Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2051 Luo Yuzhu, I want you to be ruined

Qiu Yingjie knew?

Everyone looked at the past in unison.

He nodded at Lin Yue, and said slowly: "Yesterday morning, Lin Yue went to the office to find me. He said that if he told you the truth, it would cause unnecessary trouble. The main reason is that he didn't want you to talk about him behind his back. The black meat factory harvested the barley earlier, and you should be able to make a lot of money. He asked me to cooperate with the factory manager Jin to complete this transaction, but it is best for Luo Yuzhu to handle this matter, because she has a good relationship with the mayor. Maybe you can gain favor by finding a market for the barley, maybe you can get the result that the lovers will get married, but Luo Yuzhu and Chen Daguang want to give you a surprise, so they will do it quietly. Who knows, she chatted with Director Jin yesterday evening, and there was a conflict about Chen Jianghe's image, and you all know what happened next. Director Jin was afraid that this incident would lead to bad consequences , I am also very curious about who the fake Chen Jianghe is. He found me early this morning and asked me to take him to Chenjia Village to find someone. No, I saw you gathered here when I passed the alley. What to worry about, what will happen more."

Qiu Yingjie explained the problem clearly, very clearly.

And everyone's eyes shifted from him to Luo Yuzhu.

What is kindness and revenge? What is good intentions not rewarded? What is a dog biting Lu Dongbin?

What she is doing now is so disgusting.

Lin Yue not only wanted to recover the losses for the villagers, but for Chen Jianghe's face, he also tried to help her improve her image, trying to impress Chen Jinshui and agree to their marriage. What did she do in the end? Incite the whole village to come to ask the crime.

Intuit is not a thing.

Luo Yuzhu's face was dull, her eyes were dull, and she combed through the information in her mind over and over again, how could it be reversed? Why did she suddenly become a wicked woman?

She couldn't accept Lin Yue's development for her own good, but the facts were in front of her eyes, and she couldn't refute them at all.

At this time, Chen Daguang jumped out and said, "No, at the mayor's house the evening before yesterday, he also said that he wanted to break up Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu."


The villagers were confused again.

That evening Lin Yue did indeed advise Chen Jinshui, asking the old man Daode to kidnap his adopted son.

"Want to know the reason? Ask Qiao Gu."


Chen Daguang looked at the mayor's daughter standing beside him.

At this moment, Qiaogu's expression is very exciting. She clearly remembers what Lin Yue said, and those words are no different from molesting, but don't look at what he said, look at what he did, just like Hu Li. There is no meaning of respect, but who paid for the main house on the west side? And who is it for? Luo Yuzhu came to his house to sue, didn't he kill them all, and helped Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu create conditions for being together? There are also people like Chen Hong, Chen Ping, and Chen Daguang. It’s weird. They don’t envy Chen Jianghe’s ability, but Lin Yue’s intelligence. Do they have a hand?

So, this guy is not forgiving in his words, and he refuses to suffer a little bit, which makes many people displeased with his style, but in actual actions, he is better than anyone else, all of them are righteous, and all of them are full of love.


Chen Daguang called her name again.

Only then did Qiao Gu wake up from her wild thoughts.


"You... with him..."

"Oh, I came to him the night before yesterday and asked him to help everyone think of a way to transfer the barley out. He didn't give me good words at the time, but I didn't expect..."

Chen Daguang was wilted.

The other villagers also wilted.

If he was beaten when he said it, then the current state is that he has been killed for a thousand years, his face is red and his heart is blocked, and he can't say a word.

There are so many people embarrassing a child who is better than countless adults, it is shameful to say it.

Hu Li didn't cry or make trouble, she patted the dust off her body and got up from the ground, because she knew very well that no matter how unwilling and how wronged she was, no one could stand up and uphold justice for her.

"Luo Yuzhu, where's the money?"

The sound of "where's the money" woke everyone up.

right? Where is the money?

The first thing Luo Yuzhu did when he came to Chenjia Village was to tell the news that Lin Yue had pretended to be Chen Jianghe, and the second thing was to incite the villagers to prosecute the teacher, and he never raised any money from the beginning to the end.

In fact, this is the most important thing.

"Here is the money."

