Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2039 [Rejuvenation of Wonderful Hands] The Real Purpose

Lin Yue walked into the yard, frowned and said, "Didn't I ask you to send the things directly to He Laizi from He Ma Che Village?"

"Everyone is afraid to send it like this, and others will not accept it. I want to carry it here to give you palm eyes first."

Lin Yue glanced at the things in the yard.

"Hey, it's quite capable."

"That's right, no matter what, we are veteran craftsmen who trade chicken feathers for sugar."

Standing under the eaves, Chen Jinzhu was very proud of the results of running the mountain road for dozens of miles.

"Lin Yue, this thing... can really make money?"

He still doesn't understand, if it wasn't for Chen Daguang, Chen Hong, Chen Ping...the younger generation of Chenjiacun sold pigskin gloves with Chen Jianghe and made money, and when they returned home, their tails were up to the sky, making them act like fathers Master is very shameless, and he will not adopt this kid's idea.

In fact, the starting point of this kind of behavior is based on the trust in Lin Yue, because he won the factory manager Chang, and it can be said that he is the person who can best copy Chen Jianghe's business experience in the whole village.

Lin Yue walked to the front of an old bicycle, and patted the bicycle seat that looked like it had been chewed by a dog. The spring under it vibrated a few times, raising a cloud of dust.

"Forget it? How much is the purchase price of a bicycle?"

Chen Jinzhu stretched out both palms, and pressed down the little finger to the middle finger of his right hand: "It's more than seven yuan."

Lin Yue looked at the dilapidated bicycles in the yard. Some of the wheels were missing, some were stained with rust, some were distorted and deformed, some pedals had only an iron rod left, and there was one with a stick weighted bicycle.

Counting, there are seven cars in total, which means they spent 50 yuan for a trip today.

"Remember what I told you about?"

Chen Jinzhu said, "It's the yard to the east of Hemache's briquette factory."

"Move there at night when no one is around. If you say you're looking for He Cripple, the other party will give you the money." After Lin Yue gave instructions, he picked up the bamboo basket and prepared to leave.

Chen Jinzhu said, "Can this really make money?"

"In fact, there is no saying that the business philosophy cannot keep up with the times. What cannot keep up is the human brain or vision."

"You know that uncle is uneducated, please explain clearly."

Lin Yue said: "You used to make a living by exchanging chicken feathers for sugar. What you took out was sugar, and what you got back was chicken feathers. When you were old, you received chicken feathers that you could use to make feather dusters, and those with poor quality were fertilized in the fields. What about now? Are feather dusters still easy to sell? With the availability of chemical fertilizers, there is less demand for feather manure, so you have to change your thinking, first you need to know what people need, and then plan your own business content.”

Chen Jinzhu remembered the previous conversation.

According to what Lin Yue told him, if you collect an old bicycle and sell it for five or six yuan, you can count it as five yuan. When divided by the cost of more than seven yuan, the profit is 70%, which is a proper huge profit. .

What Chen Jinshui said, the business of exchanging chicken feathers for sugar is a petty profit that others look down on, and we earn it.

Now you don't exchange chicken feathers or money, and you exchange shoes and socks for bicycles that you can't ride.

"Okay, I see."

Chen Jinzhu agreed and sent him to the door.


the next day.

Chen Jinzhu was sleeping on the bed. Not only did Hu Li not yell at him to go out to earn money like before, but she also covered him with a blanket. The reason was simple. The old man earned three yuan a day when he went out, which was more than the two sons. It's even more.

At the same time, Lin Yue was studying those second-hand bicycles in the large yard at the entrance of He Ma Che Village.

Lame He came out of the main room wearing a gabardine Chinese tunic suit and handed him the key: "Call me when you have something to do."


After the explanation, He Lizi limped away and closed the door behind him.

Lin Yue sent people away, removed the seat cushion of the old bicycle in front of him, stared at the thing in his hand and thought,


Things disappear out of thin air, and the next breath appears out of thin air, but the appearance has changed, it is no longer tattered like a dog gnaws, it is clean, complete, and looks almost new.

Such a change in the cushion is due to Lin Yue's [Wonderful Hand Rejuvenation LV4], which is regarded as a practical skill.

Before, he wondered why a skill that can upgrade the quality of a product is called "Rejuvenation". This skill did not bring about an improvement in quality, but eliminated traces of use and turned into a brand new mobile phone.

It was only at this point that I suddenly realized that the name of the skill [Wonderful Hand Rejuvenation] was not mistaken. The "improved quality" in the comment means that if the product is brand new and unused, its level will be upgraded. After the product is used, especially if it is damaged , this skill can fix it.

[Wonderful Hand Rejuvenation LV4] superimposed [Teacher Killer LV3], and then superimposed [Bargaining LV4]... After the whole process, how much money can you make by repairing a bicycle?

