Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1976 End of Volume - Others (2 in 1)

Lin Yue grabbed her hand and slowly exerted force.

Peng Jiahe's expression began to twist, and he let go of his fingers holding onto the suit little by little.

"To accuse me of committing a crime, first of all you have to produce evidence. If there is no evidence, then I will sue you for defamation."

Lin Yue flicked her hand, Peng Jiahe staggered, almost fell to the ground, stabilized his figure and kept kneading his wrist, his pain turned into a bitter face.

"Take a step back, assuming I did it, shouldn't I do it? Lu Yuan turned Jiang Lai into a vegetable, and he hasn't woken up yet. He patted his ass and ran away, leaving my mother to take care of Jiang Lai." , I have lost weight visibly in the past few days. As a rich second generation with family assets of tens of billions, do I have to swallow my anger like ordinary people? Why do I earn so much money? Isn’t it just to live a little more comfortably, less Are you being cowardly? Peng Jiahe, do you think everyone is going to be like you, who killed his own father and still recognizes a thief as his father?"

"Excuses are all excuses. You and Jiang Lai have long since severed your brother-sister relationship. You are both enemies and enemies."

"Fighting in a family is an internal conflict. Now that outsiders come to the door, it must be unanimous."

Peng Jiahe didn't believe what he said at all, even if it was very logical, he could understand his feelings by comparing his heart with his heart.

"Jiang Haokun, you are vicious!"

"Am I vicious? Isn't the idea of ​​pampering my sister and inheriting Jiang's property vicious? At the party I held, I didn't understand the situation and prevented me from proposing to Gan Jing, and even sprinkled pepper to make me suffer from asthma. Isn't it vicious? Is it because I can't be forgiving and forgiving is vicious? Is it narrow-minded? Is there no compassion? Everything has a cause and an effect. It is the so-called cycle of heaven and retribution. Everything today is all he asked for."

Lin Yue sneered and said, "Since you care about him so much, you have a better attitude than your own father. It just so happens that you will pay for his medical expenses in the future. Originally, because he was against me, his personality became more and more surly and extreme. Knowing that Jiang Lai and I are at odds, but still wanting to use her to take revenge on me with the mentality of fighting against each other, this kind of thing can be done, what do you think if he stays in the hospital bed for a year or so? What will become of it?"

Lu Yuan has abandoned himself for so long, and the medical insurance has been stopped long ago. If the nature of the incident is really buying murder, the perpetrator must be a poor man who cannot afford the money. It is impossible to expect the federal government to fully pay the medical expenses. The insurance money Peng Hai left for her was used to pay Lu Yuan's medical expenses, which would drag her to death soon, and take care of a paralyzed patient...

The old lady can eat and walk, and she cooks for her every day. She thinks it is troublesome for the old lady to forget things. If Lu Yuan, who has no mobility...

She was silent.

She was at a loss.

She was in a dilemma.

Lin Yue continued: "I will take you to go through the inheritance procedures now. The doctor is worried that no one will help to pay the debt. You came at the right time."

Peng Jiahe stood there motionless.

"Let's go, why don't you go?" Lin Yue said, "What did you say when you came here? Is it amazing to be rich? If you don't like rich people, then you spend all your money on Lu Yuan and continue to be poor. Raise him as your own father without complaint or regret, and be a good daughter with love and righteousness."


"Do you not want to?" Lin Yue said, "I want to meet a client here, and I will return to China tomorrow afternoon. It's up to you whether you want to leave or not."

After saying this, he walked towards the elevator.

"Jiang Haokun, why are you doing this to me?"

She also saw that Jiang Haokun deliberately brought her to see Lu Yuan, and then asked multiple choice questions.

When she was in the Sixth Hospital, in order to avoid responsibility and reality, Lu Yuan did not discuss with her and returned to the United States alone. Now she has encountered the same problem. Should she stay in the United States to take care of Lu Yuan, a troublemaker, or run away cruelly and follow her? He returns home.

