Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1983 Concubine can't do it

With a silly boyish cut, a pair of glasses on the bridge of the nose, and matching that anxious face, yes, my deskmate turned out to be the supporting actor Song Jie who ran a marathon with Tu Jun and others in the TV series.

The most eye-catching label of this person is that he is a repeater, and he is not an ordinary repeater. He is a repeater who has repeated three years in Jiefangbei Middle School in one breath. He took the college entrance examination for the fourth time.

Song Jie didn't speak, just winked at him, looking quite funny.

"Lin Yue!"

A questioning voice sounded from the front.

He turned his head and found that the Chinese teacher was glaring at him: "If you don't study, don't disturb the other students. If you are so surprised, let me stand in the corridor as punishment."

What age is it and still punished to stand?

After complaining, he realized that in 2004, the teachers of this era were still a bit majestic.

Turning his head and seeing the classmates in front of him looking back at him, he realized that the voice was a little louder just now, which alarmed the people nearby. No wonder Song Jie winked at him.


He answered very simply, without taking the book, he got up and walked out through the back door.

The students were dumbfounded.

The teacher was also dumbfounded. She just wanted to scare him, tell him to be more honest, sleep when he sleeps, and don't disturb the morning reading of the students. Who knows that he is quite stubborn, so he will leave as soon as he says it.

"Teacher Wang, I... go and call him back."

Song Jie was quite kind, pointing outside, slightly raised his buttocks.

Teacher Wang glared: "He was so lazy on the first day of school, let him stand outside to wake up his mind."

Song Jie sat back resentfully, not daring to say anything more.

Teacher Wang is the head teacher of the second class of the third grade, not an ordinary teacher. Even if everyone is very upset that she takes up the morning reading time and forces everyone to recite Liu Yong's "Yu Linling" just after school starts, she is limited to being angry and refusing to speak out.

Lin Yue could hear the movement behind him, and felt that this Song Jie was quite enthusiastic. Compared with other people in the class, he did look a bit like an adult.

In fact, he deliberately made use of the problem to make a stand.

It is said that Song Jie has repeated his studies for three years. As for him, if counting the third year of high school he has studied in the real world, this is also the fourth time he has been in his third year of high school. In a sense, the two of them are really destined.

The difference is that, according to the plot in the TV series, Song Jie will only be able to enter the undergraduate course next year. He is different. Basically, he is selected by universities all over the world.

Let's take a look at the task settings first.

He turned his attention to the system space, and pulled down the menu to the task list.

Main task: I have a young heart.

Side quest: Be a good squad leader.

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Task time frame: 2004-2005

The requirements of the main task are easy to understand, but Lin Yue is extremely upset in his heart, because this task is basically free for young people, but for him, it is more difficult than fighting against an armored brigade, because as a person in the task An old monster who has lived in the world for hundreds of years, he is used to the big bosses of capital saying that 996 is a blessing, his sons and brothers regard the top students in Qingbei as domestic slaves, and the postgraduate and doctoral students are reduced to free labor for their tutors... A person who has experienced the cruelty of reality How could it be possible for people like these young people in the classroom to have enthusiasm for ideals, hope for dreams, and full of longing for love. It is said that there is a three-year generation gap. If you do the math, there is at least a 100 generation gap between him and the group of people in the classroom.

So this task is really a bit difficult.

so what should I do now? Don't finish the main task?

He pondered for a moment, and suddenly heard a sound of chasing and fighting from the entrance of the corridor. After a few breaths, figures flashed, and three men and one woman rushed out of the stairs and ran in the direction of Class 1, Senior Three.

"Run, run, late."

"Since you're late, you're still running around, so be careful."

"That's right, why don't you run away, Brother Gou, I'm often late, and I haven't seen anyone who dares to say anything."


Ding Rongliang (nicknamed Mimi) and Luo Shenxi (nicknamed Dazui) who ran a little in front thought it made sense after hearing what the two behind them said, so they ran away with the thought of being blessed and suffering together. Hold your head high and move on.

Lin Yue looked at the four of them leaning against the half-person-high concrete guardrail.

"Look at Sazi?" Zhu Weijiao (nicknamed Dalijiao) glared at him fiercely: "Stop punishing me."

