Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1910 End of Book - Others

It took Xu Tailang a long time to react: "How is it possible? This is impossible...impossible..."

"How is it impossible?" Lin Yue said: "Xiaohua said that she didn't have a good relationship with her father, and she didn't like the name Niu Aihua when she was young. She didn't want such a low name on her marriage certificate, so she wanted to put it on her. Changed her name to follow her mother’s surname, Zhang. And her favorite TV character is Bai Suzhen, so I just used her name, and you saw it too.”

Xiaohua's father's surname is Niu, and her mother's surname is Zhang?

In connection with the posters pasted on the windows of Xiaohua's sliding door leading to the balcony, Bai Suzhen is indeed her favorite TV character.


But Zhang Suzhen was supposed to marry Xu Zhengtai.

If the two were not married, how could he have been born?

Thinking of this, he grabbed Lin Yue by the collar: "You already knew that, didn't you?"

Lin Yue said, "That's right."

Xu Tailang's eyes were tearing apart: "You did it on purpose!"

Lin Yue said: "That's right."

Xu Tailang's face was as red as if he was drunk, he never imagined that Xiaohua was Zhang Suzhen after tossing for a long time, he desperately looked for her, trying to match her to marry his father, but what happened? The target object is far away in the sky, but the crux of the problem is that he not only failed to match the two into the marriage hall, but also broke them up. This is really sad and uncomfortable.

"Xu Tailang, haven't you always hated Xu Zhengtai? Don't you think that life is meaningless? Now I will help you end the pain, so that you don't have to suffer in the world. It's great." Lin Yue said coldly: "You thought you hit me?" Let me just forget about it? What is the psychology of ordinary people riding electric bicycles on the street when they face those motorcyclists who are driving fast to grab the green light? Yes, it is better to be killed by such a thing, so that the future world can have one less dangerous driver The scum of the people, I can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

"You..." Xu Tailang grabbed his collar and shook it vigorously twice: "Then you talk about marrying Xiaohua in the future..."

Lin Yue said, "It's all a lie to you."

These words fell into Xu Tailang's ears, the tone of his voice changed, it became elongated, slow, and hoarse, and the people in front of him became blurred.

To say what happened?

He is very clear that because he has watched so many movies and TV shows with magical themes, 99% of this situation is due to historical changes, and his existence is being erased.

"Why are you okay?"

He wanted to punch Lin Yue, but it was impossible now, it was difficult to even stay awake, let alone retaliate.

Lin Yue said: "Are you trying to say why you are disappearing and I am fine? It's very simple, I am not from this world at all, and the time paradox does not hold for me."

"Not from this world?"

"Haven't you heard of parallel universes? Schrödinger's cat? The law of quantum unobservability?"


"Oh, it's terrible to be uneducated."

After Lin Yue finished speaking, he waved goodbye to him, and with a flash of light, Xu Tailang disappeared without a trace.

this logic...

Lin Yue always feels that if the world advances according to the time axis of the protagonist Xu Tailang, Xu Tailang will not disappear if he marries Xiao Hua, what will disappear will only be the plot of the first half of the movie, that is to say, Xiao Hua jumps off the building and Xu Tailang becomes a racing driver The future no longer exists, and Xu Tailang will stay in the world in 1999, living as a normal person, just like the system's positioning for him, but now it seems that the universe of "Riding the Wind and Waves" created by the director applies the time paradox.

"Lin Yue, what are you doing here?" At this moment, Xiao Hua suddenly broke into the room: "Just now... were you talking to someone?"


"Oh, maybe I got it wrong." Xiaohua pointed to the outside: "Director Jin is here."

"I see, this is the past."

Lin Yue smoothed his collar, straightened his suit, and walked outside.


two years later.

Baoshan Prison.

Xu Zhengtai sat in front of the viewing window and waited quietly.

Looking at his watch, five minutes had passed, and he stayed a little impatiently.

Crack, squeak...

At this time, the iron door leading to the prison area opened, and a man in a prison uniform with a shaved head came over.

He quickly picked up the phone, waited for Liu Yi to sit down there, and said in a slightly excited voice, "Liu Yi, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, brother, how about you?"

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"I heard from Ah Lang that you left Tinglin Town."

