
It's Zhu Li, Su Mingcheng's ex-wife.

Today is a family dinner for him and Wu Fei to clean up the dust. Why did Su Mingcheng call his ex-wife here?

Not only Su Mingzhe, Su Daqiang and Wu Fei were also taken aback. One bit the crab shell and pierced his teeth, and the other poked the chopsticks into the child's face. Facing the resentful eyes, they kept saying sorry, it's mom wrong.

And Su Mingyu's already gloomy face immediately collapsed.

"Julie...you...are here too?"

Su Daqiang's words reminded Su Mingzhe, and he quickly got up to say hello: "Come on, Mingcheng, Zhu Li, sit down, sit down."

Greeting the two to sit down, he said with a three-point blame tone: "Mingcheng, it's a good thing for you to pick up Zhu Li, why didn't you tell us? It made everyone unprepared."

"Preparing for what?" Lin Yue said, "Lili is not an outsider."

Julie smiled and didn't deny it.

Su Mingzhe noticed the change in her expression, and was about to ask her what she wanted to eat, and asked the waiter to order. After all, the order was based on the amount of five adults before, and now there is one more, so it should be added.

"Mingcheng, you and Lili...reconciled?"

Su Daqiang stared with a pair of goldfish eyes, his eyes kept going back and forth between the two.

Lin Yue glanced at his ex-wife: "Almost."

"What do you mean almost?"

"It's just that if there are no special circumstances, I think...we will probably remarry."

He reached out and held Julie's hand.

She didn't hide, and her expression was quite natural. As for how she acted, she was used to it, and only she knew it.

As soon as the word "remarriage" came out here, Su Mingzhe said in a teaching tone: "The two of you divorced the marriage without saying a word. If you knew today, why did you do it in the first place?"

"Boss, you didn't come back this time to teach me a lesson, did you?"


The boss wanted to talk, but Wu Fei kicked him from below, blocking the rest of the conversation.


"Hello, what else do you need?"

The waiter standing outside the door heard Wu Fei's call and came in.

"Julie, you can order two more dishes."

"No need." Julie waved her hand: "Enough, enough, I can't eat these."

"The boss is rich, unlike us, who are poor, so there is no need to save money for him." Lin Yue is not pretentious, nor does he look at the recipes, just go straight to the blind spot: "Here is the signature sauce roasted veal steak, homemade abalone sauce stuffed tofu, Cantonese style Steamed Tiger Banana with scallion oil, Su-style double-flavored shrimp, and two bottles of 52-degree Wuliangye."

Wu Fei's face was a little dark. With his knowledge, at least 4,000 yuan is gone. No matter how high Su Mingzhe's salary is, he can't help but do it like this.

Lin Yue pretended not to see her face, and said to Zhu Li, "Boss is back to work in China. It's a joy to congratulate. Why don't you have a few more drinks to celebrate?"

Su Mingzhe said: "Yes, yes, yes, I need to drink two more glasses."

Soon, the waiter brought in two bottles of Wuliangye and wine utensils, filled them up for the two of them, and walked out.

"Come on, boss, I wish you success in your work."

"thanks, thanks."

The two raised their glasses to drink.

Su Mingzhe sipped a part with a smile, looked up to see the other side had gone down a third of the way, his face was a bit bitter, so he could only take another mouthful.

Su Daqiang over there also wanted to drink, but he gave Su Mingyu a stare and withdrew his hand in fright. He stopped eating the crab and looked down at the tablecloth without saying a word.

Su Mingzhe didn't notice the old man's embarrassment, and greeted Lin Yue and Zhu Li to bring food.

Down a few glasses of wine.

He blushed and talked a lot. After Lin Yue asked "When will I go to Shanghai to sign up?", he said: "I want to settle the matter of supporting my father first."

"How to deal with it?"

Su Mingyu, who was sitting on the opposite chair with her head down playing with her mobile phone, asked.

"Just like what Dad said on the phone when he was hospitalized last time, I want to buy him a house."

"Where to buy it? Shanghai?"

At this moment, Su Daqiang shook his hands and said, "I'm not going to Shanghai. I'm not familiar with the place where I live. I don't even have any friends there. I'm in Suzhou. Mingzhe, just buy me a house in Suzhou."

Su Mingzhe said, "Dad, who will take care of you when you buy a house in Suzhou?"

"I don't need anyone to take care of me. I can take care of myself." Su Daqiang glanced at Su Mingyu after speaking.

"Su Daqiang, you live outside by yourself. If something happens, the elder brother and I will be the ones who will complain. I think you should go to Shanghai. Usually let the father-in-law and mother-in-law of the elder brother take you around. University, dancing square dance or something, is also a good way to relieve loneliness."

