Lin Yue tilted his body, picked up Xu Zhengtai's belt and swung it forward. It happened to be wrapped around the bag thief's ankle, and he pulled it back hard.

There was another poof.

The bag thief fell to the ground, hurt his nose, covered his face with his hands in pain and kept rolling, and a stream of nosebleeds snaked down and poured down the cuff.

Xu Zhengtai stopped crying because he couldn't understand the relationship between the two of them.

Isn't he an accomplice of the bag thief? How could you do such a thing?

Unequal distribution of spoils? Or black eat black?

Or maybe he saw three martial arts masters here, and wanted to play a 1v3, so as to dominate Tinglin Town and steal his position as the leader?

"Fuck you..."

The bag thief regained his strength, and struggled to hold the stolen handbag while cursing. It wasn't because he was beaten like this and he didn't forget to be greedy for money, but because he planned to use this thing to hit that nosy guy.

He snatched the handbag, of course he knows how heavy it is, even if you can't kill people with all your strength, it's okay if you can hurt people.

However, Lin Yue didn't give him this chance. He pulled his hand holding the leather bag back, and the bag thief's 150-60 kg body dragged a trail on the ground. He came to Lin Yue and stretched out to reach the bag. The hand is also empty.

Xu Zhengtai watched Lin Yue tie the bag thief's ankles with his belt, and now he couldn't get up, he could only twist and turn like a carp thrown ashore.

He pulled down the white cloth covering his mouth and nose.

"Who are you?"


Lin Yue said with a displeased face, Xu Tailang hit him with a car and chased him until 1998 to collect debts, what a normal thing. Xu Zhengtai is Xu Tailang's father, the so-called fault of the son not being the godfather, so they simply fought together, is there a problem?

"Creditor? What creditor?"

Xu Zhengtai didn't remember that he owed money to others, but those merchants in Tinglin Town, some of them delayed the protection fee for one month, some delayed the protection fee for two months, and the longest one was divorced from his wife. Delayed his protection fee for half a year.

Lin Yue put all his energy into the bag thief's head, Xu Tailang finally regained his strength, and was about to get up to fight back, to give this psychopath who didn't know where he came from a little bit of color, when he turned his head and saw Xu Zhengtai's face, he couldn't help shouting "" dad".

It never occurred to him that the country Batman who was playing handsome with two swords just now turned out to be his father Xu Zhengtai—Xu Zhengtai when he was young.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, there was a violent drink from the entrance of the alley.

Xu Zhengtai turned his head to look, saw two shaking big caps by the light of the street lamp, knew that it was the police, and before asking for more information, he got up from the ground enduring the pain, picked up the two swords that had fallen behind, and lifted them up. He ran towards the motorcycle lying on the ground with his belt-less pants on.

Xu Shi saw that someone was about to flee, and the two policemen shouted as they speeded up: "Stop, don't run."

Xu Tailang was bluffed and stood aside, not daring to move. Xu Zhengtai, as a coward, is naturally not a member of the CARE police station. He kicked the motorcycle, sat on it, and slammed the gas pedal to run away.

When the taillight of the motorcycle left a smear of brake red at the corner, two policemen also ran to Lin Yue. One of them took off his hat because he was too hot, and said out of breath, "What's going on? Why are you fighting?"

Lin Yue pointed to the bag thief on the ground whose feet were tied up with a belt and said, "He stole someone else's bag, and I did it bravely."

Xu Tailang spat to the side, and greeted Lin Yue's 18th generation ancestors in a low voice. He and his father were the ones who acted bravely, and they beat people as soon as they came.

Another policeman noticed his micro-expression: "Say what?"

"No... didn't say anything."

"what's your name?"

"Xu Tailang."

"The wound on your face..."

"He can fight." He was referring to the bag thief, not Lin Yue, because you were injured in a fight with a bag thief, and the police station will not make things difficult for you. If you were fighting with another good citizen who heard the news, you might just hit him He still understands the common sense of law that the hats of fighting each other are coming over, and those who want to squat.

As for the wound on his face... this Liangzi will be found sooner or later, Xu Tailang has no habit of not taking revenge when he is beaten.