"Yes, I went out for a while, no, I came back after feeling a little more relaxed."

"Brother, sister-in-law... my dad told me, but I didn't expect... I don't know what ecstasy soup Lin gave my sister-in-law."

"Xiao Hua is no longer your sister-in-law."

Xu Zhengtai's expression was quite painful when he said this, because this time he went back to the town and asked the neighbors about Xiao Hua's whereabouts, saying that she moved to the urban area after marrying Lin Yue, so he chased him to the urban area again, and it turned out that In front of me is a scene of the couple teasing a toddler in the park.

Affected by this, he didn't even have the courage to go up and talk to Xiaohua, so he went back to Tinglin Town silently, stayed for one night, and then went to Baoshan Prison to watch June 1st.

"Brother, don't be sad. When I go out, I will help you get my sister back." The education inside can change Liuyi's concept, but it can't change his IQ.

"June 1st... Let's talk about this matter later." Xu Zhengtai was a little lost in interest.

"Then don't talk about sister-in-law, talk about Ah Lang, it's been two years, and he won't come to see me, brother, I miss him so much."

Xu Zhengtai: "..."

"Brother, why don't you speak?"

"Ah Lang... he's gone."

Xu Zhengtai shook his head, his mood turned from cloudy to cloudy. He asked many people, but they all said that he didn't see Xu Tailang. That guy came and left very suddenly.

"Alang is gone?" Liu Yi was startled: "Didn't you entrust the Zhengtai Gang to him?"

After finishing speaking, he paused: "I see, he must have not fulfilled your orders, big brother, and carried forward the Zhengtai gang, and felt ashamed to see you, so he ran away, this coward, if I see him, he will definitely beat him hard He has a meal."

"Liu Yi, don't talk about the Zhengtai gang, are you done?"

"What did you say? Oh, yes, big brother, has the batch of BP machines we stored increased in value now? Does it mean that once I sell them after I go out, we will make a fortune."

"June 1, now the world is dominated by mobile phones, mobile phones, mobile phones, do you know?"

"Mobile phone? The one surnamed Lin showed us?"

Xu Zhengtai nodded.

Liu Yiyi looked depressed: "I told my dad that when I go out, our family will be the richest one among relatives. It seems that I have to find a way to delay going out a few years."

Xu Zhengtai hesitated to speak, but finally decided to tell the truth: "June 1, BP machine... can't be an antique."

Liu Yi: "..."


At the same time, the northern plateau of Nigeria, Africa.

Small animals with local characteristics come in and out of the bushes from time to time, sometimes rabbits, sometimes honey badgers, and sometimes snakes with various patterns.

But today the bushes shook twice, and what came out from behind were not animals, but people.

Two strong black men in very tribal robes sandwiched a thin yellow man towards a second-hand Toyota pickup parked not far away.

If Liu Yi and Xu Zhengtai were here, they would definitely be able to call him by name, and maybe even give him a close hug.

Because this person is none other than their good brother Xiao Ma.

And if they understand the local language, they will definitely find it funny, because the guy on the left with a blunt face is gently persuading the pony to go back, stay in the tribe obediently, marry the youngest daughter of the earth king, and wait for the earth king to return. When he is old, he will be the new earth king, and he can get a large piece of fertile land. At that time, it is no problem to eat meat every meal and marry more than a dozen wives. This is a good treatment that many people can't enjoy.

However, whether it's expressions, movements, or blurted out Chinese, they all clearly express Xiao Ma's wishes—he doesn't want to.

But so what if he doesn't want to, the seemingly gentle persuasion of the two black men is no different from forcing him to accept his fate.

Xiao Ma couldn't figure it out. He came to Africa a year ago to help the local government debug the system. How could he be kidnapped and become the son-in-law of the local king after a night's sleep? What do IBM people do for food? It's been more than a year and I haven't found him. If I stay for another year or two, maybe he will really give birth to a bunch of black babies with the unappetizing black girls.

At the beginning in China, Xu Zhengtai said that he was the most useless, and worried that he would not be able to get along in the Tao in the future. Now, why did he become the future earth king in a daze? The crux of the problem is that this kind of timing... is not what he wants.

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