Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1959 Let your group die (two in one)

Yang Zhesen is a food blogger, so I gave him something to attract attention and earn traffic.

Liu Quanquan is the director of the District Human Resources and Security Bureau, so he showed him how much foreign chefs admire Chinese food culture, and also provided the district with a promotional material.

In short, do what you like.

Lu Yuan knew where he had lost, but he refused to accept it.

"This is a cooking challenge. The competition is cooking skills, not crooked ways. Jiang Haokun, you can't change your speculative nature as a businessman anywhere. That sentence is right, dogs can't change eating shit."

This is already close to scolding.

Lin Yue was not annoyed: "World-class beauty contests are more beautiful than others, but which lady is not trying her best to show her connotation, or inner beauty? Lu Yuan, the two words you often say are, The first sentence is that the one who is full is called the cook, and the one who teases the taste buds is the chef. The second sentence is that the back kitchen is a wolf's den, right? That's the way you are. You can only be a self-righteous chef forever. Looking back at history Steven, the humility, respect, eagerness to learn, and self-discipline he possesses now... these qualities will help him go further, and it will not be difficult to become a master in the chef world in the future. Besides, the saying that the back chef is a wolf's den, heh, he is full of fighting thoughts , a zero-sum game, when you stole lobster from the back kitchen of an American restaurant, if the chef didn’t give you a chance to make up for your mistakes, would you be where you are today? If it wasn’t for Peng Hai to tolerate you, teach you, and support you, just you , still want to marry Gan Jing? You can’t even support yourself. Being a doctor emphasizes medical ethics, and being a teacher has the morality of teachers and teachers. You can learn the principles of life in every industry. The difference is that some people become more and more Like a person, and some people become more and more like ghosts, do you think you are like a person, or a ghost?"

He has held these words in his heart for a long time, to be precise, he has wanted to complain about TV dramas for a long time.

Peng Hai used his patience and kindness to help a small gangster become a chef who can be his own. What about Lu Yuan? Bring big, fat, and short people to make threats, teach Cai Mingjun to fight bravely with his colleagues, and kidnap the staff at the wedding scene for his own selfishness...

But when you think about it, a kind and tolerant person can convey a bit of warmth when interacting with everyone around him, while a snob, when he sees others at first glance, thinks about what I can get from him, a person who treats himself The place where I work is described as a wolf's den. The master who dominates and dominates, always looks like a villain and shows off his cooking skills. One can imagine what kind of guy he is.

Faced with his rebuttals and torture, Lu Yuan couldn't utter a single word, not only because of his harsh words, but also because he really felt like a ghost, because people can't see ghosts, but he can. to Penghai.

"well said!"

Someone clapped and whistled below.

There were also people booing and yelling at Lu Yuan: "You should answer."

Gan Jing looked at Lu Yuan who was left speechless by the question, and then at Jiang Haokun who was beside him with eloquent words, his expression was like the first day he met him.

Xu Li also stared fixedly at the man exuding brilliance of thought and full of confidence on the field, with some admiration and longing on her face.

A man's focus, love, professionalism, even a shooting posture, a steering wheel action, may inadvertently touch a woman's heart.

Just when Lu Yuan was hit hard, Cai Mingjun came out from behind, holding a microphone and said: "Boss Jiang is right, I don't want to lie anymore, I don't want to lie anymore, in fact, Chef Lu has no sense of taste, those dishes... he It’s all about letting me taste the taste and feel that there is no problem before serving it to the judges.”

What? !

No sense of taste?

Many people stood up and looked at the field in astonishment.

This was said by Lu Yuan's assistant, so it should not be false.

Gray Whale hired a chef with no sense of taste? This... what is this doing? What do you think of customers? Experiment?

Several people who had eaten at the Gray Whale restaurant recalled the scene that happened two days ago—the dishes were either tasteless or too heavy to swallow. It turned out that it was not the chef's mistake, but that he had no sense of taste at all.

Jiang Lai also stood up, and Feng Yufang panicked even more.

Peng Jiahe was dumbfounded, he never thought that Cai Mingjun would give Lu Yuan a drudgery on such an important occasion.

Gan Jing is a person with a sense of reality. The first thing she thinks about is what Lu Yuan will do in the future. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, facing the cameras of the network media reporters, once this matter is exposed, which restaurant would dare to take him? Basically his career as a chef in the country was a death sentence.

