Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1965 Sending You to the Palace for the Second Time (Two in One)

"Why am I ashamed to come to you? Are you justified in beating someone?"

Lei Dong pointed to Lu Yuan and said, "Comrade policeman, that's him. He beat me with a stick a few days ago."

The policeman in front who looked like he hadn't shaved for several days walked up to Lu Yuan: "Did you go to Henan Middle Road in early October and beat him on the head with a wooden stick?"

Lu Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and his heart was broken.

Jiang Haokun told Peng Jiahe that Liu Jing hadn’t moved out before entering the police station. The little sister got angry with him for this, and even went to a nightclub to drink, and almost picked up the corpse of a gangster. Gan Jing told him that he needed to be careful After taking medicine, he went to Lei Dong and wanted Liu Jing to accept Peng Jiahe. He didn't know that this guy's mouth was too stinky, and he refused to live or die. After so long, he almost forgot about it. Lei Dong came to dig up the old score again and brought the police.

"I... I... have nothing to do."

Of course this cannot be admitted.

"Come with us to the police station." The mustache policeman said, "Leidong provided the live video, and I will explain it in detail after you have watched it."

"Live video?" Lu Yuan neither understood nor convinced: "Then why didn't he call the police then?"

"The legal illiteracy is really scary." Lin Yue said, "Don't you know that the prosecution period for security incidents is half a year?"

Lu Yuan had already been turned away by the policeman's shoulders. He stopped when he heard his words, looked at Lei Dong, and then at Lin Yue: "I see, Jiang Haokun, it's you! It's you playing tricks behind your back again. .”

"That's right, it's me." Lin Yue didn't deny it: "Didn't I just say that? In order to celebrate my upcoming engagement with Gan Jing, I want to send you to the bureau."

Jiang Haokun told Peng Jiahe that Liu Jing hadn’t moved on the day he beat someone-he came to the door to argue that he had a conflict with Lei Dong-he hit Lei Dong-Lei Dong got the video and couldn’t bear it-he went to the hardware factory to threaten Liao-the other party recorded the alarm-Jiang Lai To save him, he went to Jiang Zhiqing-Jiang Zhihua was forced to retire from the board of directors-Jiang Haokun and Gan Jing announced their upcoming engagement-Lei Dong brought the police over...

Think again why Jiang Haokun, who has always been rational, beat Jiang Lai? The answer is to stay in the detention center, but what are the consequences of staying in the detention center? It was Xu Lan who felt sorry for her son and forced Jiang Lai to withdraw the case, but Jiang Lai refused to listen, Jiang Zhihua refused to do so, and the old lady angrily filed for divorce. In this way, Jiang Haokun got a king who could kill Jiang Zhihua.

Two-wire operation.

Very perfect two-wire operation.

Lu Yuan's head was about to explode.

" Haokun, I'm going to kill you!"

"What are you doing!" Seeing that he couldn't control his emotions, the policeman with a mustache showed his face to his companion. The two of them twisted his arm and said goodbye, and then pressed their shoulders: "Be honest!"

Lu Yuan's head was down, his face was flushed, and he was panting heavily.

"Jiang Haokun, you wait, you wait for me... If I don't kill you, I won't be called Lu Yuan."

Lin Yue said: "Comrade policeman, you all heard that he is threatening me, and I want to sue him."

The faces of the two policemen were a bit dark. Although they didn't know the details of the grievances between the two sides, but judging from the state of their eyes, they should have been bullied miserably. Just to make things worse, this person is too bad.

"Jiang Haokun!" Gan Jing burst into tears, the script was not written like this, things shouldn't be like this, the two of them had a phone call last night, and they clearly said that they would not be angry, would not cause trouble, would not fight, and would solve the problem peacefully. Woolen cloth? It's not peaceful at all.

"Comrade policeman, take it easy, don't hurt him." Jiang Lai anxiously grabbed the arm of the mustache policeman.

"Let go, if you mess around, believe it or not, I will sue you for obstructing official duties."


Jiang Lai was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, not knowing what to do, he looked up and saw Lei Dong, and grabbed his sleeve.

"Don't tell him, just tell me, I'll give you as much money as you want."


"There is a Ford Mustang in front, how can it sell for more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan, how about I give it to you?"

