Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2048 Two Chen Jianghes

"Chen Jianghe? You mean Chen Jianghe?"

Qiu Yingjie stood up in shock, disbelief written all over his face.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

He has a deep understanding of that younger brother. If Chen Jianghe could do it alone, if he could do it alone, he would definitely do it alone. Because he couldn't do it, he wanted to lead the villagers of Chenjia Village together. Doing it can be regarded as making a contribution to the hometown, and earning money together.

Lin Yue said slowly, "This Chen Jianghe is not that Chen Jianghe."

"Is this Chen Jianghe that Chen Jianghe? Could it be that there are two Chen Jianghes?"

"Of course."

Qiu Yingjie couldn't laugh or cry for him: "Why don't you play around with me here?"

Lin Yue pointed to himself and said, "Me."

"You? You are Chen Jianghe?" Qiu Yingjie felt that he was probably here to amuse him. If he hadn't been good-tempered and somewhat self-restraint, if it were the stubborn 40-50-year-olds downstairs, he would have let him go.

"Yes, I used Chen Jianghe's name to give them advice."

"What? Fake name?"

Qiu Yingjie's expression changed again, from disbelief to incomprehension, he was confused: "Why did you impersonate Chen Jianghe's name?"

Lin Yue said: "Because Shuangwu Meat Products Factory was ordered not to use the name of Jinhua Ham by the City Meat Union Factory, the production plan was disrupted, and the business of purchasing live pigs also pressed the pause button."

Qiu Yingjie nodded, he knew about it, and County Magistrate Xie even complained about the city's meat factory's domineering behavior.

"Then what?"

"I hunted a wild boar at the time and thought about selling it to the meat factory for some money. If they didn't start working, the pig would be stinky. In order to be able to sell the wild boar, I went to make friends with the factory manager Jin and made a point. They have useful suggestions. Think about it, I am a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child, can people value me? No way, I can only say that I am Chen Jianghe, the adopted son of the mayor."

"Wait..." Qiu Yingjie's attention has shifted now, and the impersonation of Chen Jianghe has become a secondary issue: "You said you gave some useful advice to Director Jin? At the booth at the train station, the signboard, And you told him about the way to advertise on the vehicles that pull goods in the county?"

Lin Yue said honestly: "That's right, I said it. In order to express my gratitude, Director Jin asked his subordinates to take my wild boar."

It was regarded as a classic case by County Magistrate Xie, and he was really shocked that the business experience he gave at the year-end symposium came from the young man in front of him. Chen Jianghe had a bright mind and made a lot of money, but as a college student, he knew very well , Chen Jianghe's business philosophy is to seize business opportunities, and this Lin Yue's idea is called management.

There is an element of luck in business opportunities, and knowing how to operate is the way to success step by step.

"I thought it would be a big deal to have Chen Jianghe in Chenjiacun, but I didn't expect... Chenjiacun is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. No wonder my brother mentioned your name in front of me more than once."

"Director Qiu, is the matter about Damai going?"

Only then did Qiu Yingjie realize that he had strayed from the topic. Of course, he didn't think it was his fault, because no matter who it was, he couldn't keep calm after knowing the situation.

"Go on, go on."

Lin Yue continued: "I don't know about Chen Jianghe asking the villagers to raise funds to go to Fuyang to buy barley. I came back yesterday and found out that this business has gone wrong. Some people in the village can't even afford the seeds and fertilizers for busy farming. I feel really sorry. I found the director of Shuangwu Meat Products Factory, Jin, and told me about the situation. He was very grateful to me, and said that without my help, Shuangwu Meat Products Factory would not be where it is today. Let them lose everything."

It turned out to be such a thing.

Qiu Yingjie didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Does this count as flooding the Dragon King Temple? What is even more speechless is that Lin Yue and Chen Jianghe thought of going together.

"Since Director Jin decided to help, then you came to me...for what purpose?"

"I don't want the villagers to know that I caused this incident. If I hadn't talked too much, they might have already counted the money at home, and Brother Jiang He wouldn't be grounded by the mayor."

Qiu Yingjie couldn't help laughing: "You mean to let me be the middleman? Lie them that I contacted the buyer?"

Lin Yue nodded: "That's right."

Qiu Yingjie could understand his concerns. If he came forward to clean up the mess, the people in Chenjia Village would be very grateful for his efforts, but if they knew the truth, they would definitely blame Lin Yue for ruining this profitable business.

"No problem, it's on me."

"Oh, by the way, I hope that this matter will be handled by Luo Yuzhu."


Qiu Yingjie didn't understand.

"You should know that Chen Jinshui has always opposed Chen Jianghe's contact with Luo Yuzhu, and tried his best to match up his daughter and adopted son, making the two of them quite awkward."


Qiu Yingjie heard Chen Jianghe complain, saying that it was very difficult to handle this matter because Chen Jinshui was his adoptive father. He was very envious of himself and Zhang Xue, who were able to fall in love and marry freely. And he doesn't like Qiao Gu, and Qiao Gu doesn't like him either, so the relationship between these two people can be described as a twisted melon.

