Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1842 I have written the confession for you

Lin Yue ignored her, walked over and threw the bouquet of carnations beside the tombstone, and put the forget-me-nots in his arms on it.


Su Mingyu's face was full of resentment.

Lin Yue said indifferently: "You are not qualified."

Strictly speaking, she is indeed not qualified.




Su Mingyu took a few deep breaths, forcing herself to endure the anger and humiliation.

In order to rescue Shi Tiandong, she had no choice.

"Mom, I was wrong. I shouldn't have fought with you back then, and I shouldn't have stayed away from the house for ten years."

Why did she come earlier than the appointed time? It's just to adjust my emotions, so that I won't be able to control myself and hurt Shi Tiandong when I look at the face of my enemy.

"Are you repenting?" Lin Yue said, "On the surface, I'm apologizing, but what I'm thinking in my heart is to save Shi Tiandongren for a while, right?"

"Su Mingcheng, don't go too far!"

"I'm going too far. What's the matter? Don't forget that you are begging me, not I. The gate of the cemetery faces east. If you can't do it, you can leave."

Su Mingyu closed her eyes and took several deep breaths.

"Then what do you want?"

"Let me think about it." Lin Yue nodded his forehead with his finger: "Oh, I remembered, that's what the TV series said, um, and this..."

He smiled contemptuously, reached into his pocket, took out a piece of letterhead and threw it on the ground: "Read it this way."

Su Mingyu looked at the letterhead at her feet, her face was like a thundercloud before the rainstorm. Su Mingcheng beat her up in front of so many employees of Zhongcheng Group last time. Every time I go to the company these days, I feel that someone is pointing at her behind her back At this point, facing the dead now, and humiliating her like this is simply deceiving.

She bent down slowly, picked up the letterhead on the ground, unfolded it, and glanced at it. The header was the word "Confession", what was the content below... The more she looked down, the stiffer her face became, and her hands kept shaking. The ground was trembling, and even the letter paper was shaking, which made people worry that she would not be able to control her emotions and tear it up in the next second.

"Humiliation? Humiliation is right."

Why did Su Mingyu agree to a settlement in the TV series? It's not that she figured it out by herself, it's that everyone around her is saying that it's better to get rid of enemies than to get married. Shi Tiandong, Liu Qing, Su Mingzhe, Su Daqiang, and even Meng Zhiyuan put pressure on her, so she let go for the sake of her personal image. But it was impossible for her to swallow this breath completely, so she forced Su Mingcheng to read the confession statement in front of outsiders—lawyers and Shi Tiandong—in the detention center, humiliated him, and even videotaped him to leave evidence.

Obviously it was her unrighteousness first, but in the end it was all Su Mingcheng's fault. The point is, apologizing and repenting for the beating incident in exchange for freedom is also an equivalent exchange. In the end, the writing of the confession... forced Su Mingcheng to admit to himself Not being filial to his parents, being a parasite in the family, saying that he did not fulfill his obligation and responsibility to protect his sister, at the end of the confession, he asked Su Mingcheng to thank her for leaving him with some self-esteem and giving him a chance to be a new man.

People who have not been in the house for ten years and who do not care about their parents accuse those who accompany their parents every day for being unfilial?

Who stipulated that protecting the younger sister is the responsibility and obligation of the elder brother? If the relationship is good, it is love. If the relationship is not good, the relationship between enemies is still protected? Brain burned out?

What else is there to say about squeezing my sister's living space and resources? As the old saying goes, a crying child gets milk. Su Mingcheng circles around his parents every day, telling them what they like to listen to, doing what they like to watch, and coaxing them to be happy , what about her? Shaking face at parents every day, angering them, deliberately retaliating or even taking action, and still have the face to blame parents for not sharing resources equally? Let’s talk about what happened at the audit meeting. She ruined Zhu Li’s future for her own future. Is this to squeeze her brother’s living space and resources for her own well-being?

In the end, Su Mingcheng was forced to thank the bitch for giving him some self-esteem after being humiliated?

So, there is no one who does not have double standards in this world, it depends on whose fist is hard and whose tone is high.

"I didn't force you, you can choose to read it, or you can choose not to read it." While speaking, Lin Yue took out his mobile phone and pointed the camera at her: "After all, this is my grudge with Shi Tiandong, and it has nothing to do with you. .”

Nothing to do with her? really irrelevant?

Indeed, as he said, she could tear up the letter and leave, but what about Shi Tiandong? Watching him go to jail?

"Su Mingcheng, you are too deceitful!"

"Heh, I seem to have told you that the one thing I like to do the most is to treat others in the same way... Eh..."

