Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1914 Do you think I'm a dog licker?

As usual, the task bar first gave a complaint from a lucky audience.

"Clothes are not as good as newcomers are not as good as old" detected complaints from the lucky viewer numbered 1818: Good sir? Can a man who insists on going his own way only to satisfy his own likes and dislikes deserve the title of Mr. Good? After watching the whole play, the four female characters are either the ex-girlfriend who never forgets the protagonist, or the intellectual beauty who knows how to choose, or the rich daughter who stalks, and one who really treats the protagonist as his father. The stock Mary Su Jin'er really has a strong foot odor. By the way, it would be perfect if there is another sister who is not related by blood. After watching the drama, I seriously searched for the screenwriter of this drama. It is indeed a female screenwriter. No wonder it is full of various routines of the heroine. Cuteness has turned into a sleazy old ruffian, but the reality of society is that green tea whores are more likely to win high-quality men, because they understand what men need better, and most of those who fall in love with prodigal sons become moths to the fire , Losing his virginity is the next thing, and he was even cheated of money, which delayed his youth.

Main task: (Enter the film and television drama world to activate).

Side tasks: (Enter the world of film and television dramas to activate).

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Task time limit: 2015-2016

Whether to accept: (Y/N).

This time there is an exact number of years behind the task time limit, Lin Yue felt relieved, closed his eyes and took a break, picked up the mug on the table, drank the unfinished water, looked at the current time, and thought for a while , I felt that I should be able to come back tomorrow afternoon, so I selected "Y" in the task bar to accept the task.

As before, the room fell silent as a quick flash of light engulfed him.

There was a young man in his twenties playing liver games in a bedroom of the unit building diagonally opposite. He glanced at the unit building behind as if he had a sixth sense, but he didn't pay attention to it, and quickly threw it away. In the back of your head, focus on typing the book.



The sound of the wind fills the ears, and the coolness spreads across the surface.

When the white expanse quickly disappeared, what appeared in front of him was pitch black.

No, to be precise, it was because the eyes were closed that the field of vision was completely black.

In addition, in addition to the dizziness caused by traveling, I also felt tightness and swelling in both temples.

Just when he was about to open his eyes, a man's face flashed in his mind. It was no stranger to him who had watched the entire TV series, but he felt a little surprised, because that man's face was the No. 2 heroine Jiang Lai's ex-boyfriend Chen Fang's face.

Soul wear?

Could it be that... I have transmigrated into Chen Fang?

This guy is a real scumbag, cheating money, sex, and feelings is despised by others.

Although he has done things like cheating on women, at least he didn't focus on eating soft food.

Oh, you want feelings, you want your body, and you have to rely on women to cross classes.

This Chen Fang is no longer scum, but bad, because there is an essential difference between deceiving women for money, power, status, and so on, and deceiving women for the two to live happily together.

Just when he instinctively resisted this identity, there was a burst of footsteps outside, and then a woman asked for instructions respectfully.

"Boss Jiang, they're here."

President Jiang?

This title drilled into the pinna, and a stream of information flowed into his mind.


He suddenly discovered that his identity was not Chen Fang, but Jiang Haokun, the rich second-generation dog licking dog in the TV series.

Oh, this is interesting.

In current TV dramas, it is standard for the heroine to have a dog-licking rich second generation next to her. I never thought that I would one day dress up as someone like Wang Heng.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang... are you okay?"

Seeing that he closed his eyes and refused to respond, the woman was worried about his safety, so she asked a question tentatively.

Lin Yue rubbed his temples, slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the smiling female assistant.

"I'm fine."

"Mr. Jiang, Manager Liu from Meikelam is here."

After the female assistant gave up half of her body, Lin Yue saw a man with glasses smiling all over his face, and behind him were two people in standard suits, holding a jewelry box with black leather and silver borders in their hands.

"Boss Jiang, this is the ring you want."

Manager Liu stepped forward with a flattering face, and after saying this, he winked behind him, and the two attendants opened the jewelry box, took out the jewelry boxes inside, and opened them one by one in front of Lin Yue.

This scene is very familiar. It should be the story of Jiang Haokun choosing the proposal ring in the first episode, but what he didn't expect was that Lu Yuan just came back from the United States and slapped him in the face, disturbing his carefully prepared marriage proposal ceremony.

