Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1948 Dr. Xu, I'm sick, do you have any medicine?

Xu Lan touched her: "Lai Lai, what did I tell you when I came here?"

"Mom, he has severed ties with the Jiang family, why are you still protecting him like this?" Jiang Lai was very angry: "Dad's blood pressure rise is all due to his unfilial son."

"Lai Lai!" Xu Lan said angrily, "If you didn't smash Brother Ni's house, would things have developed to this point?"

"Is it my fault?" Jiang Lai was aggrieved and angry, and kept slapping the table with such force that the knives, forks and plates trembled up and down: "It was he who killed Chen Fang, I want revenge, I want him Pay the price."

"But he is your brother!"

"He's not my brother! I don't have such a brother."

Xu Lan said out of breath, "'re going to piss me off."

Lin Yue didn't look angry at all, picked up the napkin and wiped his hands: "Do you know who she smashed my house with last time? That's right, that little-eyed cook just now is also Gan Jing's ex-boyfriend, yes Yes, he is now working at the Gray Whale Restaurant under the Jiang Group."

Xu Lan understood, no wonder Jiang Lai would speak for that man, it turned out that they were friends.

Lin Yue half-closed his eyes and walked to the window where he could see the backyard, and said softly, "And I have reason to suspect that Jiang Lai fell in love with this man, kept claiming to avenge Chen Fang, and hooked up with Lu Yuan."

He shook his head, looking disappointed.

"Lai Lai, is that so?" Xu Lan said, "Mother disagreed with you and Chen Fang before, but now this Lu Yuan... If it is really like what your brother said, mother will tell you very clearly, absolutely not. "

"Mom, don't listen to her nonsense, when did I like Lu Yuan?" Of course Jiang Lai would not admit it, she thought that she just had a crush on that person and she was sorry.

Lin Yue turned his head to glance at them, then turned his head back: "In that case, let Manager Feng resign him."

Jiang Lai said angrily: "Jiang Haokun! You have no right to dictate this matter! Also, don't think I don't know, it's obviously you who forced Feng Yufang to take him in."

"I'm teasing him. By the way, can't you test your attitude towards him?"

"Son of a bitch!"

Lin Yue turned to look at Xu Lan and said, "Well, I'm not wrong, am I?"

"Lei Lai..."

"Mom, if you dare to listen to him, I'll tell Dad about your coming to the opening ceremony of the Reef Restaurant. You also know that his blood pressure has not dropped."


Xu Lan was very angry and powerless. She didn't know how to deal with the conflicts between Jiang Zhihua and Jiang Haokun's father and son, Jiang Haokun and Jiang Lai's brother and sister. She felt extremely uncomfortable being caught in the middle.


three days later.

Hengfeng Road, JA District.

Lin Yue came out of the parking lot, walked straight into a Ginza convenience store on the side of the road, asked the waiter for a pack of cigarettes, lit one for himself, and walked towards the rehabilitation hospital ahead.

He stopped for a while in the small square with a fountain, finished his cigarette as soon as possible, entered the three-story western-style building with a vermilion door opposite, turned right after reaching the second floor, and found Xu Li's psychological counseling studio in a He stopped at the door with the sign, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

boom boom boom~

"Please come in."

A clear female voice came from the room.

Lin Yue turned the doorknob, opened the door and walked in.

Xu Li was sitting behind the desk wearing glasses, and when she saw him coming in, the polite smile on her face changed.

"How did you come?"

Xu Li and Gan Jing are best friends who talk about everything, and Jiang Haokun has been boyfriend and girlfriend with Gan Jing for almost three years, so she naturally recognizes him... Not only that, but the three of them have had several meals together.

Lin Yue said, "What? Bothering you at work?"

"How could it be?" Xu Li got up and gave up her seat: "Sit casually, what do you want to drink? Coffee?"

"Don't, I have insomnia recently, and I can't sleep even after drinking."

He sat down on the sofa in the reception area, leaned against the backrest and looked at the furnishings in the room.

"Then let me pour you a glass of water." Xu Li walked towards the water dispenser with the glass in her hand.

"Hey, the painting on your west wall... I don't remember it before."

"Yes, it was just hung up recently."

Xu Li handed him the cup, and Lin Yue thanked him, holding it in his hand and taking a sip.


The question stunned her.

"what why?"

"Why did you suddenly think of hanging such a painting on the west wall?"

