Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1865 Occupation pits relatives and friends (two in one)

When Zhao Zhongbang heard that his skin and new hero were gone, he felt uncomfortable, more distressed than a broken mobile phone.

" don't keep your word."

"That's right, I'm not trustworthy." Lin Yue said: "I'm a person, I've always been talking to people, talking to the devil, trusting my family? You think too much."

Zhao Zhongbang slammed his butt on the sofa, beat with both hands, kicked with both feet, and yelled like a child who couldn't get a toy: "Dad, mom, he bullied me, he bullied me."

Seeing this scene, Cai Genhua looked away, feeling quite ashamed. A fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy would cry and sue his parents if he didn't get what he wanted. This... Sigh.

Su Daqiang sat there without saying a word.

Shi Honghua was still wiping the water stains on her face.

Zhao Zheng pointed to Lin Yue and said, "Su Mingcheng, how dare you hit your cousin? I will sue you and send you to jail."

"Zhao Zheng, don't you know? In today's world, if you want to be a hooligan, you have to understand the law better than ordinary people. Your son hit me first. I was just defending myself. It was purely an accident that the phone fell to the ground. That's all? Let me Prison? Legal illiteracy is terrible."

Shi Honghua said bitterly: "Then what about me?"

"You? You came to our house and blamed me for splashing water on you? Yes, the police will ask me to apologize to you when they come, but you also have to apologize for messing around in our house. This matter will be a tie at most, so what do you think? A junior apologizing to his aunt and saying it is ugly? Or an aunt apologizing to his nephew and saying it is ugly?"

Shi Honghua was stopped by the question.

Zhao Zheng turned his head away, poised his neck and designated Lin Yue: "Brother-in-law, do you just leave him alone?"

Su Daqiang shook his upper body lightly, and said rhythmically: "I can't control it, and I don't dare to control it."

This is telling the truth, the big truth.

Among the three sons and daughters, apart from the boss Su Mingzhe who dares to say a few words, who dare to offend the remaining second son and third daughter?

"Anyway, I don't care, either your Su family will give you money, or you can help Zhongbang find a good school."

Lin Yue said: "It's still the same sentence, you can ask whoever promises you."

Zhao Zheng was completely unaware of the logical loophole in this statement. Su Mingcheng had only arrived not long ago, so how did he know that Su Daqiang had said this.

"If I can find Su Mingyu, why do I need to come here to find your father?"

Lin Yue took out a note from his pocket and pushed it in front of Zhao Zheng: "This is the number of the hotel room where Su Mingyu lives. Aren't you looking for her? Call."

Several people in the room were stunned.

Su Daqiang and Su Mingzhe couldn't get in touch, and the enemy's second child could actually get her number?

Zhao Zheng dubiously pressed the number on the note on the dial pad.

The territory is displayed as Sanya, Hainan.

In other words, Su Mingyu went to Sanya.

Beep, beep, beep...

After the call was connected, I told the operator to answer 8302, and after waiting for about 10 seconds, a lazy voice came.

"Hello, who are you?"

It really was her!

Zhao Zheng regained his energy when he heard this: "Su Mingyu, I am your uncle."

"Uncle? How do you know I live here?"

Being able to get through the hotel's internal phone means not only knowing where she is, but also which room she lives in. From Su Mingyu's point of view, doubts will naturally arise.

"Mingcheng told me."

"Su Mingcheng?" The voice from the earpiece was obviously a little cooler.

"Don't change the subject, school will start soon, when will you help Zhongbang find a school?"

"Can't find it."

"Can't find it? How did you tell me? Just go to court..."


Before he finished speaking here, he hung up the phone there.

Zhao Zheng was stunned for a while before he realized: "Hey, she hung up on me, but she actually hung up on me."

Shi Honghua urged at the side, "Hit, hit again."

Zhao Zheng heard that he redialed the number just now, but this time he couldn't get through no matter what.

"Brother-in-law, look, this is your daughter. Once my sister dies, your Su family will stop treating me as a relative, right?"

Su Daqiang didn't say yes or no, just stared at the floor with drooping eyelids.

Shi Honghua put her wet head on the sofa and said, "Either give me money, or help Zhongbang find a school. If I don't, I won't leave."

"Zongbang, take out the things."

With the order from his father, the silly son over there stopped pretending to be dead, unzipped his backpack, took out Zhao Meilan's portrait and held it in his arms.

Zhao Zheng said: "Brother-in-law, look at my sister's portrait and tell me, do you care about the affairs of the states or not?"

