to say.

"What? Mingcheng not only sold the house, but also divorced Zhu Li. Mingyu, what do you want me to say about you? At the beginning... Sigh." Su Mingzhe seemed to understand the conversation between the two: "Mingyu, You are also Dad's daughter, and it is really inconvenient for the elder brother, I hope you can take up your own responsibilities."


Su Mingzhe hung up the phone.

This counts as an ultimatum.

It would be unfilial if she ignored Su Daqiang.

Moreover, it was a full exposure of unfilial piety in front of many elders.

At the funeral, everyone knew that she had quarreled with Zhao Meilan and then severed the relationship between mother and daughter. If Su Daqiang's pension issue was overturned, it would be out-and-out heartless and inhumane.

Although she doesn't care about these rumors, well, this will become an excuse for Su Mingcheng to attack her, which is unacceptable to her.

"So this is a matter between you and the boss. How to settle the old man, you two can decide." Lin Yue knocked on the turntable of the dining table, which means that you have collected the money, and I have said what you have to say. What to do is up to you After deciding, he smiled at the guests present and turned around to leave.

Su Daqiang was stunned.

Su Mingyu's face sank like water.

Lao He, Lao Song and others looked at the high-end dishes on the table, and suddenly lost interest in eating and drinking.

So the atmosphere at the scene became very awkward.

Su Mingyu picked up the phone again and called Su Mingzhe, only to find that the phone was turned off.

Su Daqiang noticed this, stopped drinking and eating, pulled his chair back, and walked to the door in a daze: "What is this for? What is this for? You all know that I am going to the United States , suddenly not allowed to go.”

Director Gao saw Su Mingyu standing there stupidly, and pointed to the open door: "Mingyu, why don't you hurry up and see your father."


Only then did Su Mingyu come to her senses, and chased him out with her clothes.

As soon as she left here, the atmosphere in the restaurant became much more relaxed. Lao He pointed to the outside and said to the people around him: "Look at this family, looking at the endless scenery, it turned out to be a joke."

"Isn't it? If you ask me, it's not as good as when old Su's wife is around."

Lao Song's words attracted several old colleagues who knew the situation of the Su family to nod in agreement.

Director Gao resumed his leadership style, and said in a pointing tone: "Everyone has seen that every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. How can this child succeed? Like Lao Su, he is not treated anywhere. See, it's just a face of brilliance."

"Yeah, so you still have to rely on yourself for the elderly, counting on your's almost like gambling."

"I think there is something wrong with the Su family's education."

"Old Su's daughter-in-law didn't have so many things when she was alive. When he was drinking with us before, he always said how powerful his daughter-in-law is. What's going on now? Without a wife at the helm, the whole family fell apart."


When people in the box were discussing, Su Daqiang had already walked out of the hotel gate, and Su Mingyu had just paid the bill and was about to catch up.

Beside the searchlight outside the hotel, Lin Yue took pictures with his mobile phone, turning Su Daqiang's ashen face into pictures.

In fact, it was reflected at the end of the TV series that even if Su Daqiang stopped being a demon, Su Mingyu would have to quit his job to take care of him. Even before he got Alzheimer’s, Shi Tiandong was in charge of the old man’s food and daily life during the two days he lived at Su Mingyu’s house, you know At this time, Su Mingyu has become the vice president of Zhongcheng, without the troubles of Vice President Sun and Vice President Zhang, and concluded a strategic alliance with Xiaomeng. At the beginning of the TV series, she always said that she would take Su Daqiang to live with her, but in the end In the first episode, I felt that the old man didn’t take a bath and his body stinks away, but the boss and the second don’t dislike it at all. This kind of thing is easy to say when the upper lip touches the lower lip, but it’s really done... No Audiences who have taken care of the elderly can't imagine the hard work involved, but those who know this and have experienced it will only smile at those young audiences who stand and talk without back pain, and say in their hearts "Just as long as you are happy" .

"Su Mingcheng, what are you doing?"

As soon as Su Mingyu went out, she saw that he didn't care about Su Daqiang, just holding up his mobile phone to take pictures, and the evil fire in his heart kept rising.

"Can you manage it?"


"I'm a scumbag, you're a filial daughter, okay?"

Lin Yue is too lazy to break up with this kind of slut, don't say that women in love can't listen to reason, many women in daily life are also you talk to her about the law, she talks to you about morality, you talk to her about morality, she talks to her You talk about your feelings, you talk about your feelings with her, and she talks about your attitude... It is a waste of time to persuade such a person.

