Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1871 Su Daqiang Betrayed by All (Two in One)

Wu Fei was stunned by what he said.

"Can you help me get the money back?"

Su Mingzhe is unemployed, Su Daqiang only cares about himself, and Cai Genhua's name has already been added to the landlord column, how can this be taken? Anyway, she couldn't think of a way out, not to mention that her relationship with Su Mingcheng was almost the same as an enemy, not to mention an enemy, would he kindly help her?

"Of course, there are conditions."


Su Mingcheng said that there were conditions, but she breathed a sigh of relief: "What conditions?"

Lin Yue said a word.

Wu Fei was furious: "Su Mingcheng, you are really a scum that is not as good as a pig or a dog."

She pressed her hand on the teacup, hesitated for about ten seconds, but still did not pour the water out.

"Tut tsk tsk." Lin Yue said, "You seem to have made a mistake. I just wanted to humiliate you, just like in my previous life."

Wu Fei picked up her handbag and turned to leave.

"If you can't get 2.7 million back, think about what will happen to your parents if they find out."


Wu Fei stopped there, even if she sold her house in the United States, she still wouldn't be able to make up enough money, not to mention where would she and Xiaomi live after the sale? Do you rent a house? Her mother has a history of heart disease, and her father has high blood pressure. If you know that your son-in-law has cheated your son-in-law into being filial to your father with your life savings, then you are not so angry.

Lin Yue said: "Last year, Su Daqiang issued a statement in the Gusu Evening News that he wanted to sever ties with me. You and Su Mingyu planned and implemented it. You were also responsible for the proposal to sell the old house. In the first half of the year, Su Daqiang was urged to file a lawsuit with me." You have your part too, Wu Fei. In order to shirk the support responsibility that should be borne by Su Mingzhe, you tried your best to plot me behind my back. Is that right? It's over, Su Mingyu's job is gone, Zhongcheng Group is almost ruined, Shi Tiandong has entered, and now we have no relationship at all, do you think I will show mercy and let you go? 2.7 million, you can save so much in a lifetime Money? Say I’m a scum? If you look like a sister-in-law, will I have an enmity with you? You can plot against me behind my back, I can’t blackmail and humiliate you? Do you think you are an official? Or… you Do you think I'm an upright person? I can tell you responsibly that I'm not an upright person, and even if you didn't plot against me, I wouldn't regard myself as a Su family member. That's right, in this regard, I am more than Su Mingyu. It’s still done.”

In the TV series, Wu Fei and Su Mingyu are really congenial. After Su Mingyu was beaten by Su Mingcheng, she went to Su Daqiang and Su Mingzhe to tell whether Su Mingcheng was a thing. From the beginning to the end, she never asked Su Mingcheng why he beat Su Mingyu. It hits like old friends in the United States, and Su Mingyu didn't attend the wedding of Su Mingzhe and Wu Fei. Now that my sister-in-law is rich, it's good or bad, how do you like it?

"As early as when Su Mingzhe lost his job for the first time, you had the idea of ​​divorcing him, right? So seeing that the Su family is a bottomless pit, and Su Daqiang treats his son as a cash cow, you will file for divorce without hesitation and stop the loss in time , but you never expected that Su Mingzhe lost his job again, and his parents’ money was about to go to waste, so you were very anxious and didn’t know how to face life. Wu Fei, you should understand that there has never been a A free lunch, you have to make sacrifices to get it."

The anger on Wu Fei's face slowly dissipated. He was right. As early as Su Mingzhe lost her job for the first time, she had the idea of ​​divorce. This time, she brought Xiao Mi back to the United States alone, and got used to the separation of the two places. Her life is just that she earns less money, and Su Mingzhe earns more money, so she has to rely on Su Mingzhe for finances. Later, when she knew that the house that should belong to her was taken over by Su Daqiang, Su Mingzhe was so stupid and filial that she didn't care about priorities, she finally It broke out and filed for divorce——people living in China think that divorce is a big deal, shameful and uncomfortable, but in American thinking, if two people are unhappy and leave, what a big deal .

"Oh, don't make it look like you've suffered a lot. I'll give you a day to think about it, and you won't wait after the deadline." Lin Yue served tea to see off the guests.

Wu Fei turned her body, looked at him with a complicated expression, opened the sliding door and went out.

Lin Yue took a sip of tea and looked out the window.

A top student at Stanford married a woman who was the receptionist, so it's no wonder that Su Daqiang didn't want to see Wu Fei anymore.


In the evening, the clouds of fire were burning across the sky. Following the order of the coordinator, the army of electric vehicles rushed across the road like a rushing river.

