Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2014 Chicken feathers fly to the sky

Very beautiful and fashionable, this is Zhou Lin's definition of this strange girl, and she has a kind face, as if she has seen it somewhere.

Are you a previous pet owner?

"Miss, may I ask you to come here..."

"I'm here to find him."

She interrupted Zhou Lin before she finished speaking.

Looking for Lin Yue?

Zhou Lin was puzzled.

Lin Yue didn't explain to her, but frowned and said, "How did you find this place?"

That's right, the girl standing in front of him was none other than his ex-girlfriend Gu Ying.

"Didn't you leave a message asking me to come and see you? This place... yes, Xue Chao told me."

Xue Chao? This big mouth.

Lin Yue complained in his heart.

Gu Ying tilted her head, looked at Zhou Lin who looked blank and said, "She's your girlfriend? Su Han? She's pretty."

"Miss, you are mistaken, I am not Su Han."

Regarding the fact that the girl admitted the wrong person, she had complicated thoughts, especially when she heard the words "She is your girlfriend?" and "She is quite beautiful".

"Lin Yue, aren't you going to introduce me?"

Lin Yue pondered for a while: "Gu Ying, Zhou Lin."

Two names, and then it's gone.

Zhou Lin was a little displeased with this way of introduction.

"Go out and talk."

Lin Yue said: "There is a coffee shop nearby, and the Japanese charcoal grill is pretty good."

Gu Ying put the sunglasses in the bag, and said casually, "I didn't expect you to remember my preferences."

Zhou Lin always felt that the relationship between these two people was very strange, and the atmosphere of the conversation was a bit...subtle, yes, it was subtle, that kind of state where ambiguous is ambiguous, and strange is also strange.

Lin Yue didn't say much, picked up the car keys on the counter and walked outside.

"How did you get here?"

"I came here by taxi."

Gu Ying followed him outside, and took a deep look at Zhou Lin before leaving.

"Zhou Lin, Zhou Lin?"

When the Cadillac XT5 merged into the main road, Su Han came from behind: "Did someone come just now? Hey, where is Lin Yue?"

Only then did she wake up from her dazed state. Thinking about that girl named Gu Ying, she always felt that there was a kind of maturity in her body that didn't match her age.

"I ask you where is Lin Yue?" Su Han asked again.

"He...he went out with a girl."


"Yes, it's Gu Ying."

"Gu Ying? You mean Gu Ying?"

"Su Han, do you know this name?"

"I heard him mention it, it seems to be the girlfriend he dated when he was playing tricks in the film and television city."

Su Han's answer was a bit nonchalant.

The so-called emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry, Zhou Lin said: "Su Han, do you know what you are talking about? Your ex-girlfriend came to him, you...why are you not in a hurry at all."

"Why are you in a hurry? Didn't you also say that the ex-girlfriend is a thing of the past. "


Zhou Lin really didn't know whether to say she was big-hearted or too confident in herself. Anyway, she always felt that the behavior of the two when they met just now was a bit intriguing. If Lin Yue was her boyfriend, she must be cautious and cautious. Gu Ying's.

"Gu Ying, where did you see it..."

Su Han looked through the appointment list at the counter, and was about to call to confirm. He didn't raise his head when he heard her words: "It's the actress who has been hotly discussed on Weibo recently, and the one who interacts with Lu Yang frequently."

As soon as she reminded her, Zhou Lin suddenly realized: "That's right, it's her."

After speaking, he walked to Su Han's side: "No wonder you are not in a hurry, it turns out that she has a girlfriend."

"I can't learn from anyone, learn from Xiaorui, such gossip."

Su Han took the note and went to the side to make a phone call.


On the other side, Lin Yue and Gu Ying sat down at the coffee table.

He looked at the face on the opposite side that was both familiar and unfamiliar, and he didn't know how she had come here for more than a year. The face was still the same, but he could no longer see the face that said, "Director, I am like this." Can you please", "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm in the wrong place" childish.

"I asked you to come to are quite good at shirking responsibility."

Who is Lin Yue? An old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, facing those girls who haven't learned how to disguise himself, saying that he can see through them at a glance, is definitely not an exaggeration, even if Gu Ying today is the same as the one a year ago She is very different.

