Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1859 Meng Zhiyuan: It's over (two in one)

"Is it too much? Not at all."

Lin Yuehan said in a cold voice: "If you are an enemy, you must cut the grass and root out."

Zhu Li rubbed her belly and said, "Can't you accumulate some virtue?"

"To accumulate virtue is to help those who need help, to speak out against injustice in the world, not to be lenient to those who think about how to retaliate against you every day. Confucius said, repay grievances with virtue, how can you repay virtue? Repay grievances with straightness, and repay virtue with virtue."

Julie was speechless.

"Where is Dad? The nanny is gone, who will cook for him tomorrow? Do the laundry and mop the floor?"

"You don't need to worry about me, Su Mingzhe will naturally handle this matter properly."

Lin Yue blinked at her and smiled.

Julie always felt that his smile had a kind of... schadenfreude.

"You have a grudge against the Su family, right?"

Lin Yue recalled the content of the main task, leaned against the head of the bed, looked up at the ceiling and said, "That's right."


the next day.

When Su Daqiang came out of the toilet, he didn't wipe his hands, and threw water drops all over the floor.

For a person who is strongly requested by his son and daughter-in-law not to take a bath, let him talk about hygiene? It's good to know that you wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet.

boom boom boom~

boom boom boom~

"Who is it?"

He didn't think too much about it. In the days when he opened the door and the maintenance lawsuit was a big deal, he naturally didn't have the guts to do so. Now that the voices on the Internet have subsided a bit, his courage has grown up again, and this is the Shuanghu area. It's not Tongdeli where he lived before. He doesn't know many people, and not many people know him.

"Who are you looking for?"

Su Daqiang was taken aback when he saw the middle-aged woman appearing outside.

"You are Su Daqiang, Brother Su, right?"

"That's right, it's me." He opened his mouth and called Brother Su, and Su Daqiang looked at her with wary eyes.



At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket kept vibrating. He picked it up and saw that it was Su Mingzhe calling, so he left the middle-aged woman where he was, and put the phone to his ear.

"Mingzhe, why are you calling again? Didn't I tell you? I can't die of hunger."


"What? Nanny?"

Su Daqiang raised his head, looked up and down, and carefully looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him: "Why do you..."

The nannies that Su Mingyu hired for him would call every night to report what Su Mingcheng said and did to him. Apart from the feeling of being watched, it also reminded him of the days when he was enslaved by Zhao Meilan. After the lawsuit was over, Su Mingyu's aura became more and more like her mother's. He didn't dare to oppose his daughter face to face. He could resist softly. He picked the nanny's thorns and drove one away in a few days to see if she would send someone over. spy on him.

"Brother Su, my name is Cai Genhua, and I am the nanny hired by your son for you."

Cai Genhua took a step forward: "Whatever you want to eat and drink in the future, just tell me. Although my hometown is not from Suzhou, but I have stayed here for seven or eight years, and I have some experience in cooking Suxi cuisine."

After speaking, he noticed that there were many water stains on the floor from the bathroom to the living room. He didn't treat himself as an outsider. He opened the bag he was carrying with him, took out a towel from it, and wiped it carefully on the floor. He said, "I'm getting old. The legs and feet are not as good as those of young people, and the bones are fragile, so you have to be careful not to fall and touch them."

"Okay, that's it." Su Daqiang hung up his son's phone, looked at the nimble middle-aged woman, and felt that she should be given a chance, after all, it was the nanny hired by the eldest son, not a secret agent arranged by Su Mingyu.

What's more, this woman... has good eyesight, unlike other nannies who only care about their own affairs and don't know how to talk about others.

"What did you say your name was?"

"Brother Su, my name is Cai Genhua."

"Oh." Su Daqiang nodded: "Can you cook pork ribs with sauce?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then I'm going to have ribs for lunch today."

"Spare ribs, right? I see, I'll buy them for you after mopping the floor."

Hey, what Su Daqiang wants is this feeling of being regarded as the emperor. Zhao Meilan can't enjoy the treatment, but now he can enjoy it.

This is called enjoyment!


8 o'clock that night.

Jinyuan District.

The fan of the air conditioner's external unit was humming, blowing out waves of heat. Even after the sun had set, the sweltering heat in the air hadn't subsided. The adults said that it was not far from rain, but no matter how many children there were, they were still on the road. Doing all kinds of skateboarding moves, even though the sweat has already soaked the T-shirt.