The social death moment of licking the dog.

Once for a marriage proposal ceremony, once for an engagement ceremony, huh...

Lin Yue picked up one of them and weighed it in his hand, feeling a little funny, would a rich second generation like Jiang Haokun spoil a woman who had slept with her, was always thinking of others and always embarrassing herself? It's fine if it's Wang Heng's kind of persona. After all, Wang Heng is a rich second generation for people in small cities, but according to the standards of the aboriginal class in Jianghai City, he really can't be regarded as a rich second generation. What about Jiang Haokun? Not only the super rich second generation, but also the kind of super rich second generation who are capable of running a family business. They want money, stature, ability, ability, and education. What this kind of person does to Gan Jing For this reason, only TV dramas dare to act like this.

"Okay, you go back first, I will call you if necessary."

Lin Yue threw the jewelry box back into the safe.

Manager Liu of Meikelame was stunned. He couldn't figure out which song was sung. Obviously, Jiang Haokun called him and asked him to bring the best ring in the store. After looking around, he asked them to go back. ?

"Mr. Jiang, these... didn't catch your eye? Otherwise, I will immediately contact the Beijing headquarters and ask them to airlift another batch."

"No need, you go back first."

Lin Yue repeated what he had just said.

Manager Liu is also a person who knows current affairs, and knows that he cannot offend a big client like Jiang's family. Although this time the deal fails, the relationship of benevolence and justice must be preserved.

"Okay, then I'll come again if you need it."

Responding politely, Manager Liu left with his people with a smile on his face.

Lin Yue watched several people disappear, then turned to ask the female assistant, "How are the preparations for the party tonight?"

"Mr. Jiang?" Qiao Qian was a little puzzled. He didn't ask for Manager Liu's ring, and asked her how the party preparations were going. As someone who knew that he was going to propose at Gan Jing's birthday party, he knew the "preparations" here. What do you mean.

Lin Yue quickly adapted to this role. After all, the position of the boss is definitely a true character for him: "Could it be that I didn't understand clearly enough?"

Qiao Qian said, "I'm going to contact the jeweler again now, Mr. Jiang, do you want to see Cartier?"

"I mean the party, Gan Jing's birthday party, who asked you about the ring."

"The arrangements for the party...are all done."

"That's good."


Qiao Qian was a little flustered, or she was completely confused by him. She wanted to propose at Gan Jing's birthday party without buying a ring. What kind of medicine was sold in Boss Jiang's gourd?

"Come, come, sit down."

Lin Yue pointed to the single sofa next to him.

Josie was puzzled and walked over to sit down.

"Hand out."

Josie held out her hand.

"It's not the right hand, it's the left hand."

She switched to her left hand as promised.

Lin Yue pointed to the ring on his middle finger and said, "From your boyfriend? Engagement ring?"

Josie nodded, then shook her head again.

"Take it off and let me see."

Although she couldn't understand what he meant, she took off the ring very obediently and handed it over.

Lin Yue held it in his hand and looked at it for a while.

"Lend it to me tonight, and return it to you tomorrow."

"Boss Jiang?"

Josie was stunned, not knowing what he meant by that.

"Unwilling?" Lin Yueping raised his right hand, watching the ring made of high-carbon diamonds shining brightly in the sun.

"Mr. Jiang, it's... no problem, but... but..."

She didn't know how to express her inner doubts. Let alone lending Jiang Haokun this thing, even if she gave it to him, she would not give up at all. However, according to the logic of the two people's conversation, Jiang Haokun seemed to use this ring to propose to Gan Jing .

The above dialogue gave her the feeling that it was unreal, especially unreal. How did Jiang Haokun treat Gan Jing in the past? Try to give her the best no matter what, be considerate and considerate in everything, to use a very vulgar adjective, that is "hold it in the palm of your hand for fear of falling, hold it in your mouth for fear of melting", and an hour ago she swore She said that she wanted to choose a unique ring to propose to Gan Jing, why now... use this high-carbon diamond ring with a discount of only 1,000 RMB, or the ring she has worn for several months to propose to Gan Jing?

This... What the hell is going on? Is she dreaming, or is President Jiang joking with her?

PS: A new dungeon has been opened, this chapter is for today, please take half a day off to sort out the outline

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