The female customers onlookers shook their heads, with a feeling of resentment. Lu Yuan didn't take her seriously from the beginning to the end, and put all his energy on Gan Jing, but she insisted on him, without him. It's like a fish out of water, which is really annoying.

Seeing the police escorting Lu Yuan out, Gan Jing also became anxious.

"Hao Kun, just for my sake, let him do it right away?"

"Let him go? When will I come down from upstairs and be stabbed to death by him?" Lin Yue said coldly, "Based on your current attitude towards him, the engagement is cancelled."

He just left, walking away under the astonished eyes of everyone...including the two policemen.

For such a big event as an engagement, you can cancel it if you say it is cancelled?

So what is this fiancée named Gan Jing to him?

This is too childish.

"Gan Jing, did you see that he doesn't take you seriously at all, Jiang Haokun is a scum, a shameless bastard." Lu Yuan shouted loudly as he walked.

"Be honest, don't force me to handcuff you." The policeman with a mustache pushed him.

Jiang Lai continued to beg Lei Dong to give Lu Yuan a chance, but after seeing Jiang Haokun's tricks, he dared not agree, so he passed the two policemen and walked outside without saying a word.

"Hao Kun, Hao Kun, wait for me."

Gan Jing hesitated for a while, knowing that the current Jiang Haokun was no longer the Jiang Haokun of the past, since he said so, he would definitely not accommodate her.


The police car started, honked its horn twice and left. Jiang Lai quickly got into the car and chased after him.

The waiter in the cafe was telling the cashier what happened above, and the others were speechless.

Gan Jing licks Jiang Haokun, Lu Yuan licks Gan Jing, Jiang Lai licks Lu Yuan, the relationship between these four people is really like eating snakes.

Several people looked at Xu Li who was sitting silently on the sofa, not knowing what mood she was in and what relationship she had with Jiang Haokun.

"Waiter, Checkout."

Gan Jing ignored the gazes of the onlookers, picked up his handbag, and left his seat with mixed feelings.


The coffee shop is not far from the rehabilitation hospital, only three to five minutes away, but she was stunned to walk out of such a short distance with the momentum of the Long March.

Although she didn't want to admit it, when Jiang Haokun angrily told Gan Jing that the engagement was cancelled, she was in a happy mood, as cheerful as seeing the sun behind the clouds.

She knew it was wrong, since she decided to fulfill her best friend, she shouldn't feel lucky, but reason is one thing, emotion is another.

From the sorrow of knowing that the two were going to get engaged, to the joy at the end, and the melancholy now, as a psychiatrist, she knew that she fell in love with that person. Very clever man.

"Doctor Xu, come back to work overtime so late?"

As soon as she entered the building, a man in a trench coat greeted her with a smile.

"Ah, yes."

Xu Li was stunned for a moment before she realized: "You left so late?"

"Accidentally fell asleep in the office."

"Oh, then drive safely."


The man left with a gust of wind, and Xu Li continued to walk forward absent-mindedly. Feeling that she was in front of the office, she took out the key and inserted it into the lock, and turned it half a turn to push the door open.

She entered the room with her front foot, and before she had time to take off her coat, she heard footsteps behind her, and a person followed her into the room.


She was startled, and was about to yell loudly, when the small lamps in the four corners of the ceiling were lit, and a faint brilliance fell, and when she saw the face of the person coming, she swallowed back the "help" that rushed into her throat.

"Why are you here? Where's Gan Jing?"

Lin Yue was not in a hurry to answer her question, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, walked to the back of the desk with ease, pushed open the window, lit a cigarette for himself and held it in his mouth, and then said vaguely: " have no idea."

"I don't know?" Xu Li threw her bag on the sofa and walked up to him: "Gan Jing ran to find you in a hurry..."

Lin Yue didn't let her finish her sentence: "Do I have to appear in front of her when she looks for me? Why?"

Xu Li was stopped by his question: "How can you do this? She is..."

"But what? But my fiancée?"

Just like last time, he interrupted her again.

Being interrupted twice in a row, Xu Li felt uncomfortable: "..."

"Then let me ask you, if it were you, with your boyfriend who is about to get married on the one hand and your ex-husband on the other, if there was a conflict between the two of you, who would you stand for?"

If it was her?

Xu Li thought of him as the first candidate, but she didn't say it, because if she answered truthfully, it would be tantamount to disapproving of Gan Jing's actions.

