Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1836 You Are the One Who Should Go to Jail (Two in One)

Why didn't she say that she divorced Su Mingcheng?

Naturally, she didn't dare to tell Kang Xin the truth, even if she said so during the audit meeting, Su Mingyu asked back, did the two of them clearly express their intention to remarry? As long as she doesn't deny it, she will still come to the truth, but once she denies it, she will be lying, and Su Mingyu might make her disgust Su Mingcheng. And after this divorce, the relationship between the two has finally eased, and the feeling of being in love has been regained. When encountering conflicts between interests and emotional relationships, she can't help but choose the latter, so as not to repeat the same mistakes.

If Kang Xin knew her psychology, nine times out of ten she would call her stupid and call her what she deserved.

"Okay, don't talk about it. Auditing is related to the survival of a company. Even if it's the former second sister-in-law, you have to avoid suspicion." Zhu Zhenggang glared at Kang Xin, meaning to tell her not to use any pot. Do not open which pot to mention.

"Where's Su Mingcheng? Does he know about this?"

Kang Xin ignored her husband's winks and continued to ask questions.


Julie didn't tell him about it at all, because so what? Su Mingcheng and Su Mingyu are already on fire, and the only consequence of doing so is to add fuel to the fire.

"If you don't tell me, I will."

Kang Xin was so angry that she went to the house to get her mobile phone to call Su Mingcheng.

In her opinion, her daughter was completely cheated by Su Mingcheng. She didn't give the money to sell the house, and now she lost her job. Two days ago, she actually tricked her daughter out for a whole night. Can this be tolerated? Before her daughter left the room, she was worried about her daughter's situation, and she could still suppress her unhappiness, but of course she couldn't bear it now.

"Mom, don't call him!"

Just as Zhu Li was about to grab Kang Xin, her mobile phone rang. Seeing that the number format was from a landline, she wanted to hang up, but seeing that her mother was affected and stopped, she pressed the connect button and put it to her ear.

"Hello, is this Ms. Zhu Li? This is the Huxi Police Station..."

After a few breaths, she hung up the phone, and it was not too late for dinner. She rushed to the bathroom to wash her face, changed into her out clothes and bag, and left.

"Hey, Lili, what's the matter, you haven't eaten yet?"

"The leader told me to go to the company immediately, there is something urgent."

She just opened the door and left.

As for telling her parents that there is something wrong with the company...not the company, but Su Mingcheng—just now the policeman from the Huxi Police Station told her that Su Mingcheng beat Su Mingyu, but the other party refused to mediate and might be detained.

Why did Su Mingcheng go to Zhongcheng headquarters to fight Su Mingyu? Thinking about it with my butt, I knew it was to vent my anger for her.

After leaving the community and taking a taxi, she thought about it, picked up her mobile phone and dialed Su Daqiang's number.

"Hey... Dad..."


It can be heard that the "Dad" was called by the other side in a daze, and it took a while to realize: "Is it Julie?"

"That's right, it's me."

Zhu Li's house was not close to Tongderry, and Kang Xin and Zhu Zhenggang had not heard about Su Daqiang's severance of relationship with her son, so she took it for granted that it would be better to discuss with Su Daqiang how to deal with it.

"Mingcheng beat Mingyu, did you know that?"

"What? Mingcheng beat Mingyu?"

"Yes, the police station called me, explaining that Yu did not agree to a settlement and insisted on holding Mingcheng accountable. If the charges are proven, he may be detained."


"Ah" followed by a long silence.

"Dad, are you listening?"

"This matter... I can't control it."

Zhu Li straightened up when she heard this sentence: "Dad, what are you talking about? Mingyu is your daughter and Mingcheng is your son. How can you ignore it?"

"Don't you know? I have severed ties with Mingcheng."


Zhu Li opened her mouth and clenched her hand holding the phone even tighter. Su Daqiang and Su Mingcheng severed their father-son relationship? why?

She couldn't figure it out, wasn't it good at the welcome banquet a few days ago?