It's time to get off work again. This is the happiest time of the day for migrant workers, and it is also the time when urban traffic is the most congested.

Wuzhong District, Mudu Ancient Town.

Shijia Restaurant is an old shop with a history of 100 years. It specializes in Subang dishes, especially in fish.

Su Mingzhe was sitting in an empty box, with dull eyes, a circle of black stubble on his chin, a few white hairs stubbornly raised on his left temple, his face was quite greasy, and he had an aura like It was Da Xia who sat on the hard seat of the green leather car for 30 hours before getting down from the top.

cluck cluck.

With the sound of footsteps, the door of the box opened from the outside, and a woman with sunglasses walked in.

"Brother, you came early."

Su Mingyu took off the sunglasses used to cover her face and put them on the dining table. This was the first time she had returned to Suzhou after the news of Shen Yingshu's arrest of her mentor and apprentice was exposed. She was afraid that others would recognize her and cause unnecessary trouble.

Su Mingzhe straightened up: "Mingyu, when did you come back?"

"The plane yesterday afternoon."

"Then where do you live now?"

"I live by the stone lake. Master has an apartment there."

Speaking of this, Su Mingzhe looked unhappy: "Mingyu, it wasn't the eldest brother who said you, how could you do that kind of thing? Let's not talk about work, you are only 30 years old, do you still want to get married in the future? ?”

Su Mingyu knew what he meant, because there were too many moths in the Su family, and the fact that Shen Yingshu caught and raped her and Meng Zhiyuan was a sensation in the whole city. He said that among the young talents in Suzhou, how many of them could do what they did before? Mention, are you willing to be a receiver?

Seeing that she didn't speak, Su Mingzhe continued to teach: "Is it possible that you really plan to marry Meng Zhiyuan?"

Now that Meng Zhiyuan and Shen Yingshu are going through the divorce process, logically speaking, the two of them can go to get the certificate, but if Su Mingyu really wants to do this, the infamy of the mistress will probably last her entire life.

"Brother, I was framed."

"Are you framed? Who is framing you?"

"Su Mingcheng!"

She almost said the name through gritted teeth.

"Mingcheng?" Su Mingzhe didn't believe it at all: "How could Mingcheng frame you?"

His expression clearly said "that's not how the joke is told". From his and Su Daqiang's point of view, Su Mingcheng's ability is not worthy of carrying Su Mingyu's shoes, so how could he intervene in the group's affairs.

"Brother, you underestimated Su Mingcheng, he hides deeper and better than anyone else."

Su Mingzhe shook his head.

If it is said that Su Mingcheng sucked the blood of his parents, he would believe it, if it was said that Su Mingcheng was a baby boy, he would believe it, but if it was said that Su Mingcheng had a city and would hide it, he would not believe it.

"believe or not."

What else can Su Mingyu say? This is the insidiousness of Su Mingcheng. People in the society say that guy is a dutiful son, and the whole family says he is poor. In fact? All wrong!

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.


The door opened, and the person they were talking about walked in from outside.

Su Mingzhe sat upright again, Su Mingyu snorted coldly, and turned his head away, as if every hair on his body was saying "I hate you".

Lin Yue went to sit one seat away from Su Mingzhe, looked at his watch, looked at Su Mingzhe and said, "Aren't you here yet?"

"I called ten minutes ago and said I was on the bus."

"Well, it's his style."

Since Su Daqiang is still on the way, what can we do? Wait.

The three of them had their own concerns, and no one spoke, the atmosphere in the whole box was extremely dignified. The waiter brought a pot of tea, put the menu on the dining table and went out.

Ten minutes later, the waiter came back and found that they hadn't ordered anything, so they had to bite the bullet and ask them what they were eating.

Lin Yue said that just four or five hot dishes will do.

As for wine, there is a saying that wine is less than a thousand cups when you meet a bosom friend, but half a sentence is too much if you don't speculate.

The waiter left with his front foot, and Su Daqiang walked into the box with his back foot.

Seeing that the three children were all here, he said shamelessly, "Isn't this trying to save some money? I knew it would be a taxi."

"Save money? Save money for what? Didn't Shi Honghua just return the 100,000 yuan that Zhao Zheng blackmailed you?"

"The money can't be moved. If someone has a headache, he can point to it for emergency."

"You are on the teacher's medical insurance, and you are still worried about the expensive medical treatment? I think it is to save Cai Genhua in an emergency."


Su Daqiang was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Su Mingyu couldn't take it anymore, patted the table and said, "Why talk about those useless things? Talk about business."