Su Daqiang didn't speak, just shook his head.

Lin Yue smiled contemptuously: "Su Mingyu, you are really a vicious bitch. Su Daqiang has only lived with you for a few days, and he is afraid that you will be like this. He was never so useless when his mother was around."

Of course he knew why Su Daqiang became like this.

Since 1.8 million was cheated, what life has Su Daqiang lived?


control diet;

The nanny monitors his situation 24 hours a day and reports regularly;

He was not allowed to walk around with those old buddies, and he was not allowed to chat, because in Su Mingyu's view, he wouldn't have so much flirtatiousness if he didn't get in touch with Nie Laijin;

Use cold violence to retaliate against his crime-like behavior;

This is even more uncomfortable than Su Daqiang's life when Zhao Meilan was alive. After all, Zhao Meilan doesn't have to worry about the feelings of her children and is responsible for his affairs. What about Su Mingyu? On the one hand, she has to deal with the internal friction of the Zhongcheng Group, and on the other hand, she is responsible for Su Daqiang's life. Whenever something goes wrong, the boss and the second child will question her for not taking good care of the old man.

"Who do you say is a vicious bitch?" She threw her chopsticks on the dining table and looked over with a grim expression.

"Is there anyone else here besides you?" Lin Yue patted Zhu Li's hand to show comfort: "But I am very grateful for your insidiousness. If you didn't play tricks behind your back and instigate Zhu Li's mother to go to my work unit to make trouble, There is no way for me to know that she still has feelings for me, so thank you."

The phrase "thank you" sounded like an expression of gratitude, but it sounded harsher to Su Mingyu's ears than scratching aluminum with a knife.

Su Mingzhe looked at this and then at that, not knowing what happened.

"Mingcheng, you are an elder brother, so can't you let Mingyu? To be honest, my mother treated her when she was a child..."

He stopped halfway through, because Wu Fei kicked him from below again.

"How did mom treat her? Did mom make her look like this? She didn't read well, didn't understand how to behave, and wanted to learn from others to go to Tsinghua University to study abroad? This kind of person No matter how much money you make, it's rubbish."

When Lin Yue was watching a TV series, he noticed some bullet screens and wanted to laugh.

There is a saying that justifies Su Mingyu's extremes, saying that it was Zhao Meilan's partiality that made her like this. It is undeniable that Zhao Meilan did not properly educate her children, but more than 70% of the responsibility lies with Su Mingyu herself.

Just like in "Xiao Huan Xi", to what extent do parents have to be conscientious?

The answer is that it is never enough, and there is always a place to be criticized.

In ancient times, when there was no equality between men and women, parents left all their resources to their sons. Would the daughters sever ties with the family because of this matter? Obviously not.

Why did Su Mingyu accuse her mother of partiality? Naturally, after being sensible, she accepts external information and forms the value that parents must treat their children equally. When her values ​​conflict with her parents' wishes, disobedience to her values ​​will make her feel wronged, complain, and hate. In the eyes of some viewers , It is the eccentricity of the parents that distorts the character of the child.

So is there no responsibility for the source of information that instilled such values ​​in her? You can accept the value that parents must treat their children equally, which is extremely easy to overcorrect. Why can’t you accept that parents are people with preferences, not distribution machines. Their lives are their own decisions, they don’t live for anyone, and they only need to fulfill their parenting obligations to their children That's enough, what do I want by my ability to achieve this inspirational value?

Because it is never easy to ask others, but how difficult it is to work hard yourself.

That's why Lin Yue said that no matter how good she was at studying, she had read the books into the dog's belly-what is school for? Can parents who have not graduated from junior high school give their children the same quality of education as parents with a doctorate? The existence of schools and books is to balance and make up for this gap and to educate people morally. Because of this, Su Mingyu has severed ties with her parents for ten years. She is thirty years old and has not yet learned how to be a human being. In Lin Yue's view, the selfishness in this kind of person's bones cannot be changed, is he still outstanding? Does she deserve the adjective?

"Su Mingcheng!"


Su Mingyu slapped the table, stood up suddenly, picked up the cup on the right hand side and poured the water in it at Lin Yue.

Zhu Li was taken aback. She didn't expect Su Mingyu to react so violently, and she instinctively wanted to avoid it. At this moment, a black light pierced into her field of vision and hit the wall of the cup very precisely. The water poured all over Su Mingyu's face.


The warm water wetted her hair, and some of it dripped down her cheeks, making her shirt and chest wet, and she was in a mess.