He turned around and left, and Su Daqiang suddenly raised his head behind him.

"Mingcheng, do you ignore me? I'm your father."

Lin Yue stared back at him for a few moments, then stretched out his hand: "Here's the bank card, go to Zhu's house to make amends, bring Zhu Li back, and I'll take advantage of Su Mingyu's business trip to the United States to take care of you for two days."

The old man held onto his trouser pocket and leaned his body behind Su Mingyu, answering this question with practical actions.

"So what does this have to do with me?"

He left without looking back.

Su Mingyu hated her teeth itching from behind. As for Su Mingcheng losing his house and his wife divorcing him, these bad things are completely out of her consideration.

At the end of the TV series, Su Mingyu has never thought about it. The second brother and Zhu Li have lived happily for a long time, and the seven-year itch has passed. Why did the two families break up when she intervened in the Su family's affairs? ? Well, this is the portrayal of the mentality of many young people. I will not deliberately please anyone, and I am too lazy to think in other places. In short, whoever treats me well and I treat others well, but if there is something wrong, who cares about you? How old are you? Even my parents have to let me go.

Therefore, it is understandable that many people sympathize with Su Mingyu. Aside from the forced reunion ending in TV dramas, people like Su Mingyu may earn a lot of money by sacrificing their family and life in the real world, but she and her relatives Relationship... 10% dare not say, at least 80% are alienated.

"Get in the car, Dad? Dad!"

Hearing Su Mingyu's impatient voice, Su Daqiang came to his senses, and sat in the co-pilot dejectedly, looking like a doormat.

"Brother didn't let you go, I didn't say I don't care about you."

Su Mingyu was very dissatisfied with the old man's performance, and outsiders would think she was not filial when they saw it.


The Mercedes-Benz CLS let out a deep roar, ran over the speed bump, and drove towards the hotel gate.

The lights flickered, illuminating the landscape on the left side of the road. Su Mingyu thought that she was going to the United States and Los Angeles. She had to ask Su Mingzhe face to face what kind of problems he encountered, so that he let Su Daqiang dove on such an important matter.

As for whether to take Su Daqiang with him? After hesitating for a while, she decided not to take it, because doing so was too extreme, and it was tantamount to forcing the boss to accept him. She didn't think the situation was bad enough to turn against Su Mingzhe.


Su Mingyu changed another nanny for Su Daqiang. This time, she found a young one in her early forties. In addition to Shi Tiandong's fixed-point feeding, she should be able to support her until she came back from the United States, and then took an international flight to the other side of the ocean. America.

Su Daqiang suffered for three or four days because he could not go abroad, but as a person who has been taken care of by his wife for most of his life, his management ability...or his thick skin is definitely above that of ordinary people. As soon as Su Mingyu left, he came back to life, thinking about the bank card I have 1.8 million in my wallet, plus more than 50,000 in my passbook, and I have nearly 2 million in my hand, so I feel a little bit drifting.

On this day, he went to the theater to listen to Kunqu Opera, and met a former friend Nie Laijin. The two chatted very warmly, especially on the question of whether the elderly should be diligent and frugal. Su Daqiang met a bosom friend. He has worked hard for his children for most of his life, and half of them have been buried in the earth, so he still can't enjoy his life well. If he dies suddenly like Zhao Meilan, it's thanks to the panic, so he has to spend his energy and create it.

Regrettably, a person who has been managed by his wife for most of his life and has never had a balance of more than 50 yuan in his small coffers, the only way he can think of to squander is to buy lottery tickets. In the past, he bought two bets and two bets. , Now one hundred bets, and also experience the pleasure of making the proprietress Swallow look up to you.

"Call me according to the receipt, and each number will be charged ten times."

"Oh, Uncle Su, you...have gotten rich?"

Yanzi looked at the two old people's heads on the counter and felt that the sun was coming out from the west. Su Daqiang had bought lottery tickets for more than ten years, but he had never been so generous as he is today.

"Get rich, get rich."

Su Daqiang thought about the money that Kari lay down, and said that it would be fine to get rich.

"If there is a saying that this person can't stop the fortune when it comes, Uncle Su, you will definitely win the big prize today."

"Yeah, I think so too."

As Yanzi said, he entered the numbers into the computer, and put the receipt on the counter when he was done: "You take it."

Su Daqiang stretched out his hand to pick it up. At this time, a hand from behind held down the receipt. He turned his head and saw that it was his second son, Su Mingcheng.

"How did you come?"

"I'll take you to America."

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