Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1888 Riding the wind and waves... Yujie?

Ride the wind and waves.

Riding the wind and waves...

Why isn't she the sister who rides the wind and waves?

Speaking of this movie, he still went to the cinema to watch it. I remember that he was in college at the time. During the winter vacation, he played black with his junior high school classmates. Later, he was tired and wanted to take a rest, so he went to the nearest cinema and chose this movie. As for the content, I have almost forgotten it, but it is definitely a comedy, starring Deng Chao and the baby-faced Zhao Liying.

"That's right, someone came to take care of the business as soon as the door opened today."

Lin Yue was all focused on the new task given by the system, and didn't pay attention to the movement outside. Hearing this familiar voice, he looked up and found that it was Wang Heng, and the next one was Xiaorui, who was standing The person on Xiaorui's left is... Tan Xiaoguang.

Why did he get together with Wang Heng?

This is not the crux of the problem. The crux of the problem is that Tan Xiaoguang's attention is placed in the cage on the coffee table.

bad dish!

"Hey, big villain? Who put it in the cage?"

Sure enough, I was afraid of something. You must know that the co-tenant brother is a person who likes to keep pets. He usually does it by teasing cats, walking dogs and feeding parrots. Now that the big villain is being abused, it is natural to ask why .

"The big villain? What big villain?" Fang Wei was not familiar with Tan Xiaoguang, but this did not prevent her from recognizing the reality --- it was obvious that the object of Tan Xiaoguang's questioning was the parrot in the cage.

"The big villain is a bird in a cage."

Tan Xiaoguang, a simple-minded man, ignored Su Han's look, pointed at Lin Yue and said, "Didn't he introduce you?"

A bird to make an introduction? Ordinary people must be quite speechless to him after hearing this, but to Fang Wei, is this important? What is important is the information revealed by Tan Xiaoguang --- this parrot is Lin Yue's pet.

Why did Lin Yue lie?

The point is that she complained many times about the owner of the cheap parrot in front of Lin Yue and Su Han just now, implying that she thinks the other party has no quality.

This is embarrassing.

She was embarrassed, Su Han was embarrassed, Lin Yue didn't say a word.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit weird. Tan Xiaoguang had been in the workplace for two years anyway, and realized that he must have said something wrong. Look at this, look at that, and don't understand what happened between them. In this case, I want to make up for it There is no way.

Wang Heng is a standard IT man, and he doesn't have so many twists and turns in his heart.

"What's the matter with you? Why don't you talk?"

Xiaorui poked him in the back twice, and gave him the look of "no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak" in the past.

Ding ding dong...

At this moment, Fang Wei's cell phone rang. As if she had been pardoned, she didn't have time to apologize to the few people, so she quickly pressed the connect button and put it to her ear.





"okay, I get it."


I don't know what they were talking about, anyway, after hanging up the phone, she told Lin Yue and Su Han that something happened at the company and they had to go back and deal with it.

Wang Heng felt that she and Lin Yue were friends, and they were leaving now. As a friend of a friend, she should go out to see her off, but just as she turned around, before she could move, Xiaorui pulled her back and said in a low voice: " Sister Su Han didn't move, so what are you doing following?"

She was quite speechless about this boyfriend's emotional intelligence.

Tan Xiaoguang didn't follow either, and asked Su Han with a bitter face, "Did I say something wrong?"

The girl didn't reply, but shook her head pinching her temples.

At the same time, Lin Yue sent her to the car alone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell the truth just now, the big villain... its situation is a bit special, Su Han and I didn't mean to lie to you."

Fang Wei said, "I believe in you."

He had prepared an explanation, but now that she said "I believe in you", she didn't know what to say.

"Then... drive slowly on the road."

Fang Wei nodded: "We will meet again when we have time."


Soon, the Tesla MODEL S merged into the main road with the roar of the engine starting, and drove into the distance.

Lin Yue paused for a moment and turned back to the room.

Fang Wei was driving on the road leading to the company, her expression seemed calm, but her mind was a little complicated, because she knew best how the big villain made trouble in her house, and she stole four or five pieces of underwear from her. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so angry that she would call a professional to catch the bird. If Lin Yue's special situation meant that she had seen her or even got her underwear...

She felt her heart beating a little faster, and her face was a little red.