"I didn't." The bag thief hates it, but the three of them are fighting each other and put the crime on him. Isn't this a frame-up?

"He lied!"

Lin Yue said: "He didn't lie, I can testify to this matter."

In the 1990s, there were no cameras all over the streets. As long as he, Xu Tailang, and Xu Zhengtai didn't tell the truth, the bag thieves couldn't argue with each other.

The thief was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, he kept moving his body, but he didn't dare to untie the belt on his feet in front of the police, pointed at the two of them and said, "It's them...they rebelled against each other, they...take credit for their achievements, fight against robbers." Credit goes to fight."

He thought about it and found a statement that sounded logical and could lessen his guilt.

Lin Yue said: "Credit? So, there is a reward for catching you? A wanted criminal? A murder case on his body? Or the serial murderer?"

The way the two policemen looked at the bag thief changed.

"Don't talk nonsense, I just stole a bag and didn't kill anyone at all." As a habitual theft criminal, he knows better than anyone else the difference between the treatment a murder suspect and a theft suspect face after entering the police station.

Lin Yue said, "So you see, he admitted it himself."

"What's your name?" asked the policeman with his hat off.

"Lin Yue."

"Both of you, come with us to the police station to assist in the investigation." The policeman who took off his hat said, while gesturing to his colleagues.

Another policeman put the bag thief's hands behind his back, took out the handcuffs and snapped them, then untied the belts that bound his feet, lifted him from the ground, and escorted him to the Tinglin Town Police Station.

Lin Yue and Xu Tailang also walked back one after the other under the watchful eyes of the policemen who took off their hats.

When they passed a telegraph pole, the light from the street lamp fell, illuminating the profile of the former, Xu Tailang took the opportunity to look carefully, with a look of suspicion on his face involuntarily.

No wonder when the two met each other, they felt that this person had a kind face. From 2022 to 1998, he had a dream. Not only did he dream of a life experience, like the first love, the first breakup, the first time driving a car, The first time I slept with a woman, the first time I won a rally championship, and I dreamed that a man I didn’t know was chasing after me, it was very annoying, he told him not to follow, he threatened him that if he followed, he would beat me up, he let him go...

Although the picture in the dream was blurry, the face was very similar to the face of this guy named Lin Yue.

Xu Tailang really wanted to have a fight with him, to see what enmity they had, what grievances they had, this guy had been chasing him from a dream until 1998, and he was beaten violently when he came up.

But, looking at the serious face of the police comrade, I finally thought that it would not be too late to ask this question after I got out of the police station.


Six hours later, Tinglin Town Police Station.

It began to rain lightly again, sparsely, the leaves trembled and the soil rustled.

Director Jin opened the curtain and took a look outside, then scratched his scalp with his hands, as if he didn't know what was bothering him.

Lin Yue and Xu Tailang stood by the desk, you look at me, I look at you, although they have not slept all night, they are both very energetic.


An old-fashioned ID card without a built-in chip was thrown on the table.

"See, this is the ID card."

Xu Tailang said patiently: "I really didn't lie to you, this is really my ID card."

Director Jin said: "Let me tell you, you are lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. Don't think that if you help us catch a bag thief, you can play like a fool. This is the police station, you know? I will ask you again, how many times?" How old was it?"

Xu Tailang was very helpless: "Isn't it all written on it? Next year."

"Here again." Director Jin pointed at him, turned his face to see Lin Yue who was looking around: "Hey hey, you, you say?"

"Me? How many years?"


"Oh, I'm two years older than him, born last year."


Director Jin slapped the table: "I'm getting old, and I'm not as hot-tempered as before. Twenty years ago, I would lock you up for a few days to see if you still talk nonsense."

After saying this, he paused and said: "Since you all say that you are locals, well, take me to your home, ugly words first, if I know who is lying, see if I don't tell him Sent to a mental hospital."

Xu Tailang looked relaxed. After all, he was born and raised here. It is not easy to get Director Jin, but what about Lin Yue? The place of household registration on the ID card has nothing to do with Tinglin Township, so he wants to see how this guy pretends. Then he doesn't have to take revenge himself, and the doctor in the mental hospital can give him a full piss.

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