"It's very simple. First, Lu Yuan and I are enemies, and what I want to see the most is that he is not doing well. Second, because you owe discipline, and I never do psychological counseling like Xu Li, I hate it. One thing she is good at is ending fairy tales with reality and letting a willful and savage girl like you recognize yourself. But..."

He paused when he said this: "For someone's sake, don't say that I didn't give you a way out. If you choose to return to China and work under Feng Yufang as a waiter for a full year, his position as the manager of the western restaurant is yours." gone."




The footsteps got farther and farther away, and his figure disappeared into the dark corridor.

Peng Jiahe looked at the door of the ward, then at the bright window at the other end of the corridor, and stood like a wooden man for a long time.


The next afternoon, she got on the plane back to China, because what Jiang Haokun said was right, the reality is that she didn’t finish high school and she stayed in the United States and could only work as a supermarket cashier or waiter in a restaurant, the most basic job, without a career path. The little money she earns is only enough to eat and sleep, and Lu Yuan, a paralyzed patient, not only needs money to maintain, but also takes up a lot of her time. An 18-year-old girl, wasting her youth on him?

There is no filial son in front of the long sick bed, let alone her?

What if you go back to your country? She doesn't need to worry about things here, the federal government can't just watch him die, the farther away from Lu Yuan, the less guilt she will feel, and the income of the manager of the Gray Whale restaurant is very considerable, plus her father left her insurance money, she can live the life she likes in the future.

Most importantly, she comforted herself that she had every reason to do this, because Lu Yuan could do this to Jiang Lai who committed suicide by jumping off a building for him, why couldn't she do this to Lu Yuan who owed Peng Hai a lot? What's more, he left her and went back to the United States first, so it can't be called retribution for falling into such a situation. To a certain extent, it is self-inflicted.

Some time later, in the orthopedic ward of the UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center.

Lu Yuan has been struggling with the ceiling for more than a month.

He thought that Peng Jiahe would stay and visit him from time to time.


She came only once that day and never came again.

Although I don't know what Jiang Haokun said to her, the result is obvious --- Peng Jiahe imitated his attitude towards Jiang Lai and did the same thing.

Thinking about it carefully, his situation is not much different from that of Jiang Lai.

The bastard Jiang Haokun is treating him in his own way again.



"I'm going to kill you, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go."




He called that every day, but what's the use, the nurse ignored him at all, he couldn't die, he couldn't live happily, he might as well be unconscious like Jiang Lai, at least he didn't have to suffer like this.

It would be great if...he was the one who died in the crash.

da da da ~

The sudden knock on the door brought him back to his thoughts, Lu Yuan opened his eyes and looked across, there was a woman standing at the door.

Not Peng Jiahe.

It's Gan Jing!

"You...why are you here?" He thought he had misread it, and blinked hard, only to find out that it was not.

"Jiahe told me about you after returning home." She walked up to Lu Yuan and sat down, looking at him with a sad face: "Why did this happen?"

"Jiang Haokun's bastard did it."

"Do you have proof?"

"Who else but him? I never thought that he could do such a thing."


Gan Jing sighed heavily, thinking that if you don't love Jiang Lai, can you use her to take revenge on Jiang Haokun? Even the idea of ​​tying Xu Lan to his paralyzed daughter and grieving all day to get revenge on Jiang Haokun is also despicable, who is better than the other?

She didn't know why things turned out like this. In short, the two of them took revenge, and everything couldn't go back to the way it was before.

"Lu Yuan, we...why did we become like this?"

"Why did it become like this? Gan Jing, do you recognize Jiang Haokun's true face now? He is using you to take revenge on me, and the person he really likes is Xu Li."

"..." Gan Jing didn't speak, and lowered his head sadly.

Lu Yuan is in a better mood, because her performance proves that she has realized Jiang Haokun's evil, even though it is already too late.

"Come home with me."

