Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1821 The Slut Who Shows His True Shape (Two in One)

At the same time, the first conference room of Zhongcheng Group.

Su Mingyu patted the business report on the table: "Vice President Sun, Vice President Zhang, this is the impact on Jiangnan Jiangbei Company after the implementation of the supervision mechanism. You have all seen it. It shakes the foundation of Zhongcheng."

"Mr. Ming, this... we have no choice but Mr. Meng made the decision. You are thinking about the sales of Jiangnan and Jiangbei, and Mr. Meng wants to get the company listed as soon as possible."

"IPO? So what if it goes public? Without impressive sales data, if Zhongcheng's market share drops sharply, will shareholders buy it? Not only will this not help the company's valuation increase, but it will also have a negative impact."

Vice President Sun shrugged, looking helpless.

Su Mingyu suddenly slapped the table and stood up: "I want to challenge the company's current supervision mechanism."

Vice President Sun and Vice President Zhang were taken aback.

"Mr. Ming, did we hear correctly, you said you want to challenge the supervision mechanism?"

"That's right."

Su Mingyu answered firmly.

"Do you know that doing so is tantamount to creating rebellion against the general?"

"I am not rebelling against the general manager, I am challenging the supervision mechanism itself."

ding ding dong~

At this moment, her cell phone rang. At this critical moment, her first thought was to turn it off, but before that, she glanced at the screen and found that it was Shi Tiandong calling.

"Sorry, Vice President Sun, Vice President Zhang, let me repeat..."

She continued to explain her thoughts here, and after about a minute, the assistant Xiaoxin broke in from the outside, looked at the two vice presidents Zhang and Sun on the conference table, smiled apologetically, walked quickly to Su Mingyu, and whispered a few words.

No one would be happy if someone interrupted her speech. She thought about teaching Xiaoxin a lesson after the meeting, but after listening to the assistant's report, she lost her temper. static.

Shi Tiandong called her but no one answered, so she called her assistant Xiaoxin, the was about Su Daqiang, saying that her father was now in the Affiliated Hospital of Su University, and asked her to drop everything in her hands and go over immediately.

Su Daqiang entered the hospital? !

Shi Tiandong didn't tell Xiaoxin the reason, but the matter should not be false.

On the one hand, there was an important meeting to clarify her position and open fire on the supervision mechanism, and on the other was her father who had entered the hospital. She hesitated and her face changed.

"Mr. Ming, why are you silent?" Vice President Sun asked very kindly, "Is there something wrong at home?"


Su Mingyu flatly denied it.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoxin was dumbfounded.

Before leaving for the United States a few days ago, Su Mingyu left her phone number to Shi Tiandong, saying that if something happened at home, such as car use or money, since she was in the United States, she could not quench her thirst, so she could call her. From this it can be seen that Shi Tiandong is someone Su Mingyu trusts very much, and it is absolutely impossible for him to lie about the issue of his father being hospitalized. Now Su Mingyu's operations... She really can't understand.

"No?" Vice President Sun and Vice President Zhang looked at each other, unable to figure out what trick Su Mingyu was playing.

"Where did I say just now? Oh, it means that VIA, a major customer that Jiangnan Company has recently lost, is not a research and development department, not a technical support department. How many customers did Jiangbei lose? If the board of directors asks, who is responsible for these losses?"

Seeing that Vice President Sun and Vice President Zhang were silent, she continued: "I drafted an optimized version of the supervision mechanism overnight, and I have asked Liu Qing to send it to various departments. Vice President Sun and Vice President Zhang can check their mailboxes and they should be able to find .”

Optimized supervision mechanism?

Something that hasn't happened before the meeting, this is... Liu Qing posted it while they were having a meeting with Su Mingyu?

Vice President Sun quickly opened the mailbox, and sure enough, he saw a new email in the working group. When he clicked on it, it was the optimized supervision mechanism that Su Mingyu said.

No wonder she didn't even take care of the urgent housework, and pretended to continue the conversation just now as if everything was normal. It turned out that she had no choice but to let go. This woman is not only a workaholic, but also has such a ruthless spirit that ordinary people can't match.


From the time Shi Tiandong called, it took her two hours to arrive at the Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

As soon as I entered the ward building, I saw the boss of the "meat eater" who was about to go upstairs with a medicine bag.

"How is my dad?"