Could it be that Su Mingyu did some tricks again? Just like calculating her mother before?

beep beep

There was a busy tone from the receiver.

Her hand slipped down slowly, and the sleeves shrunk back a bit, revealing the bracelet with the little swan pendant inside. If Lin Yue were here, he would definitely recognize that this was the Swarovski pendant given to her last time—— The reason why she didn't wear it around her neck was because she was afraid that Kangxin would see and nag her, so she would naturally have no worries if she wore it on her wrist as a bracelet.

The driver honked the horn before overtaking and glanced at the rearview mirror. He was curious about the words detention and fighting she said, but he was too embarrassed to ask.


the other side.

Wu Fei stuffed the house purchase agreement she had just signed into her bag, and looked back at Su Daqiang who came out of the restaurant full of food and drink: "Dad, was it Zhu Li who called just now? What happened?"

"Mingcheng and Mingyu are fighting."

"A fight?"

"Is it because of the newspaper?"

They didn't know that Su Mingyu interfered with Huang Zhuli's work, and thought that Su Mingcheng and Su Mingyu fought because they saw the statement in the newspaper that severed the relationship between father and son.

Su Daqiang said: "I don't know, Zhu Li explained that Yu wants to sue Mingcheng, and may be detained."

Wu Fei said: "This Mingcheng, he doesn't want to support the elderly, and now he is angry and angry with Mingyu because of the newspaper. He should be locked up for a few days and reflect on himself."

Su Daqiang spat out the bamboo sticks he used to pick his teeth into the earthen pond where the trees were planted, and without saying a word, got into the Mercedes-Benz G500 that Su Mingyu lent Wu Fei to drive, and took out a mint-flavored candy from his pocket to tease him. kid.


"This afternoon, a fire broke out in a machine tool factory in the northern suburbs of our city. After nearly three hours of hard work by the firefighters, the fire was finally brought under control. Now the work has entered the aftermath stage. According to the worker on duty at the time, the cause of the fire was the factory area. The main power of the machine in the room was not turned off, and the operator just turned off the machine and left. A mouse bit through the cable, which ignited the heat transfer oil in the room, which caused a fire in the workshop and spread to several nearby warehouses. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Some material loss."

The local news was being broadcast in the hall of the police station. Su Mingyu looked at the familiar environment in the screen, and her face became quite ugly. If she guessed correctly, the machine tool factory that caught fire in the news was the factory managed by Huang Zhongxian.

Although the wording of the report is more euphemistic, saying that there were no casualties, judging from the fire scene shot, the loss is at least tens of millions.

The general power supply of the machines in the factory area was not turned off, which sounds like a worker’s mistake, but as the factory manager, Huang Zhongxian will definitely be held accountable, not to mention the punishment from the government, the pressure from the group’s senior management alone is enough for him to drink a pot that's it.

dismissed? Dismissal is always light, and I'm afraid that Vice President Zhang will take the opportunity to send someone to check the accounts and find some unexplainable funds transactions, even Meng Zhiyuan can't keep him.

After reading the news report, she took out her mobile phone and called Huang Zhongxian, but no one answered after it rang for a long time.

"This Liu Qing! Why hasn't he come back yet?"

An hour ago, Liu Qing answered the phone and said that she had to leave in a hurry, leaving her alone here waiting for the power of attorney for injury appraisal.

"Su Mingyu, Su Mingyu."

"I'm here."

A policewoman came out and handed her the document in her hand: "This is the power of attorney for injury appraisal, and the appraisal unit and location are written on it."


She said thank you, went out with her things, and happened to meet Julie when she was approaching the door.

"Mingyu, are you... all right?"

"Do you think I look okay?"

The scabs at the corners of the mouth, the bruises in front of the ears, and the swollen face really didn't look like nothing was going to happen.

"The police say you don't accept mediation."

"That's right."

"I think, no matter how bad your relationship is, you are still brothers and sisters. Can you stop holding Su Mingcheng responsible for the blood relationship?"

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think." Su Mingyu said firmly: "Don't talk nonsense, you want me to forgive that scum? You are dreaming!"

