Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1875 Contributing Jokes to Suzhou People for a Year (Two in One)

Zhu Lingzhi asked, "Who is Cai Genhua?"

Su Mingyu curled her lips: "The last time he wanted to jump into the river to reveal his target."


Zhu Lingzhi looked surprised. Although as a policeman at the police station, he had seen many absurd things, but like this kind of old man and young man, he wanted to die for a woman. In the end, he was kicked out of the house within two months of marriage, and the woman wanted to sue for divorce. The situation is really rare.

"If you think about it carefully, you can understand."

Originally, the relationship between the nanny and the employer is not pure. Cai Genhua and Su Daqiang have known each other for less than a year, and they have only been married for three or four months. How deep can their relationship be? Although it is cruel to say so, there is no love in the world of middle-aged and elderly people. It is short, ten years is not long, maybe the normal one is dead, and the abnormal one is still alive, now Cai Genhua has brought the latter to court with a lawsuit, asking for the dissolution of the marriage relationship, it is human nature.

"Understood? What can you understand?" Su Mingyu said coldly: "Su Daqiang added Cai Genhua's name on the house book, and now she kicks her out and wants to divorce and divide the property. It's not difficult to guess what An is thinking. "

"Your dad added her name to the house book?" Zhu Lingzhi couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that this old man really put out the fire for love. The elderly remarried, and some people simply didn't get a marriage certificate. The relationship between the two parties was to live together. Why is it so The purpose of doing this is to avoid property disputes and make the children unhappy. This old guy is very good. The son is filial to the house he bought, so he gave half of it to the nanny.

Su Mingyu said: "So he is pitiful?"


As a policeman, of course it's hard to say that the old guy deserves it, but the real thoughts in his heart... only he knows.


Similarly, as a policeman, his reasoning ability is very strong.

"Since Cai Genhua married your father for money, and only for half of the house, I have a little less appetite."

Lin Yue said: "Cai Genhua should have consulted a lawyer, and also knows that the wills made by Alzheimer's patients are invalid. Instead of wasting time in the end, it is better to accept it as soon as it is good. Even if the real estate in Nanshan Lishe is only half, there is still 200 yuan. Ten thousand, enough for her to take care of her old age."

"No wonder."

Zhu Lingzhi suddenly realized: "But if this matter goes to court, our Su family will be on fire again."

Lin Yue said, "Are you gloating?"

Zhu Lingzhi said: "No way, I'm just talking about the facts."

"Mingyu, Mingyu... where have you been? Why did it take you so long to go to the toilet?" At this moment, Su Daqiang's shout came from the room.

Zhu Lingzhi tilted his head, meaning to let the two of them go over and have a look.

After all, this is the police station, and he will be responsible for any accidents.

Su Mingyu had no choice but to agree and walk into the room first.

"Go home, I want to go home."

"Which home do you want to go to?"

"Your house, just that big house, what is it called Yulong Bay."

"Dad, have you forgotten? The house in Yulong Bay was sold by me."

"Sold? Why did such a good house sell?"

"You have to ask your second son about it."

"Second son? Mingcheng? Where is Mingcheng?"

While the two were talking, Lin Yue and Zhu Lingzhi walked into the room.

Su Mingyu looked at Lin Yue.

Is this on purpose?

Lin Yue complained in his heart, but Su Daqiang kept shaking his head: "He's not, he's not Mingcheng, Mingcheng has a sweet mouth and will make your mother happy."

After speaking, he looked around again, and then at the disposable paper cup in his hand: "Where is this?"

Su Mingyu said, "Huxi police station."

"Why did I come to the police station?" Su Daqiang said with a confused look, "Mingyu, take me home."

"Dad, didn't you say that? The house in Yulongwan community is sold."

"Who said I'm going to Yulong Bay, I'm going back to my own home."

Several people thought that the home here was Zhizhishan Lishe Community, who knew that he immediately said, "Tongderry."

While speaking, he got up to leave.

"I have to go home before your mother finishes, or she will scold me again for not having a hot meal."

Su Mingyu: "..."

Zhu Lingzhi said beside Lin Yue: "Your father's illness is progressing very quickly."


He didn't speak, just smiled. He knew better than anyone why Su Daqiang's disease progressed so fast.

"Go, why don't you go?" Su Daqiang urged Su Mingyu to leave.

"Dad, your current wife's name is Cai Genhua, and her family is not in Tongderry."

"Cai Genhua? Cai Genhua..."

