Carpenter Xiao thought that with the money to buy chickens in Lin Yue's hands, he would no longer think about hunting. After all, he was still a child, and it was normal to walk around the foot of the mountain, and he would definitely be afraid to go into the woods or something.

That's right, under normal circumstances, 14 or 15-year-old children rarely dare to go up the mountain alone, but there is no such thing as normal about Lin Yue, and the mountain he wants to go up is not the mountain near Chenjia Village, because it is close to the mountain. In the county town, the pheasants, hares, and roe deer were almost hunted down.

It was already noon when he came out of the village. He stopped a tractor and made up an excuse to ask the driver to take him for a while.

His reason was to visit relatives, and the address he reported was in the same county, so the driver didn't think much about it, and drove him all the way south.

An hour later, feeling quite far away from the county seat, and seeing a mountainous area stretching for several miles, Lin Yue got off the tractor, bid farewell to the driver and plunged into the woods.

He didn't release the Type III Blackfly drone to search for the target, because the terrain in the mountainous area is complex, and there are trees covering it. This thing is not very useful, and he doesn't need it at all. What does a mature hunter rely on to go hunting in the mountains? He has experience and sense of smell. He has experience. In "My Regiment Leader, My Regiment", Tianmao stalked little devils in the dense forest on both sides of the Nujiang River. We fight tooth sacrifices, as for the sense of smell, professional hunters rely on hounds, what about him? do you need?

He entered the mountain forest all the way up, and before he reached the mountainside, he stopped, grabbed a handful of dead leaves and smelled them in front of his face.

That's right, right in front.

In order not to startle the enemy, he turned on [Stealth LV3] and cooperated with [Smell Animal LV4] to quickly approach the target.

Passing through several cypress trees, and throwing the beautiful money pine behind him, after pushing aside a low bush, Lin Yue saw two colorful pheasants searching for food among the rotting leaves. Judging from the color of their feathers, , should be one male and one female.

As soon as I entered the mountain, I met two pheasants. I was lucky.

He stretched out his hand, bowed to the left and arrow to the right, aiming at the hen in front, drawing the bow and nodding the arrow.



The hen pheasant with its head stuck in the pile of fallen leaves flew half a meter away, shaking its wings on the ground and not moving.

The action of shooting the arrow alarmed the male pheasant on the other side, kicked his legs, and flew up from the ground with flapping wings.

Naturally, Lin Yue wouldn't let it go. He put his bow and arrows full again, aiming at the target in the air and letting go suddenly.



A black shadow fell from the sky, shaking several leaves.

He put away the bow, walked over to pick up two pheasants on the ground, and threw them into the system space.

In the 1980s, there were a lot of pheasants, and they were not included in the list of protected animals. Let alone killing them for meat, even if they were sold in the market, no one cared. In fact, he didn't need to work hard to make a bow and arrow. What better weapon than a pistol with unlimited bullets for hunting? But the crux of the problem was that the older generation was still alive, and the wounds caused by shotguns and pistols could be distinguished. He didn't want to cause trouble for himself in this matter.


Lin Yue raised his head and glanced at the few sparrows that were frightened and flew away not far away. He couldn't help but lament that after 30 years, not to mention the sharp decline of pheasants, even sparrows can only be seen in remote rural areas. Many children's cognition of animals Just stop at the textbooks and the tigers, lions, and elephants in the zoo.

After complaining about the impact of human activities on nature, he continued to walk forward, paying attention to the residual smell on the ground and searching for traces of prey.

In the evening, he had already got five pheasants and one fox, and he also caught a big king snake. The meat of this thing is very good, and it can be called a delicacy in the world when used to make snake soup. It can also have the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. , It is good for the old lady's illness.

Just when he was planning to go out of the mountain now and reach Chenjiacun after 9 o'clock if he ran home, the smell of the mountain wind shocked him.

If I didn't guess wrong, it should be a wild boar.

Although with his help, it is impossible for Chen Yulian and the old lady to live a hard life, but there is no reason to give up on this piece of fat that is almost brought to their mouths. Residual scents tracked forward.

Speaking of which, this wild boar can run quite well, and its footprints are all over the entire mountain forest. After walking for about three kilometers, it was only after dark that we found it by a small stream.

The big black man was drinking water with his buttocks pouted, the fangs under his mouth rolled the stones in the tidal flat, and he didn't forget to shake his body and flick his tail when he got a good drink.

According to Lin Yue's estimate, this wild boar weighs 170 kilograms, which is worthwhile for him to run several kilometers of mountain roads.

I saw a shadow quickly approaching the creek under the night, and there were many dead branches and leaves on the ground, but what was puzzling was that the whole process was silent, as if walking on it was not a person, but a weightless ghost.