Zhu Li was irritated by what she said, and her emotions became agitated: "It's wrong for Su Mingcheng to fight, but why can't he control himself to hit you? If you didn't treat me like that, would he fight you?"

"Are you saying so much is useful?" Su Mingyu said bitterly, "If I don't send him to jail, I won't be called Su Mingyu."


Zhu Li was so angry that her eyes were red. Looking back, if Su Mingyu hadn't appeared, he and Su Mingcheng would not have divorced. Without Su Mingyu playing tricks behind her back, the conflict between her mother and Su Mingcheng would not have deepened, and without Su Mingyu making use of the issue, she would not have lost her job, causing Su Mingcheng to be arrested and sent to the police station.

"Su Mingyu, I really didn't expect you to be such a vicious woman."

Su Mingyu stopped in her tracks, and looked back at her, her gaze was full of contempt.

"Mingyu, why did you come out by yourself, didn't you tell me to sit on a chair and wait for me?" Liu Qing's voice came from outside the door.

Su Mingyu ignored Zhu Li, turned her head and said to the man who rushed over with a chill, "You have been away for an hour, what happened?"

"Oh, it's Xiaomi, a mouse has entered the house, and she insists on asking me to go and help her get it out."

"Is that done?"

"nailed it!"

"Let's go when we're done."

Liu Qing hurriedly supported her to go out, she looked very much like Li Lianying serving Lafayette from behind.

Zhu Li stomped her feet at the backs of the two, turned around and walked inside.

She wanted to see Lin Yue, but was rejected by the police. Seeing that it was useless to ask, considering that the law firm was closed at this time, she could only take a taxi home in a depressed mood.

Lin Yue "saw" what happened at the entrance of the hall, and was quite surprised by Zhu Li's vicious words against Su Mingyu. You must know that she is quite brainless in the TV series-Su Mingcheng helped her avenge, but even wanted to Being blamed by her; Su Mingyu slapped her for a sweet date, and turned to look grateful.

The relationship between brother and sister is good, and the relationship between sister-in-law and sister-in-law is also good. This kind of family relationship is quite common. The sibling relationship is not good, and the sister-in-law speaks kindly about her is really rare in domestic society.

It seems that it is right to divorce Julie as soon as time travels, and keeping the distance will help her clear the water in her mind.

The next day, when Zhu Li was looking for help from the law firm, the police from the police station called her again, saying that the results of Su Mingyu's injury assessment came out.

Minor injury class B.

It was a minor injury, not a minor injury.

Zhu Li understands the difference between these two words very well. If she causes minor injuries, she will be detained for up to 15 days and fined. Minor injuries have already entered the criminal category and will be sentenced.

Su Mingyu is really ruthless, not only did Su Daqiang and his son sever ties, but also sent his own brother to prison.

She left home in a hurry, went to the Huxi Police Station to inquire about the case, and saw the medical examination report issued by the forensic doctor, which clearly stated the words "eardrum perforation". In the words of the police, Su Mingyu had already been admitted to the hospital, and she firmly refused to settle. They can only go through the procedure and transfer Su Mingcheng from administrative detention to criminal detention.

Julie tried to see him, but couldn't.

She could only call the law firm for consultation, but the other party gave the answer that there was no way. Since the result of the injury test was a minor injury and it had entered the criminal stage, all she could do was to ask Su Mingyu to let her give up pursuing Su Mingcheng's responsibility.

She had begged yesterday, was it helpful? Useless!

She thought for a while on the side of the road, picked up her mobile phone and called Su Mingzhe, the eldest brother of Su Mingcheng, and told him what happened here, hoping that he, as the boss of the Su family, would take up his own responsibilities and persuade Su Mingyu not to kill them all. After all, I am a compatriot with a milk. As the saying goes, breaking the bones connects the tendons.

It can be seen that Wu Fei didn't tell her husband what happened here, and Su Mingzhe didn't know anything about the fight between the brother and sister, so she told her not to worry, and he called Su Mingyu right away.

