Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1893 Professional Wholesale Hats

Director Jin looked back at the balcony on the second floor: "Xiao Wu, go and have a look."

Niu Aihua's house is next door, because the curtains are not drawn, and there is no need to go to the house to check, as long as you stand outside and look in, you can see everything.

"Gold Institute, that's right, they all match up."

"Look, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Director Jin squinted his eyes again, looked at Lin Yue, then looked at Xu Tailang, always felt that these two people were very suspicious, but at this level of betting, it is not easy for him to be a middle-aged man to contradict two young people, so he can only Pointing at the two of them, he said, "Don't let me know that you guys are lying to me, or doing bad things in the town, or else..."

Lin Yue said, "Are you threatening us?"

"I'm warning you guys." Director Jin glared at him, called Xiao Wu to go, and left with his people.

Xu Zhengtai watched the two disappear, walked up to Lin Yue, and grabbed his collar: "Tell me, how do you know the layout of my girlfriend's room? How do you know that she likes Bai Suzhen the most?"

Xu Tailang also came over, his expression was like bumping into a ghost in broad daylight.

He was sure that this guy named Lin Yue was from the same era as him, and he was definitely not from Tinglin Town, so why could he tell the layout of the room like him? He was very upset, or rather depressed, because all he wanted was to see a joke about Lin, but in the end he was the clown.

But...he didn't intend to give up revenge.

Director Jin is gone, so Xu Zhengtai is still there.

"Ah Zheng, I think he has been coveting your girlfriend for a long time, otherwise he wouldn't remember the situation in sister-in-law's bedroom so clearly."

Regarding the fact that his father's girlfriend is Niu Aihua instead of Zhang Suzhen, he is quite entangled, but now is not the time to think about this issue. The top priority is to deal with Lin. Even if he can't take revenge, at least he can't Let this guy follow him.

Xu Zhengtai is a stickler, so if he pushes him, he will punch him without saying a word.

However, Lin Yue tilted his head and bent his elbow to sweep upwards.

Ah, a scream.

Xu Zhengtai stepped back three steps, touched his nose with his hand, and it was bleeding.

Seeing his father being beaten, Xu Tailang was about to go over to help, but Lin Yue pointed at him, and stood there terrified, not daring to move.

I didn't do two-on-one last night, so can I take advantage today? I'm afraid it will be difficult.

"Call people, call people...a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops will come to meet you."

Xu Tailang winked desperately.

His father was in a daze, not knowing what he was talking about.

Lin Yue didn't just let Xu Zhengtai go, and grabbed the collar with his backhand: "Not only do I know the layout of your girlfriend's room, I also know that you run a video studio in the town, and you stocked up some BP machines to be a second-hand dealer. Oh, you still have a side job, the president of the Zhengtai Gang, with three or two big cats and kittens in his hands, he will learn from the young and Dangerous boys in Hong Kong movies to collect protection fees and raise young ladies."

Xu Zhengtai wiped the nosebleed again, and looked straight at the person opposite him who knew him better than himself: "You... how do you know this?"

Lin Yue pushed him away: "There is a saying that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles."

Xu Tailang's face is even more crotch than just now, why does he, Xu Zhengtai's only son, know his real father better than this fake cousin?

No, the seniority is messed up, he should call his cousin Lin.

No, no, Niu Aihua is not his mother, even if Lin is really Niu Aihua's cousin, they have nothing to do with each other.

Xu Zhengtai couldn't understand Xu Tailang's mood, got up from the ground and said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's very simple." Lin Yue said calmly, "I want to be the president."

"President? What president?"

"The president will be my little brother in the future."

"are you joking?"

Xu Zhengtai was amused by him, but the smile was mixed with nosebleeds, no matter how you looked at it, it was awkward: "My Zhengtai will help you become the boss?"

"Can't you?"

"You idiot, ask Liu Yi, ask Xiao Ma, will they agree to be the boss?"

"You just promise."

"I don't agree, why should I agree?"

"Because you are not the material to be the boss."

This is the truth, the big truth.

What is the final ending of the movie? June 1 tragic death, Xu Zhengtai went to jail with lame legs, Xiaohua committed suicide by jumping off a building after giving birth, and her beloved dance hall failed to keep. What is the reason for all this? It's very simple, Xu Zhengtai's childishness, or immaturity.