Let's get down to business.

The main thing is to discuss the sale of the Su family's old house in Tongderry. There have been negotiations on this matter before, but there was no Su Daqiang at that time.

This time the proposer is still Su Mingyu, but the purpose has changed.

The last time we discussed selling a house was to buy a new house for Su Daqiang. This time we discussed selling a house to help Su Mingzhe pay back the money, because now Su Mingzhe paid 3.5 million for the three-bedroom apartment Su Daqiang lives in, while Su Mingyu only took 500,000. He is unemployed , and faced with the Wu family's debts to be repaid, he called Su Mingyu and asked her if she could help make up some money.

Of course, he didn't mention the divorce and unemployment because he always felt that it was embarrassing.

Where could Su Mingyu get so much money, even if he had, he didn't want to fill Su Daqiang's bottomless pit with money, so he turned his idea to the old house.

"By the way, Mingzhe, although your Auntie Cai is no longer a nanny, you have to pay her living expenses. Why has it been a week and I haven't seen you send the money? Tell me, is Wu Fei forcing you to give all the money to her parents? ? You can't just listen to her."

Su Mingyu wanted to talk about selling the house, but Su Daqiang followed the conversation and turned to the issue of living expenses.


Su Mingzhe didn't know what to say. Originally, after buying a house for Su Daqiang, he had less than 30,000 yuan left on hand. This time, he had to hire a nanny, pay living expenses, and pay off the mortgage in the United States. He couldn't save much at all. stature. On the day he lost his job, he got a month's salary as compensation from the company, but he turned his face and gave it to Wu Fei. Now the money in his hand... all kinds of cards and apps add up to more than 10,000 points. With 6,000 living expenses, how can he live by himself?

"Mingzhe, why don't you talk?" Su Daqiang said with an unhappy face, "Scared you by saying divorce? You can't be as useless as Dad."

"Dad, is this the time to talk about this?" Su Mingyu glanced at Su Mingzhe, and hurriedly spoke out to help the boss out.

She knew that he was unemployed, but she also knew what kind of character he was, and things couldn't be said, otherwise the boss would lose face.

"Now is the time to talk about this." Su Daqiang took a sip of tea and found that the quality was not high, so he stopped talking: "One of you is in Shanghai, and the other doesn't even answer my calls. Now you want to sell your old house and think of me. This dad is here? Mingyu, didn't you agree that you would pay for the living expenses and Mingzhe would pay for the babysitting? If he doesn't, you will."

Su Mingzhe said: "Dad, Mingyu is unemployed, aren't you embarrassing her?"

Lin Yuexin said that a brother and sister are deeply in love, and when Su Mingyu plotted against her before, he didn't say to stand aside.

"Aren't you also unemployed? Boss, you still have your face swollen at this time to pretend to be fat? Compared with you, at least Su Mingyu has Meng Zhiyuan behind him. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse."

When these words came out, Su Mingzhe's face changed drastically, and Su Mingyu cast a resentful look.

"Unemployed? Mingzhe? Mingzhe unemployed?" Su Daqiang stared blankly at his eldest son: "Mingzhe? Is this true?"

From the old man's point of view, he doesn't believe that his son who graduated from Stanford University will be dismissed, because Su Mingzhe has been the best talent in Tongdeli since he was a child, and it is never his turn to be unemployed. The second son, there is This is possible.


Su Mingzhe never thought that his younger brother would know about this, his face was mixed with embarrassment and shame.

"What are you looking at me for? Su Mingyu also knows about this, but she is so sophisticated that she didn't expose you." Lin Yue said, "I did it for your own good. You hired a nanny to become a stepmother, and you have already paid a lot for the house. It's a loss, and Su Mingyu should pay the living expenses, no matter how pitiful she is, it's not your turn to pity her."

Su Mingzhe looked at Su Mingyu, and then at him again, feeling a little uneasy. He didn't expect his younger brother and younger sister to know that he was unemployed.

boom boom boom~

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the waiter walked in with two dishes, perhaps because he was mentally prepared, he put down the dishes and slipped away without saying much.

"Oh, there is another piece of news that you may not know." Lin Yue was not surprised and said endlessly: "The boss has divorced Wu Fei, and the little one is Wu Fei, and the house in the United States has also been given to their mother and daughter."

Su Mingzhe and Wu Fei divorced?

Su Mingyu was shocked and anxious, she knew about the boss's unemployment, the divorce...she really didn't know.

"Brother, how could you... you divorced, have you ever thought about Xiao Mi?"