She also did not agree with Gan Jing's approach, because since Jiang Haokun and Lu Yuan had no possibility of reconciliation, as a fiancée, she should stand by her fiancé, but what did Gan Jing do? Wanting to be with Jiang Haokun, but unwilling to break up with Lu Yuan, to be honest, too greedy.

"I... I don't know..."

Lin Yue said: "Besides, I don't really want to get engaged to her."

Xu Li was stunned.

"You... what are you talking about? You are not really engaged to her?"

She thought she had heard it wrong, because it was too shocking, so it was an engagement? Can something like an engagement be used as a joke?

Lin Yue took a puff of cigarette, frowned and said, "You heard me right."

The light shone on the crimson floor, the breeze flipped the book mischievously, and the shreds of tobacco fluttering left and right looked like a graceful beauty on the stage. He was leaning against the window, and the tip of his hair glowed with brilliance, which was a gift from the bright moon.

Xu Li took a long time to digest before suppressing the rushing emotions in her heart.

"Could it just want to embarrass Lu Yuan? This...isn't necessary?"

This is the only reason she can think of, a fool can also see how much he doesn't want to see Lu Yuan, but it's not the kind of hatred that kills people, wishing to sleep on their skin and thirst for blood, but a kind of cat playing with a mouse , To tease that person in the palm of your hand.

Lin Yue glanced at the crescent moon with the window lattice like a knife: "This is one of the reasons."

"Are you doing this to Gan Jing? I can see that she is serious, she really wants to marry you, but you..."

Xu Li was a little excited, but also a little angry. She clasped her hands on the edge of the desk and looked at him without blinking. The meaning of questioning was stronger than the smell of cigarettes.

Yes, she likes Jiang Haokun, knowing the news of their engagement is hard to bear, but she is Gan Jing's best friend after all, since she decides to quit, she has to correct her attitude, be happy for her sister, and bless her, now Jiang Haokun told her to do so The purpose is to disgust Lu Yuan, of course she cannot accept his meanness.

Lin Yue said: "Do you think Gan Jing asked you to persuade Lu Yuan to let go because you are a psychiatrist and want professional help? No, her real purpose is to declare sovereignty in front of you and Lu Yuan, to kill two birds with one stone." effect, do you think that someone like me will let her succeed?"

Xu Li is not a fool, she is just pretending to be stupid, she does not want to admit that Gan Jing is plotting against her, because once she faces up to this darkness, she will destroy the relationship with her girlfriends that has just been repaired because she chose to quit, and now Jiang Haokun puts it away When she was exposed to the sun, could she still pretend she didn't see anything?

Lin Yue said: "Xu Li, if you were me, would you rather marry a girl who is simple, straightforward, brave, and has a bottom line, or a girl who succumbs to reality and is selfish and unclear? "

"..." She was silent for a long time, and said in a voice lacking confidence: "Then you shouldn't..."

Lin Yue didn't let her finish her sentence again: "The reason why I chose to cooperate with her is a more critical reason than teasing Lu Yuan."

Xu Li raised her head: "What's the reason?"

He took a deep breath of the cigarette and pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray on the window sill. The wind lifted his sleeves and sent a refreshing fragrance.

It wasn't the smell of the flower arrangements on the coffee table, nor the scent of the bookmarks. This kind of fragrance came from his body. This was a small discovery when he was hypnotized before, and it was also one of the reasons why she wanted to be in the same room with him.

"I want to test your reaction with this news."

"Testing... my reaction?"

Xu Li lowered her head, and her voice changed a little.

Only she knew how much her heart beat faster after hearing this sentence.

Lin Yue asked back: "Why are you avoiding me? You won't answer your phone calls, you won't reply to your WeChat messages, and the studio door has been closed for several days."


"Answer my question directly."


She was flustered, her face was red, she didn't know how to tell him, and it was hard to imagine that as a psychiatrist, as a divorced woman, she would be at a loss in front of a man, as if she had returned to the world. The days when I wrote a love letter to the boy I liked more than ten years ago and waited for a response.

"I... my conditions... are not worthy of you, and I don't want Gan Jing..."

"Head up."

This was the fourth time Lin Yue interrupted her.


"I told you to look up and look at me."

Xu Li raised her head with a trace of anxiety.

