"Mom, it's cold outside, let's go inside." Chen Yulian helped the old lady walk into the yard while wiping her tears.

Lin Yue followed behind.

He knew why Chen Yulian was like this, because she was very guilty.

Not only because of the bad things with Lin Yutang that made their family a joke in front of Chenjia Village, but also because of the old lady's injury. More than two months ago, Chen Jintu's daughter-in-law was gossiping behind her back, mocking Chen Yulian for being so proactive at the beginning, preferring to use raw rice to cook cooked rice. Such a shameless thing forced her parents to agree to her marriage with Lin Yutang. A few years ago, everyone thought that she would I went to Hangzhou with Lin Yutang to live the life of a city dweller, everyone was so envious, what happened in the end? It can only be said that rural people are rural people, rural life is rural life, and there is no good result in climbing high branches.

The old lady was so angry that she took Chen Yulian to Hangzhou to ask for an explanation. The daughter refused to die. The old lady got a stubborn temper and left alone. Unexpectedly, she fell off the tractor not far from the village. The villagers sent her to the hospital for a while. Check, the leg bone is broken.

Young people still say that they have been injured for a hundred days, not to mention the elderly in their 60s who have not been able to walk normally in the past three months. At most, they use the stool as a support and move forward half a step. But I don't know how long it took to walk from the house to the alley, and how much effort it took.

If Chen Yulian can remain indifferent in this situation, is she still human?

Chen Jinzhu was also afraid of being reprimanded as unfilial, so he took the old lady's other arm, and the two siblings helped him back into the house.

Lin Yue didn't follow in. He stood at the door and looked at the small courtyard. There were two side rooms on the east side for storing sundries, plows for farming, iron rakes, sickles, hoes, etc., oh, and a machine used by the old lady when she was young. The looms and spinning wheels were reluctant to be discarded, and they were all piled up inside. A semi-open kitchen was built with asbestos tiles and bamboo poles near the corner of the main house. It is a pig house made of green bricks. However, since the death of my grandfather, there has been no pig raising. In recent years, it has been used by Chen Jinzhu’s wife, Hu Li, to feed the chickens. The egg production is good, but most of them are sold by her in the market. , the opportunity for my family to eat scrambled eggs... Once a week is not bad. The old lady once told Chen Yulian that her daughter-in-law was not like this before, and the original owner of this body once saw Chen Hong and Chen Ping brothers hiding in the house Eating boiled eggs, it was obvious that Hu Li disliked Chen Yulian and moved back home, so she did so on purpose.

Lin Yue recalled the year when the educated youth came back to the city. Hu Li kept fawning on her sister-in-law, not to mention often sending eggs to eat. When Chen Yulian was hospitalized with appendicitis, she would kill chicken and stew soup without frowning. Unexpectedly, even today... …

It can only be said that the conflict between aunt and sister-in-law has existed since ancient times, and Hu Li's attitude change is very snobbish, but it is understandable.

"Mom, don't do this again in the future. The doctor in the health center said that you are old and you need to recover slowly."

"The doctor also said that my mother is weak and needs to be nourished, but I can't bear to ask my sister-in-law to kill a chicken to make soup for my mother. You always say that you have discussed it with her, but there is still no result after so long. No, don't be serious when you were in the hospital. Take care of everything."

"Yulian, I let you say everything, you have to rush to the market to buy it, why wait for me to say it."

"You... If you are afraid of your wife, just say it straight."

"The chicken is raised by your sister-in-law."

"Mom is her mother-in-law."

"It's not because of you that Mom fell off the tractor."


Chen Yulian has nothing to say, because this is her weakness.

Listening to the debate coming from the house, Lin Yue didn't know what to say. Chen Yulian had no income, and all the land in the village was planted by Chen Jinzhu. She could only rely on the soles of her shoes to help the villagers boil sugar and go to the traditional Chinese medicine shop in the next village. To earn some pocket money, Chen Jinzhu was under the supervision of Hu Li, and he dared not go west when his wife said so. The old lady had been lying in bed for more than two months. If she wanted to talk about supplements that were helpful to her illness, she ate a meal of pork ribs , drank half a bowl of bone soup, or Chen Jinshui asked Qiaogu to send it.

In order to prevent the two brothers and sisters from getting more and more rigid, he turned and walked into the main room.

Four rooms, the second from the east is the main room, the first is the room of Chen Yulian, him and the old lady, the third from the east is the room of Chen Ping and Chen Hong, and the innermost room is of course the bedroom of Chen Jinzhu and Hu Li .

When he entered the room, he noticed a face passing behind the glass of the door of the westernmost room. It seemed that Hu Li was not asleep, and he knew that the two brothers and sisters were arguing about the old lady.

In the TV series, when Chen Jinshui pretended to sell the house to Chen Jianghe to pay off his debts, Chen Jinzhu said that whether to buy a house depends on his wife's opinion, which shows Hu Li's status in the Chen family.