Speaking of which, in the 1970s, the four major items of marriage were bicycles, sewing machines, radios, and watches; in the 1980s, the four major items of marriage were TV, refrigerators, washing machines, and tape recorders; , tape recorders and so on, the prosperity cycle is only ten years, only bicycles, which have been popular from the 1970s to the 1990s, even after 40 or 50 years, the car has become a means of travel for ordinary people, and the bicycle still occupies a place in the traffic, but it is not enough. It's just that the production process has become more sophisticated.

Many people bought bicycles in the 1970s, repaired and rode them for six or seven years, and it was time to replace them. However, during the ten years from the 1970s to the end of the 1980s, the update iteration of bicycles was very slow, and the value It is relatively stable. Now that the reform and opening up allow individuals to do business, buying old and second-hand bicycles for refurbishment is naturally a profitable business.

No matter how bad the old bicycles in the city are, they can be pushed to the scrap collection station to sell scrap iron. What about the villages in the mountains? It's not uncommon to collect tatters. Isn't it enough to give two pairs of shoes and a few socks? Just like 30 years later, the old men and women in the community feel that they have picked up a bargain.

The above is the way he suggested to Chen Jinzhu to make money.

Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, he set up a deceptive renovation workshop in He Lizi's yard. When using [Wonderful Hand Rejuvenation LV4], he will try to control the effect as much as possible.

Eight hours later, the clouds were painted golden, the sun was sinking, and the smoke was curling up.


The courtyard door was pushed open from the outside.

Suffering from polio when he was a child, He Lizi, who has been crippled all his life and walked in with a short single crutch, was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

The previous broken copper and iron were replaced by five bicycles, and the worst ones were 70% new.

He sniffed the smell of paint in the yard, walked over to touch the handlebars that had returned to light, rang the bell, turned the pedals again, stared at the rattling rear wheel for a long time, still a little bit in disbelief at the scene in front of him.

"how did you do that?"

To tell the truth, his expression was ugly when he spoke.

Lin Yue said: "Actually, it's not difficult. Six words, bold, careful and skillful. The skill of repairing bicycles is not difficult as long as you are willing to learn."

He Lizi looked at his hands and then at his feet, thinking that this guy was laughing at him.

"You... did it on purpose."

"Didn't I say that? I will teach you the car repairing skills." Lin Yue stretched out his hand: "Is the matter done?"

Limp He nodded, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over. The header was "Lease Agreement" and the signature of "He Dayou" was crookedly written on the lower right corner.

"Where's the flatbed?"

"I borrowed it, at my second brother's house."

"Go, follow me to get it."

After saying this, he walked outside.

He lame followed along with a limp.

Although I don't know why a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old child is so smart, but considering his conditions, he is considered lucky to meet an employer who doesn't dislike him as a disabled person.

I still remember that Mr. Mogu, who died for more than ten years in the next village, said that his life was not good, but his luck was good, and with the support of noble people, he could spend the rest of his life without worry.


Diagonally opposite Luo Binwang Park, there are shops along the street in Canghou Village.

In less than half a year since the planning of the Huqingmen Small Commodity Market in 1982, the stalls were sold out, and even the door houses in the nearby streets became popular, selling clothes, shoes and hats, gloves and socks , selling hardware products, selling jewelry and handicrafts, selling meat... All kinds of stores have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

This also includes a slightly offbeat car repair shop, because the owner is crippled, and in addition to repairing bicycles, he also sells/recycles used bicycles.

"Lin Yue? Is your name Lin Yue? Why are you here?"

A female voice sounded.

Lin Yue put down the saw blade in his hand and looked back, and found that it was Luo Yuzhu's good sister Feng Yan who was greeting her.

"You are... Sister Feng?"

"Yes, yes, it's me. Why are you here?" She asked again.

Lin Yue said, "Work-study program."

"Work-study program?" A woman who hasn't studied for a few years, how could she understand this.

"It is to come out to do odd jobs to earn money during the vacation."

"Didn't your mother become a partner with the carpet factory in the provincial capital, leading women from ten miles and eight villages to sew carpets? Why do you want to run out to make money?"

Lin Yue said casually: "Anyway, idleness is idleness. Going out to do things can not only increase your knowledge, but also improve your social skills."

"It's amazing, much more sensible than my younger brother."

"Sister Feng, if you don't set up a stall in Huqingmen Market, why do you have the time to go shopping here?"

"Hey, don't mention it. I'm here to buy a bicycle for my younger brother. He doesn't have it, and other people have it. The female workers in the factory are not even interested in looking at him." There was a sour energy of hating iron but not steel.

"People in the market say that your bicycles are cheap here, how do you sell them?"

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