Zhu Li breathed a sigh of relief and thought that things had turned around. However, after lunch, an hour later, there was still no news from Su Mingzhe. She could only call to inquire, but the answer was that Su Mingyu would not pick him up. Zhu Li said no, please come back. This is related to Su Mingcheng's future. Once he goes to jail, his record will be ruined for the rest of his life. But how did Su Mingzhe reply? He said that he was busy with work, and the leader arranged a business trip, so he couldn't go back.

What can we do now?

She could only ask Su Mingzhe for Su Daqiang's address, thinking of going to the door in person to see what the old man meant and whether he really didn't care about his own son's life or death.

This time Su Mingzhe didn't hesitate, telling her that Su Daqiang lives in "No. 4001, Yulongwan Community".

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Li took a taxi to Yulongwan community.

This is the first time she has come to Su Mingyu's house. Although she knew that this sister-in-law was rich, but seeing the two-story villa with a garage with her own eyes, she couldn't help feeling that she still underestimated Su Mingyu's financial resources. Millions and tens of millions cannot be taken down.

Ding dong, ding dong~

She rang the doorbell twice and waited outside with her bag.

Not long after the door opened, a woman in her forties came out, with short hair, dark skin, and a very plain apron around her body. She should be Su Daqiang's nanny.

"Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Su Daqiang, I belong to him..." Zhu Li paused and said, "Daughter-in-law."

The nanny looked her up and down for a while, and felt that she was not lying, let alone a bad person, so she let her into the room, wiped her hands and knocked on the bedroom door.

"Brother Su, Brother Su, someone is looking for her, and she says it's your daughter-in-law."

After about half a minute, there was a muffled answer from inside: "Oh, got it."

Half a minute later, the door opened, and Su Daqiang came out with dark circles under his eyes, as if he hadn't woken up.

"It's Julie, what's the matter?"

"Dad." It was a bit awkward to call it that way, but she still called out very kindly, after all, she had something to ask for: "Mingyu's injury test results came out, her eardrum was perforated, and she was slightly injured."

Su Daqiang said, "What do you mean?"

"It means that if you don't show up again and Mingyu insists on pursuing Mingcheng's responsibility, he will be sentenced and put in prison."

Su Daqiang waved his hand: "I... can't control it."

"How can you do this? She is your daughter. When the father speaks, she must listen to it, right?"

Su Daqiang remained silent, just shaking his head.

"That's your own son!"

"Julie, didn't I tell you? We have severed the father-son relationship."

"Then you mean to leave him alone anyway?"

Su Daqiang glared at the nanny in the restaurant who was listening to the conversation between the two, and the middle-aged woman was so frightened that she quickly pointed upstairs and ran to the balcony to collect the clothes.

"Go to the boss, Mingyu may listen to what he says."

"I've looked for it, and the eldest brother explained that Yu didn't answer his calls."

Su Daqiang sat down on the sofa, squinted his eyes and said, "Then I have nothing to do."

"Why don't you go to the hospital with me, and I'll apologize to Mingyu. With you there, she should give Mingcheng a chance."


Saying nothing, he got up and walked into the bedroom and closed the door, so he couldn't come out.

Julie froze.

This is the father, this is the eldest brother, this is the younger sister... Look who is in this family!

She heard from Su Mingcheng that when Su Mingyu went to college for a year and did not return home, Zhao Meilan even asked Su Daqiang to give her daughter living expenses. Now that Su Daqiang and Su Mingcheng have severed ties, no one cares if they want to go to jail. Just because Su Mingyu has money and Su Mingcheng has no money, the whole family will catch him as a bully.

"Whether it is or not? Su Daqiang, a person like you is not worthy of being a father! Bah! Old Dong..."

Zhu Li wanted to curse, but hesitated again and again, swallowing the swear words in her throat, and left the room with her bag in the face of the nanny's puzzled eyes.

When she came out of the villa, she glanced at the Qiong tree that had lost all its leaves on the side of the road. She felt very powerless and helpless. She begged everyone she could, and she said what she had to say. What can I do now? ?