"What did you say?"

"I said..." Gan Jing raised his head and looked directly into his eyes: "Come back to China with me."

"..." Lu Yuan didn't speak.

"You have no relatives or friends here, I will worry about you."

"..." Lu Yuan still didn't speak, because he was very entangled, just like the 2008 financial crisis, he went bankrupt because of his extravagance, in order not to implicate Gan Jing, he would rather smuggle passports to make money, and even if he was caught, he would go to jail. He refuses to sell the house, now he is paralyzed, if he promises Gan Jing to go back to China with her, won't that be her burden?

So far, as long as Gan Jing doesn't marry Jiang Haokun, he will be satisfied.

Although Gan Jing has disappointed and angered him, it is no longer important to a paralyzed patient. She flew to the other side of the ocean to see him as soon as she knew his situation. What could be more touching than this kind of behavior ?

"In the past, you went to jail quietly and didn't ask me if I would sell the house to make up the shortfall. Now that you are like this, you still want to be brave?" Gan Jing grabbed his hand and said, "Come back to China with me." Well, at least there are me, Jiahe, and our classmates, it's better than you here alone."

"..." Lu Yuan pursed his lips, as if he wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say.

"Lu Yuan, can you stop being so stubborn?" She was a little angry, with a blaming light in her eyes.

"Okay, I'll go home with you."

He finally compromised, because of Gan Jing, and because he was about to be driven crazy by the environment here, when he used to give up on himself, he used to drink tons of wine, and when he was drunk, he didn't know anything, but now he is dead, he can't die, Life, life is not happy, when I wake up, I count the stains on the ceiling and endure the white eyes and abuse of the Mexican nurse, because she knows that he has neither friends nor relatives here, and there is no consequence for how to play with his body. This inhuman life was driving him crazy.

Back in China, Gan Jing is by his side, which is much better than here.

"Okay, I'll go to the doctor to complete the discharge procedures." Gan Jing was very happy, stood up with a smile, opened the door and went out.

Lu Yuan is also very happy, because he is about to leave this ghost place.

Going back to China, no matter what, is better than dying alone in a foreign land.


Half a month later.

The two returned to Shanghai from the United States.

When the commercial vehicle was parked in the hospital parking lot, the driver helped to move the person from the compartment to the stretcher.

Lu Yuan looked at the opposite sign with a puzzled expression: "Why did you come to the hospital?"

Gan Jing explained: "I contacted a doctor for you, let's do a few tests first, and wait until the personal file is established, so that the doctor can understand your situation, find the appropriate physical therapy, and let you get better as soon as possible."

"Get better?" Lu Yuan was deeply skeptical about this, and he didn't think he could get better now.

"What if a miracle happens?" Gan Jing said, "You have to have confidence in yourself."

"..." What else could Lu Yuan say? She can only keep her mouth shut and let her plan her future life.

Then it took almost half a day, from blood routine to electrocardiogram, to liver and kidney function, CT... almost all the tests that could be done were done, and it was not until evening that he was pushed into the orthopedic ward by two nurses.

Similar to the previous ones in the United States, the two-person wards are quite good given the shortage of domestic medical resources.

The curtain used to isolate the beds was raised, and the opposite hospital bed was empty, and one could see the scenery outside the window at a glance. There were two pots of aloe vera on the window sill, and the rich green added a lot of bright colors to the cold environment.

"You're tired from tossing around all afternoon. I'll go and buy you something to eat." Gan Jing comforted him, then pushed open the door of the ward and walked out with the handbag.

Lu Yuan was indeed a little tired, not physically, but mainly because he was a little tired after being played around by doctors and nurses all afternoon.

After Gan Jing left, he closed his eyes and prepared to rest for a while to refresh himself.

Although he was paralyzed, those thoughts of love and love could not be realized. After more than two months of precipitation, he also resigned to his fate, but it is also a very happy thing to see Gan Jing every day and let her feed him with water and food. .

boom boom boom~

About three minutes later, there was a knock on the door outside.