Take the current pairing of Lu Yuan and Xiao Cai as an example, the latter acts as the tongue of the former, but as Lu Yuan said, the cook is in charge of filling up, and the chef is responsible for teasing the taste buds. Star-rated restaurants have to regularly update their menus and launch new products. Using other people's tongues to test new dishes, can it correspond to the ideas in your mind?

"Xiao Cai, why did you betray Lu Yuan? Why?"

Peng Jiahe was so angry that he threw out the sunglasses in his hand, but it didn't hit anyone, and Xiao Cai hid behind Lin Yue in fright.

She took out another bunch of keys from her bag and continued to throw them on the stage.


Lin Yue took it in his hand very easily.

"Peng Jiahe, why did Cai Mingjun betray Lu Yuan? Then why did you treat your father as your father? If it weren't for him, would your father have been hit by a car? When you came back to see your grandma and found out that she had Alzheimer's, what was your first thought?" Just send her to a nursing home, so as not to drag you down, is this how American schools educate you?"

Many people were dumbfounded by this question, but some viewers who had seen the news on the Internet recognized that the little girl in front of them was the returnee girl who was raped by the Internet a few days ago, and the atmosphere on the scene reached a new high.

That Chef Lu not only fooled the boss, customers, and audience, but also killed his good friend?

"Jiahe, Jiahe, don't talk about it." Gan Jing pulled Peng Jiahe from behind and held him firmly. Now she can see that the purpose of Jiang Haokun's challenge to Gray Whale Restaurant is not at all. Seeing the truth in cooking, he wanted to kick Lu Yuan to death.

"But don't worry, you won't lose your job." At this time Jiang Haokun spoke again, pointing to the beautifully dressed woman in the first row of the auditorium and said: "You don't know yet, do you? The Gray Whale restaurant is owned by the Jiang Group. Haven't you always been curious about the identity of the boss? That's right, the one who gave you this set of knives."

Lu Yuan looked over blankly.

"Jiang Lai, is what he said true?"

He asked Jiang Lai more than once why Feng Yufang acted like a servant in front of her, and how did Jiang Lai answer? I am the P among the VIPs of the restaurant, a figure of the highest VIP level, of course Feng Yufang can't afford to offend him.

He believed it to be true. After all, the Jiang family was indeed rich, and no businessman would offend the rich man.

But I didn't expect...

Why has he always been indifferent to Jiang Lai, because he has thoughts on Gan Jing, now that he knows that the owner of the Gray Whale restaurant is her, can he continue to stay there?

Yes, Feng Yufang will not fire him, he has to do it himself.

But where else would a restaurant hire a cook with no sense of taste but Gray Whale?

"Lu Yuan, listen to my explanation."

Jiang Lai was in a hurry, and left the auditorium and ran into the arena to find Lu Yuan to explain.

She didn't expect Jiang Haokun to be so insidious, and then recalled the conversation between the two in the compound of the Xinjing Police Station. He said that he wanted Lu Yuan to assume the identity of a dick and a loser. .

He was slapped in the face by Steven for his cooking skills, and now his character is being questioned. In terms of work, Gan Jing and Gray Whale Restaurant have to choose between the two.

Lu Yuan not only lost face this time, but also lost face.

Just when she was arguing with Lu Yuan for him to give her a chance to explain, an old woman with gray hair walked into the side door and slapped her face: "You vixen, let go of my son, let go of him. "

Jiang Lai was stunned by the beating. She turned her face and saw that it was the old lady who ran into the venue. She looked over there and saw that Liu Hong, the second chef of Reef Restaurant, was blocking the side door to prevent the fat man from Gray Whale Restaurant from entering.

The audience below pointed their fingers, completely unaware that a good cooking competition would turn into a farce.'s too fucking enjoyable.

Holding a discount coupon for the Reef Restaurant in his hand, he also got a treat to feast his eyes on.

At this moment, Gan Jing couldn't bear to watch anymore, rushed to the front of the stage and said to Lin Yue, "Jiang Haokun, that's enough! You shouldn't treat Lu Yuan like this."

"Then how should I treat him? Help him? Treat him kindly? For this, the so-called friend who robbed my girlfriend, smashed my house, and sent me to the detention center for twelve days stabbed me twice?"

Lin Yue sneered and said: "Since you have made a choice between me and him, well, I will tell you why he left you and disappeared suddenly for three years when he was in the United States, as a gift for your reunion."

The arena was in chaos.

The hostess is busy fighting.

Director Liu gave a few words of persuasion, but no one listened, and left in a fit of anger.