"Why did you come here?"

Shi Tiandong's manner of speaking was more or less reproachful.

Su Mingyu frowned, somewhat displeased with Shi Tiandong's tone.

"Today's meeting is very important."

"Mingyu, no matter how important a meeting is, it's not as important as uncle's life, right?"

He really couldn't understand Su Mingyu's thoughts, even if it was a meeting, would the meeting be as important as his own father's life?

"You don't understand." Su Mingyu said: "I know Su Daqiang better than you. He can pretend to have lung cancer with a small cold, and he is the best at managing the entire Su family."

"I don't think it's good for you to say that about uncle."

Shi Tiandong annoyed her. In the afternoon, Liu Qing issued a statement. She originally thought that Vice President Sun and Vice President Zhang would label her as a challenge to the board of directors' resolution. However, to her surprise, Vice President Sun went out to answer a phone call. , I broke up with Vice President Zhang when I came back, and actually supported her to change the supervision mechanism, and quickly submitted an application for a meeting of the board of directors, and at the same time urged Meng Zhiyuan to come back and preside over the meeting to determine whether to adopt the optimization of President Ming and President Liu. plan.

She couldn't figure out what was going on with Vice President Sun. He was the one who proposed the supervision mechanism, and Vice President Zhang was the one who advocated it. Now that she and Liu Qing had published an "appeal", Vice President Sun was moved by their true feelings and suddenly turned against him?

What happened to that call into the conference room?

She always felt that there was a hole in it, but she couldn't figure out where the hole was, and she was troubled by it all the way.

The company's affairs were in chaos, Su Daqiang went to the hospital again, Shi Tiandong was pointing at the side, and a cook who had no relationship and didn't know the situation of Su's family instructed her, an excellent woman, how to deal with family problems. Can this be tolerated? Of course I can't bear it.

"Shi Tiandong, what is your relationship with me, and you are starting to teach me a lesson?"

"I'm with you...I'm with you..." Shi Tiandong stood at the door of the elevator holding a medicine bag, looking at her in astonishment.

The people who were waiting for the elevator looked back at them, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

What is his relationship with Su Mingyu? This is a big problem, let's talk about a one-night stand, halfway through it was interrupted by Su Daqiang, and then he gave the old man with a bad stomach a few sick meals. Yes, Su Mingyu often goes to "meat eaters" to eat, but the relationship between the two can only be said to be very ambiguous, and there has been no real progress. Therefore, from the woman's standpoint, she is indeed qualified to think that he is meddling in her own business and point fingers at her family problems .

"Be kind as a donkey's liver and lungs, Shi Tiandong, does this feel good?"

A strange voice came from behind, and the two followed the prestige, and found that it was the second child of the Su family, Su Mingcheng, who had come over at some point, and heard the conversation between the two about how to treat Su Daqiang.

Su Mingyu frowned and said, "Why did you come here?"

Lin Yue said: "You, the person in charge of support, can arrive so late, but I can't?"

"Su Mingcheng, is he your father? Are you still thinking about it at this time?"

"Su Mingyu, is he your father? Do you still give priority to work at this time?"

The same questions made the surrounding spectators murmur.

Shi Tiandong touched Su Mingyu's shoulder from behind: "The elevator is here, go up first."

"Do not touch me."

Su Mingyu made Lin Yue angry, and she had nowhere to vent her anger on Shi Tiandong's head. This was very unreasonable, but it was reasonable to her, because she always felt that he was educating her, especially when he was an enemy. Educating her in front of her made her very embarrassed.

In her consciousness, only her master Meng Zhiyuan is qualified to educate her in this world, neither Su Daqiang nor Zhao Meilan has this qualification, Su Mingzhe dares to say that she should go back and go back, Shi Tiandong, he is not related to her, It is true that I am grateful for helping to take care of Su Daqiang, but with this little favor, I have to ride on her head and shit, can this be tolerated? Of course not.


Shi Tiandong's expression was ugly.

Speaking of which, he is the most aggrieved one. Last time Su Daqiang was admitted to the hospital with acute enteritis, he took care of him for half the night and mocked Su Mingcheng for his yin and yang aura. Today, Su Daqiang was admitted to the hospital with high blood pressure, and his children did not come over immediately. It was he who helped with the hospitalization procedures When I went to the pharmacy to get the medicine, Su Mingyu came and said a few words out of good intentions. Others not only didn't appreciate it, they even gave him a slap in the face. He is also the owner of a restaurant after all. When did he suffer from this?

