Lin Yue returned the phone to her: "Then what do you say?"

Dang Qian said: "Let's find someone to write an article to introduce in detail the difference between the 'White Lover' in our restaurant and the 'White Lover' in the Gray Whale restaurant."

Lin Yue looked at her and smiled, noncommittal.

Dang Qian felt that it was a bit awkward that the eyes of the elders looked at the juniors.

"Boss Jiang, is there any problem with doing this?"

"When someone asks a question, you are eager to cover up and explain it. What is it? This is a sign of guilt." Lin Yue said: "In the Internet age, what do netizens want to see? Fresh, weird, interesting...they are Do you like an Internet celebrity restaurant being exposed to plagiarize other people's dishes, or do you like to explain to them the difference between these two 'White Lover' dishes?"

"You mean..."

"That's right, there is meaning in explaining this matter, but it can't completely solve the problem."

"Then...then we just let the Gray Whale restaurant pour dirty water and do nothing?"

"Do, of course, but what we have to do is not to explain, but to add fuel to the fire."

"Add fuel to the fire?"

Dang Qian couldn't figure out what this meant?

Lin Yue didn't bother to explain to her, and left the sentence "You will know tomorrow", turned and left the office without saying much.

Dang Qian thought and thought, but racked her brains and couldn't figure out what he was going to do?


the next day.

Seafood suppliers, as usual, moved crates of lobster, scallops, oysters, oysters and tuna into the back kitchen.

Dang Qian finished counting the quantity, issued a receipt to the delivery man, sent the man away, and went to the front hall. At a glance, he saw Boss Jiang entering the restaurant from outside with several Internet media reporters. Two of them were still holding digital camera.

"Major Jiang, what do you think about that article?"

"I read the article on I don't want to explain more about whether the 'White Lover' of the Reef Restaurant copied Chef Lu's recipe from the Gray Whale Restaurant. I just want to emphasize one point, that is, the Reef Restaurant dared to put this dish Go to the menu for guests to order, and the menu of the Gray Whale Restaurant... As far as I know, there is no such dish. If 'White Lover' is the special dish of that Chef Lu, why don't they serve it to the guests? One dish? There is a saying that goes well, there is no long-term learning, mastery comes first. The same is true for being a chef. The most important thing is to constantly research new recipes, improve your own cooking skills, and at the same time bring the ultimate service to customers , the author of the article can find a hundred reasons to prove that our chef copied the idea of ​​Chef Lu at the Gray Whale Restaurant, then we can also find a hundred reasons to prove that the "White Lover" at the Reef Restaurant and Chef Lu's " "White Lover" is not the same thing. Is this kind of lip-smacking confrontation meaningful? I don't think so. This kind of behavior of using the Internet to splash dirty water and slander is very despicable and indecent in my opinion. If the author of the article is not convinced, everyone Chef Lu, who he supports, can compete with Mr. Steven in our restaurant to justify his name. As a craftsman, he eats with his skills and speaks in the industry with his skills."

Dang Qian was shocked when she saw her boss talking eloquently in front of those online media reporters.

He did not explain. Not only did he not explain, but he also escalated the situation, turning a "white lover" confrontation into a cooking competition.

This... I really don't know whether to say that he is arrogant and domineering, or that he is afraid that the world will not be chaotic?

The cashier Fang Fang hid behind the cash register and muttered, "Boss Jiang is so handsome."

Dang Qian glared at her angrily.

Twenty minutes later, those online media reporters left contentedly, and Dang Qian hurriedly invited the boss to the upstairs office.

"Boss Jiang, what are you doing here?"

"Still can't see it?"

Dang Qian said with a trace of uncertainty: "Hype?"

Lin Yue sat down on the sofa: "Now that's the point, I have to thank Jiang Lai for her trick. At the beginning, we used the Internet celebrity economy, but Internet celebrities are either pretty little girls. Girls, young men who love to run, dance, and show off. This group of people can indeed support the consumption of the Reef Restaurant, which has a certain effect on increasing the popularity. However, the weakness of this group of people is also obvious, that is, lack of stamina, because they It’s too easy to be attracted by new things, if you open a Western restaurant today, they will rush to check in, and if you open a Thai restaurant tomorrow, they will rush to check in, and the day after tomorrow it may be a Japanese restaurant.”

