The misty rain covered the earth and also blocked the light of the street lamps.

At the end of the road, an Audi car ran into the front of a Volkswagen Jetta.


One of the headlights was broken, and the window facing the co-pilot was pierced with a crack that radiated outwards from the high heels.

Luo Li, who was having fun with his mother-in-law, cursed, pushed open the co-pilot's door and got down from above, wanting to see who her mother was tired of, and dared to hit his car, just that one, almost gave him Destroy the second child.

But after he came down, he was discouraged, because the two people standing in the rain with umbrellas were Huang Zhiqiang's cronies, and he couldn't afford to mess with them.

"Just talk about things, why did you hit my car?"

The slightly fatter confidant said, "Is this your car?"


Luo Li didn't dare to speak anymore, because this was indeed not his car, it was a car allocated to him by Huang Zhiqiang. He drove it for a drive tonight. Seeing that it was raining outside, the atmosphere was just right, so he wanted to have a shot in the car, but the result was embarrassing up.

"The boss gave you a car, not for you to pick up girls."

"I didn't pick up a girl, that was my wife."

"it's the same."

"What's going on? How's it going?"

"Talking, talking."

Huang Zhiqiang not only asked him to take care of the smuggled car, but also gave him an important task, which was to get the people who loved the dance hall and get them to agree to sell the land, and then develop real estate there, but this difficult.

Xu Zhengtai, that nosy guy, never let go.

"What's that gun the boss gave you for? You can't even figure out a few bums."

"I must hurry up and get this done."

Huang Zhiqiang's confidants were very satisfied with his statement, turned around and walked back.

Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly found that Songzi's high-heeled shoes were stuck on the car window, so he hurried over to pull them out for her, and asked her intimately if she was hurt.

He didn't notice that a man suddenly appeared under the heavy rain and held down the door of the Audi car.

"Brother, I need to use a car recently. I heard that Boss Huang has a lot of cars. How about borrowing one to drive?"

"Who are you? Get out!"

"I'm a person who is used to courtesy first and soldiers later. Your quite difficult."

"court death."

Hearing the conversation behind him, Luo Li turned his head away from the co-pilot and looked at the Audi car. He really couldn't figure it out, who would dare to provoke Huang Zhiqiang if he was a local snake? dragon.

The headlights of the Audi car were very bright and dazzling. He couldn't see the face of the man opposite him clearly. He could only vaguely see a little fiery red in the water curtain dripping from the edge of the umbrella, which should be a lit cigarette.

With the next breath, the scene changed. The chubby confidant who was bossing him around fell heavily on the ground, accompanied by a creaking sound, and there was a howl in the sound of the rain. The umbrella fell and turned gently. He made a circle to block the face of Boss Huang's confidant, but exposed a distorted arm.

Luo Li gasped, subconsciously touched his arm, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, thinking that it must be very painful.

Seeing that his companion was injured, the second confidant of the co-pilot threw away his umbrella, said "I'm sorry", jumped onto the front hood of the Audi car and suffocated him.

Lin Yue turned his back to the car, put his feet on the ground, stepped back half a foot to get past the two bodies, and lashed Huang Zhiqiang's second confidant's abdomen with a whip kick. Hearing a whimper, a black shadow flew out, ruthlessly He slammed into the wall on the right side of the road.

Luo Li followed the sound and saw that the man was lying on the ground crying continuously, moving occasionally like a fish lacking oxygen, and the heavy rain soaked the black shirt on his body in no time.

The confidant whose arm was broken yelled, "Luo Li, where is the gun brother Zhiqiang gave you? Fuck him!"

Rowley woke up with a start, and stretched his hand to his waist to feel for the pistol.

The more dangerous the situation was, the more nervous he was, and the more difficult it was to take out the pistol on his back waist. When he managed to get rid of himself, before he could find the enemy, he held his wrist with one hand and pointed it at the windshield of the Jetta. When it was knocked, the already cracked glass crackled.

The pine nut on the co-pilot let out an exclamation, and watched the pistol slip and get stuck in the gap between the front cover and the windshield.

"You still play with guns at your level?" Lin Yue held an umbrella in one hand, with a cigarette in his mouth, looking down at Luo Li.

