At the same time that Luo Li took the three boys to negotiate with Xu Zhengtai.

A wonderful fighting scene is being staged in a warehouse in the southern suburbs of Tinglin Town, but Xiao Ma has no chance to watch it, because at this moment he is blindfolded and tied to a chair, so he can only follow the sound coming from the front and keep walking to the left. "Look", "Look" to the right, and when something flies by, it will give a frightened expression, for fear of being greeted by a foreign object on the face.

Of course, even if his eyes were not covered with black cloth, he would still be unable to see clearly, because Luo Li used his myopia as a token to threaten Xu Zhengtai.


One of Luo Li's horses fell and ate shit, and his facial features were twisted together in pain.

He grabbed the pony's ankles and struggled to get up from the ground.

"Let... let go of me..."

The pony didn't know what happened, his face turned pale with fright, and he wanted to shake off the hand that was holding his ankle, but his legs were tied up with ropes, and the resistance seemed very weak this time.

At this moment, a leg stretched out from the bottom, and kicked on the side of Luo Li's pony boy.

Hearing a scream, the man rolled to the right some distance away, with nosebleeds dripping down the corner of his mouth.

The pony was startled again.

Affected by tension, I couldn't control my strength, and my toes were on the ground. I wanted to move backwards to stay away from danger, but I overturned the chair and fell on my back, with my feet raised high. This posture... like It's like seeing a gynecologist.

Lin Yue actually wanted to help, but he stretched out his hand halfway and then retracted it. He thought it would be good to give the only "IQ online" character in the whole show a little bit of trouble.

Of course, comedy films don't need logic and prudence, just like Xiao Ma never thought of helping the down-and-out brother after he made his least give Xu Tailang a serious job.

Maybe Xiao Ma is this kind of person, maybe.


The rushing bad wind interrupted his association, and he slid sideways to avoid the iron bar smashed on the back of his head. He held the arm of the horse boy who was sneaking up on him with both hands, and pushed his knee up.


There was the sound of bone cracking, followed by a miserable cry, and then the crisp sound of the iron rod falling to the ground.

Lin Yue bent down again, picked up the iron rod and pointed it at the horse boy in front of him, sweeping it hard.

There was another creak.

The man lost both legs.

The howling stopped abruptly, because the person had passed out from the pain.

The other gangsters with injuries on their bodies were frightened by the scene in front of them. They didn't expect that this masked guy was not only skilled, but also more ruthless.

Lin Yue weighed the iron rod in his hand: "You scum, life is meaningless to society, and death is a waste of land... Disappear within 5 seconds, or he will be your end."

After the few people in the back listened, they didn't dare to linger, and they scattered in an instant. Even Zhu'er, who was kicked with nosebleeds flying all over the place, no longer pretended to be dead, and crawled out of the warehouse with hands and feet.

Lin Yue threw the iron rod on the ground, walked over to pull up the chair that fell on the ground, and tore off the black cloth that blindfolded his eyes.

Xiao Ma's eyes were dazzled by the light, and he couldn't open his eyes a little bit. After getting used to it a little bit, he saw the fainted gangster, and then he said with five points of fear: "You... who are you?"

Lin Yue took off the mask covering his face.

"It's you?"

"It's not me, who do you think it is? Xu Zhengtai? He doesn't seem to realize that his little brother was tied up by Luo Li."

Lin Yue took out the [White Crystal] and lightly stroked the rope that bound the pony.


The rope broke.

The pony moved his arms and feet, got up and walked outside, looking a little anxious.

"Running so fast, aren't you afraid that those people will kill you?"

"I need to pee."


On this point, is Ma Huateng more restrained than ordinary people?

Well, programmers can hold back.

wrong? People who have been sitting for a long time have more or less minor problems with their prostate glands, and they should have symptoms of urgency and frequent urination.



Xu Tailang stepped down and stepped on the glasses on the table in half.

Liu Yi looked at the lens that fell from the frame, and then stepped on it.


The mirror shattered, and he was happy.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Xu Zhengtai looked at the two people who imitated himself with their glasses to vent their anger, and didn't know what they meant.

Xu Tailang said: "I see that you stepped on it very well, I couldn't hold it back."

Liuyi also said the same.

Xu Zhengtai: "..."

He didn't know how to explain his unhappiness to the two of them.

"Hey, why are there only three of you, where is Luo Li? Isn't he coming to negotiate today?" At this moment, Lin Yue walked in from the outside.

"Why are you here?" Xu Zhengtai looked gloomy.