No, no, no...

Soon, she overturned this idea, because Lin Yue didn't know where she lived at all, and the big villain's troubles in the past were probably accidental, Lin Yue and Su Han pretended not to know the big villain, it was probably This bird's beak is too cheap, and its behavior is also very obscene. I am too embarrassed to admit my relationship with it in front of outsiders. This point has been missing from the villain for more than a month, and neither of them is anxious to prove it.

Her only wish now is that Sha Niaoer casually discarded her underwear and didn't take it back to show Lin Yue, would be so embarrassing to meet in the future.

She subconsciously ignored the fact that Lin Yue and Su Han lied to her together, because since they met, Lin Yue has given her a very good impression, and the couple is very close, Su Han is younger and more beautiful than her, and has a good personality. At most, her temperament and wealth are inferior to hers, but a fool can also see that Lin Yue is not a greedy person, otherwise how could he dare to pay for his girlfriend to open a pet hospital without getting married.

On the other side, Lin Yue returned to the lobby, found a pair of scissors from the drawer, and went straight to the big villain.

"Oh, what are you doing, what are you doing?"

"What for? Of course I cut the wings of you, a flat-haired bastard." He said angrily, "Maybe you can calm down a bit, and don't make trouble for me all day long."

"Help, help, Old Tan help."

The big villain kept flapping his wings and moving left and right in the cage.

"Lin Yue, Lin Yue." Tan Xiaoguang hurried forward to stop him: "I was wrong just now, I was sorry for you, can you stop taking it out?"

He learned what happened from Su Han, and only then did he realize how much trouble he had caused them.

Wang Heng also persuaded: "What is your rivalry with a parrot?"

After speaking, he took the scissors from his hand and put them back in the drawer.

What can Lin Yue do? Wang Heng and Tan Xiaoguang have to give face, and he doesn't really want to cut the villain's wings, but mainly wants to use this incident to teach him a lesson.

He relieved his strength here, and everyone focused on the scissors. Unexpectedly, Xia Hou swooped down and knocked down the cage, and poked his front paw into the gap to make a stroke.


A few feathers fell, and the big villain fled inside like crazy.

"Idiot, idiot."

That's why it didn't forget to stimulate Xiahou.

Seeing the two guys fighting, Su Han hurried over and put the cage out of Xiahou's reach, and whispered a few words to the black cat who was willing to share the master's worries, then returned to Lin Yue, and asked him and Fang Wei said something on the side of the road.

He recounted the conversation just now.

After making sure that Fang Wei was not angry, Su Han breathed a sigh of relief and put his heart back in his stomach.

"By the way, why did you come here together?"

The matter between the big villain and Fang Wei came to an end, and Lin Yue brought the topic to the issue of Wang Heng and Tan Xiaoguang coming to the pet hospital together.

"I originally called you yesterday to tell you that I was on the train and I could arrive in Jianghai this morning. You said that the pet hospital opened tomorrow, and Zhou Lin's family was delayed by something, so I couldn't arrive until the day after tomorrow. I will give you and Su Han a surprise, and after chatting with Wang Heng, knowing that he and Xiaorui also have such plans, we made an appointment to come here together."

"So that's how it is."

Lin Yue couldn't laugh or cry: "Your surprise is really impressive."

Tan Xiaoguang was very embarrassed.

Su Han touched him from behind, his eyes clearly said, "It's almost done."

Lin Yue took advantage of the situation and shook her hand, which meant that he knew, he was sensible.

After all, it was Dr. Su's old partner. Xiaorui changed the subject very cooperatively and asked about Zhou Lin and Badun's situation.

After that, a few people chatted about the interesting things that happened around them during the time they didn't see each other. They went to the restaurant next door to have a meal at noon, making up for the Spring Festival party that should have been there. A pet who hadn't been vaccinated for two months came to get the injections. Xiaorui acted as Su Han's assistant. Because Lin Yue was obsessed with system tasks, he couldn't help much by staying here. So he left Wang Heng and took Tan Xiaoguang back to his residence.

After going upstairs, he didn't care about how the co-tenant brother cleaned up the room. He just sat on the computer chair, turned on the laptop, double-clicked the browser, logged in to the member account of the film and television website, and searched for "Riding the Wind and Waves" to play.

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