Su Mingzhe first called the third sister's name, then looked at the second brother: "Mingcheng? You..."

"What about me? Did I do it wrong? Could it be possible to let her splash me in the face before fighting back?" Lin Yue picked up the cup and drank the drink in one gulp, looking at Su Mingyu coldly: "I used to be able to beat you into a dog, but now I can To turn you into a maggot, by the way, I have seen too many sluts, and there are not many who can make me loathe to kill, you are one of them."

"Mingcheng, she is your sister!" Su Mingzhe scolded angrily with a straight face.

He couldn't accept the word "kill" in the sibling conflict.

Lin Yue chuckled, too lazy to talk to the so-called big brother who favored Su Mingyu from beginning to end—a younger sister who hadn't been in the house for ten years, and a younger brother who had been with his parents for many years, who helped him more? If Su Mingcheng didn't listen to Zhao Meilan and be a good son to accompany his parents, would he be able to stay in the United States and pursue a refined life? Just like Su Mingcheng and Su Mingzhe accused Su Daqiang in an episode of the TV series, Su Mingcheng said, "Do you know why I am old? You are studying in the United States, and that Su Mingyu doesn't regard herself as the Su family at all. My mother said that I am the only son. She just wants to look at me every day, not to let me smoke, not let me drink, not let me socialize, and I don't want to be like this. She said that a family's life in peace is better than anything else, so I will stay with my mother all the time. Oh, I've become a waste? Damn, your requirements are too high."

As a result, Su Mingzhe remembered that his parents gave Su Mingyu less resources, and never thought about what Su Mingyu would do in return for his parents—arguing with his mother, fighting with his mother, tit for tat made his mother sad, cold and violent, and intentionally made the stronger parents lose face in front of relatives and friends. Severing ties for ten years and not going to the house. After Zhao Meilan died, she spent a long time on the phone at the funeral to talk about work. She also told people around her that I was not from the Su family and that they should not ask me about the Su family. She even asked her subordinates to call herself Mr. This is to draw a clear line with the surname "Su", and at the same time accuse Su Mingcheng of how he supports the old man of the Su family, what a fucking dog!

Now Su Mingzhe said that he and Su Mingyu are "brothers and sisters"? He and Su Mingyu are siblings? The real Su Mingcheng may miss a little bit of old love, but Su Mingyu is nothing to him, he just slapped me to death after biting a mosquito, without any emotional burden.

"Su Mingcheng!" Su Mingyu gritted his teeth and looked at him: "I will definitely make you pay a thousand times the price."

After publishing the manifesto, she picked up the YSL handbag on the chair next to her, and walked out to meet the blank eyes of the waiter who heard the movement and came in to check.

"Mingcheng, what are you doing?" Su Mingzhe wanted to catch up with her and stop her, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only look at Lin Yue reproachfully.

Su Daqiang also shook his body and said: "It's a good meal, how can I eat this?"

"The account was very clear that day. In the past two years, you have been in charge of Su Daqiang. I will supervise your performance. Just like I used to treat my parents, I will make them happy. As a result, one took care of the old man in the hospital twice, and the other took care of the old man in the hospital. Police station, shouldn’t I be picking on you? Su Mingyu hated me because of this incident, and then stretched her hands on my ex-wife and ex-mother-in-law, using them to deal with me. , who is ignoring, who is doing evil? In the end, you don't blame her, but think it's my fault, Su Mingzhe, it's not like you are so biased."


Su Mingzhe was so taught that he couldn't say a word.

Wu Fei has a headache, because when it comes to settling accounts and reasoning, the second child always leaves you speechless and very aggrieved.

Xiao Mi stared at her second uncle with her big eyes, but she was not afraid of him at all.

"Lili, fill up the wine for the old man."

Lin Yue opened another bottle of wine and pointed at Su Daqiang.

Zhu Li glared at him, protesting the commanding tone, but she still walked over to pour Su Daqiang a glass of wine.

"This meal can be eaten, can be eaten..."

The old man immediately changed his tone, picked up the cup and took a big sip from his lips: "Smells, smells."

When Su Mingyu was at home, how did she control his diet? Big fish and big meat are not good. It is said that it will cause three highs, and alcohol is not good. It is a carcinogen. Seafood is not allowed to touch. If you eat too much, you will get gout. Just eat rice and vegetables every day, and at most chicken porridge, this is called health preservation.

When she and Shi Tiandong were friends before, they ate very well, now? hehe.

Su Mingzhe looked sad: "Dad, drink slowly."

Lin Yue seemed to be playing against him, and raised his glass: "Come on, old man, I'll toast you."