When the old man was alive, he could still suppress Chen Jinzhu and his wife, but now there is only an old lady who has no knowledge and a broken leg. The situation of the Chen family... Lin Yue shook his head.

Seeing him looking into the innermost room, Chen Ping got off the bed and closed the door leading to the main room.

Lin Yue ignored him, pushed open the door of the old lady's room and walked in.

The two people who were blushing over a chicken lost their momentum.

The old lady, who was leaning on the quilt on the bed and panting slightly, said, "Zhu Zi, if you don't go back to your room to sleep, Hu Li will scold you again."

Chen Jinzhu didn't speak, turned and left the room.

The old lady sighed, living under the same roof for twenty years, she has long been used to this henpecked son.

After Lin Yue entered the house, he stared at the mirror hanging on the east wall. There were glass mirror plaques on the top and sides of the rectangular mirror. On the left was written "Promote Patriotism", on the right was written "Maintaining Collective Interests", and horizontally wrote "Strive for strength". , Under the mirror is a cabinet with a glass sliding door. There is a tea tray on the top of the cabinet. There is a teapot and four tea bowls inside, and two bamboo skin thermoses inside.

Well, it has a sense of age, and reminds him of his life in "The World".

It feels like a long time ago.

He turned his head to the north wall again. The most eye-catching ones are the two photo frames hanging side by side. Inside are the photos taken by the old man when he was alive. Touching the scene, Chen Hong asked Chen Hong to take out the photo.


The crisp bell rang.

He looked at the old-fashioned seagull wall clock by the bed. The glass underneath hadn't been wiped for a long time, and there was a lot of dust on it.

"Lin Yue."

Chen Yulian called him, because she found her son's behavior was very strange, looking at this and that, he seemed to be full of... curiosity about the home furnishings? She didn't know if she should use this word to describe it, but it was abnormal anyway.

Also, in the alley just now, he actually contradicted Chen Jinzhu, which had never happened before.

"What happened to you today?"

"I am fine."

"You come with me."

Chen Yulian looked at the sighing old woman on the bedside, and called him to the yard.

The crescent moon hanging in the sky disappeared, and at this moment, it was half a degree colder than before.

Chen Yulian folded her arms.

Lin Yue tore off the denim jacket from the clothesline and put it on her body.

Chen Yulian's expression changed, and she was surprised by her son's loving behavior. You must know that since she broke up with Lin Yutang and brought him back to Chenjiacun, the child has become very depressed. Apart from going to school, eating, sleeping, and being in a daze, other things do not matter. But I don't care if I ask, but today... I really feel like a different person.

"You heard the conversation I had with your uncle in the alley just now. I don't agree with his idea, but I think there is a saying that is right. After this year, you will be 15 years old. You should learn to be sensible."

"Mom, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Chen Yulian was surprised by his straightforwardness, and she paused before saying, "From now on, no matter who persuades you, and no matter how much money the villagers make with chicken feathers, you must not give up the idea of ​​studying."

This is true, but the premise is that ordinary people come from ordinary families. As for Lin Yue...academic background is meaningless to him, and in the early 1980s, the most important thing is to dare to fight hard, and to be able to toss, just as it has been for more than ten years Later, I closed my eyes and bought a house in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen—how many college students have worked so hard for a lifetime that they can't afford a house in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou.

Or there is a saying called one fate, two luck and three Fengshui.

"I think what my uncle said makes sense, but..."

Before he finished speaking here, Chen Yulian lost her temper.

"What's the point! What do you want to do? Don't study at a young age and go out to fool around? Forgot how your father educated you before? Reading can understand humanity and distinguish right from wrong..."

After saying this, her voice became smaller and smaller, and her confidence became weaker and weaker. It should be because of the shitty things Lin Yutang did. When I first met her, she spoke so nicely, she was very educated, self-cultivated and talented, and she was fascinated. Fascinated, now what? Did he do what he said?

Lin Yue said: "It's never too late to learn, but luck is fleeting."

Chen Yulian didn't realize how a child who just entered the first grade of junior high school could say such a thing, the logic didn't make sense, and she cared more about her son's talking back behavior.

"You...you...you are mad at me."

At the end of this sentence, she turned her head away and secretly wiped away her tears.

Lin Yue could understand her feelings. She had a big fight with her brother just now, and saw the old lady getting angry about her siblings, and felt guilty and remorseful. Now even her son doesn't listen to her, she Can it not crash?

"Okay, okay, I don't want to do business with chicken feathers, it's all over, right?"

Lin Yue said so, but the thought in his heart was that I need to do business with chicken feathers? No need.

Hearing what he said, Chen Yulian's face looked a little better.

"You are an older child, and Mom should tell you some things. Although you haven't asked, Mom knows. You really want to know how Mom talked to him back then."

Of course he here is none other than Lin Yutang, Lin Yue's father.

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