"Why can't I come? There is no closing sign on the door of the dance hall, and I am the party who signed the bet, so I am entitled to know the outcome of the negotiation."

Liu Yi said with her hips on her hips, "The result is that my elder brother won."

Xu Zhengtai glared at him: "Liu Yi, shut up."

Lin Yue said in an intriguing tone: "You won?"

Xu Zhengtai's face was a little unnatural, but he still folded his arms around his chest: "Anyway, I didn't lose."

"To lose is to lose, to win is to win, what is this? By the way, when I came in, I saw Jia Yi, she said that just now Jinsuo brought people over to arrest Luo Li, Xu Zhengtai, you are not asking the police for help." Bar?"


"You don't talk about martial arts."

Xu Zhengtai was so squeezed by him that he couldn't speak.

Quit on June 1: "At least the elder brother kept the dance hall, better than you."


Lin Yue clapped his hands, Xiao Ma walked in from the outside.

Xu Zhengtai said: "Little Ma, why are you here? Didn't I tell you to stay at home for such a dangerous thing?"

Xiao Ma didn't answer his question, and stared blankly at the broken myopia on the coffee table: "Who did this...?"

Liuyi naturally has no eyesight: "I... no, we did it together, this is a gift left by Luo Li, who cares..."

Xu Tailang interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"Ah Lang, why don't you let me talk."

Xu Tailang pointed to Xiao Ma's face, and he realized that the little brother was not wearing glasses: "Hey, Xiao Ma, where are your glasses?"

Xiao Ma pointed to the torn myopia on the coffee table.

Liu Yi rubbed the back of his head in confusion: "Why are your glasses at Luo Li's place?"

Lin Yue said: "It's very simple. Luo Li captured him and wanted to use him as a bargaining chip to force you to compromise. That pair of glasses is what he used to remind you."

Xu Tailang: "..."

Xu Zhengtai: "..."

Liu Yi: "..."

None of the three associate glasses with ponies.

"Fortunately, I went there in time, otherwise Luo Li's pony knew that you called the police to arrest the boss, what would happen to the little pony, I think... the option of tearing up the ticket should not be ruled out." Lin Yueleng Leng said: "I don't even know my younger brother's belongings, Xu Zhengtai, you have failed as a president."

Xu Zhengtai hummed for a while: "I kept my beloved song and dance hall, and you saved Xiao Ma. This time, we are even in the bet."

"Boss Xu, you're starting to lose face too."

Lin Yue turned around and walked outside, without turning his head, he said: "Do you think that Luo Li will be saved if he enters the Zhiai Song and Dance Hall? The boss is always the last to appear."

He walked away very smartly.

Xu Zhengtai looked at the door and said, "What does he mean?"

Xu Tailang thought for a while and said, "Maybe... he was referring to Huang Zhiqiang."


An hour and a half later.

Banmian stall in Tinglin Town.

Lin Yue added a lot of peppers to the noodles.

Xiao Ma said: "Add so many peppers, isn't it spicy?"

Lin Yue picked up the small bowl of chili: "Try it?"

The pony shook its head like a rattle.

"Thank you for getting me out."

At that time, he was frightened and stupid, but now he has come to his senses, and he has not yet thanked his savior.

Lin Yue said: "You don't belong here, let's go, go far away."

Xiao Ma said while picking his nails: "If I leave, there will be few people in the Zhengtai Gang. I'm actually... quite confused."

Lin Yue put down the bowl and took out a business card from his pocket: "You won't be confused after reading this."

Xiao Ma took it over and saw that there was an English name on the business card, and the title below was translated as Vice President of IBM's China Branch.

"Go to Shanghai, and then make this call, your visa or something, he will help you."

After hearing these words, Xiao Ma knew why Lin Yue wanted him to go far away.

"This... where did you come from?"

In this day and age, IBM and Microsoft are hallowed existences in the hearts of programmers, and Lin Yue just saved him, how could they harm him?

"Is this important? The important thing is that you don't want to part with everything in Tinglin Town." Lin Yue lowered his head and ate the noodles, casually speaking.

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Ma left with his business card.

Lin Yue asked the boss for a napkin to wipe his mouth, settled the bill, and smiled as he watched Xiao Ma go away.

Is he that kind?

Of course there is, but his kindness is on the side of ordinary people, for those who have no sense of social responsibility, plagiarism, profit-seeking, and children.


Speaking of which, there is a big difference between a businessman and an entrepreneur.

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