At this moment, he suddenly leaned forward and took her lips directly.


Xu Li's body tensed all of a sudden, and she lifted her hands up, as if she wanted to push him, and said "No."

Lin Yue grabbed her wrist.

"It turns out that psychiatrists also feel inferior?"

Xu Li couldn't break free, so she could only step back, saying "Don't do this."

Lin Yue was unmoved, she took a step back, he took a step forward, the two knocked down the pen container on the desk, knocked off the books in the corner, and finally, Xu Li was forced to the sofa.

"You...I...I called someone."

"Call it."



Five minutes later, Xu Li stopped struggling.

First of all, she really likes him, especially when she decided to give him to Gan Jing, she was sad and lost for a long time alone, and today she heard the news that the two are about to get engaged, and her whole heart fell into a valley. After that, Jiang Haokun Angrily mentioning the breakup, her mood became very complicated, and then she heard that the reason why he cooperated with Gan Jing was to observe her reaction. This roller coaster feeling made her sweet and at a loss.

Secondly, today's Jiang Haokun is extremely strong, she can't push him away even if she wants to, but if she wants to call someone, it's more like a coquettish who wants to refuse and welcome. Well, since you are powerless to resist, then...

In the end, she had been separated from her ex-husband for a while, and it would be a lie to say that she didn't want a man.

So, she compromised.

As for how to face Gan Jing and what to do next.

Let's talk about it later!


In the coffee shop this evening, Jiang Lai thought he was digging holes for Jiang Zhihua step by step since he went to Hunan Road to beat people. As for Lu Yuan, he thought he was using Lei Dong and Liao Chang by telling Peng Jiahe that Liu Jing hadn't moved. Long to deal with himself and Peng Jiahe, this is a very vicious two-line operation.

In fact, this is not a two-line operation, but a three-line operation.

The other line is here with Xu Li.

To capture her heart, just two hours of hypnosis every day is enough, and the further operation is to let her have a sense of participation in his life. After beating someone and being arrested by the police, didn't it just give her the opportunity to go to Xu Lan to gain a sense of presence and face the crisis together? So as to pave the way for inviting her to dinner and watching the culinary challenge. Later, she was forced into the palace by Gan Jing and chose to give up. Why didn't he come to her directly?

Milk is undrinkable after a long time, but like brewing white wine, it will be more fragrant after precipitation.

As for Gan Jing's killing two birds with one stone, he had to say thank you, without Gan Jing, how could he provide Xu Li with more emotional value, and eventually dominate everything.



Xu Li straightened her hair between the temples, with a drunken blush on her face, and said in a somewhat lazy voice, "This time you got your wish?"


With a cigarette in his mouth, Lin Yue turned on the lighter and lit it.

While blowing out a breath of foul air, his fingers scraped across her face.


Xu Li sighed: "I really don't know how to face Gan Jing."

She thought about not saying anything, but if she didn't say it, would Jiang Haokun not say it? If he didn't say anything, what would happen to the relationship between the three of them? She didn't want to be caught between them and be a mistress.

"You said... how could you... be so arrogant to me?"

Lin Yue said, "If I don't do this, will you have the courage and confidence to fight against Gan Jing?"

She turned her head and fixedly looked at the man's face behind her.

The shreds of tobacco floated into the air little by little, blurring his eyes.

She didn't say anything, but lowered her head again, thinking about herself and Gan Jing, and she thought a lot in a flash, but the emotional matter, how should I put it, was really chaotic.

Lin Yue got up from the sofa, walked behind the desk, closed the window, and snuffed out the cigarette butts in the ashtray.

When he turned around, he found that Xu Li was half wearing a cardigan, looking at him with her chin resting on her cheek.

Lin Yue smiled and walked towards her quickly.

"What... are you going to do?"

"What did you say I was going to do?"


noon the next day.

Xu Li's studio.

boom boom boom~

There was a knock on the door outside.

She called out "Come in", and Gan Jing walked in with his bag in hand. From the looks of his face, he probably didn't sleep well last night, and the dark circles under his eyes couldn't be covered by powder.

"Hey, you look good, look at this little face, it's so tender that you can pinch water."

Gan Jing put the bag on the desk and sat down on the chair next to him: "Come on, what's the use of calling me to your studio in such a hurry?"

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