Luo Yuzhu didn't have time to think about it, so she opened the zipper of her satchel, took out the banknotes tied into bricks, and tore open the newspaper outside with her hands, ready to show everyone.

However, in the next breath, everyone, including her, was dumbfounded.

There is no money, and inside the newspaper are two pieces of wood.

The money he said is wood?

Hu Li's eyes turned red all of a sudden. She pushed away Chen Hong and Chen Ping who wanted to help her, grabbed Luo Yuzhu's sleeve and said, "Where's the money? Where's the money!"

Chen Jinshui's expression changed: "Luo Yuzhu, what's going on?"

"Where's the money?" Luo Yuzhu repeated this sentence herself, and she dumped the contents of her satchel on the ground.

No money, all rotten wood and old newspapers.

"I obviously put all the money in it, why?"

She was completely flustered, talking to herself, and didn't respond to Hu Li and the other villagers' tugging.

Chen Daguang also said on the side: "Sister Yuzhu, didn't you say that you changed all the food stamps into money last night?"

He was asking questions, and he was clearing himself of responsibility.

The word "last night" woke Luo Yuzhu up.

She did put more than 9,000 yuan in her satchel. Why did she turn into wood after sleeping all night? Where did the money go? Who changed the package?

At this time, a face flashed in her mind.

Luo Dali!

That bastard father who was addicted to gambling and sold her to traffickers.

Didn't I come to Yiwu to find her this time just to ask for money to turn over the book? She stayed at home every day without giving, and rushed to Chenjiacun this morning, not caring about his movements, but vaguely remembered that he never came back after he went out.

not good.

He stole the money!

Luo Yuzhu suddenly understood, threw off Hu Li's hand and ran out, leaving the alley in a blink of an eye.

It wasn't until then that the crowd came to their senses, and someone asked blankly, "What's wrong with her?"

Hu Li was extremely sensitive about money, and shouted: "Money, the money is gone, Luo Yuzhu took the money and ran away."

Chen Jianghe didn't know what happened, but he was very confident in Luo Yuzhu's behavior, so he quickly helped to speak up: "Auntie, Yuzhu can't, she is not that kind of person, there must be something wrong."

"What's wrong! She saw that Lin Yue couldn't be blamed, so she had to run away."

What Hu Li said suddenly ignited the anger of the villagers. Thinking about it, this vicious woman incited everyone to come to Chen Yulian's house to make a fuss, and ended up having a big oolong. , Turning the satchel empty and pouring out a pile of wood, how can everyone trust her, how can they not be in a hurry?

"Catch Luo Yuzhu back and lose money!"

"That's right, let her lose money!"

Someone yelled, and the villagers chased Luo Yuzhu emotionally again.

Chen Jianghe was very anxious, he knew something must have happened, so he followed those people to find Luo Yuzhu regardless of Chen Jinshui's obstruction.

Qiu Yingjie and Director Jin didn't move, because they never thought that things would turn out like this.

"This is really..."

The people of Chenjia Village managed to get the barley sold, and now the money was lost by Luo Yuzhu, and the two of them didn't know what to say.

"It's useless to be anxious. Maybe Luo Yuzhu took the wrong bag and left the money at home. It's hot outside. Come in and sit down. There is an electric fan in the room."

Lin Yue invited the two of them into the house to rest and wait for news by the way.

It's all here, it's not justified not to stay here for a while.

When he, Qiu Yingjie, and Director Jin were drinking tea leisurely and looking forward to the future form of work, the people in Chenjiacun were going crazy.

No one knew where Luo Yuzhu went after leaving Chenjiacun. When Chen Jianghe chased him to the train station, he was stopped by Chen Jinshui's men, who dragged him back to Chenjiacun and locked him up.

From Chen Jinshui's point of view, he was actually very upset that barley found a market, because in this way, his plan to morally kidnap Chen Jianghe went bankrupt, and now Luo Yuzhu ran away with money, which is naturally a great thing for him .

As for the money, as a rural person who came from the 1960s, he doesn’t care much about money—don’t look at how the first thing young people think about when they get up every day is how to make money. That is to be punished for the crime of speculating and sent to the county to attend a study class, so as a person who has passed the age of "Buhuo", his idea is that temporary gains and losses are not important, the key is to make Chen Jianghe, a smart and capable His adopted son became his son-in-law.

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