Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 203 The Millennium Killing of the Sichuan Legion

Lin Yue gestured to them not to shoot.

At this moment, two people came out of the woods. Douban poked his head out of the ammunition box, and vaguely saw that the person walking in front was a little fat, with a light on his head, and it was a monk.

"Colonel Lin."

"Master Shihang."

Douban breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was those people, she quickly got up with her big feet, carried the ammunition box on her back and walked forward.

The younger generation next to Master Shihang saw him and greeted him with a smile: "You are Doubing, I remember you."

Dou Cake just smirked, while Dazuo looked at them blankly, and he didn't go to take Meng Fan's parents to cross the river, so he didn't know this group of people.

"The Sichuan Army has passed?" Master Shihang looked at Lin Yue and asked.

"It's over."

"Then we're going to go according to plan?"

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded: "Master Lao Shihang is here."

The monk raised his palm with one hand: "Colonel Lin, you are welcome."

After the joint, Lin Yue stopped staying, greeted Doubing and Dajiao, and quickly chased after his team.


Most of the Japanese troops in the Heshun area were stationed near the airport. The Sichuan Army Corps was divided into several companies, and scattered soldiers attacked. Under the leadership of the guerrilla soldiers who knew the enemy's defense situation, they passed through the defense area without any danger.

After entering Myanmar, because the main force of the Japanese army was almost exhausted, those teenage devil soldiers were afraid of being ambushed by the guerrillas. In most cases, they hid in the bunkers and did not dare to go out. Across and across, straight into the India-Myanmar border.


At the end of June, the Chindoon River was flowing rapidly, and the mountain torrents rushed down with a large amount of sediment.

In the woodland by the bank, Meng Fanle was lying in the mud with his mouth open, cursing the damn God.

He really didn't know how the Japanese fought this battle.

During the rainy season, the river floods, the air is humid, there are countless mosquitoes and flies, malaria, dysentery and other diseases are rampant, and there are long supply lines. Only crazy people fight this kind of battle.

Fortunately, those guerrilla soldiers who walked out of the "Savage Mountain" alive taught them a lot of survival experience, otherwise I really don't know how much combat effectiveness the Sichuan Army has traveled all the way here.

Will waiting for the Japanese army really be a big defeat?

I hope what Lin Yue said is true.

Everyone is praying things go as he said.

Meng Fanran took out a piece of compressed biscuit from his bag and stuffed it into his mouth to chew slowly. The crumbs of the biscuit fell down, and part of it stuck to his lips, as if coated with white powder. It was dry and astringent, which was very uncomfortable.

"It's annoying."

At this moment, Bula tugged at his sleeve and pointed to the north.

Meng Fan looked over with a binoculars, and saw a Japanese army of several hundred soldiers staggering forward in the mud.

Some of them lost their helmets, and their clothes were covered with large mud spots.

Some were sweating profusely, staggered three times when walking, and looked like they might fall at any time.

Some were skinny, with sunken eye sockets, and their arms were bandaged and covered with blood.

Others used the 38-type rifle as a crutch, tapping the ground one after another to move forward.

Just as he looked over, a soldier fell to the ground, struggling feebly in the mud, trying to get up, but someone beside him helped him, and he gave up after several pulls and continued walking forward. , while the soldiers at the rear didn't seem to see their comrades who fell on the ground, dragging their weak and tired bodies forward bit by bit.

There were no tanks, trucks, cannons, heavy machine guns, or light machine guns. They discarded all heavy weapons, and they couldn't even have a rifle.

Meng annoyed and rubbed his eyes, feeling hard to accept.

From north to south, from Burma to the border of Yunnan, he has fought little devils for several years, but he has never seen Japanese soldiers so miserable. The state of the soldiers of the expeditionary force is better than them.

"Hey, it's really right for that lord. The Japanese went from north to south. This is the worst defeat for the army."

Meng Fanle squinted at the Japanese, thinking that this time he would be able to make a comeback, and that all the hardships he had suffered so far were not in vain.

"The Japanese also have today." Bura pushed the helmet on his head, and pushed the M3 submachine gun in his hand forward.

"Don't worry." Meng Fan troubled him, looked around, and said in a low voice: "Let them pass, there must be more behind."

The crumbs of the compressed biscuits fell little by little and fell into the moist soil.

As he said, this is only the vanguard of the Japanese army, and there are many more behind, pulling a long string in the woods and mud.

Suffering from hunger, illness, failure, and fatigue, the Japanese army had no combat effectiveness. If the discipline that had been trained for a long time was not there, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this appearance is a beggar.

"Did the Japanese cook it for someone?" Snake said while staring at Yu Baoyan, and conveniently put two grenades in front of Bu La.

