Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1992 Really got the first place in the class

"no yet?"

Director Pan asked again.

It was quiet down there, and Tu Jun, Ding Rongliang and the others were also not interested. After all, running a marathon required training, so it was better to stay in the classroom and sleep comfortably.

"Since the number of people is not enough, the difference can only be selected from the bottom few people."

Ding Rongliang and Tu Jun raised their heads when they heard the words, and their grades were at the bottom? Every time the grade exam, the bottom of the grades without them? So Pan Xiao almost asked them to participate in the marathon by name.

"This four-eyed boy is deliberately picking on me."

Tu Jun tore a piece of paper in half, and looked at Director Pan on the podium bitterly.

Lin Yue volunteered to participate in the marathon. Pan Xiaoming knew that the relationship between the two was not good, and he still did it like this.

Actually... not really.

From Director Pan's point of view, I really feel that Tu Jun and Ding Rongliang can get extra points in the college entrance examination based on the marathon. With their grades, they can't pass the junior college entrance examination. Maybe they can find a junior college to study with a few extra points. Whether they will get into a fight together, I believe that after what happened yesterday, Tu Jun should restrain himself a lot.

"Okay, it's decided."

Director Pan finished his communication, turned and left the classroom.


There was a lot of discussion below. Some people didn't understand what Lin Yue wanted to do. He had to get involved everywhere. When the school started, the class was transferred, and the swearing-in meeting called for wheat. The student who didn't get good grades became the class monitor. Now he still has to run a marathon. He really doesn't know How many catties do I have?

"Brother Dog, if you don't want to participate in the competition with him, you must do well in the exam this time?"

Zhu Weijiao looked at Lin Yue, then at Tu Jun, and whispered.

"Don't worry, this time I must..."

Tu Jun suddenly stretched out his right index finger: "First in the exam."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ding Rongliang was happy to slap the table on the opposite side, even a fool could see that he was mocking Lin Yue.

"Is it funny?"

Zhu Weijiao glared, the idiot who asked his parents to wash his feet at the age of eighteen shut his mouth and dared not speak.

Martin glanced at her more, and felt a little bit of novelty in his heart. Most of the girls he met in the past were quiet and quiet, and there were very few girls like Zhu Weijiao who were so carefree.

"Look at Sazi! Then look at digging out your eyes."

Zhu Weijiao curled her lips, and went back to watching her "Boys and Girls".


a week later.

Exam room 16 of the teaching building of Jiefangbei Middle School.

The test is here.

The invigilator is Wang Zhen, the head teacher of Class 2, Grade 3, and the relationship with Lin Yue, well, it's not a small holiday.

She counted the test papers and separated them, and passed them to the students in the front row, and the students in the front row passed the test papers one by one to the people behind.

Tu Jun, Ding Rongliang, and Luo Shenxi lined up. The two in front turned their heads and went to sleep after getting their names on the test paper. Meng Zhougong went, and then gave up answering the questions, and turned around with the ballpoint pen, looking at it while turning, and when his eyes swept to Lin Yue's position obliquely in front of him, his expression changed slightly.

Everyone thought that this guy would behave the same as he did in class after getting the test papers, and play chess with Duke Zhou, but he didn't, he actually took it seriously.

"Teacher, I'm done."

At this time, Martin raised his hand and wanted to hand in the paper, but Wang Zhen replied that it was less than half an hour before the start of the exam, so he asked him to wait a little longer.

Tu Jun and Ding Rongliang were woken up by him, glanced back and forth, and met Luo Shenxi.

The limp guy pointed to the seat in front of him.

Tu Jun looked up and found that Lin Yue was working hard on the question.

"He's actually working on a problem."

Ding Rongliang drew a few strokes on the test paper casually, and said with a smile: "I am also doing the questions."

Tu Jun glared at him, leaned over and whispered, "No, I have to let him get 0 points in the test."

"Why? He couldn't get the first place in the exam."

"Because I want him to be the bottom one."

The three of them spent half a day together, just like in the TV series. Tu Jun pretended to have a stomachache, and the two of them were laughing at the side. Afterwards, they took the test paper from Lin Yue's desk and ran out on the grounds that they needed toilet paper in the toilet.

According to Tu Jun's thinking, you can't call the police for such a small matter.

The police won't take care of mere exams.