Su Mingyu pushed open the car door, got out of the cab, glanced at the starless night sky, and walked towards the two-story building opposite.

It was Meng Zhiyuan who called her here.

No, to be precise, it was Shen Yingshu, the teacher's mother, who asked her to come to her house as a guest, and wanted to have a good talk about Shen Haoxu's issuance of value-added tax invoices.

ding dong~

ding dong~

She rang the doorbell twice.

Soon, the door opened, and Shen Yingshu's face appeared behind the door.


"It's Mingyu here, come on, come in."

Shen Yingshu let her into the room and shouted to the living room: "Old Meng, Mingyu is here."

"Oh, Mingyu is here."

Meng Zhiyuan came out of the bedroom.

"Master." Su Mingyu called out respectfully.

"Come, sit here." Meng Zhiyuan led her into the restaurant, pointed to the six dishes on the table and said, "This is made by your teacher's mother, and it took an hour and a half for this dish of squirrel mandarin fish .”

"Ms. Ma'am is too polite, let's have a light meal, just cook some home-cooked food." Su Mingyu leaned forward, her nose twitched twice: "Well, it smells so good."

Meng Zhiyuan said: "This is the only way to show sincerity. Sit down."

"Master, you are too serious."

Su Mingyu sat down on the chair near the door.

Meng Zhiyuan followed into the table, and Shen Yingshu came over with a bottle of Moutai.

"Tonight's food is very rich, let's drink."

"Master, I'm driving."

Meng Zhiyuan said: "Call the driver."

Seeing what Master said, she was too embarrassed to refuse, so she nodded and took the bottle from Shen Yingshu: "Master, I will do it myself."

"Yingshu, come, you sit too."

Meng Zhiyuan patted the chair beside him.

Shen Yingshu sat down obediently, picked up a piece of fish and put it on the plate in front of Meng Zhiyuan: "Taste it."

"Yes, Yingshu, you are good at cooking."

Meng Zhiyuan took a sip and nodded slightly. Now he is quite heroic. After all, after Shen Yingshu is dealt with, Zhang Tong and others will have no chance to stand up. As long as Zhang Tong's cronies are pulled out, the rest A polished commander, how can he clean up as he wants? You can handle it however you want?

Su Mingyu poured wine for Meng Zhiyuan first, and then poured wine for herself. When it was Shen Yingshu's turn, she waved her hand: "I can't drink white, I'll drink red."

After speaking, he took out a little Margaux from behind, opened it with a bang with a corkscrew, and poured a third of it into the goblet without waking up.

"Come on, Mingyu, let me toast you."

Su Mingyu opened her mouth wide, and said with a smile: "How dare I ask my teacher to respect me, I should respect you."

"Don't say that, I still want to thank you for Shen Hao's matter." Shen Yingshu suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, and said words of gratitude to her: "Old Meng told me all about it, and said that if it wasn't for you Press it down, Shen Hao might go in, and even I will be implicated, so this glass of wine should be respected by me, it is a thank you, and it is also an apology to you, I went to your office before... To put it more seriously."

If Su Mingcheng hadn't played the recording of the conversation between Su Mingyu and Meng Zhiyuan to her, maybe she would really thank her sincerely.

but now……

"Master, I...I still want to say sorry to you."

Su Mingyu quickly stood up, touched Shen Yingshu with the wine glass, raised her head suddenly, and drank the wine in the glass.

Shen Yingshu also drank the red wine in the goblet in one gulp.

"Yingshu, Mingyu can drink, right?" Meng Zhiyuan went to get the wine bottle, ready to fill it up for Su Mingyu.

She quickly took it and filled it up herself.

"Come on, Mingyu, I'll toast you too."

"No no, Master, I respect you. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Su Mingyu drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Meng Zhiyuan didn't drink so hard, although he was also toasting, he sipped it carefully before swallowing.

He really wanted to respect this apprentice. He actually managed to work as usual despite the criticisms from his colleagues in the company, and helped him charge into the battle and defeat the enemy. He has a thick skin.

"Come on, this third glass of wine, let's drink together."


Just like that, Meng Zhiyuan and Su Mingyu drank white, and Shen Yingshu drank red, and in a blink of an eye they drank two or two, and all three of them blushed.

At this moment, Shen Yingshu's mobile phone on the cabinet rang. She walked over to pick it up and put it to her ear. After listening for a while, she said "what", and after listening to a few more sentences, she replied "I'll be there right away" , then hung up the phone, and walked back to the dining table with a sullen face.

