Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1819 Dare to take my money, isn't it hot?

"Are you that 'Han Ruqiu'?"

The person who spoke was a woman in her forties. She had a decent figure. At least for a woman of her age, it could be said that she was well maintained. Her face was not bad. The typical case of plastic surgery failure is better.

"That's right, I'm the 'Han Ruqiu' who emailed you."

As soon as Lin Yue finished speaking, the proprietress came in with tea trays, teapots, teacups, tea washers and other utensils for drinking Kungfu tea and put them on the table.


Lin Yue rushed to the seat opposite and waved.

The woman hesitated for a while, walked over to sit down, put her handbag on the corner of the table, and looked at him with a vigilant look: "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Lin Yue told the proprietress that there is no need to work, and that she can do it by herself, and motioned her to close the door when she went out.

"Montaire, don't you think that going straight to the point will reveal your anxiety and eagerness? Unless you have a winning chance, this is a big taboo at the negotiating table." Lin Yue said while pouring the brewed tea to the guests.

That's right, the woman sitting opposite him is Meng Zhiyuan's wife Yingshu.

"I don't have time to spend here with you. If I have something to say, I have something to do."

She didn't take the teacup, she seemed a little rude, and her tone of voice was a little arrogant.


Lin Yue waved towards the door.

However, Yingshu only changed his expression, and did not really get up and leave as mentioned above.

"There's a word called Se Li Nei Ren, you should have heard of it." After Lin Yue said this mocking sentence, he put the cup in front of him to his lips: "Well, Mingqian Longjing, this tea is not bad."


Yingshu looked at the other side with the same expression as usual, but the young man who had been teasing him—at least compared to her age, was very young, and he was so angry that he gritted his teeth, not in the mood to drink tea. She wanted to leave, but she didn't dare to leave, because she was not sure how the other party got those things, whether there were more similar things in her hands, and the purpose of sending her an email was definitely not just to sit and drink tea .

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

Lin Yue put down the teacup: "Did you see that photo?"

Of course she saw it, and it was precisely because she saw the photo in the email that she came here patiently holding back her unhappiness.

"I have some similar photos here."

Lin Yue picked up the phone, called up the photos in the album, and swiped in front of Yingshu.

"Show me what this means?"


Lin Yue held the key, and tapped his fingers on the table: "Montai, please open your handbag."

She pondered for a moment, but did as she did.


Package opened.

"Take out your phone."

Yingshu's hand trembled like an electric shock.

Lin Yue added: "Take out the phone, the recording is off."

How did he know? How did he know that she was turning on the tape recorder? At this moment, Yingshu's face could no longer be described simply as stiff, but also panicked and humiliated.

Under Lin Yue's gaze, she gritted her teeth, took out her phone, and turned off the recorder.

From the moment she entered the door until now, the man on the opposite side has eaten her to death!

"It's closed."

"I like well-behaved and obedient women." Lin Yue took a sip of tea and said slowly: "The biller Shen Hao on these receipts is your younger brother, right?"

Yingshu nodded sullenly.

"I have been following this company called Anyuan for a long time. Since 2016, your younger brother Shen Hao has started to falsely issue value-added tax invoices for this company. The face value is quite large. There is an illusion that the payment of the ticket is the same, but as long as you check carefully, you can still find the tricks in it."

"You're not kidding, are you?"

"Do you think I'm a joker?"

"Then what Shen Hao did, you can just ask Shen Hao, why come to me?" Yingshu was a little flustered when she said this, and she didn't dare to look at him.

"It's very simple, because you signed and agreed to every invoice issued by Shen Hao. If it is investigated, you, as the financial director of Zhongcheng, have an unshirkable responsibility. No matter whether I submit this document anonymously to the procuratorate or send it Going to the board of directors of Zhongcheng Group will cause you unacceptable losses, well, you are in finance, and you don’t need me to tell you what the consequences of falsely issuing value-added tax invoices are, right?”

Of course she knew that with the amount on the list, even if she was sentenced to be an accomplice, she would have to spend at least three years in prison.

"Uh...heh, look at this..." Yingshu tried his best to squeeze out a smile: "What do you want me to let us go?"

"It's very simple, borrow money."

Hearing that his goal was money, Yingshu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that things that can be settled with money are nothing serious: "How much?"