His Zhengtai gang is like a group of little fart kids who have been deeply poisoned by Hong Kong movies and turned their lives into a house.

Xu Zhengtai was very unconvinced: "I'm not the material to be the boss, are you?"

"Are you not convinced?" Lin Yue said, "Do you dare to make a bet?"

"What bet? Tell me."

"I can do things you can't do, and people you can't handle, I can handle them. If I can do these things, you are my little brother. If I can't do these things, then from now on, I will help those who are doing things. Lin Yue backed away."

Xu Zhengtai didn't hesitate: "Okay, it's a deal."

"What's the deal?" Xu Tailang was in a hurry: "Are you out of your mind? Did he lose a bit if he lost this bet? If you lose, you have to be a little brother."

Xu Zhengtai patted him on the shoulder and raised his eyebrows lightly: "Don't worry, I won't lose."

"It's not a question of whether to lose or not, it's..." Xu Tailang pointed to his head: "You understand?"

"I know."

Xu Zhengtai didn't understand, he was pretending to understand in confusion.


Amidst the whistle, a golden retriever approached.

"Did you see? Golden Retriever, this is the only one in the whole town. Today I will show you what you can't do. I can do it." Dog rubbed against the front of his nose: "Mumu, smell it, go find Liu Yi."

The golden retriever glanced at Lin Yue, and then galloped out of the courtyard.

Xu Zhengtai said provocatively: "Didn't you say that you can do what I can't do? Since you are so good, can you find Liu Yi in front of Mu Mu?"

"I take back my opinion of you just now." Xu Tailang was very happy, winked at Lin Yue and said, "Can I think so? If you can't get Liu Yi back in front of Mu Mu, isn't it worse than a dog?"

Xu Zhengtai said: "Hey, don't say it so harshly, how can a human nose compare with a dog's nose?"

Lin Yue didn't care about the teasing of those two people, don't say he has "Animal Friends", even if he doesn't, does he need to go to Liu Yi?

"Don't be too happy."

Lin Yue pulled over the wicker chair and sat down by the river, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Xu Tailang and Xu Zhengtai looked at each other, unable to figure out which one he was playing.

"Just give up? It's boring."

Lin Yue turned a deaf ear to their taunts, and his attention had already shifted from the Xu family and his son to the system space.

Main task: Change the fate of the main character without using hypnotism.

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Task time limit:

If you want to ask him why he snatched Xu Zhengtai's chairmanship, it's because of this bullshit main task. The main task of "Everything is Good" is not good, which is more in line with his taste, but when it comes to "Riding the Wind and Waves", the system actually makes him a nanny , to change the fate of the main characters.

Besides a little flower, are there any characters he likes in this movie?

No, not a single one.


Lin Yue's mind turned around. The system asked him to change the fate of the main characters, but it didn't say that it must be changed for the better.

But who to start with?

Seeing Lin Yue closing his eyes and meditating, Xu Zhengtai turned to the balcony on the second floor and said, "Ah Lang, come on, let's have a drink."

Xu Tailang followed him to the stairs, turning back several times on the way, wanting to see how that guy reacted, but unfortunately, he didn't see what he wanted to see.


When the evening approached, Xiao Ma came back, and Liu Yi also came back, but he was not found by Mu Mu, but he came back by himself, and he even changed into clean clothes.

The anxiety that Xu Tailang expected did not appear on Lin Yue's face, but on Xu Zhengtai's.

"It's broken, Mumu is lost, go find it quickly."

He pulled everyone's young men, but he didn't provoke Lin Yue who was sitting by the river.

"That man...what's the situation?"

Xiao Ma is very curious about the relationship between Lin Yue and Xu Zhengtai.

"Ah Zheng made a bet with him. If you lose in the end, you will all be his little brothers."

"What?" Liu Yi naturally refused: "He has a good idea and wants to take in Ah Zheng's younger brother, first ask me if I agree."

After speaking, turn around and walk back.

Xu Zhengtai grabbed him: "What are you going to do?"

Liu Yi said solemnly: "Duel!"

"You are so tall in a duel." Xu Zhengtai slapped him: "You can learn to fight a duel every now and then. If it wasn't for you, I would have won the bet long ago."

Liu Yi blinked, unable to understand how he hindered Boss Xu's victory.

"What are you doing in a daze, look for it, I can't find Mumu today, let's see how I deal with you."

ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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