At this time, the deputy battalion commander Kangba crawled over from behind.

"Colonel Lin said don't keep thinking about killing the enemy. Today's goal is to kill and wound as many Japanese troops as possible."

Meng Fan took a look at him: "This guy is really insidious."

Judging from the current situation, the Japanese army experienced a major defeat on the Imphal Plateau. Presumably, the British army and the expeditionary force have already launched a pursuit. This is why some wounded in the team fell to the ground, and the surrounding soldiers turned a blind eye.

Don't stick to killing the enemy, just injure the enemy...

Hunger, physical exhaustion, blood loss, infectious diseases, hot and humid rainforest, difficult roads... There are these things that can continuously damage health. Even if the Japanese soldiers are not fatally injured, they will die on the road in all likelihood.

"I'm already worried about Tang Ji."

Kangba glanced at him: "What did you say?"


Da da da da da!

boom! boom!

Before Meng Fan could reply, there was a burst of gunfire in front of him.

Not far away, Li Wula yelled "beat", and the soldiers of the third battalion ambushed in the bushes pulled the triggers one after another.




da da da da da~

chug chug chug...

The sound of M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, M3 submachine gun and Bren light machine gun fired together.

How much ammunition does the British Lee Enfield rifle carry? 5 rounds x 2, unfortunately it is bolted.

How much ammunition does the devil's 38-type rifle carry? 5 rounds.

What about China's seventy-nine rifles? The same is 5 rounds.

What about the M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle? 8 rounds, and it saves the time to pull the bolt before the magazine is empty.

There were M3 submachine guns firing nearby, M1 carbines and Bren light machine guns at medium distances, and Japanese troops farther away were shot with M1 Garand semi-automatic rifles. On a higher ground, five M2 large-caliber Browning heavy machine guns poured out a rain of bullets, and even the trees were smashed to pieces, let alone the human body. It's unthinkable to have a broken hand and a leg, and to be hit in the front a few times to leave a whole body.

It was a massacre without suspense.

The Japanese army was stunned, and they did not expect that there would be enemy troops ambushing behind them, and depending on the situation, they were not comparable to guerrillas, but more like heavily armed U.S. troops.

Not to mention that ordinary soldiers panicked, even the officers had no idea.

Without a geographical advantage, without heavy weapons, what would happen if a group of rout soldiers met an organized American soldier?

The answer is right in front of you.

The soldiers who tried to fight back fell one after another, and the active soldiers began to run deep into the dense forest. The soldiers who were hit by the bullets lay in the mud and howled endlessly...

Accompanied by feeble running and screams, the rout happened again.

Nearly two brigades of the vanguard of the Japanese army slammed into the woods like headless chickens.

Just like the ambush fought when Lin Yue led his men to retreat from Burma, the unsuspecting Japanese army plunged into the pocket formation, leaving more than a thousand corpses on the front line that stretched for nearly one kilometer, blood stained the mud, In the next half a month, this place will be a paradise for flies, maggots, mosquitoes and crows.

The defeat of the vanguard was like dominoes being pushed down, which disrupted the Japanese army's retreat plan at once.

There are also some troops with combat effectiveness that are used as a backstop force to delay the pace of the British and Indian troops and the Indian Expeditionary Force. Who would have thought that a group of firepower thieves would suddenly appear in front of them, strongmen who could not lose to the US military.

As the soldiers of the Sichuan Army with high morale quickly marched northward, a bigger collapse occurred, and troops of over ten thousand people began to scatter for their lives. Start a hunting storm.

Fear is contagious, especially to the loser. Just as Lin Yue promised them before departure, the Japanese fled madly, but the people of the Sichuan Army did not chase madly, because some veterans followed Long Wenwen and Lin Yue to fight back in the dense forest, and they knew how to restrain the people around them to maintain the company. level system.

Two squads of the Japanese army dared to attack the airport where the British had cannon bunkers. Now what about the Sichuan Army? What do nine units that are equivalent to a Japanese squadron but more powerful than them mean to the enemy?

In the Battle of the Imphal Plateau, the Japanese army invested more than 90,000 troops, with more than half of the casualties. The remaining 40% of the troops faced the Sichuan Army and the allied forces who were chasing south. , the main force of the Allied forces following behind might eat up all the routs. Their only choice was to organize a death squad with some combat effectiveness to block the holes of the guns, and the rest fled eastward as much as possible.

On the other hand, there are many rainforests in the east, the morale of the Japanese army is low, they are short of clothes and food, exhausted, and the various troops have lost contact.

In this battle, Ren Mutianguchi also lost so much that his underwear fell off.

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