At the end of the conversation, he raised his eyebrows and put down the phone: "It's just in time."

What came just right?

Su Mingyu followed his gaze towards the entrance, and saw a few people walking with bouquets in their arms, and upon closer inspection, they were all acquaintances.

There is Su Mingzhe, Su Daqiang, and Amy in a lady's suit.

How did they come here?

Su Mingyu was taken aback, and after a few breaths, she suddenly turned her head, and her sword-like gaze fell on Lin Yue's face.

Over there, Su Mingzhe, Su Daqiang and others also looked surprised when they saw Su Mingyu's figure, but Su Mingzhe was very happy. He thought it was a good start for Su Mingyu to come to pay homage to Zhao Meilan, only Amy didn't think so.

"Mingyu, are you here too?" Su Mingzhe greeted with a smile before he came to the front.

Su Mingyu ignored him, gritted her teeth and said with a ferocious face: "Su Mingcheng, you designed all of this?"

Lin Yue was not hypocritical, and said frankly: "Yes, I asked them to come here, and I can be regarded as a witness. Is there a problem? If you sincerely repent, why are you afraid of other people's eyes?"

In the TV series, when Su Mingyu asked Su Mingcheng to repent, there were policemen, lawyers, and Shi Tiandong as witnesses. Here were Su Daqiang, Su Mingzhe, and Amy. From Lin Yue’s point of view, they treated him in the same way as others However, for Su Mingyu, it was unacceptable anyway.


She tore the letter paper in half and threw it on the ground, almost roaring: "Su Mingcheng, you are dreaming!"

Su Mingzhe didn't know what happened, just about to ask a question, Su Mingyu pushed him away, and left without looking back.

Lin Yue sneered again and again, turned over the phone, pressed the pause button, and saved the video to the album.

This is the difference between Su Mingcheng and Su Mingyu's personalities. The former can give up his self-esteem for freedom and his wife, but the is harder for her to admit her mistake than going to heaven. Does a person like Su Mingyu have friends? Will there be relatives?

It seems that this kind of narrow-minded, extremely vindictive, and self-centered person, no parent would like to have such a child, right? No husband wants to have such a wife, right?

Of course, except for masochists, there is always a small group of people who enjoy it.

"Mingcheng... this... what's going on?"

Su Mingzhe looked at Su Mingyu's back, and then at Lin Yue, with a capitalized "confused" expression on his face. He was very happy to see Su Mingyu's figure just now, and thought that the relationship between the two people had turned around. Now it seems... …he was too optimistic.

"I asked her to confess her mistakes in front of her mother's grave, in exchange for her boyfriend not being held accountable... Oh, that's right, those two people have an ambiguous relationship, and they can't be regarded as boyfriend and girlfriend. Speaking of which, what? She has been selling for so long, only seeking profit, and her true nature is a hard heart."

Su Mingzhe was confused when he heard it, and he didn't know what kind of conflict happened between these two people.

"Mingcheng, you asked Mingyu to confess to her mother, aren't you embarrassing her?"

"What? You can't see it? Then you come for her."

Su Mingzhe looked down at the two-point letterhead, picked up the section close to him and looked at it carefully.


I, Su Mingyu, an unfilial daughter with no conscience, because my mother refused to sell the house for me to go to Tsinghua University and chose a teacher training college where I don’t have to pay tuition fees, I held a grudge and severed the mother-daughter relationship with her. Although I have been working in Suzhou, I ignored the two old people for ten years. I didn’t meet them until my mother passed away. I was born without a mother to feed me, so I starved to death a long time ago; I never thought that if I caught a cold and delayed seeking medical treatment, I would be an idiot;

Su Mingzhe couldn't stand it anymore. The thing Su Mingyu was most proud of was that he didn't rely on his parents to earn a lot of money. Now that his wealth was wiped out, Su Mingcheng brought him to Zhao Meilan's grave to confess. It can be said that it was a double blow from material to spiritual. It's strange if you can hold back your temper.

" are...too much."

"Excessive? Which sentence above is wrong?"


Su Mingzhe was at a loss for words. After digging carefully, he really couldn't find anything wrong.

"Okay, Su Mingyu's matter is over, now let's talk about you, Su Daqiang... Didn't you push Su Mingzhe to talk to me about retirement? That depends on how deep and thorough your confession in front of mother's grave is. "

Thanks to the book friends with tail number 0568 for the 5000 starting coins, my favorite egg fried rice for the 1600 starting coins, the book friends with the tail number 5563 for the 200 starting coins, and the white horse Xiao Xifeng for the 100 starting coins .

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