Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2046 You didn't expect Chen Jianghe to be this kind of person, did you?

When Lin Yue accused the mayor of being unbearable at the door of the mayor's house, many people at the scene heard it. He said that Chen Jinshui arranged the marriage. This... Isn't this jumping back and forth on a question?

"Because I fell in love with your house, this answer..." He paused, and after whetting everyone's appetite, he said, "I think it's hard for you to accept, well, let me tell the truth, Luo Yuzhu I did something that made me unhappy, and I wanted to show her some color, it's as simple as that."

Did Luo Yuzhu do something that made him unhappy?

Chen Jianghe was dumbfounded by what he said.

Chen Jintu, Chen Daguang and others remembered that the women had said that Luo Yuzhu went to Chen Yulian to complain, and Lin Yue was beaten for it. From this point of view, he did have the motive of revenge on Luo Yuzhu.

How could Yuzhu...

Chen Jianghe heard those people's comments, and knew what Lin Yue said was true. He couldn't figure out why Luo Yuzhu had trouble with a child. Lin Yue is now a well-known devil king in the village, so what's wrong with this guy? Can do it all.

"Okay, let's leave, that's all for today." Chen Jinshui was moved by Lin Yue's proposal, but no matter what, he couldn't implement the plan immediately. If others found out, they would say that their father and son were being played around by a young man , that would be too embarrassing, we have to wait for two days, when Qiu Yingjie really has nothing to do, he will come out to clean up the mess, let Chen Jianghe be grateful, and marry Qiaogu smoothly.

"Tomorrow, wait until tomorrow, I will definitely give you an explanation, okay?"

Everyone sees what the mayor said, what else can we do? Go home and wait for the news.

Chen Jintu took Chen Daguang with a gloomy face away - he never thought that Lin Yue would give Chen Jinshui such a bad idea, because the old man loved his adopted son, maybe he could really sell the house to fill the business Hole, at that time, wouldn't he and Qiaogu have nothing at all?

"Lin Yue, wait...I...I can't finish with you."

Chen Jinrui looked at the backs of Chen Daguang and his son, and then at Lin Yue.

Well, this kid offended Chen Daguang again.


at the same time.

Fotang Town.

When the clouds engulfed the setting sun, Luo Yuzhu stopped a boy who was going to make soy sauce: "Little brother, let me ask, is this the Shuangwu Meat Factory?"

"You can't read?"

After leaving this sentence, he left with the soy sauce bottle.

Luo Yuzhu touched a hard nail, and her face was a little ugly.

Cursing an uneducated brat in her heart, she whispered softly, smoothed the wrinkles of her denim jacket, turned her head and entered the compound with the plaque of "Shuangwu Meat Products Factory".

There was no news from Qiu Yingjie. Chen Jianghe took the villagers back to Chenjia Village. She felt that she should do something, so she came to Fotang Town alone.

Women are easy to handle. What if the director of the Shuangwu Meat Factory can be persuaded to give the villagers of Chenjia Village "a way out"? Treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor is better than doing nothing well.

Maybe it was just in time for dinner, and there was no one in the yard. She scanned half a circle, her eyes fixed on the room with the sign "Director's Office".

Hope someone works.

With this in mind, she walked forward.

Not to mention, there is really someone inside, because there is a faint voice of dialogue.

She corrected her attitude, went through the prepared speech in her mind, and planned to raise her arm to knock on the door, but at this moment, the person in the room said a word, a word that shocked her.

To be precise, it is the name of the person in this sentence—"Chen Jianghe".

"Oh, the reason why the state-run farm agreed to supply us with live pigs is thanks to Chen Jianghe."

Chen Jianghe?

People inside said Chen Jianghe? Did she hear wrong?

"That's right, if he hadn't told us that the barley in Tonglu County was growing everywhere this year, and the local people were worrying about what to do with it, and the county's farms had a serious shortage of feed reserves, we would still be worrying about the supply of live pigs now. Now that there are pig channels and funds, it’s time to do a big job.”

That's right, it was Chen Jianghe. They did mention the three words "Chen Jianghe".