Meng Hualing and Yang Zhesen tried to pull the old lady away, and the other tried to keep Jiang Lai behind. Lu Yuan explained, and Steven pushed Cai Mingjun off the stage and told him to leave the arena to avoid the limelight.

An on-site worker was holding a plate of langoustine and king crab, watching the excitement while eating.

And Lin Yue and Gan Jing's small space is like someone pressing the stop button of a movie.

Does Jiang Haokun know why Lu Yuan disappeared? Then why didn't he say it before?

"I agreed not to tell you the reason at the beginning, but now I am an enemy and not a friend to him, and there is no need to keep a secret. In fact, the answer is very simple. In 2008, the United States experienced a very serious economic crisis, and he went bankrupt because of spending lavishly. , but didn’t want to sell the house, so he went to help the underworld to smuggle passports, was caught by the police and sentenced to two years in prison, but because of fighting in the prison, he was sentenced to another six months.”

Not only Gan Jing heard this.

All the audience heard it.

It turns out that this cook who has no sense of taste has committed crimes and was imprisoned. No wonder he returned to China to develop. It turned out that he couldn't get along there anymore.

A luxury western restaurant actually hired a chef with a criminal record and no sense of taste to serve customers. Does this mean that the people who ate in the past were all scumbags with no money, no taste, and no status?

Xu Lan snorted coldly, got up and left directly.

She has long seen that Lu Yuan is not a kind person. The majestic young lady of the Jiang family is licking her face and chasing a gangster who has been in prison. Yes.

She would like to see how Jiang Zhihua, who has always had a good face, would think about this matter.

"Jiang Haokun!"

Lu Yuan shouted angrily, and kicked him on the back from behind.

Lin Yue seemed to have eyes behind his back. He turned his head sideways and stretched his legs to hook, and the small eyes were directly dried to the ground. With a bang, the ground trembled three times.

"Lu Yuan!"

Gan Jing was in a hurry, and hurried to check on the injury of the man who was rolling on the ground while touching the back of his head.

"So what right do you have to stop Xu Li from contacting me, bitch."

He clapped his hands and left.

Lu Yuan looked for knives everywhere, trying to fight him desperately.

"Gan Jing, don't stop me, I'm going to chop him up, don't you think I won't chop him up."

When the matter developed to this point, some timid guys in the audience began to run out, for fear that the cook who had been in prison would pick up a knife and chop someone up.

Those online media reporters were so excited that they clicked the shutter of the camera frantically, hoping to capture everyone in it.

Culinary hegemony, family ethics, jealousy, rich family scandals, physical conflicts...

As long as it is reported to the outside world, it will be a hot news.


When the hotel security was notified by the staff to rush to the venue, Peng Jiahe blocked Cai Mingjun, who had fled the venue, at the bathroom door.

"Cai Mingjun!"

She grabbed Cai Mingjun by the collar and hit him with a raised hand.

This sissy boy didn't even think about fighting back, he used his hands to block, while ducking his head to dodge.

"Jiahe, don't hit me, don't hit me."

"Don't beat you? I beat you, a dog who eats inside and out." Peng Jiahe looked ruthless like an old hen who was furious after someone took away his eggs: "Lu Yuan is so kind to you, and you betrayed him? Bullying teachers and destroying ancestors is ungrateful."

"I... I didn't."

"No? Do you still have the face to say you don't?"

Peng Jiahe wished he could tear his mouth apart.

Cai Mingjun said: "I did this for your own good."

"Are you doing it for me? You betrayed Lu Yuan for my own good?" Peng Jiahe laughed back angrily. She really couldn't understand Cai Mingjun's 2B logic.

"Didn't Lei Dong not let your mother associate with you? Jiang Haokun said that as long as I tell the truth, he will help Lei Dong and make your mother recognize you as a daughter."

After hearing this, Peng Jiahe was stunned for a moment, his eyes flickered with a struggle, but he quickly realized that he slapped Cai Mingjun's head with two slaps again.

"Do I need you to help me? If you do this, how will Lu Yuan find a job in the future? Which restaurant will want him?"

Cai Mingjun said: "But if I don't say it, Jiang Haokun will also say it. How can he deny it in the face of so many people and online media cameras? Anyway, it's all about exposure. Using this to exchange for Lei Dong's concession, I think I You did the right thing."

This sounded reasonable, but there was one thing he didn't mention, that is, Jiang Haokun threatened him that if he didn't do so, he would tell Peng Jiahe that he was an undercover agent.