"You can take the oral medicine to uncle, I'm leaving."

Shi Tiandong stuffed the plastic bag containing the oral medicine into Su Mingyu's arms, turned around and walked out.

"thank you."

The words of thanks came from Su Mingcheng, but it was awkward to hear.


A minute later, the two came to the ward.

Su Daqiang saw the two people walking in, and leaned his body towards the window: "I'm not alive anymore, I'm not alive anymore."

Looks like he's looking for short-sightedness.

However, both Su Mingyu and Lin Yue looked at him indifferently.

"Ah, I'm not alive, I'm dead."

His voice became louder, and he alarmed the little nurse who was passing by in the corridor pushing a small trolley of medicines. Seeing the patient with one foot on the window sill and sticking his head out of the window, thinking that this was the eleventh floor, he was so frightened that he rushed to the hospital. As soon as the trolley was released, he walked into the ward to persuade him.

"Uncle, if you have anything to say, come down and say it, this action is very dangerous."

"Little girl, leave me alone, let me die, the money is gone, what's the point of my life? I'm going to see their mother..."

The little nurse took a look at Su Mingyu and Lin Yue: "Are you two uncle's sons and daughters? Are there any children like you? Father is about to jump off the building and still standing there stupidly."

Su Mingyu said: "Jump, you let him dance, he will go to see my mother, and we will all be relieved."

The little nurse was stunned. She worked in the hospital and had seen many human tragedies, but this was the first time she had seen such a daughter who was looking forward to the early death of her father.

ding ding ding dong~

Amidst a burst of pleasant ringtones, Lin Yue picked up the phone, swiped his thumb up, and pressed the speakerphone.

"Mingcheng, have you been to the hospital yet? How is Dad?"

"The old man is sitting on the window sill, ready to jump off the building."

"Ah? Jump off the building? Why?"

"I don't know why. The doctor wanted to contact the family members. Su Mingyu's mobile phone was turned off, so they called me, and they didn't say why they were admitted to the hospital."

"You said this Mingyu, she turned off the phone after such a big incident happened to her father, it's so unfilial."

"I think so."

Zhongcheng's internal friction is fierce, the purpose of the two vice presidents, Sun and Zhang, is unclear, and Su Daqiang messed up their lives. Just now, they had conflicts with Shi Tiandong at the bottom. Now she is facing three problems in career, life, and love. Said she was not filial, her lungs exploded.

"Brother, what are you talking about? You say I'm not filial, what should I do to be filial? Like you pointing across the Pacific Ocean, saying that this place is not good, and that place is not good as filial piety? Why don't you say that you took care of Dad back then? How about going to the police station?"

"Uh, cough, Mingyu is here too?"

This sentence fully expressed Su Mingzhe's surprise and embarrassment. He just complained, but he never thought that the second child would turn on the speakerphone and make the atmosphere so tense all of a sudden.

"Mingcheng, where's Dad? You give Dad the phone, and I'll tell him."

You must know that one of the conditions that Su Mingyu agreed to take Su Daqiang back to China was not to criticize her harshly.

"Mingzhe, I'm not going to live anymore, I'm not going to live anymore, Dad is going to die, and I won't see you in the future."

"Dad, why are you doing this? There must be a reason for seeking death and life, right?"

"All the money Mingcheng gave me... was cheated away."

"The money Mingcheng gave you? The 1.8 million you sold the house was cheated?"

"Yeah, I was cheated, and it's all gone."

Su Daqiang slapped his thigh while talking, his face was more troubled than sadness.

"No, Dad, how did you get cheated of so much money?"

"Dad, I heard from your Uncle Nie that wealth management can make money. I know that Mingyu also buys wealth management products, so I want to invest some money in it. When I earn money, I will buy a new house and move out by myself. Who knows... Who knows that Haofu Financial Management is a fraudulent company, and the proceeds have not been credited to the account today, I went with you Uncle Nie to check, and the building is empty."

"Dad, you don't save so much money in the bank. What do you think you manage? Last time you came to the United States, you said that Yuna is very good, with a big house, complete facilities, and a nanny. Why do you want to move out?"

Su Daqiang glanced at Su Mingyu: "I dare not say."