Su Daqiang muttered a few words, then remembered: "Yes, I love Xiao Cai, I'm married to Xiao Cai, Xiao Cai... What is Xiao Cai's phone number, I have to ask her to pick me up."

He was fiddling with the phone, but he couldn't find the number after looking around.

Su Mingyu took the phone over to check it, and said bitterly, "She deleted all the numbers."

Zhu Lingzhi said in his heart that this woman was really vicious, so he kicked her out of the house and even deleted the number saved in the phone.

Lin Yue walked to the desk, wrote down the address of the new house and Cai Genhua's number with a pen and paper and handed it over.

"Officer Zhu, please send the person to this address and make this number."

"You don't care?"

"He has a wife and a house, what do we care about? Su Mingyu is willing to take care of that, that's his business, anyway, don't look for me."

After speaking, he left the room and just left.

When Su Mingyu saw that her son didn't care about Su Daqiang, she also quit and left her father in the police station.

"Hey, you..."

Holding the note in his hand, Zhu Lingzhi looked at Su Daqiang who was still muttering "Xiao Cai", and looked at the open door, not knowing what to say.


A week later, court day.

Suzhou Industrial Park People's Court.

Julie came out of the parking lot and walked towards the first civil trial court with her handbag.

The two children were taken care of by Sister Zhang, Sister Wei, and Zhu Zhenggang, and she followed Lin Yue to listen here.

Su family.

It's the Su family again.

There was a circle of people outside the court, and a few people holding cameras and microphones were speaking under the steps. They should be media reporters who came after hearing the news.

She also saw neighbors from Tongderry.

Two of Su Daqiang's colleagues were shaking hands and the other was urging them to hurry up and take a seat inside, otherwise there would be no seats left.

The farce of the Su family is so popular. To put it bluntly, it affects the nerves of all Suzhou people, because the encounter between Su Daqiang and his children is too representative and conflicting. It is more exciting than watching TV dramas. enjoyable.

In the first half of the year, Su Daqiang sued his son, and in the second half of the year, his new wife sued her husband.

The Su family contributed a year of jokes to Suzhou people.

As the daughter-in-law of the Su family, her arrival is bound to attract attention. In order to avoid this situation, she specially brought sunglasses and a scarf to wrap her face tightly.

Lin Yue went to the waiting room as the defendant's defender. She walked into the courtroom alone and sat down in a seat near the front.

Most divorce cases choose not to hear in public, and Cai Genhua also hoped so, but under the strong opposition of Su Daqiang's children and the pressure of heated public opinion, the court adopted the opinion that the trial should be held in public.

Julie waited for a while, and saw both the plaintiff and the defendant coming in through the side door, followed by the judge and the clerk.

Perhaps it was because this matter caused a lot of trouble in the city. There were two judges and one juror sitting on the rostrum. For divorce cases, the configuration is not low.

There were four people sitting in the dock. Su Daqiang didn’t say a word when he came in. On his right was Su Mingyu, on the other side was his second son, and on his left was a lawyer in a suit and leather shoes. Although Su Mingyu hired him, it wasn’t the last time he helped Lawyer Liu who Su Daqiang fought the maintenance lawsuit.

There were two people sitting in the plaintiff's seat, Cai Genhua and a middle-aged man with a greasy face. That should be the lawyer she hired.

After the clerk confirmed the attendance and reported to the presiding judge, he shouted to stand up, and everyone present stood up.

After reading the rules of the venue, the court officially opened.

"Defendants Su Daqiang and Cai Genhua filed a lawsuit with this court on the grounds that the relationship between the two parties broke down, requesting to dissolve the marriage relationship with you and divide the property under the names of the two of you. Do you have anything to say about this?"

Su Daqiang stared blankly at the table without saying a word.

It wasn't until Su Mingyu touched him with his elbow that he recovered from his absent-minded state, looked at the rostrum and said, "I don't want to divorce Xiao Cai, I still love her."

The people below whispered to each other, some showed a sneer, and the loess was buried up to the neck, and the person still talked about love. This old guy really doesn't know what shame is.

Perhaps Cai Genhua was stimulated by the discussion in the audience, she leaned forward with a cold face: "But I don't like you, not at all."


The middle-aged lawyer winked at Cai Genhua, implying not to talk too much.