Su Daqiang buried his head even lower, his legs trembling uncomfortably, why didn't he dare to go back to the old house, why did he move to a new house and didn't want anything from the old house, the answer is simple, because he has ghosts in his heart, Now that Zhao is moving out the portrait of Zhao Meilan, can he not panic? Can you not be afraid?

Lin Yuexin said that this guy is quite smart. Seeing that he used Zhao Meilan's portrait to run against Su Daqiang at the funeral, the old man didn't dare to fart. Now he has followed suit and used Zhao Meilan's portrait as a sword.

"Is it because the old man doesn't give you money, so you just live here and don't leave?"

Zhao Zheng and Shi Honghua looked at each other.

"That's right, if you don't give me money, you won't leave. Let's see how you live in the future."

Lin Yue nodded, got up and walked into the master bedroom, and came out about three minutes later, holding a big red bank card with the artistic "工" character in the middle.

Su Daqiang's eyes stared straight at once.

Because that's his salary card.

He hid this thing in the interlayer of the paper box where the underwear was placed at the bottom of the closet. How did Su Mingcheng find it?

"It's mine... mine."

Lin Yue said: "I know. After Mom left, there were nearly 40,000 yuan left. From October last year to August this year, a total of 10 months, your monthly pension is 5,600 yuan, which is basically nothing for nearly a year." In other words, there is not one hundred thousand in this card, but there are more than ninety thousand, right?"

Su Daqiang: "..."

"I remember that you opened telephone banking, and the sales staff of Haofu Financial Management urged you to open it." Lin Yue threw the card on the coffee table: "Call the bank now and transfer the money in it to Zhao Zheng."

"It's my money, I won't transfer it." Su Daqiang is indifferent to his children's affairs, but when it comes to money, it's called a heart.

"If you don't transfer, I don't care about this matter. From now on, the four of you will live together. If you transfer, I will testify for you when Su Mingyu comes back later, and force her to pay back the money. After all, she caused the disaster. You can't let your father suffer losses."

Su Daqiang was unwilling to give money, but looking at the faces of Zhao Zheng, Shi Honghua and their silly son, and imagining the embarrassment of the four of them living under one roof in the future, he compromised.

Of course, the most important point is that Su Mingcheng is right. Su Mingyu was responsible for the disaster. The money cannot be paid by his own father. As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. It is not difficult to get money out.

"Okay, I'll fight, I'll fight."

Su Daqiang asked Cai Genhua to get his mobile phone, then called ICBC and transferred 100,000 yuan to Zhao Zheng's account.

"Brother-in-law, that's right."

Zhao Zheng was very happy, and asked his son to put away Zhao Meilan's portrait and stop disgusting Su Daqiang.

At first he couldn't figure out why Su Mingcheng was on his side, but now he figured it out, it was obvious that Su Mingcheng was generous to Su Mingyu, Su Daqiang's 100,000 yuan was an advance payment, and it was reasonable and reasonable to get it from his daughter in the future to come back.

"Dad, then my phone..."

Zhao Zhongbang still remembers his mobile phone.

"Dad will fix it for you, no, Dad will buy you a new one."

Zhao Zheng patted his butt and stood up, looking at Shi Honghua proudly: "Daughter-in-law, let's go."


She smoothed her wet hair with her hands, cast a hateful look at Lin Yue, took her son's arm and walked out.

"Don't be angry, if Su Mingcheng pours you a glass of water, I'll cut off a piece of old Su's family."


"Looking for someone to clear up the relationship, is one hundred thousand yuan enough? Maybe it can, or there may be a difference of twenty to thirty thousand. We will come back in a few days after Su Mingcheng leaves."

"Haven't you heard? Su Daqiang has no money, and all his savings have been given to us."

"He didn't. His eldest son is rich. He earned 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in a few days. What a big deal."

Zhao Zheng and Shi Honghua talked in low voices as they walked out.

Obviously, the two of them regard the Su family as a cash cow, and they have no shame.

Of course, they thought they had a good reason to do so. Who told Su Mingyu to encourage him to commit perjury? His reputation was bad, his money was confiscated, his son failed the exam... Who will pay if the Su family does not pay for the series of evil consequences brought about by this incident?

Cai Genhua's face was a little ugly, Su Daqiang felt that she was feeling sorry for him, so he patted her arm to show comfort.

At this moment, Lin Yue walked towards the balcony with his mobile phone.

"Hello, is the Huxi Police Station? I want to report that someone has extorted 100,000 yuan from my father."

Cai Genhua had a question mark on his face.

Su Daqiang also raised his head with doubts on his face.


Just then the door closed.