The four ran away with a gust of wind.

Lin Yue chuckled, this Dalijiao was really aggressive, I really don't know what Martin was thinking, he could actually fall in love with her. If Martin's setting is a person who is closely watched by his family, and his parents are very harsh on him, quite strict, and has cultivated an autistic, cowardly and uninitiated nerd, it is reasonable to say that he likes Dalijiao, after all, she has a heart to yearn for. And Martin is obviously a positive and optimistic boy, so how could he fall in love with her because of the way she bluffs when she fights with Tu Jun (nicknamed Old Dog)?

At this moment, he remembered what Tu Jun said when he blocked the way to extort money - I am not bad, I am naughty.

Teenage heart?

Mischievous heart?

Or... is he also naughty? Who is more naughty than the following dog boys?


He squeezed out a bitter smile, the best vaccine for the second disease is time, and he chose the most effective one.

I have a teenager at heart?

The concubine really can't do it.

"Lin Yue!"

Someone called him from behind. Looking back, it was Mr. Wang, the head teacher, who came out of the classroom.

"Are you awake? Go back to the classroom after you wake up. I will ask you in Chinese class."


It can be seen that she must be in a hurry, so she left in a hurry after leaving this sentence.

Lin Yue stretched his waist long, walked into the classroom facing the attention of the students near the back door, and sat down in his seat.

The little fat man on the front left whistled at him: "What did Mrs. Wang tell you?"

"Do shit."

Lin Yue was too lazy to talk to this impolite guy, flipped through the book, looked at the dog-scratched font and ugly graffiti on it, and thought to himself, no wonder you couldn't get into the university, and you deserved it just because of your attitude towards textbooks.

That's right, like Song Jie, he is a repeat student, otherwise the teacher wouldn't have arranged for the two of them to sit together.

"Hurry up and recite it. This teacher Wang is the most serious Chinese teacher I have ever met. I know her better than you." Song Jie, who was sitting next to him, pushed his glasses and kindly reminded him.

Lin Yue gave him a whole smile.

"That's right, you have stayed for a round, and you are back to the original point."

Song Jie went from senior one to senior three. He failed the entrance exam, and repeated two years and still failed. Today is the third year, and it happens to be the turn of the teachers in the first year of high school.

The little girl in the front row couldn't help but smile when she heard the conversation between the two.

Song Jie was a little unhappy because he thought that this was the last time he repeated the exam. If he failed the exam again next year, he would have to go to the society to work to support his family and share the pressure for his mother.

"Don't worry, you will pass the exam this time." Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder and said seriously.

He suddenly realized that from his position, Song Jie's profile looked a lot like Tan Xiaoguang.

"let's work hard together."

"Uh... good."

Lin Yue bit the bullet and replied, then stuffed the reference books on the table into the drawer, moved the table with one hand and the chair with the other, got up and went out.

Song Jie was confused by his mysterious behavior, why did he just move things after he agreed to work hard together? It wasn't until he was about to walk out of the classroom that he realized it.

"Lin Yue, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to Class 1, Grade 3."

He moved the desk and chair to class one?

Song Jie thought he heard it wrong: "You said you were going to class one?"

"That's right, go to class one." Lin Yue repeated.

The sound of reading aloud in the classroom suddenly stopped, and the whole class turned to look at him with very rich expressions.

Some were skeptical, some were surprised, some were dazed, some were holding back their laughter, and some felt that the repeater was not good at his brain, and they almost complained that he was a big fool.

Want to say why?

It is not uncommon to transfer classes or something, especially when there are only two days before the start of school. The most important thing is the class, but also the arts and sciences.

Tweaking literature and science means that everything in the second year of high school is invalid except for English, Chinese, and mathematics. How dare a repeat student who can't pass three books dare to play like this? Either he's crazy, or he doesn't want to go to college at all, and he's just here to play soy sauce in high school classes.

Lin Yue didn't explain, let alone answer everyone's questions, and left with the tables and chairs.

A few lively and active students walked to the door, peered into the corridor through the frame, and watched him walk in through the back door of Class 1, Senior Three.

"Go in... go in."

"It really went in."

"What is he doing here?"

The students in the second class stopped reading because of his operation, and soon, the classroom in the first class also became silent.

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