Or go to the hospital again? Begging Su Mingyu to raise his hands high and let Su Mingcheng go?

ding ding dong~

The phone ringing pulled her out of her thoughts.

Turning over his hand, the screen showed that the caller was Su Mingcheng.

She blinked and found that she was right, it was indeed Su Mingcheng.

Wasn't he locked up in a cell? How is it possible to call? Could it be the police?

She pressed and swiped up the connection buoy, and brought the receiver close to her right ear.

"Go home immediately and turn on the computer. There is an email in your mailbox with a way to save me."

After saying this, the connection was cut off before she could react.

Although she didn't know why he had the opportunity to call, it didn't prevent her from understanding the meaning of the call, and hurried to the gate of the community to take a taxi home.


three days later.

A ward of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

Wu Fei handed the peeled apple to Su Mingyu.

"Sister-in-law, where's Xiaomi?"

"I entrusted her to the care of the nanny."

"Oh, how about the house purchase?"

"I met the owner yesterday, and now I just need to transfer the title and pay the money."

"Then you can go to Shanghai in a few days."



The two chatted one after another, and the topic was either Xiao Mi, Su Daqiang, or Su Mingzhe. In short, no one mentioned Su Mingcheng, as if there was no such person in the Su family. tacit understanding.

"You can't go in, hey... I said, you can't go in."

"I don't care who you are, if I can't get in this time, that bitch Su Mingyu will go to jail."

There was a conversation between assistant Xiaoxin and a woman outside. Su Mingyu listened carefully and was sure it was Zhu Li.

It is obviously Su Mingcheng who is going to jail.

She smiled contemptuously, thinking that she was so arrogant when she came to beg for mercy, but she wanted to see who gave Zhu Li the courage to say such words: "Sister-in-law, tell Xiaoxin to let him in."

As Wu Fei walked out, she said, "Do you want me to avoid it?"

She is now an ally with Su Mingyu, and she knows very well that as long as Su Mingcheng is sent to prison, it will be much easier to provide for Su Daqiang's elderly care. As for whether relatives are relatives or not, does it matter? It doesn't matter anymore, who cares about a poor relative who not only can't help him but also always makes trouble.

Su Mingyu said with a relaxed face: "No need."

Wu Fei didn't say anything, went to open the door, looked at Zhu Li and said, "Mingyu let her in."

Xiaoxin could only step aside.

Zhu Li didn't call her "sister-in-law" either, she just looked at her coldly and walked into the ward with her mobile phone.

When she met the face at the head of the bed, she chuckled: "Su Mingyu, in order to send Su Mingcheng to the prison, you really paid a lot of money."

After speaking, turn on the phone and tap lightly.

"Mingyu, do you really want to do this? It's unnecessary, right? Do eardrum perforation for Su Mingcheng to be sentenced? Are you crazy?"

"That's right, that's what I'm going to do!"

"This... this is a crime."

"As long as you don't tell me, I don't tell you, and the doctor doesn't tell you, who will know?"

"This...why are you doing this?"

"If you want to persuade me to calm down, or if you are afraid of being implicated and unwilling to help me, then get out of the car."

"Oh, all right."

This is the first recording, followed by the second recording.

"Old Sun, you must keep this matter a secret."

"Liu Qing, to be honest, if it wasn't for your sake, I would never have done this operation, and I won't ask you what you are going to do. Anyway, it's best not to implicate me."

"Don't worry, old Sun, you take the money."

"It's not necessary."

"I didn't give it to you, she gave it to you, take it, isn't your child going to buy a house in HK?"

"Then... I'll take it."

"Is there anything she needs to pay attention to in her current situation?"

"She is still young, if she recovers on her own...the problem is not serious, just rest more, pay attention to controlling her diet, and eat lightly. As for medication, the doctor in the inpatient department will prescribe a combination of drugs."

"I see, thank you grandson."

Then came the sound of footsteps and the slamming of a door.

Julie pressed the stop button and looked at the bloodless woman's face at the head of the bed.

"So Su Mingyu, you are the one who should go to jail!"

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