Zhao Zheng and Shi Honghua, who came to the corridor outside, vaguely heard the word "police station", and couldn't help but look at each other, wondering what Su Mingcheng was going to do.

Zhao Zhongbang still walked forward, but was grabbed by Zhao Zheng.

"go back."

Shi Honghua was puzzled: "Why?"

"I always feel that this is wrong." After speaking, he walked over and knocked on the door vigorously.

"Open the door!"

bang bang bang~

"Open the door!"

bang bang bang~

After more than ten seconds, Cai Genhua opened the door again, and looked at the three people outside with a strange look: "Why are you back again?"

Zhao Zheng ignored him, pointed at Lin Yue and said, "Who did you call just now?"

"Huxi Police Station."

"What are you doing calling the Huxi Police Station?"

"Call the police."

"What police report?"

"Someone blackmailed the old man of the Su family's police."

Zhao Zheng was furious: "You bastard dare to sue me? I am your uncle."

Lin Yue said: "You can go to court and sue me for perjury, why can't I sue you? To tell you the truth, if I don't send you to prison this time, I won't be called Su Mingcheng."

Zhao Zheng was in a hurry, grabbed the vase on the coffee table and threw it at him.


The thing didn't hit anyone, and it damaged the 55-inch color TV behind it.

He lifted the fruit plate again, and Su Daqiang turned and ran away in fright, and hid in the kitchen with Cai Genhua.


There was another noise, but no one was hit, and the fruit plate fell to the ground. Because it was a plastic product, it didn't break, but the fruit slurry stained the wall.

"Extortion and extortion join the room to smash." Lin Yue sneered: "Go on, it's best to play a fire or something, then you can get out of the prison."

Zhao Zheng's teeth were itching with hatred, and he rushed to the kitchen again. Shi Honghua was so frightened that he quickly pulled her husband back. She figured out that Su Mingcheng, a bastard, deliberately provoked Zhao Zheng and wanted to send his uncle to prison.

"This is what Su Mingyu promised us. This is what your Su family owes us. Su Mingcheng, you actually want to sue your uncle for blackmail. Are you worthy of your mother?"

"Framed my sister's most beloved son, do you still have the guts to say such things?" Lin Yue let Zhao Zhongbang bump into him, the silly boy didn't stop for a moment, he hit the shoe cabinet with a bang, and sat down on the ground, looking around in a daze .

The husband and wife were in a hurry, and ran over to check on the injury of their son.

Lin Yue continued: "It's Su Mingyu who owes you, not Su Daqiang. Using doves to occupy the magpie's nest to blackmail Su Daqiang for money, isn't that extortion? One hundred thousand yuan, enough for you to stay in for a few years."

Shi Honghua roared like a madman: "Who threatened him? We didn't."

Lin Yue pointed to the router on the TV cabinet: "You should know the result of the lawsuit last time. Su Mingyu and Su Mingzhe paid for it, and I was responsible for taking care of the old man. Then you know why I don't usually live here, but you come to make trouble in time. Are you going home? That’s right, this is a router and a camera, your conversation was recorded just now, the money has already arrived in your account, and the evidence is in my hands, so what do you think the police will do?”

Zhao Zheng and Shi Honghua, including Su Daqiang and Cai Genhua, were all dumbfounded, and their feelings for Su Mingcheng were digging a hole for Zhao Zheng's family to jump.

This is too insidious.

Only Zhao Zhongbang, who had no idea what happened to his parents, clutched the bump on the top of his head and screamed for pain.

"I...I'm not alive anymore."

Shi Honghua is a typical rural woman. When encountering such a thing, her subconscious thought is to cry, make trouble, and hang herself.

If it was Su Mingzhe and Su Mingyu, they would most likely be cowardly. The former wanted to save face, but the latter would think that Zhao Zheng was also an uncle after all. Besides, the root cause of this matter was her. But Lin Yue was different. He went to the balcony and pulled the window, pointed outside and said, "Jump, if you live enough, jump off, anyway, the Su family is already very famous, so it's nothing if there is a mess, you have a lot of debts." Don't be overwhelmed."

She just wanted to make a fuss, she didn't really want to die, seeing that Su Mingcheng didn't like this, she immediately softened.

"Zongbang, remember him, remember the Su family, they are going to kill their parents."

boom boom boom~

Then there was a knock on the door outside.

Cai Genhua hurried over and opened the door, and two policemen walked into the living room.

When Officer Zhu saw the person standing on the balcony, he had a hellish expression on his face.

"you again?"

"That's right, it's me again."

The policeman following behind looked at this and that: "Do you know each other?"

Officer Zhu didn't know how to explain it: "It's sort of it."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the family of three who were filled with grief and indignation beside him and said, "What's going on?"