"You know what a fart." Peng Jiahe slapped him again: "Jiang Haokun promised not to make a fuss about Lu Yuan's lack of taste, and he is using you as a weapon."

"But you also saw the situation just now. He even told about the chef's imprisonment. How could he keep his promise?"


Peng Jiahe was speechless, and felt that what Cai Mingjun said was quite reasonable. Now that his face was torn like this, there was really no need for Jiang Haokun to make promises to Lu Yuan.

Seeing that she stopped beating him, Cai Mingjun quickly broke free and ran downstairs.

"Cai Mingjun, stop and don't run."


Peng Jiahe blocked Cai Mingjun, and Xu Li waited until Lin Yue.

"Where's my mother?"

"Say I'm not feeling well, let's go first."

Lin Yue said, "It's not that she's not feeling well, it's that Jiang Lai has lost all her face."

Outsiders don't know about Xu Lan's plan to divorce Jiang Zhihua. Now that the young lady of the Jiang Group is licking a cook with a criminal record like that, it's strange that Xu Lan can hang on to the familiar faces at the scene.

Xu Li said: "It's not you, this is more than a family scandal. You are afraid that the whole world will not know what Jiang Lai has done."

Lin Yue said, "Didn't I tell you? Mom is planning to divorce Jiang Zhihua."

"No, it's so serious?"

She knew that Xu Lan was very angry about Jiang Lai sending Jiang Haokun to the detention center, but Gan Jing once told her that Jiang Lai also spent a week in prison because of smashing Jiang Haokun's house, and the two were basically evened out. She thought the relationship would ease Some, I didn't expect... This ending is really fair.

The daughter who is the father, and the son who is the mother, the family just broke up.

"I can't figure it out, you can tell Jiang Lai about Chen Fang's drug use, why did you choose such an extreme approach?"

Lin Yue said: "You have also seen what happened just now. I liked a scumbag before, and now I fell in love with a little bastard. No one can control her, and no one will listen to her. She is 30 years old, looking for life and death all day long. Torturing relatives and friends, if you don’t give her a heavy blow and let her know the cruelty of society, otherwise you will never get rid of the willful and reckless problems for the rest of your life. And there are some things that have already happened and can never go back to the past.”


Xu Li was deeply touched by this, just like the last time Gan Jing asked her if she could forget her ex-husband, even if she couldn't forget, if that man came back to her, there would be no possibility of the two of them getting back together.

"Since mom has decided to divorce Jiang Zhihua, today's matter... can be regarded as a warm-up."

"What's the meaning?"

"Vaccinate the people in the group, because Jiang Haokun will go back in the near future."

Xu Li was stunned for a while before realizing it. It turned out that he didn't just want to vent his anger by making a big mess, but also had long-term considerations.

"Won't this...will affect the Jiang Group's stock price?"

"If my judgment is correct, the Hang Seng Index is about to plummet, and what I want is for the stock price of the Jiang Group to plummet." Lin Yue smiled at her: "I'm in a good mood today. I invite you to dinner. I will cook myself."

Xu Li was confused by him again, until he got into the cab, honked the horn twice to wake her up, said "Okay", opened the co-pilot's door and sat in.


That evening.

Lin Yue came to the villa in the MH district, parked the car and pushed open the door. The newly hired nanny greeted him with a smile and helped him with the shoes.

"Where's my mother?"

The nanny pointed upstairs: "It's on the second floor."

Lin Yue nodded slightly, and went straight to the sun room on the second floor.

Xu Lan was sitting on a rattan chair with a shawl over her head, watching the sunset.

"Why are you calling me back in such a hurry?"

Xu Lan pointed to a few pieces of paper on the tea table next to her.

Lin Yue picked it up and looked at it before his eyes, and found that it was a divorce agreement drafted by a lawyer.

"Come home with me tomorrow."

go home? What are you going to do at home?

Obviously, she was going to have a showdown with Jiang Zhihua. Lin Yue knew very well how she got here this afternoon. What happened in the cooking challenge made her unable to wait for a moment. She just wanted to have a fight with Jiang Zhihua, Jiang Lai and his daughter Clear boundaries.

Lin Yue thought for a while, put the divorce agreement back on the tea table, walked behind her, pressed her shoulder and squeezed it, facing the sky: "Wait for another two days."

Xu Lan tilted her head, stared at his profile and asked, "Why?"

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