If what they say is true...

Luo Yuzhu remained motionless, stuck there like a stick.

Chen Jianghe suggested to Shuangwu Meat Products Factory that they go to Tonglu County to buy barley from farmers and bring it to the farm, and then returned to the village to gather villagers to raise money to buy barley from farmers in Fuyang and sell it to the farm.

As a result, the Shuangwu Meat Factory was one step ahead, and the barley from Chenjia Village was piled up in the warehouse and no one wanted it.

This... is illogical.

Why did he do this?

Why did he do this!

Luo Yuzhu racked her brains but couldn't figure out Chen Jianghe's motives.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and pushed open the door with a bang.

Director Jin and Deputy Director Cheng, who were sitting in the office talking, were frightened by this sudden scene, and it took them a while to react.

"You... who are you? What do you want to do?"

This was the first time they met someone who broke into the factory director's office, and Luo Yuzhu's expression didn't seem like a good deal.

"Is the Chen Jianghe you mentioned just now Chen Jianghe from Chenjia Village?"

Director Jin asked again: "Who are you?"

Luo Yuzhu also repeated her own question: "Is that Chen Jianghe from Chenjia Village?"

Factory Manager Jin was very excited to see her, and it seemed that she had a close relationship with Chen Jianghe, so he nodded with the idea of ​​calming things down: "Yes."

That's what the boy really said. Several leaders in the factory, including Li Jinze, knew about Chen Jianghe's affairs, so there was no need to hide it.

It's really Chen Jianghe.

It really is him!

Then does she still need to talk to the director of Shuangwu Meat Products Factory? Wouldn't it be better to go directly to Chen Jianghe?

Luo Yuzhu didn't say much, turned around and left.

The surprise on the faces of Director Jin and Deputy Director Cheng turned into bewilderment.

" did she..."

Whoever it is, come when you say it, and leave when you say it.

"Okay, okay, leave her alone." Deputy Factory Manager Cheng looked at his watch, pointed to the dial and said, "It's time for dinner, let's go, let's go, let's go home for dinner."

The two finished their conversation, took their things and left the office. As for Luo Yuzhu's matter...she would go to Chen Jianghe to ask her clearly.


Three pairs of chopsticks, two bowls, two plates of vegetables, one plate of meat, and a small plate of pickled cucumbers, it was a hearty meal.

The old lady took two sips of soup and put down the bowl.

"Why doesn't your mother come over for dinner?"

Lin Yue said: "If there is still a little more to sew, I can't even scream."

"When I sew carpets at night, my eyes hurt again." Talking about her daughter's problem, the old lady was speechless. She ran around during the day, teaching women in this village to sew carpets, and women in that village to sew carpets. After returning, she had to work on herself That share, every meal has to be called three or four times before it can be called on the dinner table.

"Your aunt still doesn't eat?"

Lin Yue shook his head: "I like to eat or not."

Hu Li has been stupid ever since she knew that the money might be in vain. It is obvious that she is greedy for profit and full of jealousy. When others voted for a hundred, she insisted on investing three hundred. In the end, she ended up in this situation, but she spread the fire on her husband and son. On top of them, just now the old lady forced him to share a portion of the food and bring it over there. Chen Jinzhu kindly persuaded her to eat something, but was blushed by a single sentence.

If he didn't want the old lady to worry about this matter, he would have sent her back to her mother's house long ago.

The old lady shook her head and sighed, she had nothing to do with such a daughter-in-law, so she had to bear it.

"Don't eat it, go, call your mother again, the soup will be cold later." The old lady felt sorry for the egg and tofu soup in the pot. Although it is summer, once the soup is cold, it will lose seven points flavor.

Lin Yue didn't say anything. He put down his chopsticks and walked towards the south room. Just halfway through the journey, he heard soft footsteps at the gate of the courtyard, and a person turned in.

It may be that he didn't expect him to be in the yard, so someone came to the brakes and stopped in his tracks.

Lin Yue looked carefully at the light radiating from the windows of the south room, recognized the identity of the person, and frowned slightly: "Why are you?"

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