"Presiding judge, my client means that after getting married for a period of time, she found that she and Su Daqiang had many conflicts in outlook on life and life. These are irreconcilable and changeable. Now that the relationship has broken down, in order to avoid continuing Hurting each other, I proposed a divorce under comprehensive consideration, but Su Daqiang refused to sign the divorce agreement, and my client had no choice but to resort to the court."

This is much more rigorous than what Cai Genhua said. The message to people is that after getting married, they find that the three views do not match, and finally embark on the road of divorce, rather than rushing to property without feelings.

"Judge." Lawyer Wang hired by Su Mingyu glanced at everyone in the audience: "Cai Genhua lived with Su Daqiang as a nanny for more than three months before they got married. I saw them walking together, doing morning exercises, and shopping together downstairs, so the incompatibility of the three views mentioned by the plaintiff’s lawyer is not valid.”

The middle-aged lawyer defended: "When Cai Genhua was employed as Su Daqiang's nanny, in the spirit of service, she must have focused on pleasing the employer. However, after two people get married, the status of husband and wife is equal, and conflicts in life are normal."

Everyone in the audience nodded, thinking that what the middle-aged lawyer said made sense.

In the face of my parents, my clients have abused me thousands of times. I treat clients like first love, but if I were a family member, how many of them would be as patient as my clients?

The middle-aged lawyer is complacent, thinking that this kind of lawsuit is basically a free gift, and the commission is secure. The man and the woman are going to fight to the point of going to court. Is there any reason to say that the relationship will not break up?

At this moment, Su Mingyu raised his hand and said, "Judge, I have something to say."

The people on the rostrum glanced at her: "Please speak."

"My father, Su Daqiang, treated Cai Genhua sincerely. The police from the Huxi Police Station can testify to this. This summer, Su Mingcheng discovered that there was a problem with the accounts of Cai Genhua's purchase of daily necessities, and he drove Cai Genhua away. Su Daqiang tried to force us to bring her back. He didn’t hesitate to threaten to jump into the river. Then he proposed to Cai Genhua and got a marriage certificate without telling the three of us, and added Cai Genhua’s name to the house book of the three-bedroom apartment in Nanshan Lishe Community, which was basically bought by the eldest brother..."

The middle-aged lawyer objected while she was taking a breath: "Judge, the pre-marital affairs have nothing to do with this case."

Lawyer Wang said: "Presiding judge, since there is a request for property division in divorce proceedings, the information about the real estate is of course important."

The presiding judge looked at the middle-aged lawyer and said: "The objection is invalid, the defendant's defender, please continue."

Su Mingyu continued: "Because of this incident, sister-in-law was very disappointed with elder brother, the two turned against each other and agreed to divorce."


There was an uproar in the audience.

Everyone knows that Su Daqiang ruined the second son's property and divorced his husband and wife. Unexpectedly, he ruined the life of the eldest son now.

With the neighbors in Delhi and Su Daqiang's colleagues pointing at the dock, the words in his mouth were very ugly.

Su Mingzhe studied in the United States and was a top student who graduated from Stanford University. Zhao Meilan was most proud of her eldest son when she was alive. Everyone said that Zhao Meilan's life was not good. If she didn't enjoy the filial piety from her eldest son, Su Daqiang was happy because he went to live in the United States Unaccustomed to the environment, after returning to Suzhou, the eldest son bought a house and hired a nanny, and it turns out that the father loves the eldest son so much?

Su Mingyu glanced at the person who was expressionless, as if the matter had nothing to do with her.

"The elder brother took the money to buy the three-bedroom house, but 2.7 million of it was borrowed from his parents-in-law. Because the elder brother and the elder sister-in-law had agreed to divorce, the arrears became the elder brother's heart disease. In order for the elder brother to pay back the loan as soon as possible I proposed to sell the old house, but my father disagreed, telling us that it was the result of a discussion between him and Cai Genhua, and my eldest brother returned to the United States in a fit of anger."

If it was an uproar just now, it is now a sensation below.

Is there such a father in the world?

Some people looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that Su Mingyu's narration subverted the three views.

"I wish I could bring two eggs and smash Old Su on the head."

"Even if you have this plan, you can't bring it in. After what happened last time, the judicial police interrogated it very carefully this time. Lao He wouldn't let him bring in a thermos, and he had to take a sip to try the poison."

"How did Lao Su become like this? When he goes out to drink now, none of his friends will not curl their lips when they talk about him."

"I used to be so envious, but now I'm disgusted. For a woman I've only known for a few months, I don't want all the children I've raised since I was a child."