He thought it was Gan Jing who came back, but turned around to see that it was not, the person who opened the door and walked in was Peng Jiahe.

"How did you come?"

"You speak much more smoothly than before." Peng Jiahe went to the bed and sat down.

Lu Yuan said, "When you were in America, why did you leave without saying goodbye?"

"Because, because..." She hesitated for a while, "Because I'm going back to work."

"You work? Where do you work?"

"Grey Whale Restaurant."

"Grey Whale Restaurant? Isn't the surname Feng in charge of the Gray Whale Restaurant?"

"Yes, he is in charge, but don't worry, he dare not do anything to me."

Lu Yuan frowned upon hearing this: "Did Jiang Haokun force you?"

"No, how is it possible?" Peng Jiahe's eyes moved sideways, which made her answer unconvincing.

"By the way, where's Aunt Gan Jing?"

"She went to the restaurant for dinner."

"Oh, I haven't eaten yet." Peng Jiahe pretended to touch his stomach, and pointed out with his fingers: "I'll go find her and come back later."

After speaking, quickly pack up and leave.

Lu Yuan looked at her with puzzlement, wondering what was wrong with her and why she acted like she had done something wrong.

The answer will be revealed soon.

Peng Jiahe left, and then someone opened the door and walked in.

When Lu Yuan saw the enemy's face, his expression changed: "Why are you?"

"I'll come and see you, old classmate."

These words are quite a bit of yin and yang, which makes people uncomfortable.

"Get out, get out of here right away, or I'll call a nurse."

Lin Yue didn't move, just smiled and waved outside.

Two men in suits walked in pushing a hospital bed with hanging bottles, and removed the empty bed from another bed.

Looking at the unconscious woman on the bed, Lu Yuan couldn't speak for a while.

That's right, it was Jiang Lai, Jiang Haokun actually pushed Jiang Lai to his ward.

"Jiang Haokun, what are you doing?"

"What am I going to do? What do you think I'm going to do?" Lin Yue nodded to the two men, they turned and left, closing the door behind them.

"Lu Yuan, don't you want to marry my sister and spend money from Jiang's family? Now you have your wish. How can you say that sad and poignant sentence? You can't share the same quilt in life, but you have to share the same hole in death. Jiang Lai has become a vegetable, and now you Paralyzed in bed, this is considered a match, and the hardware matches."

He patted Lu Yuan's hands that could not move, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your food and clothing expenses, medical expenses and the money for hiring a nurse will all be borne by the Jiang family. Old classmate, see how kind I am to your brother-in-law. Then your wish will come true, won't it?"

Jiang Haokun was smiling, a very warm smile, but in Lu Yuan's eyes, it seemed like he was facing the devil.

By now he had figured everything out.

To marry her younger sister Jiang Lai, with a lot of money from Huajiang's family?

Jiang Haokun is helping him, but this kind of help is based on the fact that he is disabled and paralyzed, so that he can't go anywhere, and can only lie on the bed with Jiang Lai as a husband and wife in the ward, and then take out Jiang Zhihua's inheritance Bear the living expenses of the "husband and wife".

When Jiang Lai was not dead, Jiang Haokun wrote such a script for him. If Jiang Lai died, maybe this guy would kill him, hold a ghost marriage for the two of them, and bury them in a sky-high cemetery , can be regarded as the fulfillment of his wish.

It's so vicious!

"Jiang Haokun, I'm XXX!" He was swearing again, because he couldn't move his hands or kick his feet, so he couldn't hit someone. Apart from this, he couldn't find a channel to vent his anger.

"Nurse, nurse, nurse..."

Seeing that the swear words had no effect, Lu Yuan shouted for the nurse again.

It never occurred to him that he had just left the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den. He was lonely in the United States, but he was no longer lonely when he returned to China. Instead, he was angry.

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