"He didn't dare to say it. I'll say it for him. As far as Su Mingyu's temper is concerned, do you think she will give me a good face?" Lin Yue sneered and said, "When Mom is here, I can only yell at him a few times at most, and it will be fine once the anger subsides." , with Su Mingyu's villainous face, how many people can stand cold violence?"

"Su Mingcheng, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Am I wrong? The old man has such a large sum of money in his hand, you don't pay close attention to it and only care about work. Is your master your father, or is Su Daqiang your father?"

"He said it was his own money and he managed it himself. Do you think he will listen to me?"

"He doesn't listen, don't you check the accounts every day?"

"How do I check? Every time I go home, it's late at night, and I get up early in the morning to go to the company. I don't have time to take care of his affairs."

"Well, if you have time to go to the meat eaters to fool around with Shi Tiandong, you don't have time to take care of your own father's affairs, you are really a filial daughter."

"Su Mingcheng! You don't need to stand up and talk without back pain. If you have the ability, you can take care of him."

Lin Yue looked at Su Mingyu, who was furious, and thought that this could be regarded as repaying him in his own way. In the TV series, Su Mingcheng was absolutely right when he said that this bitch is just looking for trouble. Of course, Zhu Li is also a strange thing. If you insist on thinking that you owe Su Daqiang money, just pay it back slowly. Why should the couple pay the money and take care of the elderly? Is it fair for the three sons and daughters to take turns?

"Su Daqiang, do you see, this is your daughter. Su Mingzhe, do you hear, this is your sister."

Lin Yue smiled and looked at the old man on the window sill: "Then why are you still standing there, jump, jump down and fall to your death, go down and tell Zhao Meilan how your elder son and younger daughter forced their father to death."

The little nurse who hadn't spoken all this time slipped out at some point, because she found that this family was too weird, and outsiders getting involved in it was purely for her own displeasure.

"Oh, and, if she wants to ask the reason, she must tell her that you lost the 1.8 million that your second son sold the house to repay the debt, and you jumped off the building because you felt ashamed to live."


Su Daqiang had a troubled face on his face. He didn't really want to die, but he was annoyed and remorseful in order to vent, and he was afraid that his children, especially the second child, would blame him--such a large sum of money was still the money to sell the house, and within a month, he would lose money. Being cheated is a person who will not be calm when encountering such a thing.

"Dad, Dad..." Su Mingzhe's voice came from the loudspeaker: "Don't be sad, I'm going back to my country soon, I'll buy you a house, I'll buy you a house, is this the head office?"

Eldest son to help buy a house? Hearing this, Su Daqiang's pessimism disappeared without a trace.

"Really? You didn't lie to me? Aren't you unemployed? What can I buy for me?"

"I found a job and will be based in Shanghai, so Feifei and I decided to go back to China in a few days."

"Are you coming back to work?" Su Daqiang was overjoyed, feeling that someone was taking care of him.

Su Mingzhe said: "Yes, so Dad, I will definitely be filial to you."

Su Daqiang didn't need anyone to help him, and slowly slipped down from the window sill, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, muttering softly, "The eldest son is coming back, the eldest son is coming back..."

"Okay, he won't dance, let's hang up."

Lin Yue pressed the on-hook button very simply, turned around and walked outside.

Su Mingyu said coldly: "You just left?"

"It's your responsibility to take care of Su Daqiang, what does it have to do with me?"

After saying that, he walked out of the ward quickly.

Su Mingyu pointed at his back and said, "Dad, do you see that, this is your good son."

Su Daqiang didn't look up at all, and kept his head down thinking about the boss's return to China to buy him a house. Suddenly, he thought that the 1.8 million yuan was gone, and felt sad.

"Mingyu, when do you think the police will recover my 1.8 million yuan?"

In fact, his thoughts are very simple. The boss promised to buy him a house. If he can get back 1.8 million, he will be a rich man.

"I can't chase it back."

She said angrily.

Can't catch up?

Indeed, in such financial cases, scammers basically have channels to transfer money out of the country. It is not difficult for the police to solve the case, but the possibility of recovering the money is close to zero. However, for Lin Yue, it is necessary to recover the money. For the most part, no big deal.

He will return the money to investors, but not now.

In addition, as a benevolent person who helps those investors recover their losses, it doesn't matter to borrow it temporarily.

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