Meng Zhiyuan said, "What's wrong?"

"my brother."

"Shen Hao?"

"Yes, I don't know who my brother took to fool around. He drank a lot of wine and went home to fight with his mother." She said as she went to get her bag and put her mobile phone in: "I can't accompany you guys." After dinner, I have to go to my mother's side."

When something like this happened, Meng Zhiyuan naturally didn't want to say much: "Then drive slowly on the road."

"Don't worry, I'll ask Xiao Meng to drive me there."

"Call me back if it's all right."


Shen Yingshu agreed, then apologized to Su Mingyu, left the restaurant with her handbag, put on her high heels and left.

When she came out of the villa, she didn't leave immediately, she opened the Audi car on the side of the road and got in. On the surface, she seemed to be patiently waiting for Xiao Meng, but she actually paid close attention to the movement of the restaurant.

Meng Zhiyuan and Su Mingyu were still drinking.

"Master, what should we do next?"

Su Mingyu put down the wine glass, shook the Moutai in front of him, and found that there was still half of it: "Master, do you still drink?"

"Drink, why don't you drink it? I specially asked your teacher's wife to take the 2010 tiger mao. It tastes smooth, the sauce is strong, and the aftertaste is obvious. Hey, we are half a catty each, just right."

For sales, although the south does not pay as much attention to the wine culture as the north-a lot of business depends on drinking. If you drink too little, you will be unreal, and if you drink too much, you will be sincere. I can't even drink half a catty, not to mention that I can't hang out in the circle, at least the upper limit will be lower.

Su Mingyu, as the general manager of the Jiangnan Sales Company, naturally has a good capacity for alcohol. Half a catty of 53-degree Moutai is not a big problem.

Meng Zhiyuan first filled her and then filled himself, without taking a cup, he put a piece of braised chestnut into his mouth.

"How is the collection of Zhang Tong's materials?"

"It's almost there."

"Next week, next week I will hold a board meeting, and you will come forward to confront him about the contract with Zhanteng half a year ago. I want to see, what else does he have to say this time?"

Su Mingyu said: "Okay, I will contact Mr. Jin and ask him to sing the oboe with me."

Meng Zhiyuan nodded: "Mingyu, I really didn't expect that you could ignore those gossips and concentrate on doing things."

"Master, now Zhongcheng has reached a critical moment. No matter how hard and tired I am, I have to support you until you fully control the board of directors."

"Okay, I read you right. Master is old and can't keep up with the situation. In the future, Zhongcheng... will be the world of you young people."

"Master, don't say that, without you sitting in charge, we people can't do anything."

"Okay, let's not talk about work, let's drink."

Meng Zhiyuan raised his cup and invited Su Mingyu to drink.

The light diffused over the tablecloth, illuminating the braised chestnut chicken gleaming, and also reflected a piece of crystal in the wine glass. Both Meng Zhiyuan and Su Mingyu were half drunk, and did not notice that there was a very thin hole under the label of Moutai.

This is called perforated wine. Generally, professional equipment is used to drill holes in the bottle wall to extract the wine liquid inside, and then pour it into cheap wine. Binjiu pretends to be Feitian Moutai, five-star Moutai, etc. In this case, those who recycle famous wine will use a strong flashlight to shine on the bottle to distinguish it.

Meng Zhiyuan and Su Mingyu naturally do not have professional knowledge, what they can rely on is their taste buds, people who are used to drinking Moutai can tell the difference in wine quality, but this time, no matter whether it is Meng Zong or Ming Zong I didn't notice any difference between the Moutai in the glass and the past.




As some people have commented, it’s raining, neither too big nor too small. The rainwater dripping from the eaves beats the green leaves in the flower pots, the water flows in the pipes, and the humid mist envelopes the entire community.

Pat, clack, clack...

It doesn't sound like rain.

"come on in……"

"Here, watch your step."


Someone was approaching, and there was the sound of a conversation.

Su Mingyu felt dizzy and her brain was like a paste. She took two breaths before pulling her arm out of the quilt, trying to get the water glass on the bedside table.

Her villa has been sold, and now she lives in a rented house. There is a young couple in the next room, who quarreled a lot for three days and quarreled for two days, which made her very upset. At first, she thought it was the young couple who were making trouble outside. But after thinking about the voice carefully, I found that something was wrong, it seemed to be... the voice of my teacher's wife Shen Yingshu.