In the TV series, it was Ma Tian who was robbed of the test papers. After chasing him out, he even caught a thief and gave Tu Jun a chance to show his face in front of the teachers and students in the school. He didn't move here, just sat there and looked at the teacher.

The students looked at him, he looked at Wang Zhen, the scene was very awkward.

In fact, the filming of the TV series here is totally illogical. Since it is a basic test, there must be several tests. If Tu Jun snatched Martin's test paper, does Martin have to get 0 points in the test? Doing the other few subjects casually will not reduce you to running a marathon, and the exam is only half an hour old, so what's the point of asking the teacher to apply for another one.

It can only be said that for the sake of conflict, the screenwriter forcibly rubbed the audience's IQ on the ground.

Wang Zhen didn't say anything, she didn't ask what happened, and she didn't try to find someone to make up for him.

Several students from Class 1 and Class 2 rolled their eyes, because they were very aware of the grievances between Wang Zhen and Lin Yue, and it seemed that this was a public revenge.

The students in Class 3 and Class 4 also heard some rumors more or less, and there was no lack of gloating and laughing at Lin Yue's back.

He was not annoyed, he looked at Wang Zhen for a long time, smiled slightly, and turned his head away.

Martin said very kindly: "Why don't you ask the teacher for another copy?"

Lin Yue said, "No, she won't give it if she asks for it."

"how can that be possible?"

"Why is it impossible? She is the only invigilator in the classroom. She goes to get the test papers. What if the candidates plagiarize?"

When Martin heard this, he was reasonable, but he always felt that the scene where this guy and the invigilator met eyes just now had some sparks, and the latter seemed to be aiming at it.

But soon he was relieved, because what's the difference between Lin Yue's students who lost the test papers and those who didn't lose the test papers, anyway, they were all the people who were at the bottom of the exam and missed the undergraduate course.

Wang Zhen didn't say anything, just sat there, with a serious look on her face, which made people wonder if she had reached her menstrual period... Although Lin Yue said that she had early menopause.

After waiting for another hour, the students handed in the test papers one after another.

Lin Yue also pretended to take out a piece of paper and walked over, saying "hand in the paper".

Wang Zhen looked down and was stunned.


Tu Jun, Ding Rongliang and the others were very surprised. Why didn't Lin Yue chase him out? Why did he sit there and take the exam when the test papers were gone?

But since he didn't chase them out, those few people were happy and at ease, and went crazy outside.

It wasn't until the third day after the exam that they finally knew why Lin Yue didn't chase them, because he really handed in the paper, and he handed in the paper very seriously.

bang bang~

Yang Jiao patted the podium.

"Students, the test results are out."

The students who were still doing what they liked raised their heads and looked at the class teacher seriously, because they knew that this exam was not only to test their deficiencies, but also related to the affiliation of the deputy monitor. 99% don't think he can get the first place.

Well, the one percent exception is Lin Yue himself.

"Now I announce the results."

Yang Jiao glanced around, then said softly, "The first place in our class's preliminary test this time is Ma Tian."


There was a lot of discussion below, and many people looked to the back of the classroom, but the target was not Ma Tian, ​​but Ma Tian's classmate Lin Yue.

This guy looked very complacent before the test, saying that he wanted to get the first place in the class and be the deputy monitor. What about now? Stupid?

Tu Jun and Ding Rongliang slapped the table and laughed.

"First, isn't he going to take the first place in the test? Did you hear that? The first is Martin, hahahahaha, it's so funny."

Ding Rongliang breathed a sigh of relief, his Chen finally safe.

Zhu Weijiao also looked at Lin Yue proudly.

At this moment, Yang Jiao spoke again.

"However... Lin Yue and Ma Tian got the same test scores, so they are tied for first place."

As soon as the words fell, the classroom fell silent, and everyone stared blankly at the person who was still laughing just now.

The two of them... are actually tied for first place?

Martin blinked, unable to understand the scene in front of him, because he knew better than anyone else what Lin Yue did in class, and could he get the first place by sleeping on the table every day? What international joke?

Tu Jun stood up all of a sudden, and said loudly: "Is there any mistake? I tore up his test papers, how could he be the first in the test?"

"You still have the face to say such a thing?" Yang Jiao finished speaking sullenly, picked up a test paper and said, "Come on... take a closer look, is this his test paper?"

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