Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1832 Time to collect interest

That's right, Julie.

Will Zhu Li participate in the audit work against Zhongcheng?

Her cold heart became more and more warm, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more intense.

"Mingyu, let's go, find out their way first." Liu Qing beckoned her into the conference room.

"You go in first, I'll make a call."

Although Liu Qing didn't know what she was going to do, but now was not the time to ask more questions, so she followed Mao Jinrong and others into the conference room.

Su Mingyu found a place where no one was around and called Lawyer Liu, and asked whether the audit could be prevented under such circumstances. After receiving an affirmative answer, she walked over with flamboyant steps and pushed open the door that had just been closed.

She has already broken up with Su Mingcheng, and she naturally hates Zhu Li, even if she knows that doing so will tarnish Zhu Li's reputation in the industry and even mess up her work, but what does it have to do with her? As long as Zhongcheng can be kept, as long as she is good, then everything is OK.

When she entered the room, Zhu Li was reading the audit procedure report on behalf of the firm. She said that she was quite proud of this matter. Because of the divorce, she had devoted all her energy to work for more than a month. Director Li Seeing how hard she worked, she deliberately cultivated her to be independent, and entrusted her with the very important project of Zhongcheng. In the past two days, she stayed up late at night, checking information, and asking seniors for advice. She spent a lot of time and energy Come to do the preparatory work in the early stage, for fear that I will not do well and bring negative impact to the firm.

Speaking of which, Su Mingcheng sent her two English materials after learning about the incident, saying that he had obtained them from friends, which might help her in her future work. In addition to being busy with work, the two of them have no time to contact at all, but she is very happy about the current state, and feels that she has returned to the days when they first fell in love.

Yes, it is quite tiring, but it is very fulfilling and has a lot of momentum.

However, when Su Mingyu walked into the meeting room and appeared in front of her as the general manager of Jiangnan Company, her heart skipped a beat and she had a bad premonition.

"There is an emergency, and I have to report to Montague and the leaders to avoid the invalidity of this meeting, and to prevent this matter from being spread as a joke in the industry. Before the audit begins, I am responsible to the group and to the The principle of my own responsibility, please avoid Ms. Zhu Li of Zhengcheng Office."

Director Li of Zhengcheng Office said: "Please explain the reason why she has to avoid."

Su Mingyu said: "I am Su Mingyu, the general manager of Zhongcheng Group Jiangnan Sales Company, and Ms. Zhu Li is my second brother's wife, that is, my second sister-in-law."

One sentence caused an uproar.

All the people present look at me, I look at you, some people are already whispering about this matter.

Montague and Shen Yingshu looked normal, but the thoughts in her mind were in a mess. "Han Ruqiu" asked her to hire this firm by name. Now that such a thing happened before the audit started, he...isn't it? What do you know in advance? What is the purpose of trying to promote this situation?

"Based on my relationship with Ms. Zhu Li, for the fairness and justice of the audit work, I can't hide this matter, I can only report it myself." Su Mingyu looked at Zhu Li and said, "Second sister-in-law, please withdraw from the investigation against Zhongcheng Group." Audit, please Zhengcheng Firm resubmit a list of auditors for us to review."

After she finished speaking, she gave Vice President Zhang a provocative look: "Vice President Zhang, you just said that I was making trouble for no reason and asked the security to drive me out. Now... I don't need to go out."

Director Li can only apologize to the people present after confirming this matter: "I'm sorry everyone, this is our Zhongcheng Office's mistake, I'm here..."


At this moment, Su Mingyu's old dog, Director Huang, interrupted his statement: "Mistakes? Such a ridiculous oolong incident happened to such a major audit project, so in the future, which company will put the audit project Leave it to your office."

As soon as he started, the group of people gathered by Su Mingyu also fired at the office one by one.

"How can there be such an irresponsible audit company."

"We don't trust your company."

"This is not taking Zhongcheng seriously."

"So unprofessional, really unprofessional."


Yes, the cannon was fired at the office, but all the pressure fell on Zhu Li's shoulders. She didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. All the previous efforts have become a joke. Su Mingyu works in Zhongcheng Group ? She didn't know at all. Speaking of which, the two of them had met twice in this life, and she didn't even know where Su Mingyu lived, let alone where she worked.

Her hands clenched tighter and tighter, and her body began to shake, like a helpless young bird under a heavy rain.

Do you want to stand up and say that she and Su Mingcheng have divorced? But when Su Mingzhe and his wife were greeted last time, the two made it clear that they might remarry. Su Mingyu was there at the time, saying that it would not help her situation in any way except to publicize her family scandal.

Faced with those suspicious looks and contemptuous remarks, she was wronged and uncomfortable, so she could only put away the laptop and documents, said a few words of sorry, and fled the meeting room with red eyes.

An hour later, Zhu Li couldn't argue with Director Li's censure, and Su Mingyu was having a celebration banquet with Liu Qing, Mao Jinrong and others to celebrate the killing of Vice President Zhang and Montague.