After speaking, he picked up the gun, fiddled with it twice, and pulled the trigger at the front side.


The gun went off.

The pine nut in the car screamed, and the horse boy in the corner shuddered and did not dare to move.

Luo Li was so frightened that he knelt down with his head covered. After a few breaths, he found that he was still alive. Then he turned sideways and looked in the direction of the bullet.

A street lamp shattered, snapping and arcing.

This is by no means a lie.


He looked at Lin Yue again, and saw a half-mask face between the black umbrellas under the night.

At the same time, the small broken gun fell apart in his hands, and the bullets and magazines fell on the slippery road one after another, followed by the gun body that lost its lethality.

"You... you... who the hell are you?"

This guy never put down his umbrella from the moment he took care of Huang Zhiqiang's cronies to the time he took down his pistol, and the cigarette was always in his mouth. In other words, he put the three of them down with one hand.

"The person who borrowed the car."

After Lin Yue finished speaking, he walked to the corner and pulled Huang Zhiqiang's cronies, who were pretending to be dead, to another cronies.

"Go back and tell Huang Zhiqiang, just say that I borrowed the car, and I will pay him for keeping the secret, how about it?"

Those two people were angry and hated, and there was still a trace of confusion in their eyes, as if they didn't understand why he said that.

"Is there a problem with the way of the cars in the No. 6 warehouse of Xinhua Garden in the southern suburbs? If Director Jin finds out about this, Boss Huang will lose a lot of money."

There are too many logical loopholes in the movie, let alone the fact that the director forcibly demoted the Xu family and his sons for the sake of jokes, but the people from the Zhengtai gang found out the location where Luo Li stored the smuggled cars, as long as he reported to the police station, Luo Li could have Good fruit to eat?

Huang Zhiqiang's cronies looked at each other, not knowing how he knew about it.

"So I want him to have a car. Is it too much? Not too much, right?" Lin Yue smoked the cigarette quickly, threw the cigarette butt into the puddle on the side of the road, and patted the shoulder of a close friend of Huang Zhiqiang: "Everyone You are a civilized person, go back and tell Boss Huang that you can drink tea together when you are free."

He opened the door and got into the Audi.


The tires brought splashes of water on the road, and the Audi just reversed and left. The speed was so fast that Luo Li broke out in a cold sweat.

"Two brothers, this matter..."

Huang Zhiqiang's confidant ignored him at all, endured the pain and got up, drove Song Zi out of the co-pilot, and drove away in his Jetta.


Luo Li hurriedly picked up the umbrella that was thrown aside to help her block the rain from the sky: "Find a place to hide first, don't catch a cold."



On the stone bridge leading to the cinema on the west side of the town's main road.

Xu Tailang waited anxiously, every time he passed by on the embankment he had to carefully look at each person, in order to confirm Lin Yue's arrival as soon as possible.

To be honest, he doesn't like this guy, no, it should be said that he hates him, but for the sake of his mother Zhang Suzhen being able to marry Xu Zhengtai, no matter how upset he is, he has to endure it.

As for why he was eager to see Lin Yue, the answer was simple, because he knew that Niu Aihua had told her boyfriend about Lin Yue asking her to watch a movie. .

He had to tell Lin Yue about this, and asked him to make preparations early to avoid making a mess. If he gave up because of this, it would be difficult to handle the matter.

Although he can still go out on his own, but as a son, prying his father's corner, there is always something that shouldn't be done.

"Why don't you come? It's exactly seven o'clock as agreed, and it's been almost ten minutes."

In this era, mobile phones were not yet popular, and Lin Yue did not carry a BP machine. He searched around the town to no avail, and now he can only use this most primitive method to block people.

"Hey, Ah Lang, why are you here?"

Accompanied by the roar of the engine of the locomotive, Xu Zhengtai's voice came from behind. Xu Tailang turned around and saw Xu Zhengtai carrying Xiao Hua and Liuyi carrying Jiayi to the bridge.

have to.

The person who made the appointment was late, and the person who was invited came first. Just imagine that if Lin Yue crossed the bridge with the roses he had prepared, he would definitely feel very sad, not to mention that his heart was ashamed.

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