Xu Li smiled and said, "Why else? Don't you think this painting is very relaxing?"

"Decompression?" Lin Yue shook his head and said, "Why do I feel a little sad?"

The content of the painting is that in the dark clouds, several golden rays of sunlight pierced through the haze, sprinkled on the calm sea, lit up the fishing boats on the water surface, and rendered the edge of the clouds.

Yes, it seems that there is a refreshing feeling that the clouds are about to see the sun, but apart from the golden yellow of the sun, the main color of the painting is gloomy and gloomy.

"Sad? Is there..."

Lin Yue said: "Don't you think it expresses a feeling of being in the dark but yearning for the light? Hope is beautiful, but longing for hope is sad."

Xu Li looked at him carefully: "Boss Jiang, what's wrong with you? I heard that your restaurant is doing a good job, and you actually have the intention to make me sad here."

Lin Yue was not surprised when she found out that she had opened a western restaurant. Gan Jing and her were very close, not to mention getting tired of being together every day. It was essential to ask for help or talk to each other when something happened. On the opening day, Lu Yuan was there He suffered a great loss during the dinner, and the good memories belonging to the "white lover" were ruined by him. It is absolutely normal for Gan Jing to tell Xu Li about this.

"Sent out with emotion."

"Let's get down to business, tell me, why did you come to me this time? You don't want me to help you recover Gan Jing, do you?"

She knew about the "White Lover" accident, so he gave Gan Jing decoration renderings to help him win the contract with Mr. Dayun Wang. Naturally, it makes no sense to hide it. He used the rescue studio to ease the relationship, and then find a common partner. It can be said that friends mediate from it, which can be said to be an old routine for men and women to get back together.

"I'm here to ask you for help, but not for Gan Jing."

Lin Yue's answer surprised her: "What can I help you with?"

"see a doctor."

"see a doctor?"

Xu Li was surprised again: "Did I hear correctly?"

Lin Yue put down the cup and folded his hands on his knees: "You heard me right, the reason why I came to see you is because I have always suffered from insomnia during this time, and I still have some messy dreams at night. I will go to the hospital to find a psychiatrist. Doctors, they said that I was under too much pressure and suggested that I see a psychiatrist and use counseling to solve the problem."

"Too much pressure?"

Xu Li looked at his face carefully.

Lin Yue pointed to his pale face and bloodshot eyes and said, "Did you see that? At first I thought I was allergic, and you also know that I have asthma. It's cold. It's normal to feel unwell, but even after taking medicine , still can't sleep at night."

Xu Li said, "Why is there too much pressure?"

Lin Yue hesitated for a moment and said, "I think it must be because too many things have happened recently."

Xu Li thought of Gan Jing's complaints, and said "yes" in her heart.

First, when Lu Yuan came back from abroad, he passed the marriage proposal test and found out that Gan Jing still had feelings for Lu Yuan, so he broke up in a fit of anger; later, the conflict with his younger sister escalated, and he severed relations with his parents, losing the favorable living environment and the enviable president identity; then he started a business across fields, and plunged into the catering industry in order to be angry with Lu Yuan;

It is unacceptable for so many things to happen one after another within a month. Insomnia and dreaminess are still mild, and some people even suffer from depression or something.

"I should be able to help you with Gan Jing's problems, but for family matters, I think you should talk to your parents frankly. In many cases, being tough will not help solve problems, especially in family matters. The other party's surrender can only delay the outbreak of conflicts, but cannot actually solve the problem. Just like the two words struggle and adaptation, we can't think that all difficulties can be overcome through struggle just because struggle is more passionate. Adaptation will be a shortcut to the goal, so when you encounter problems, you must learn to control your emotions and stay rational."

Lin Yue said: "Xu Li, I didn't come to you this time to ask you to help me with psychological counseling."

Xu Li was confused by him: "Didn't you ask me to help you?"

"Yes, I want you to help me, but what I want most right now is to sleep. Do you know the pain of wanting to sleep but not being able to sleep?" After he finished speaking, he had a bitter face, as if complaining, and as if talking to himself: "You are a psychiatrist. How can someone who counsels patients every day suffer from insomnia?"

Xu Li didn't speak, but she really wanted to say that you made a mistake. There is a saying that doctors do not heal themselves. Who stipulates that psychologists have no psychological problems. Compared with ordinary people, they only have better self-regulation ability.

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