The footsteps were getting closer.

With a soft click, the door opened, followed by a sudden burst of light.

The glaring white dispelled the drowsiness in her mind at once, and she woke up seven minutes from the wine. She first saw Shen Yingshu standing at the door with an angry face, then Shen Hao who was taking out his mobile phone to record a video, and then a man in black Black trousers and black leather shoes in a suit, who looked like a driver, his shoulders were wet, as if he had just been caught in the rain.

Then she suddenly realized that this was not her home, and her arms outside the quilt were chilled by the air-conditioning wind, and then...she thought of her lower body from her arms, her entire scalp exploded, and she turned to her side Look, there is an old man sleeping on the left.

It is none other than her teacher Meng Zhiyuan.

When she looked over, Meng Zhiyuan had just been woken up, and was still looking at her sleepily, and said a nasal voice "Huh? What's the matter?" before turning his head to look at the people at the door.

"Why did this happen? Why did she sleep on the same bed as Meng Zhiyuan?"

Just thinking about it, Shen Yingshu walked over furiously, and lifted the quilt, revealing the man and woman underneath.

The cold wind from the air conditioner suddenly rushed over, making Meng Zhiyuan shiver from the cold. Su Mingyu hurriedly grabbed the quilt to cover her body, but it was too late, and Shen Hao and the driver behind them took the mobile phone and clicked the button. , took a real picture of the ugly state of the master and apprentice on the bed.

Meng Zhiyuan couldn't grab the quilt, saw his underwear lying on the ground, grabbed it and covered his body, and shouted: "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

Shen Hao was furious: "Meng, what are you talking about? My sister treats you well, but you fucking slept with your apprentice."

He threw his mobile phone to his parents' driver, stepped on the silk bed sheet with his wet leather shoes, bullied Meng Zhiyuan, grabbed the clothes with one hand, and raised his other hand high, directly slapping Meng Zhiyuan's face loudly superior.


This slap was so hard that the corners of his mouth were bleeding, Meng Zhiyuan felt his ears buzzing, and the pain extended to his neck.

"Do you dare to hit me?"


Shen Hao slapped him again: "I hit you, a stealing bastard."

Over there, Shen Yingshu and Su Mingyu were also torn together, pulling her hair with one hand, kicking her continuously with his feet, in exchange for screaming and screaming.

Fortunately, they were flat shoes, not high heels. If they were high heels, Su Mingyu wouldn't be the result of being kicked to the ground.

"Shen Yingshu, you framed me!"

Meng Zhiyuan is not a fool, his memory is only the scene of drinking with Su Mingyu, not the scene of going to bed, if he drank too much, the fragments were broken, at his age, he would definitely not be able to do a big job.

Why did the two lose their intuition not long after Shen Yingshu left? Why did she kill the carbine and bring Shen Hao and her parents' driver over to catch the rape? Yingshu has nothing to do, is it possible?

"What did I frame you for?" Shen Yingshu pointedly said: "Meng Zhiyuan, I was married to you, and you and Su Mingyu did such a thing to frame me, without saying anything, we are divorced from this marriage! "


Her breathing was heavy and rough, and the anger on her face was very real, not a little fake.

She endured it for several days, and apologized humbly to Su Mingyu in order to cooperate with Su Mingcheng's plan. Now that she finally found a chance to vent, it was natural to vent all the evil fire and resentment in her heart.

"Say, look at the camera lens and say, when did you start?"

Shen Yingshu grabbed Su Mingyu's hair and pulled him to the ground, pointing to the mobile phone in the driver's hand and questioning him loudly.

"Let her go."

Meng Zhiyuan saw that Su Mingyu suffered a loss, his face was covered with scratch marks, and there were shoe prints on his body. He couldn't bear it, and tried to stop Shen Yingshu from committing violence. This annoyed Shen Hao, so he kicked him under the bed. He was old. , the legs and feet are not good, this fall, immediately sprained the waist, lying on the ground with bare buttocks and moaning continuously.

"Old man, you still don't forget to protect your mistress at this time."

Like Shen Yingshu, Shen Hao also had a fire in his heart.

thump thump thump...

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps at the stairway. The people in the room turned their heads and found that it was two neighbors who had heard the sound.

Meng Zhiyuan's eyes darkened, and he thought it was over.

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