Where is Lin Yue at this moment? He is not in China, but is living on a small island in Indonesia's Thousand Islands.

If you start from Jakarta by speedboat, it will take at least 2 and a half hours to get here.

Of course, this is not important, what is important is what he is doing at the moment.

Seeing that he was still on the ground, the natives who were held down by him twisted their bodies vigorously to gain a little space, reached behind their backs, grabbed the dagger attached to their waists, and stabbed back violently.

"court death."

Lin Yue grabbed the native's wrist and squeezed it hard, only to hear a scream, the dagger slipped from the palm of his hand, he caught the man's neck with his backhand and swiped, straightened up when he was done, and threw the bloody dagger aside.

"A famous scene."

What he was referring to was not the murder, but the scene that happened at the audit meeting of Zhongcheng Group.

In the TV series, Zhu Li has always been very polite to Su Mingyu. She can betray Zhu Li for her own benefit, and happily celebrate with Zhongcheng and the group after the job is over. Here, he and Su Mingyu are like this, so naturally there is no psychological pressure. .

Slap Julie in the face in public.



He was distracted again here, and a pit bull sprang out of the door opening leading to the back garden on the right front, and swooped over with a pungent stench.

"Is it bothering you?"

This is already the third dog.

Maybe because he was upset, he didn't turn on [Animal Friends] to appease him, he took half a step back, exerted force on the soles of his feet, and punched out a punch.


There was a scream.

The pitbull weighing more than 100 kilograms turned into a black shadow and flew out, hit the wall hard and left a pool of blood, then fell into the grass and convulsed for a few times before being silent.

On the balcony on the second floor of the villa, a man of yellow race wearing a white sunhat and a checkered shirt, whose skin color is very different from that of the natives, ran away when he saw this scene, but just turned around when he heard a gunshot, Feeling cold in the lower body, the whole person fell to the ground with a plop.

In the next breath, he rolled over while hugging his calf, blood dripping into a pool on the balcony.

There was first a woman's scream in the room, and then the sound of thumping down the stairs.

The yellow man looked at the opposite coffee table, and there was a gun on it. He dragged his injured leg and crawled forward bit by bit, as if he wanted to use the gun to defend himself, but unfortunately, Lin Yue found him first, and stepped on the back with his right foot , grabbed his curly hair and twisted it, looked at his side face and asked: "Wu Xi, right? Telephone fraud, online gambling, illegal detention of Chinese who were cheated into Indonesia, and now they are targeting the domestic middle class. It is packaged to defraud money, and the illegal business is doing very well."

"You... who are you?"

Wu Xi felt pain, shock and fear, and couldn't speak well.

He knows the security situation in the yard better than anyone else. Not to mention hardware facilities such as monitoring and power grids, there are eight bodyguards alone, two of whom are armed with guns, and there are also two shepherd dogs and a pit bull.

As a result, it was breached in broad daylight, and he didn't hear any movement until the enemy walked to the villa. Just look at the punch that killed Pitbull just now... The special forces in the movie can't do this, right?

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is who you are."

Lin Yue dragged him into the room by the back collar, leaving a long bloodstain on the floor where he was shot in the calf.

"The skill of money laundering is still not good enough. You should get to know a few more casino bosses from MO, turn a corner there, and then go to the entertainment industry. This may waste a few more hours of my time. In the end That's's not too challenging."

Wu Xi discovered another detail that he couldn't understand. He was obviously a black man with a cross scar on his forehead, but how could he speak Mandarin fluently?

This problem has not been figured out yet, the black man has already dragged him to the photo frame on the east wall, opened the photo frame to reveal a fingerprint scanning device behind him, and then stopped his hand on the device for five seconds under his surprised eyes, and moved on one click.

As soon as the green light at the top of the device came on, the floor tiles on which the flower pots were placed in the corner were slowly lifted upwards, revealing a gray safe.

Wu Xi looked dumbfounded, this is his home, why is the other party more familiar than him? And what happened to this man's hand?

"What do you think people like you do with so much money at home?" Lin Yue pointed to the safe, "Did you open it on your own initiative, or did I force you to open it?"

A day later, a Boeing 737 passenger plane from HK landed at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. Three hours later, Lin Yue, who received most of the funds raised by Haofu Financial Management, returned to Suzhou. Instead of going back to his residence to rest, he took a taxi directly to the airport. In the northern suburbs, I stayed there for one night, and only came to the Zhongcheng Group where Su Mingyu worked the next day. Just like what he told Shen Yingshu, it was time to collect interest.

Thank you for the 4,000 starting coins rewarded by the moldy star, and the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by the Great Wilderness East. Xiao Zhao is the 400 starting coins I rewarded. I woke up sadly. I love fried rice with eggs the most. The book friend with the tail number 8286, 100 starting coins tipped by book friends with tail number 1349.

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