This is not a small number, but for people of her class, it is not a big problem to make up.

"Is it because I give you the 5 million and you just let us go?"

"No, I'm borrowing 5 million from you." Lin Yue took out an IOU from his bag and pushed it over.


Yingshu glanced at the contents of the IOU, and was a little confused, because it not only contained the loan amount, but also agreed on the interest rate, 10% for three months.

10% for three months is equivalent to 40% annualized?

Unless you bought black horse stocks or caught up with the bull market, what kind of investment can have a 40% return?

If the person has no intention of paying it back, does he need an IOU?

Can extortion still play like this?

"It's strange, isn't it?" Lin Yue tapped his phone: "If I say I'm taking you to make money, not extortion, do you believe it?"

Yingshu didn't know whether to believe it or not, she always thought this guy was too weird.

"One day, another person will threaten you with what I have in my hands. At that time, I will help you solve this problem, but the prerequisite is that you don't tell Shen Hao about it and pretend that you don't know anything. Look, don't make small moves in private, otherwise, I guarantee that every member of the board of directors of Zhongcheng Group will have a share of these things."

"You... what do you want to do?"

Yingshu was confused by his cloudy operation, and even scratched his head to understand his thoughts.

Lin Yue returned her inscrutable smile, and pushed another piece of paper with numbers on it: "The money will be sent to this account within a week, remember to go through the channels of foreign banks, aren't you in finance? I I guess it's not hard for you."


Yingshu was about to be overwhelmed by this guy, saying that he should be cautious, that's true, but being cautious and helping her to get money without looking for money, what kind of fairy operation is this?

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you will understand in the future." Lin Yue put the phone in his pocket, got up and walked outside: "I just bought it."


He opened the compartment door and disappeared.

Yingshu looked at the IOU and bank card number on the table, his expression was in a daze, his eyes were dull, and his mind was in a mess.


Pingtan teahouse.

Two people sit on the stage, the woman holds the pipa, and the man holds the sanxian.

The human voice is babbling, and the strings are tinkling.

The song "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" was sung.

Behind the table in the middle of the third row, Nie Laijin licked melon seeds and turned his head to the left. Su Daqiang turned his face to the right, pointed to the photo on the phone and said, "Did you see the letters on the mountain? Okay, Lai, Wu, Mingzhe took me there for a whole day, Disney, Universal Studios, "Tom and Jerry", I know, I have seen Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, but I have no impression of Bumblebee and Optimus Prime, anyway, he said I walked all the way, and I didn't understand half of it."

"Old Su, your trip to the United States is an eye-opener."

"That's right, I also chatted with the Americans for a while."

"You, chatting with Americans?"

"I've worked in the school library for so many years, and I've read a lot of books. It's okay to speak a few words of English, can't you?"

"No, no."

Nie Laijin looked admiring.

Su Daqiang was very useful.

"Oh, the eldest son tried his best to keep me, but..." He waved his hand: "The food is not good, if you want to eat soy milk and fried dough sticks, you have to go to a Chinese restaurant to buy it, and it is far from authentic. I don't usually have an old friend to chat with. It's okay if Tiantu is fresh, but if you stay for a long time, you will have trouble with yourself."

"Hey, Lao Su, you've just opened up. You have the same idea as me. Let me tell you, if you want to retire, you should stay in China, listen to Pingtan, watch Kunqu Opera, go shopping in the garden when you're bored, and have a bowl of noodle soup when you're hungry. ! As long as your children give you money, you can spend it as much as you want, how many years can people of our age live with all the money?"

"It's true, money is something outside of the body, so you can get it as you like."

Speaking of this, Su Daqiang pondered for a while: "Old Jin, I remember the financial management you told me before, tell me about it again."


When Nie Laijin was preaching to Su Daqiang, Lin Yue was coming out of the hall, and was speechless when he heard the recording from Xiaomi's mobile phone.

Since Su Daqiang wanted to return the money to him so soon, of course there was no reason to refuse.

Thank you for the 1,000 starting coins that I am not a good person, the 700 starting coins that are rewarded by carbon-based life, the 200 starting coins that I am not a sin, the streets are full of knives, I love fried rice with eggs, and the leaves follow the wind , Qijie Weiwei No. 2, book friends with tail number 6086 rewarded 100 starting coins.

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