Dang Qian nodded, thinking that what he said made sense, since she hadn't thought about it anyway.

"However, if we take advantage of Jiang Lai's attack on us to escalate the confrontation and make a big move, hehe, who wouldn't want to watch it? Just like some cooking competition shows on TV, it can be said that everyone loves to watch them, young and old. Yes, Gray Whale Restaurant accused Reef Restaurant of plagiarizing ideas, and the owner of Reef Restaurant confronted him head-on and wanted to single out, how about it? Is it not only story-telling, but also interesting, as well as suspense and anticipation? This will not only Let more people become interested in the reef restaurant, even those who don’t eat Western food very much, will want to see the results. In this way, you can also run an advertisement at no cost. The online media gets traffic, and we get attention. , During the period when the popularity dropped a week after the opening, there was another wave of discussion, so I said, I have to thank Jiang Lai for this matter, if she doesn't fall into the trap, the subsequent chess will not be so easy. "

"Boss Jiang..."

Dang Qian didn't know how to describe her current mood, even though she could see her every day, the mystery of the boss not only didn't decrease, but also increased day by day.

"In this way, isn't it equivalent to helping the Gray Whale Restaurant hype?"

"A new store and an old store, can the effect of hype be the same?" Lin Yue added: "Also, don't you know that there is a saying that the higher the praise, the harder the fall?"

"President Jiang..." Dang Qian hesitated to speak.

Lin Yue waved his hand: "I know what you're worried about. Did you hear that Steven and Lu Yuan were defeated in the fighting skill? Are you worried that he will lose to Lu Yuan? Don't worry, Steven is no longer the former Amon ,and……"

"And what?"

"You will know later."

Lin Yue stopped talking, picked up a piece of Dove chocolate from the fruit plate on the table, threw it into his mouth, got up and left.

Dang Qian looked at the candy wrappers on the table, lost in thought.

Whether Steven's culinary skills have improved will not be obvious for a while, but his Chinese level has indeed improved a lot.

Now that Mr. Jiang launched a counterattack, it depends on what Gray Whale restaurant means.


The next day, online media reporters’ interview videos with the general manager of Jiaoshi Restaurant appeared in online communities such as the gourmet section of forums above the scale, Douban group, Zhihu circle, and Shanghai Tieba. Some self-media accounts, such as Official Accounts, Baijia Accounts, and Toutiao Accounts, even published in-depth reports on this matter, and some people even gambled on it.

Anyone with a discerning eye will know that there is hype behind this incident, but what does it matter? As a melon-eating crowd, I am also happy to watch the excitement and add some spice to my ordinary life.

Correspondingly, the personal grievances between Lu Yuan and Steven spread like wildfire through various channels.

As a defeated general, the French chef is now launching a challenge again, or in a way that almost announces to the world, what does it mean? The answer is simple, this time he has the chance to win!

On the other hand, looking at the movement of the Gray Whale restaurant, it is a bit confusing.

When the article was concocted before, the content was extremely offensive and insulting. Now that the reef restaurant has marked it down, they have become sluggish, and even the reporter from has disappeared. They dare not publish an article on the website for several days in a row .

Gray Whale Restaurant.

Second floor balcony.

"Lu Yuan, you said you... Isn't this difficult for me to do? The article has been published, and the words have been released. Now that the reef restaurant has us pushed to the bottom of the wall, how can you put down the pick? If you put down the pick, my face Where else should I put it?" Feng Yufang was so anxious that he wanted to slap himself.

Why did the Sina reporter and the Gray Whale restaurant act as a coward? The answer is simple, Lu Yuan does not agree to compete with Steven.

"Does it make sense? No, it doesn't make sense at all."

"How can it be meaningless? First, I want to fight for you, and second, it is also for the good of the Gray Whale restaurant. As the chef, of course you have a reason to represent the restaurant. In this way... as long as you nod and agree, take Get off Steven, the restaurant rewards you with a month's salary."

"Hehe, I don't have time, and I don't have the heart to go to the ring and be treated like a monkey."

"What does it mean to be treated like a monkey? This is related to your honor, the honor in Shanghai's western food industry." Feng Yufang hesitated for a while, and said aggressively: "You don't have the confidence to surpass Steven, do you?"

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