"After killing the second child and the boss...I heard that the big house and luxury car of the third child have also been sold."

"I heard that the third child became like this because of conflicts with the second child."

"Did she really sell it, or did she transfer the money to other places, such as under the name of the chairman surnamed Meng... If you meet such a father, as long as your children are not stupid, you have to be careful."


There was a lot of discussion with the neighbors in Delhi and the old school staff. For Su Daqiang, there is only one word to describe it, and that is "disappointment".

The presiding judge and the judges were also communicating, but it was not about Su Daqiang's actions, but about Su Mingyu's statement.


After a while, the presiding judge tapped the gavel.

The people in the auditorium all shut up.

"Defendant's defender, can you submit written evidence on the fact that Su Daqiang's son paid for the house?"

Lin Yue knew that this was the presiding judge giving them a chance, but...

When a child buys a house for their parents, even if the name of the parents is written in the house book, as long as they go to court, if they can provide corresponding evidence, the house payment can be regarded as a loan, that is, if it is placed on Su Daqiang, if they can If you show the evidence that Su Mingzhe paid for the house, then the house payment can be regarded as a loan, and Su Daqiang, as the original homeowner, is obligated to repay the loan. But if there is no evidence, it can only be identified as a gift.

Do they have evidence? No.

Because Su Mingzhe refused to appear in court.

In fact, it is easy to understand. The "Heaven's Proud Son" in Delhi, a prospective American with a bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University and a master's degree from Stanford, who has received a green card, is now divorced and unemployed, and has to go to court to sue his own father. , I can't afford to lose that person.

And even if he goes to court and proves successfully, the money can only be regarded as Su Daqiang’s pre-marital debts, and cannot pose a real threat to Cai Genhua, who was named after marriage. Lishe's house is calculated at 4 million yuan, so Su Daqiang can divide it by 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, which is just as interesting.

Naturally, Su Mingyu didn't dare to lie, and could only shake her head and answer no to the presiding judge's question.

There was another discussion below.

da da da ~

The gavel fell again.

"Does the plaintiff and the defendant have anything to add?"


This time it was Lin Yue who spoke.

"Presiding judge, the plaintiff said that she and Su Daqiang found out that their three views were inconsistent after living for a period of time, and their relationship broke down and they resorted to divorce. This is not the case. She learned that Su Daqiang was suffering from dementia, and in order to escape her responsibilities as a wife, she decided filed for divorce on the grounds of emotional discord."

Su Daqiang got Alzheimer's disease?

All the people in the auditorium were stunned, and there was no sound at the scene.

It took about five seconds for a heated discussion to erupt.

"Damn, deserved it! This is called evil comes with evil."

"No wonder Cai Genhua is in a hurry to divorce Su Daqiang. This ruining the people around me."

"You can't share weal and woe. It's okay to fly separately when a disaster is imminent. After two months of being a husband and wife, the Su family's multi-million-dollar real estate will be divided. This woman is really a whore and wants to set up a memorial archway."

"What can I do? That's what the law stipulates. Who made that old S13 go crazy and insist on adding a woman's name to the house book."

"If you want to say that he took it upon himself, he stole money from his sons and daughters. As the old saying goes, sons and daughters come to ask for debts, and put them here with Su Daqiang...he is the creditor of the two sons in their previous lives, right?"

"I think the second child is also impatient. In order for the judge to take more care of the Su family when dividing the property, he exposed Su Daqiang's privacy. Oh, dementia, this disease has no cure."

"Shouldn't the second child be in a hurry? When encountering such a thing, I would be in a hurry. No matter how hard the brothers and sisters of the Su family pinch, it is still a housework. Now get a stepmother and give her half of the real estate for free. Who can swallow it?" Do you want to say that the house was bought by Su Daqiang with his own money? The point is not, the money came from the eldest son, or borrowed from the parents-in-law... No, the former parents-in-law."


Lin Yue was "anxious", and Cai Genhua was also "anxious", because she saw the presiding judge and the judges communicating again, and she always felt that the judge would favor the latter between her rural person and the Su family, not to mention the fact that there were so many judges at the scene. People are scolding her.

"Su Mingcheng, why are you pretending to be a good person? Didn't you ask me to seduce your father?"

Thanks to the running little donkey, the little Taoist priest on Saga Mountain, the book friends with the tail number 4938, the book friends with the tail number 8428 for the 500 starting coins, and my favorite egg fried rice for the 100 starting coins.

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