Lin Yue stood still behind a big tree 20 meters away from the wild boar, squinted his eyes, and held a longbow in his hand.

The wild boar was still drinking, unresponsive to the approaching danger.





The bowstring shook continuously, and the arrows shot out rapidly.

Just when the first arrow hit the abdomen, the wild boar screamed and ran away with a kick of its hind feet.

Its reaction is very fast. With the motor function of ordinary people, it is the limit to add another arrow to the buttocks. It is a pity that it is not facing ordinary people. The fourth arrow nailed the buttocks with the thickest flesh, and Lin Yue curled his lips, giving up the knife with a "cut".

He didn't immediately catch up. He watched the wild boar carry debris and dust, knock over the bushes on the edge of the forest and run westward. Then he took out a dry and hard corn cake from the system space, and tracked it on foot while eating.

After walking around in the forest for about half an hour, he found a dying wild boar under a masson pine.

"Aren't you good at running? Why don't you run?"

As he spoke, he went to draw out the bow and arrow. Every time he pulled out one, the boar's hooves trembled and he let out a weak cry. When he pulled out the last arrow, there was no movement.

Thanks to him, he was able to hit the wild boar's vitals with four arrows in a row. If someone else had to use a gun, no matter how experienced the hunter was, he would have to weigh whether he could handle such a big man by himself.

At this moment, the crescent moon hangs upside down on the treetops, and there are occasional soft rustling sounds in the dense forest. It is squirrels shuttling between the branches and leaves, and some out-of-group birds are frightened and fly away.

It was already past 10 o'clock in the evening, and even if he rushed back now, it would take three or four hours to get home. He patted the wild boar's buttocks, called up the navigation system of the all-seeing eye to determine the current location, and found that the name of The peak of Wuzhujian is not far from Fotang Town.

Fotang Town, Fotang Town...

After muttering a few words softly, memories about Fotang Town flowed through his mind.

Fotang Town is an ancient town and also a large town in Yiwu. The water transportation in the south of the Yangtze River is well developed. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, because of the existence of pontoon docks, Fotang Town became a stop for passing ships. It has a unique commercial atmosphere and architectural culture. The deeds of "sugar" are put on the heads of the people of Chenjia Village. In fact, the history of the exchange of chicken feathers for sugar in Fotang Town is more colorful than that of the people of Chenjia Village.

This information is not the key point, the key point is that more than half a year after moving back to Chenjia Village from Hangzhou, people from Fotang Village always came to the village to buy live pigs.

He felt that instead of taking the wild boar home to eat meat, it would be better to spend some money, which can be regarded as generating income for the family.

If you want to talk about why you have the confidence to do this, it's not because this mountainous area is a good hunting ground, and you can just shoot another one if you have time, but because of [Double Harvest LV2], the effect of this skill is only when the target is a living creature. Time can reap double rewards. In the past, it was only used to collect eggs in "Love in the Courtyard" to get double production capacity. Today, on a whim, I saw a lot of torreya trees in the mountains, and caught up with the fruit ripening season, so I drove this car. Skills are acquired along the way.

In this era of lack of material, farmers often go up the mountain to find wild vegetables and dig fresh bamboo shoots. Many torreyas that grow in the lower places are picked, and they can’t reach the ones that grow in the higher places. It’s all cheap for Lin Yue, not to mention his skills Well, relying on the high-efficiency jets of the Ghost Glove alone can solve the problem of climbing trees.

In addition to Chinese torreya, there are also mountain products such as dendrobium, hazelnut, boletus, jujube, and pear, but the quantity is not large, and it should be the result of repeated raids by people who entered the mountain. Even so, in [Smell animal LV4] and With the help of [Double Harvest LV2], what he got in half a day is more than what the most experienced mountain hunters can get in half a month in the deep mountains and old forests.

After catching the king snake, he tapped the number of prey, and suddenly found that the number of pheasants had almost doubled to eight, the number of king snakes was two, and the number of foxes was two. ], the prey will be copied and sent to the system space.

He really didn't expect this skill to be useful for hunting living things.

As long as the wild boars under the buttocks are collected into the system space, the number will be multiplied by 2. Shooting one is equal to harvesting two. Does selling one make money? of course not.

According to the current meat price, there is more than one piece of pork per catty. I remember that last time Chen Jintu’s 190-jin old pig sold for 180 yuan. The wild pork smell is a bit big, but the meat quality and taste are good, and the price is definitely not as good as domestic. The pigs are low. If calculated at 170 kilograms, they can get 300 yuan anyway.

In his eyes, this is a small amount of money, but to Chen Yulian, it is a huge sum of money.

At this time, another thought flashed in Lin Yue's mind, [Double Harvest LV2] can double the prey he hunted, if he bought a whaling ship to hunt whales, then...

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