"They blackmailed my old man."

After Lin Yue finished speaking, he handed over the phone: "This is a surveillance video."

When Zhao Zheng saw the police coming, he was scared to death. Shi Honghua just cried and couldn't say a complete sentence. The silly boy saw his mother crying and howled like ghosts.

Su Daqiang walked to Lin Yue's side at the right time.

"Mingcheng, Zhao Zheng is your uncle anyway, forget it."

"Uncle? I don't have such an uncle. You should know better than anyone else who he and Shi Honghua are. You get money for playing tricks today, and you will do it next time. Why didn't Su Mingyu hang up after listening to him? Because the two In the past month, he has cheated 110,000 yuan from her for various reasons, if a person like this is not sent to prison, he will only use the Su family as a cash machine."

Police officer Zhu noticed the conversation between the father and son, and he kept muttering in his heart. The first time he beat his own sister violently, the second time he sent his immediate boss to prison, and this time he was replaced by his own uncle. What is the origin of this guy? How do you pick out the people around you?

"Comrade policeman, we don't want the money anymore, okay? Don't take our boss away." Shi Honghua begged from the side.

"This still needs to be investigated. Let's go to the police station with us first."

When Zhao Zhongbang heard that he was going to the police station, he was terrified. He opened the door and ran out, shouting loudly, "I don't want to go to the police station. I don't want to go to jail. They are the ones asking for money, and it has nothing to do with me."

Shi Honghua was worried about his safety, so she chased him immediately.

The two police officers looked at each other and shook their heads.

But that's good too, without the rural women, it's much easier to deal with an old man.


That evening.

Lin Yue and Su Daqiang returned to Nanshan Lishe Community.

"If you send him to jail, who will take care of your aunt and cousin?"

"That's not my problem. I just know that if I don't send him in, Shi Honghua and Zhao Zhongbang will be raised by the Su family."

"If your mother is alive, she will not be happy knowing that you did this."

"Su Daqiang, are you afraid that Shi Honghua will bring Zhongbang over to make trouble? Then the problem of sending all three of their family in will be solved."


Su Daqiang held back for a long time but couldn't speak clearly.

Lin Yue had already opened the door and walked into the living room.

The smell of stewed meat wafted from the kitchen, and Cai Genhua heard the door open to greet her: "Brother Su, you are back."

Su Daqiang nodded.

" is it?"

Su Daqiang knew who "that who" was: "It's locked up."

"What about his wife and children?"

"I was persuaded to go home by the police."

Su Daqiang didn't tell the truth. Shi Honghua was scared to go home by the police, saying that she would be detained on charges of picking quarrels and obstructing official duties if she messed around in the police station again. She just went home honestly and waited for the letter.

Lin Yue didn't participate in the conversation between the two of them. He walked to the sofa and sat down: "Show me this month's bill."

One sentence lifted Cai Genhua's heart.

Su Daqiang glanced at the bill a few times in the first few days, and then stopped looking at it. Su Mingyu and Su Mingzhe just gave the money, but never asked for the details. Only this annoying Su Mingcheng, who didn't go home for more than a month, went home. Check accounts.

"What do you mean? Do you want to check the accounts?"

Lin Yue said bluntly: "That's right."

Seeing that Cai Genhua was upset, Su Daqiang hurriedly spoke up for her: "I've read all the accounts, there's no problem."

Lin Yue looked at Cai Genhua: "You can take it if you tell me, there is so much nonsense."

"Take it and take it."

Cai Genhua turned around and walked into the kitchen, took a few breaths and threw a booklet on the coffee table.


This nanny has a big temper.

Thinking about it, half of the ten people in Suzhou know that Su Mingcheng and Su Daqiang have a bad relationship. Otherwise, how could the father and son be against Bo Gongtang because of the support issue, and Cai Genhua, after getting along with him for a long time, consciously decided to accept Su Daqiang, of course Will not take him seriously.

"The beef I bought the day before yesterday cost 100 yuan a catty, the apples I bought the day before yesterday cost 15 yuan a catty, the rice I bought yesterday cost 100 yuan a catty, and the steamed buns for breakfast today cost 3 yuan and 50 cents each... Why is beef so expensive? Wagyu? What kind of apple is this? What brand of rice is it? Where did you buy the steamed buns? If I remember correctly, the Laotaimen steamed stuffed buns on the west side of the complex cost one piece, and the ones with shrimps are at most one yuan and five."

Cai Genhua said: "What do you mean? Suspect that I'm out of money?"

Lin Yue said, "That's right, you're out of money."

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