Why didn't she call him to discuss the meeting? Most likely, it was the idea of ​​the crew of "The Palace of Ming Dynasty". His information will be helpful for the upcoming meeting.

It's not a secret that he has a girlfriend who opened a pet clinic on Furong Street. If Gu Ying insists on asking, Xue Chao can't hide it. Telling her about Su Han will also help her, as an ex-girlfriend, to control herself. Avoid making embarrassing arrangements for both parties.

This is Xue Chao's psychology.

What about Gu Ying?

After all, she is also a girl in her early twenties, no matter how mature she is, it is difficult to suppress her curiosity, so she went directly to the pet clinic, wanting to see what kind of person Su Han is, and there is a bit of comparison in it, After all, as a potential actress on the rise, what she lacks most is self-confidence.

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday."

"Apologize? Is that the end of the apology? I think... Tu Yibai and Zhang Qiang shouldn't have the guts to hide the details of the conflict."

Gu Ying's expression changed slightly. She didn't expect Lin Yue's attitude to be so tough. He was like a different person from the ex-boyfriend she remembered.

Lin Yue seemed to see through her thoughts: "If you talk about changes, I am bigger than you."

At this time, the waiter of the cafe came over with a tray and put a cup of Japanese-style charcoal in front of Gu Ying: "Your Japanese-style charcoal."

Put another cup of Americano coffee in front of Lin Yue: "Your Americano."

"Please take your time." The waiter bowed and left with the tray.

"Actually..." Gu Ying lightly stroked the cat's paw pattern on the outer wall of the coffee cup, and the circle of heart-shaped pink diamonds dotted on her nails reflected the light coming in from the window: "I have nothing to do with Lu Yang, that's the crew. hype."

Lin Yue picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, and said in a neutral tone: "What does this have to do with me? I repeat, the last time I went to the film and television city was Xue Chao who begged me to find you, and wanted you to introduce him to Tu Yi Bai, but because Zhang Qiang and Qiao Feng provoked me, it is impossible for this matter to be resolved, either, honestly do what I say, or I will cause a big earthquake in the entertainment circle."

"You..." Gu Ying wasn't there at the time, so she didn't know what he said. Today was the first time the two met after breaking up. She really couldn't understand the logic of what he said.

"What am I? The tone is too loud, right?"

"Lin Yue, you can't beat them."

"Can't beat them? I said that if I wanted to, I could kill all these people. Do you believe me? Besides, when it comes to fighting, my habit is to kill the whole family and leave no one behind." Lin Yue pulled from his pocket He took out an old man's head and put it on the dining table, stood up and prepared to leave: "You are just a pawn they use to test me, just go to the pet clinic to find me without calling and communicating, if there is a next time, just let me If I frown, some people will lose their heads."

Gu Ying was fooled by him: "Why... I don't have one."

"Why don't I miss old love at all?" Lin Yue pointed to the Chevrolet SUV parked across the road: "If I guessed correctly, the middle-aged man sitting in the co-pilot is your sister's father-in-law, right?"

Gu Ying froze for a moment, then looked across the road with doubts.

"Go back and tell Sima Tai that if you want to apologize, be sincere. Next time you do this, I will take one of his illegitimate daughter's hands as interest."

He dropped a photo on the coffee table and walked away without looking back.

Gu Ying took a closer look, and there was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl standing in front of the fountain of Buckingham Palace in the photo, smiling brightly.

Is this Sima Tai's illegitimate daughter? If you look at the eyebrows...they do look alike.

Gu Ying looked out the window, not knowing how to convey Lin Yue's words to Sima Tai.

Until now, she still has a feeling of unreality, because this is completely different from her ex-boyfriend in her impression.


Lin Yue did not return to the pet clinic, but sent a text message to Su Han, saying that the manager of the securities company he met in HK last time had something to talk to him about, and he needed to go there, and he went straight to the airport after asking for leave.

It took him five full days before he took the Dragonair flight back to Jianghai City.

After getting off the plane, he didn't report to the pet clinic immediately, but called Su Han, saying that he was very tired and needed to take a good rest, and then drove back to the rented community.

In fact, he is not tired at all, and the fatigue of the journey is all an excuse. He is in a hurry to go home because the system issued a new film and television drama task when he was abroad--"Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky", and if it is delayed, it will expire.

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