Lin Yue said: "I think Luo Yuzhu's taking the money to the people in Chenjiacun should ease the conflict with Chen Jinshui, and it will also bring about a good change in the relationship between Brother Jiang He and her."

"Okay you, you have so many crazy ideas at such a young age, oh no, it's smart, smart." I had only heard of Lin Yue's name from Chen Jianghe before, but I saw Lin Yue for the first time today, and it really left a deep impression on him. My impression: "Okay, I will find a way to operate it and let Luo Yuzhu take the credit."

"Then I won't disturb Director Qiu's work."

Lin Yue said goodbye.

"I heard that your grades are good."

Qiu Yingjie didn't keep him, but chose to see him off in person.

"It's okay."

"Study hard and try to get into a good university. We in Yiwu need smart and caring talents like you."


Lin Yue agreed casually, waved to him, rode on the bicycle parked at the entrance of the building and left.

Qiu Yingjie watched his back disappear, smiled and shook his head.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Lei leaned over: "Director, you seem... very happy?"

"The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead."

After leaving this sentence, he turned and entered the building.

Zhao Lei was secretly delighted.

Director Qiu... are you talking about me?

Lin Yue didn't know what Qiu Yingjie said after he left. Instead of going back to Chenjiacun, he rode his bicycle to Fotang Town.

After traveling through many worlds, he discovered that the power of the world has a law, that is, under similar conditions, the encounters of characters in film and television dramas will return to the original plot line as much as possible. They are laying mines on Luo Yuzhu.

And this thunder must be bigger than the one in the TV series, otherwise, how can it be worthy of the creed of the traverser who will pay back ten times the reward?


That afternoon.

Fotang Town.

One tractor after another, carrying sacks, drove into the courtyard of Shuangwu Meat Products Factory.

Chen Daguang stood at the door and kept yelling, telling the workers of Shuangwu Meat Products Factory to unload the goods carefully and not to spill the barley.

You could tell he was happy.

Luo Yuzhu was also very happy.

Originally, everyone in Chenjiacun was prepared to lose money. Around noon, Qiu Yingjie went to the market to find her, and said that when he called Shuangwu Meat Products Factory today, the other party agreed to buy this batch of barley, and the price they offered was not bad. If you do the math, not only will each household not lose money, but they will also make 10% of the profit.

It is less than the 30% profit promised by Chen Jianghe before, but for the current Chenjiacun people, it is also a great thing to celebrate.

Qiu Yingjie gave her the right to trade, and asked her to distribute the money to the people in Chenjiacun. If you want to ask why she did this, it was because she wanted to help her and Chen Jianghe. In this way, some people in Chenjiacun would not support her. Are you dating Chen Jianghe?

Was this really Qiu Yingjie's idea?

I'm afraid Qiu Yingjie didn't know that she overheard the conversation between Director Jin and Deputy Director Cheng, and learned the truth of the matter.

So is there such a possibility———Chen Jianghe’s left hand is helping the Shuangwu Meat Products Factory, and his right hand is raising funds to collect barley. The real purpose is to force Chen Jinshui to surrender by creating a crisis—she saved the fate of Chenjiacun’s bankruptcy, Chen Jinshui Can she still arrange a marriage regardless of her adoptive son and her ideas? The villagers' saliva can drown the old guy.

Well, Chen Jianghe, you have also learned to play with your mind.

"Luo Yuzhu, I said you looked familiar yesterday. It turns out that you are the famous sock king in our county."

Luo Yuzhu looked up and found that it was Director Jin who came with the accountant.

"Director Jin, we met again, I was sorry yesterday."

The two of them met each other yesterday evening, but it's embarrassing to think about that situation now.

"It's okay, it's okay." Director Jin waved his hand: "I can understand your mood."

"Factory Manager." At this moment, the accountant handed over bundles of food stamps.

Director Jin handed them over to Luo Yuzhu.

"The farm can't afford the money for a while, the county pays with food stamps, and now transfer it to you, you count."


Luo Yuzhu readily agreed, because food stamps in this era belonged to hard currency, and any grocery store or cafeteria could be exchanged for money, and Factory Manager Jin transferred it to her at a fair price. Regions, the money that can be exchanged will be more.

"Thank you, Director Jin."

"You're welcome. The factory is about to install a raw chicken slaughtering line. Recently, we have contacted several farms, and we can sell these barley to them at a lower price." Factory Manager Jin waved his hand: "By the way, what did you do yesterday?" Go back...have you found Chen Jianghe?"

Luo Yuzhu put the food stamps into her bag, and said perfunctorily without raising her head, "I found it."

"It's good if you find it. Hey, let me ask you, what's your relationship with him?"

"Uh, friend, yes, friend."

"Friend? Why did I think he was your cousin? He is so smart and capable at such a young age. Thanks to him, Shuangwu Meat Products Factory can have what it is today."

Luo Yuzhu was about to say a few words of politeness when she suddenly recalled it.

Young? Director Jin said that Chen Jianghe was young? How does he see people? Is your eyesight so bad?

"Director Jin, you said Chen Jianghe is young? How is it possible, he is two years older than me."

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