"Su Mingyu, what right do you have to say such a thing." Lin Yuehan said in a cold voice: "I gave the old man 1.8 million, which made me divorce Zhu Li, and the boss gave the old man 3.5 million, which made me divorce Wu Fei. What about you? Did you spend 600,000 yuan at the end, and still sow discord in the middle, let the old Su family make so many jokes, show the fun to the whole city, and now you're targeting the old house again, aren't you Meng Zhiyuan's concubine? Having slept with him for so many years, it is not too much to give a few million."

"Su Mingcheng, you fart!"

Su Mingyu wished she could pick up the tea on the table and pour him in the face, but she had learned from the past, so she didn't do it in the end.

Over there, Su Mingzhe couldn't sit still anymore, got up and was about to leave the box, but Su Mingyu held him back.

"Brother, don't leave. I'll see how Dad still refuses to sell the house at this point."

Why have a family meeting? Last time when asking to sell the house, the biggest resistance was Su Mingcheng, but this time it was different, it was Su Daqiang.

The logic is very simple. If the old house is not sold, the old man will have a lot of future money. Once the old house is sold and given to Su Mingzhe to pay off the debt, then he can only rely on the pension of five or six thousand yuan. The three sons and daughters are not happy. In order to live a good life with the new wife, they must deal with it carefully, even if they are facing the children, they must be reserved.

"Mingcheng, what do you mean?" Su Daqiang looked at Lin Yue.

"Me? I can do whatever."

"Then Mingyu wanted to sell the house last time, why didn't you agree?"

"Because if mom is alive, she will definitely not agree with you selling the old house to buy a new one. Now that the boss is in trouble, and you have a new house to live in, if mom is alive, she will feel sorry for her son and help him sell the house to pay off the debt."

Su Daqiang couldn't make sense of what he said.

His eyeballs slanted to the side, staring at the dishes on the table and said: "I have to ask Xiao Cai's opinion on this matter."

Su Mingyu was annoyed: "Dad, the old house is your pre-marital property, do you need to ask her opinion on this matter?"



Lin Yue said: "The boss is unemployed and has no money. What about you, if you don't agree with his marriage and don't pay the living expenses, then he can't leave a way out for himself? Although we have a share in the old house, there is only one in the house book. On the day when his name is really needed, once it is listed on the Internet, the agreement is signed, and the money is in his account, can we still go to it? Take ten thousand steps back, even if it goes to court, it is nothing more than swallowing Spitting out part of the money is harmless at all. I don’t know if I’m right, Su Daqiang?”

Su Daqiang didn't raise his head, his eyes didn't squint, he continued to look at the untouched dishes on the table and said: "I think what Xiao Cai said is right, man, I'm most afraid of losing my roots, as long as there is an old house, there will be roots, Mingzhe's house is given Wu Fei, Mingcheng sold the house, and it is really going to be the end of the mountain, and he can go back to the old house."

"There's nothing to talk about." Lin Yue shrugged: "So Su Mingzhe, this is the result of your filial piety to him."

He picked up the cigarette and lighter placed on the corner of the table and walked outside.

Su Mingzhe stared at Su Daqiang for a long time, as if he was meeting the old guy for the first time, and now he really regretted it, regretted not listening to Wu Fei and breaking up with this person.

How can a person be so selfish?

"Su Daqiang, you have done a good job. Now Cai Genhua is your wife, and you are a family."

Su Mingyu dropped an irony, and pulled Su Mingzhe out of the box.

Coincidentally, the waiter came to serve the other two dishes. Seeing people leaving one after another, the dishes on the table did not move, and there was deep confusion in their eyes, not knowing what was going on with this family.


Sell ​​the house for Cai Genhua.

For Cai Genhua and her children to sever ties.

Jumping into the river for Cai Genhua.

For Cai Genhua to slander her children in front of the police.

For Cai Genhua hunger strike.

For Cai Genhua, he angered his friend Nie Laijin.

This is Su Daqiang's performance in the TV series, and now he doesn't agree to sell the old house to help Su Mingzhe pay off his debts, which is considered in line with his personality.

As for the forced whitewashing in the last two episodes of the TV series, hehe...

"The purpose of calling you here to meet today, I think you should be able to guess." Lin Yue looked at Cai Genhua, who had a perm and even changed her clothes, and nodded to the ten stacks of banknotes on the table. Yes take, here is your reward.

That's right, in a sense, he played a scene with Cai Genhua, the purpose is very simple, to make Su Daqiang betray his relatives, as the most capable Su Daqiang in TV dramas, but he ended well, of course he can't be lenient.

However, Cai Genhua glanced at the money on the table and did not move.

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