Su Daqiang nodded, took a sharp sip, and Erliang's cup bottomed out.

"Dad, I'm not telling you to drink, I'm telling you to drink slowly."

Su Mingzhe was so anxious that he tried his best to wink at Wu Fei, wanting her to persuade the old man as well. Who would have thought that not only would she not speak, but she would also hug Xiao Mi and say, "I'm full, take Xiao Mi out for a walk, you guys eat." , and left without looking back.

Seeing that the eldest daughter-in-law was gone, Su Daqiang grabbed Su Mingzhe's wrist and said, "Mingzhe, dad will depend on you from now on, you can't leave me alone."

"Don't worry, Dad, I will be filial to you."

"Come on, drink."

"Okay, drink."

"It's full."

"Are you still drinking?"

"Where is two taels enough? At least half a catty, this Su Mingyu has made me suffer."

"Dad, Mingyu also has her own difficulties. She is busy with work and under a lot of pressure, and she is also worried that you will eat badly like before, so it makes sense for the elderly to control their diet."

"Mingzhe, do you still want to let me eat?"

"Okay, I won't say anything."


An hour and a half later, Zhu Li and Lin Yue came down from upstairs. She used a taxi app to contact a car. Looking back, she found that her ex-husband, who was still fine just now, had lost his balance and was staggering left and right when walking.

"Are you OK?"

"Maybe it's... being blown by the wind... some... above." As soon as he finished speaking, he staggered and almost sat on the ground.

Zhu Li quickly helped her up: "Who told you to drink so much wine?"

"I...I'm happy, finally...give that bitch a little color...ahem..."

"What's wrong? Do you want to vomit?"

"No...it's okay, I'm fine."

"You said it's okay, do you seem to be okay? Don't drink if you can't drink, what can a family do."

"I've said it all... I'm... happy..."

Zhu Li wanted to say this, you said it just now, you gave Su Mingyu a big blow, but the words got into her throat and she swallowed them back because he took a sharp turn.

"Because...because of you...you came too."

These words disturbed her state of mind, she loosened her grip, and the people around her sat down on the ground with a puff.

"Are you okay?" She hurried to pull.

"No...it's okay, how could I...have something to do."

He said he was fine, but no one in their right mind would think he was fine.


At this moment, a Peugeot 508 approached the side of the road. The driver rolled down the window and reported a mobile phone number.

Zhu Li replied yes, and after finishing the work, she pulled Lin Yue up and helped him into the rear compartment.

The driver frowned at the smell of alcohol, but didn't say much, opened the window a crack, started the car and left the berth.

"Go to Nanhuan West Road, right?"

"No, send him off first." Zhu Li pushed Lin Yue: "Where do you live now?"


I saw him moving around in a daze, as for the content... I couldn't hear it at all.

Julie moved closer and said loudly, "Home, your home."

"Home?" Lin Yue waved his hands with the smell of alcohol: "No home, no home."

What she said made her feel very uncomfortable, she was silent for a moment and said: "Master, let's find a hotel."

The driver nodded, paying attention to the roadside buildings while driving.

Ten minutes later, the Peugeot 508 stopped at the entrance of a Vienna hotel. Zhu Li helped Lin Yue get out of the car, checked in at the front desk, and took him to the guest room on the third floor.

"In the past, your mother said, and I also said, don't drink when you socialize less, but now no one cares about you, you have completely let yourself go, haven't you?"

She put him on the bed, sat next to him and took a breath for a while. Feeling that his strength had recovered, she took off his shoes, pulled the quilt next to him to cover her stomach, and got up again, picked up the electric kettle and went to the bathroom to get a pot of water. She planned to boil it and put it on the bedside table. If she was thirsty at night, she could reach it with her hand. However, when she came out of the bathroom and looked on the bed, he pushed off the quilt covering her body.

It's normal to feel dry and hot after drinking, but it's December now, and she will definitely catch a cold if she doesn't cover the quilt. She can only put the electric kettle on the table, walk to the side of the bed, and prepare to pull the quilt inside to cover it up. How do I know? The man under him opened his eyes and stared at her for a while, then pushed her up with the smell of alcohol, and threw her directly on the bed.

"Honey, it's been a long time... I haven't had a meeting..., today... I have one..."

Hearing the word "Long-lost", Zhu Li's brain became hot and she was a little dazed. Driven by the remaining rationality, she pushed the person away, but the strength was a little weak no matter what.

"Su Mingcheng, wake up, I am your ex..."

Before she finished speaking the word "wife", her mouth was stuck.


A minute later, she loosened her grip on the quilt, and her snort of resistance became limp.

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